Wolf RPG
Firefly Ravine i am not obsessed with treasure - Printable Version

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i am not obsessed with treasure - Liam - December 17, 2016

@Depp here we go :D

Liam trotted above the strange ravine, looking down at the rushing river below. He was in awe of it, for he always loved new and exciting things. Something about the ravine had caught his attention, a scent that was vaguely familiar. He couldn't pin point it exactly, but he was sure it was there. Along with it mingled a pack scent, long forgotten but there none the less. He couldn't help but wonder what  had happened to the pack and why they'd left. The territory seemed plentiful enough, so it probably wasn't a matter of resources. As he walked, the mahogany furred boy made up reasons for the pack to leave this territory, and he tried to place that familiar scent.

Soon it was about noon, and the sun was high in the sky. It warmed his dark fur, which was a nice relief from winter's early cold. He decided to take a break from his travels and found a nice sunny spot to sit in. At first he thought he'd just sit, but soon he was laying down, and not long after that, the sun's warmth had lulled him to sleep.

RE: i am not obsessed with treasure - Depp - December 17, 2016

Depp finally reached it, Firefly Ravine. It was barren, once a plentiful home full of small mammals and lingering fireflies, was now hidden by a blanket of snow. A tainted smell of his home remained, altered by the weather and lack there of his considered family. The mahogony brute's paced slowed, it was gone. All of it was gone, his friends, his children, his best friend? He didn't know what Sen was to him, hell, he could've been in love with her and be so blind as to not see it. The footprints in the white terrain ceased, Depp had stopped. He lowered to his haunches and stared blankly at the empty abode before him. It wasn't the only time the pirates attempted pack had failed, he was well acquainted with failure, but this time it actually...hurt? He was too oblivious to real emotion, often flinging it behind his shoulder and act as though nothing happened. Though the wolf had never known the feeling of losing a child. Two, actually. He had promised to be present for their birth, otherwise Sen promised she would kill them. Now, they were probably dancing souls all because that cruel pack. Goddamnit, if they just left him alone, his life would still be here.

His eyes stung, the illusion of smoke exiting his nose grew bigger as he breathed faster. His heart beat sped up, and for a moment a low growl escaped his throat. Why? What was it the universe was trying to get out of him? Tragedy? He's far too use to it, so what makes this one so much worse?