Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek everything the light touches - Printable Version

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everything the light touches - Larus - December 14, 2016

@Israel - set in the late afternoon of the 14th of december.

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In an effort to curb the growing wanderlust within his heart (and the growing unease), Tryphon had taken to pacing the upward paths of the mountain range. Without telling anyone where he was off to, he simply kept on climbing, and by the time the afternoon sun was beaming down with its powerful and crisp rays, he had left the vale behind. It wasn't permanent — he told himself this repeatedly, each time with more doubt — as he had a home there, a purpose. A promise to be kept.

He needed to rest eventually. Tryphon worried that if he paused for any reason, then it would be over. The fantasy life he'd been leading this far with the Dusk wolves -- he'd have to move on. So he didn't stop, he didn't rest. The world passed him by in a blur as he overtook the irregular tophography of the hillside, wound his way between trees, and came to a stop only when his paws touched upon water and he was jarred from his thoughts. He did not run from the vale because he was afraid of them - he ran because he didn't trust himself. His loyalties. His weaknesses.

He ran because he just needed a second to think and reflect without the constant pressure of others. The boy was panting hard and absently leaning against a massive boulder which had somehow settled beside the creek; it was thick with snow now, but on any other day it would've resembled a giant ball of moss, perhaps with tiny flowers dotting the surface. Tryphon was more concerned with the reflection he saw within the creek's waters — a strange young man with a golden face and wild eyes whose image was interrupted by the smooth river stones jutting from within.


RE: everything the light touches - Israel - December 14, 2016

It was early morning and Israel had left her companion sleeping in the meadow. Simatra had proven to be a worthwhile investment of her time, though of course, the grey pixie saw her as more than that. For however long it would last, they were hunting partners, traveling companions, friends. It was a big deal to the fae, for her only friends since birth had been her sisters.  And they were far behind her now.

As much as Israel cherished her budding relationship with Simatra, she remained an introverted creature, and she eagerly grasped the opportunity to take a few moments, perhaps hours, to herself. She headed towards the smell of water, hoping to scout out the area which was so very unknown to her. It was possible that she would come across some small mammals that could serve as breakfast for herself and the golden female. Maybe there would even be deer there, although after their previous hunting venture, the thought of hunting deer again held a small amount of anxiety for her.

Her pawsteps stopped along the shore of a creek whose waters bubbled softly in the afternoon light. She peered along the bank with eager blue eyes and beheld neither deer nor woodland creature, but rather a gold-furred male. His pelt reeked of other wolves, yet he seemed to be alone. Israel woofed softly at him, her posture low to assure him that she was not a threat.

"Hello,"spoke the woman.

RE: everything the light touches - Larus - December 14, 2016

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He saw a piece of his ear reflected and when he wiggled it, it became a stone. He traced the soft contours of his round face in the shallows, but most of it was covered by reeds, and the reeds by snow. Tryphon could still see his golden eyes reflected like strands of wheat caught in the current. Then, when movement worried some birds from the trees, the boy turned to watch their flight, and he saw the stranger.

The boy did not speak in return at first; he pulled back instead, leaning against his haunches in a way that forced himself to sit, and placed more of the boulder between himself and the girl. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to wallow in his thoughts and work through his anxiety without the attention from yet another beast intent on pushing his boundaries. But her voice was sweet, and while she lingered the wind pushed her scent towards him — a lone wolf, more or less. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to have company?

All the same, Tryphon kept himself sequestered next to the boulder, almost like a man sitting in his very first confessional booth. He murmured around it, ..hello.


RE: everything the light touches - Israel - December 14, 2016

Lately Israel had received much more friendly greetings than this one. A moment passed before the man even spoke to her, and in the mean time, it was as if her own "hello" had physically repelled him further into the boulder next to him. He shrunk against it, sitting on his haunches with stiff bones, and seemed to size her up.

When at last he returned the greeting, it was a bit reluctant. She could not even see all of him around the boulder, and his vioce was muffled by the physical barrier between them. A more forward wolf may have pursued him, but Israel did not move other than to cup her silver ears curiously towards him. 

"Would you rather be alone?" she asked gently. Then, her belly gave an outrageous bellow, speaking of a long sleep and early morning hunger. Her ears went flat in shame. "I apologize. I think I am hungry. .." she murmured, eyes downcast.

RE: everything the light touches - Larus - December 14, 2016

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Truthfully there was no reason for him to be so down in the dumps. He absolutely did not need to run this far from home just to mope, he could've done it somewhere within the vale. It was a large place. Tryphon dragged a cold breath through his lungs as his thoughts began to finally quiet, but he was still confused by himself, and still anxious. The girl's voice flit to him like a hummingbird zooming in and out of range: soft, pleasant, and then gone.

Tryphon found that he liked having one-on-one company, even if it was a stranger. Perhaps he was comforted by the similarities between this moment and his meeting with Saghani? Thinking of the dark wolf now, Tryphon's heart seized. There was no answer, again, for some time. The boy was distracted by his broken heart. But, eventually, he murmured: Its ok. I think I am too.

It was the closest thing to an invitation that Tryphon could muster. He pulled himself up after a beat, and peered around the boulder, his nose catching some snowflakes as a fresh flurry descended upon the creek's edge. Although the boughs above caught most of the snow, some still drifted feather-like down to the wolves, and soon they were dusted like Christmas baking. Tryphon licked the snow from his nose and examined the girl, and while he watched her, he idly asked: do you want to build a snowman... find something?

RE: everything the light touches - Israel - December 14, 2016

Again his answer was delayed and they sat amid the swirling flurries of the day's first snowfall. She wondered if he was struggling with something internally -- his behavior reminder her of her own whenever she suffered with some issue within herself. The quietness, the reluctance to speak with others. Of course, it was simply conjecture, but in any case, she chose to be especially kind and patient with this one. 

She smiled when he asked if she wanted to go hunting with him, a bright smile that bled into her blue eyes. She wagged her tail a few times and got to her feet. "Yes," answered the girl. Perhaps the distraction would do him some good. Food, too. 

"We might follow the creek. There may be deer gathered for their morning water along the way." She was ready to go, but she stood idly for him to take control.

RE: everything the light touches - Larus - December 14, 2016

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His tail whisked softly behind him, dusting up a slurry of the fresh snow, and then he steadily crept from behind the mound. It was at this point he could get a good view of the girl. She was young, spry, and a mix of colors that set off alarm bells in his head; Tryphon was perplexed by this. He didn't know anyone that looked more suited to the summertime versus the winter, at least he couldn't remember anyone. Oddly, the boy's mind flashed to the red-haired woman that had come calling to the Dusk wolves' doorstep, but that made little sense too.

The momentary lapse aside, Tryphon did keep moving — he followed after the stranger at a good and safe distance, but kept her close enough to speak to, although it wasn't long before she stood off to the side and gave control of the situation to him. Another oddity. Tryphon took orders, he made deals and kept promises. He served, he did not lead. But, given the chance to explore the creek and potentially find a meal, he stepped in to the role without complaint.

The pair marched quietly together for some time. Tryphon was curious of her, but too shy to ask questions - and eager to keep his attention on their surroundings, lest they miss their chance.


RE: everything the light touches - Israel - December 14, 2016

Israel had suspected that allowing the stranger to lead them into the hunt would cause him to perk up. Some males liked this, females too. But she was wrong in her suspicion ; he did not strut ahead, nor did he begin to relay grand plans regarding their next decision. Things remained much the same, except that he walked ahead, instead of she.

Israel decided to stop taking it upon herself to cheer the gold-hued wolf up, but rather to focus on the task they now shared. Primal instincts took over and she loped along the bank with her tail a banner waving in the snowy wind. The water and snow could very well dull their sense of smell, but with hope it would not do so to any extremes and render their hunt fruitless. They had gone on like this for several moments before Israel halted with a soft chuff to her hunting partner. She waited for his gaze to return to her before twitching her nose in an exaggerated manner, a silent way to inform him that there was prey nearby.

RE: everything the light touches - Larus - December 14, 2016

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He didn't notice when she lagged behind. When she halted, he moved at least another half of a body-length, but when Tryphon did notice, he turned to regard her with a slightly stupefied expression - and when he opened his mouth to ask what's up? he noted the change in her demeanor. Her nose wiggling made him frown at first, but he got the message, and seemed to liven up.

Tryphon sniffed the air and looked around carefully, suddenly alert and eager to find whatever the she-wolf had discovered; her nose was evidently keener than his own. He did eventually find the scent though, and with a glance towards his hunting buddy he signaled that he was going in. The boy hastily pursued that smell, stalking through the shadows of the trees just out of reach of the creek's waters. He kept his ears peeled for his companion's movements, and they pivoted to follow her own patrol of the tree line.


RE: everything the light touches - Israel - December 14, 2016

israel waited patiently for him to turn and notice her. in all likelihood, she could have warned him before stopping, but he caught on to her intentions. doing so appeared to liven him up a little and the silver she-wolf hastened to emulate him, crouching into the underbrush and stalking along behind him. his tail was a golden beacon for her to follow, barely making a sound, quickly as though he moved.

the scent was thick upon the air, and while israel was certain the aroma did not belong to deer, she did not immediately recognize which species they were tracking. it was not until she peered upstream with attentive blue eyes that she realized they were headed towards a beaver dam, its paddle tailed occupants busy at work. the wind was in the favor of the two wolves, catching the beavers' scent and carrying it to their noses, rather than the other way around. another fortune was theirs, for beaver did not move very quickly outside of water. if they could catch the large rodents off guard and chase one or both of them away from the water, the kill itself would prove simple.

RE: everything the light touches - Larus - December 15, 2016

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This would indeed be a trial.

One thing that remained unclear to Tryphon (and surely to the wolves he aligned himself with) was the fact that he had an ungodly fear of water. It wasn't something he was entirely aware of either; he could look at it, drink it, explore around rivers or visit some sections of the coast, and never be the wiser. But as soon as the boy came anywhere near wading in to it or perhaps swimming, things would change.

At this point Tryphon was unaware of how deeply-rooted his anxiety about water actually was. He barely remembered the chaotic state of his mind when he'd met a trio of strangers within the ice-caves up north; yet when he looked upon their chosen prey, he felt a shudder race down his spine and through his haunches.

But he wasn't about to show weakness before this lone wolf. Peaceful though she was, it could've been an act. He cast her a curious look, almost accusatory, as if she had planned this all alone — and then moved towards the strange rodents with some care. He crept as quietly as he could towards the stream and then hunkered down, watching them with wide eyes, although he seemed to be listening for movement from his companion. The next step, or perhaps anticipating a trap. 


RE: everything the light touches - Israel - December 15, 2016

Tucked within the underbrush, the two wolves stalked towards the beaver dam. It truly was a magnificant sight, with its intricately cut and stacked wood interlaced with sticks and logs. This was what beavers spent their days doing, and althought the small creatures possessed not the intelligent as their canine counterparts, israel knew no wolf who could make such a beautiful home.

 the grey she-wolf momentarily shifted her focus to the male ahead of her. he apparently understood the plan, crouching in the shadows, but what struck israel as strange were his eyes. they were wide with either focus, or fear. the girl's expression was full of concern, unsure of what he was afraid of. he had stopped short of the bank, and she held a suspicion that it was either the beavers or the water that frightened him so.

Walking downstream, is israel found a shallow area with moderate rapids and gingerly stepped into the water. her rough footpads found purchase on the slick stones. slowly, carefully, israel crossed the creek. once on the other side, she slipped into the brush opposite Tryphon. making eye contact with him she conveyed that it was time to strike. and with that, the silver wolfess sprung from the frosted bushes, her face twisted into a vicious snarl. Water splashed in ever direction, drenching her pelt with such chill that she lost her breath. The beavers were hopefully on the other side of the river by now.

RE: everything the light touches - Larus - December 15, 2016

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He took his eyes off of her for a minute, just to watch the beavers. They were big things; bumbling, fat, slow -- and they sat on the bank, or the piled sticks, gnawing eternally at bark. When he looked back to where his partner had been settled in wait, she was gone.

Anxiety seized him then. He raised his head and broke cover with haste, trying to find her. It wasn't until he spotted some movement on the shallows that he saw her stalking hastily to a new location. The fur on Tryphon's spine prickled with nervous energy. He awaited the presumed ambush, staring intently at the last spot he'd seen Israel standing...

And out of nowhere she came, running and splashing, kicking up a storm of icy water as she snapped at the beavers. Some dove for cover beneath the water's surface. Others, the unfortunate ones that were poised atop their dam, couldn't scurry for safety fast enough and had to try and outrun the girl. Tryphon swallowed his nerves and made a mad dash for them.

He was briefly reminded of his failure with the turkeys, and the efforts he'd made to hunt with Dagfinn. But he wouldn't let those thoughts lead him astray - he raced after the bulbous rodents and grappled at them, grabbing one by the neck and snapping it easily, and then another he pinned with the bulk of his weight by the tail. The second one turned and hissed at him, terrified and desperate, but he sank his teeth greedily in to it's compact face and felt the satisfying crack of bone.


RE: everything the light touches - Israel - December 15, 2016

The sound of splashing water ceased wheb she returned to the side of the creek from which she had begun. the sound of crackling bone awoke her hunger further, causing her stomach to positively roar. tryphon stood with both beavers dead before him, their lifeblood leaking from their noses and mouths. swiping her chops with her tongue, israel bumped her forehead against her hunting partner.

Thank you for doing this with me. It was a good hunt, my friend, spoke israel. ...What was your name again? her head tilted to one side as she fully realized they had just accomplished a glorious hunt, yet neither of them knew the other's name.

RE: everything the light touches - Larus - December 17, 2016

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With the adrenaline slowly ebbing from his system, Tryphon had a second or two to settle. He loomed over the dead body of one beaver and began to clean its face, which was odd. It was a tender sort of moment; he bathed it with his tongue, cleaning away blood and sludge which oozed out of its ears and eyes. The warmth of it felt strange on his tongue, especially so because of the season. When the stranger slipped up beside him and gave him a boop with her head, he smiled pleasantly at her — shyness seemingly abated.

I am Tryphon, of Duskvale. He responded hastily, with none of his characteristic lethargy. Rather than feeling morose as he had earlier, Tryphon was riding the high brought upon the two of them by a successful hunt. He would bring at least one of these bundles of meat back to the pack, maybe even present some part of it to Saena as a gift. While the boy didn't know how to skin these rotund carcasses he could at the very least clean part of the skeleton. His tail whisked behind him as Tryphon watched his companion, and he was quick to ask, And you? He could smell no other wolves upon her, so that verified she was alone.

Maybe he could return with her in tow? It was winter and the vale could probably use an extra body.Except, following that thought, the wolf in question did not seem very talkative. They did not respond to his rebuttal, and withdrew quickly — perhaps he had offended them? He was perplexed. With nobody to keep him company, he departed soon after.
