Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek Grace (or lack thereof) - Printable Version

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Grace (or lack thereof) - Tuwawi RIP - April 23, 2014

My pack/ladies come spend time with me <3 @Bazi @Fox

News that coyotes had infringed their land had reached Tuwawi, and it spurred her to move. Hot breath vented from the fireblood's nostrils as she patrolled stiff-legged 'round Swiftcurrent's perimeter, searching for any sign of the wayward bastard curs. It was lucky not one chose to lurk nearby today, for the Sveijarn was a woman newly possessed. She felt alive -- powerful and virile, no doubt a side effect of her ascension into true womanhood -- and it was evident in her lofty, vigorous trot. Purposeful strides ate up the ground as the ember swiftly made way through her ilk's well-worn tracks, not satisfied until a good section of the Southeastern border was secured.

She snorted, a bit disappointed to not have been able to paint the ground like Bazi, Ferdie, Bones, Jace, and Fox had. Tuwawi had been too preoccupied with Njal to heed their war cry. The thought of her mate sent a new burning sensation across her tussled nape, remembering his teeth upon her... soon she would have to abandon any warden-esque duties all together, to help safeguard her own body and the potential life it carried. Though the pair had made more than a strong effort to conceive (that was an understatement), knowledge beyond insemination evaded the young mother-to-be. Sure, she had been present during Skydancer's pregnancy... but a younger Tuwawi had never thought to query about the details. It was a new adventure, and one that brought with it a shred of inescapable terror, amplified by the absence of any healers, or more experienced women within the pack.

For now Tuwawi retreated into the heart of Swiftcurrent, fatigued from her intense sentry and weighty conscious. She moved towards a quiet glade near the creek, eager to quench her thirst in the spring's cool waters.

RE: Grace - Bones - April 24, 2014

Do you mind if Bones pops in here? :o

Bones was considering making another attempt to visit her father, after botching the last try (damn that Ira for being so distracting!). The possibility of the coyotes returning kept her at home, however, unwilling to leave during the pack's time of need. Atticus could wait... or he could come here.

There were no signs of the prairie wolves near the creek's borders, so young Bones headed toward the territory's heart, snatching a rabbit leg out of a cache and chewing on it as she walked. By the time she crossed paths with Tuwawi, there was nothing left but a slender bone, which she promptly dropped as she approached the red she-wolf.

"Avast!" she greeted with her usual exuberance. "Long time, no see. How're ye doing, Tu-wa-wi?"

RE: Grace - Bazi - April 24, 2014


Njal and Tuwawi's amorous acrobatics had not gone unnoticed. The creek offered few natural barriers against sound, and it travelled unchecked through the air like a rampant, invisible herd. The sound of the mated pair's heated lovemaking had spread particularly far, and had rooted Bazi to the spot when it hit her in the dead of night. She knew instinctively what it was - and that it was rude (and a little bit creepy) to listen in on this most private of unions, but this information did nothing to speed her along.

Seeing Tuwawi now brought an invisible to flush to the Gamma's cheeks. She hadn't seen the fiery female since their first - brief - encounter, and now she knew far too much about the woman's domestic situation. Bazi sucked down a deep breath, and followed her pack-mate into the pleasant half-light.

A spring, presumably fed by ground water, sat still and dark in the shade of a several leafy deciduous trees. The light was secretive here, flecked with green and gold and white. It felt like stepping into a private world of secrets and whispers. Bazi announced herself - if that was even necessary; a walking cloud was hard to miss - with a soft woof, waited for any sign of recognition, and stepped forward to greet the other female with a very gentle headbutt to the shoulder.

Bones harbored no voyeuristic awkwardness, and bounced into the quiet glade with her usual energy and enthusiasm. Avast. That was a new one; perhaps even better than ahoy.

RE: Grace - Tuwawi RIP - April 25, 2014

Fweee :D

Swiftcurrent's creek was practically the lifeblood of this land; a swiftly running stream even in the height of summer and dead of winter. Animals from all over visited to drink, and the lush vegetation of the territory was verdant with superb health. Today, the water was cold and sweet upon Tuwawi's parched throat as she lapped it up with gusto, soothed by the soft babbling noise it emitted. Tiny minoes danced just beneath the surface... and the ember couldn't help but paw at her reflection to make them scatter.

As she idled, her thoughts returned to Njal. Though the nature of their coupling could have been perceived as borderline obnoxious, Tuwawi's conscious was free of shame. The intensity of her desires had skyrocketed in her lover's absence, coupled by the rise of her natural cycle. Bestial impulses practically threw the virgin wife into the embrace of her northern husband as her fertility spiked; and it left no room for her conscious to consider the volume at which their voices sang. Even now the urge and perfume remained, thought it rapidly waned as Tuwawi's body acquiesced normalcy.

The approach of another caused the Sveijarn's ears to prick as her gaze turned to regard the urchin, Bones, in a swaggered approach. She chomped a small bone betwixt her jaws, as if it were a toothpick, which was promptly dropped once their eyes connected. The young teen's greeting with chalk full of zeal. "Same to you," Tuwawi responded, earnestly happy to see their youngest in such high spirits. "I have been well. I hear you took care of some pesky coyotes, eh?" A wry smile twisted her blistered muzzle deviously, though her attentions were distracted when a pallid she-wolf emerged from the undergrowth.

Unlike her comrade, the fairer Bazi took tentative, calculated steps — though most everyone paled in comparison to Bones' over the top personality. Tuwawi's ears cupped forward, puzzled by her hesitation, as she drew nearer. The youth's ivory crown brushed against a firebranded whither, and Tuwawi returned the affections with a gentle nudge into the small of her cheek. "Bazi," she said, greeting the outrider with a pleasant tone, though somewhat unaware her pastime had been overheard by others in the pack. For now she enjoyed their company, delighted to be amongst other women.

RE: Grace - Bones - April 25, 2014

Tuwawi greeted her, then mentioned the recent coyote invasion in the same breath. Bones smiled and dipped her silvered head. "Aye, me and some other crew mates," she replied, her tail swishing. Before she could say anything else on the subject, Bazi arrived. "...including Bazi here," Bones said in way of greeting.

The mention of the coyotes caused the youth to think of something and, unaware of the can of worms she was about to open, she shared with the other two females, "Y'know, I haven't seen or smelled any more coyotes but I keep hearing these strange cries in the night. They don't sound like coyotes... I actually can't make sense o' them. They always stop before I can track them. Have you heard anything?" Her green eyes flicked from one to the other.

RE: Grace - Bazi - April 25, 2014

Bazi was proud of the Creek's handling of the coyote incident. She had Bones had escaped with nary a scratch - proof that bristling and snarls was often more than enough to put an enemy off. She initiated the juvenile into their lady hug-fest with a wet lick to the nose, and finally greeted both ladies with a hearty "Ahoy!" - a favourite import from Tortuga, courtesy of Bones.

She was just about to share a few gossipy concerns about the behaviour of the resident men - Ferdie and Jace - when Bones piped up with something that made her swallow the sentence and half of her tongue. The wheezing coughs put Bazi on her rear, and it was with tears in her eyes and a face hot to touch that she spluttered a choked "Oh?"

RE: Grace - Tuwawi RIP - April 26, 2014

This is gonna turn into sex-ed haha

Tuwawi's ears grew hot when Bone's alluded to her promiscuous coupling, her heart hammering relentlessly. The woman found herself trapped somewhere between embarrassment and humor, finding the swarthy girl's description particularly comic. On the other hand, Bazi sputtered bewilderingly at the words, nearly choking in the process. It was clear she knew what those raucous sounds had been.... For a moment Tuwawi wondered how to best approach the subject. Should she just be blunt and grow up about it? Nobody had bothered to educate her on the intricacies of mateship, sex, and reproduction, though perhaps a side-effect of a motherless childhood.

The eldest woman snickered as she laid down to rest on her side, feeling at ease amongst such innocent auras. "Mm, I have heard them," she started, thinking to quip something sarcastically about the birds and the bees. However, Tuwawi knew it would just blow right over Bones' head. She managed a sideways glance to Bazi to test her comfort on the subject. "What if I told you... it was me making those sounds, hmm?" she asked the Tortuga spawn, thinking to attach another question, "Bones... how do you think babies are made?"

RE: Grace - Bones - April 26, 2014

Bones looked at Bazi sharply when she spluttered, though her eyes quickly cut back to Tuwawi, who surprised the child by taking responsibility for the noises. Before Bones could ask why on earth she cried out in the night, Tuwawi asked a question. The child looked at the red she-wolf oddly, when comprehension suddenly dawned.

"Ohhh," she said, smiling comprehendingly, not a single ounce of shame afflicting her. "I guess I didn't think about that possibility." She paused, her eyes flitting between the two she-wolves speculatively, before she cleared the air by saying, "I know all about mating. Sometimes wolves would do it right in front of me face in Tortuga!" she shared, pulling a face. "Kraken, me brother, used to make jokes about putting the red rocket in the pink socket... arrrgh!" She laughed despite her disgust.

"So," Bones said after a pause, glancing again between Tuwawi and Bazi before addressing the former, "does this mean you're gonna have some sprogs soon then?" Her pastel green eyes brightened.

RE: Grace (or lack thereof) - Bazi - April 30, 2014

Thank you, the flustered female thought, relieved that Bones was around to play the - legitimately - naive party. She tried to keep her expression casually interested, as if what Tuwawi was about to share as something she was already well-versed in.

But Bones was a Tortuga lass, and them's not shy folk.

Bazi's jaw clenched so tight that she could hear her teeth groan and creak under the pressure. She looked like someone that had just been punched in the gut and wasn't doing a very good job of hiding the fact. Red rocket in the pink socket? So that meant.. that thing in the other thing .. so basically, penis?

She'd had some inkling (there are only so many body parts, and Bazi wasn't entirely stupid), but it had seemed so ludicrous. Why would you do that voluntarily - and for what had sounded like hours? It took every ounce of self control not to make a face at the mere prospect of having carnal knowledge of some musty, clumsy ... man-creature.

But this was from a wolf who had never experienced the needy heat of being in season - and even she, who had yet to flower, was still very curious about the whole thing.

"Was that.. your first time?" she managed a split second after Bones, and nodded to show that she too was curious to know if the Creek would soon be home to squealing babes. Both wolves turned to Tuwawi now, waiting for juicy details - even if Bones totally knew everything about sex already, this was no Tortuga mating-fest.

They talked long into the night.