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Firestone Hot Springs Birdie Boiler - Printable Version

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Birdie Boiler - Linden - December 12, 2016

She had never seen hot springs before, and Linden felt once more uncomfortable. It was like the world had shifted. Most of it was the same, like the cold and the snow, but certain things were slightly askew. Lakes that smelled of salt, with shores that did not freeze in the winter air. Trees that were hundreds of times thicker around and taller than any she had seen before in her lifetime. It was normal, and it wasn't, but perhaps this was simply how the world was. She hadn't strayed this far from home previously because there had never been a reason to.

It was the most jarring of all when one moment she was in a winter wonderland, and in the next, she had found summer. The smell was overpowering, but the wonder of the warmed earth beneath her paws and the steam rising off pools of water kept her from turning the other way.

RE: Birdie Boiler - RIP Charlotte - December 29, 2016


Charlotte took careful, calculated steps as she marched through the springs. She was no stranger to cold weather, having been born in the North, and her winter coat had long since begun coming in, but it was still nice to get a break from the winter's wrath. The waters here were much more lively than those she'd previously come across, but then again, were they? Of course, they were thriving in the heat of the enviroment but could anything really live within them? Charlotte pondered on the subject for a moment, before another woman's scent broke the barrier of salt in her nostrils.

She offered a small chuff before (carefully) bounding over to the stranger. Their coats were near stark opposites, and yet she owned a strange sort of beauty; simple and elegant, untocuhable. Hello, Charlotte cooed, her voice level yet sweet. Enjoying the warmth? She flashed a charming smile, accompanied with a curious head cock and raised ears. She wanted to know more, for already was she intrigued.