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Blackfeather Woods Oh good God, let me give you my life - Printable Version

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Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 17, 2016

@Atshen ! :DD

The snow, as she had taken an effort to know what it was called, was still here and covered the ground. Still, her growing frame could easily withstand the pressure of it when walking or running - she even found it going easier than normal. As she ran through the woods, her toes spread open and prevented her from sinking straight through. She wondered if any of her siblings had been as smart to do so - but she doubted it. Yes, they were her brothers, but as the only girl in the litter of course she was the smartest (at least she told herself so).

That day, she found herself growing angry. Damien was as good as gone, even though he admitted to wanting to spend time with her. She also wanted some alone time with him again, but he was no where to be found. Not in his den, not around her own, not in the maze underground and no where above it. It was like he had vanished without a trace and had left her behind. She felt betrayed. Damien was one of her only friends (her only one if she did not count her family) and with her mother already dreading to spend time with her, there was no one around for her to have deep conversations with beside her father and brothers. Keelut only giggled, Abraxas never talked much and her father she didn't want to bother. That left Atshen and the rest of the brotherhood.

Running at full speed through the forest to blow of steam, she silently prayed she would run into someone she did not already know so she could make some new friends to replace Damien with. That would show him.  

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 17, 2016

Thanks for starting, sis! <3
The snow had brought Atshen from the comfort of Mephala’s Web and into the open. Though he really had nothing to do at the moment, and nothing that was quite catching his interest, the eldest child soon found himself wandering aimlessly. He walked in no general direction, finding nothing that quite grasped his attention, and instead found himself alone without any thoughts. He walked around for quite some time before something finally did catch his attention.

A streak of ebony caught him off guard and he paused at the sight of others running. Sniffing lightly, Atshen soon discovered his sister's scent and assumed that the manic was her. Despite his disinterest in his sister, he was quite interested to see what exactly she was doing. Perhaps she had been struck by a porcupine or bitten by a snake-- such actions that would undoubtedly please the molten-eyed child.

With a newfound sense of curiosity, Atshen kept to the sidelines and followed her, weaving silently between the trees as he kept his eyes on her fleeing form.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 17, 2016

Her small yet stable frame made its way quickly through all the trees - her speed making her heart pump and making her feel warm. That jerk! First weaving nice tales of their Gods and then disappearing. How dare he leave her behind like this? If she wanted to rule this place one day, she needed him. She actually liked the Ipik, and she would find him again. She'd make sure that he would not leave a second time though.

Nuvâlugasak! She shouted, her breath creating a mist around her muzzle before it disappeared. She abruptly stopped, sending up some snow as she did so. She panted and plopped her hind in the snow. Itialuit, Ipik! She almost howled as she brought her head up to face the light gray sky. Little did she know her brother had been following her. 

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 17, 2016

Her running eventually came to an end and as this happened, Atshen stopped as his sister’s shouted to nobody in particular. His ears perked at this and his brows raised, finding himself suddenly more interested in what she was doing. His mind was quick to jump to their mother and Athsen knew that she would not appreciate such language from her only daughter. He smirked as he came to a stand as he stored that information for a later time.

Watching the tantrum ensue, he remained hidden as he watched on curiously, wondering where this showing of her expressions would bring her.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 17, 2016

Still panting she closed her eyes in defeat. This was making her go no where, and she hated that it felt so good. This pain of abandonment and the burning of her feet, it made her feel more alive than ever. Ever since her mother had shown that she did not like her all that much, she had become stronger - stronger, she liked to believe, than her siblings. Hell, one barely talked, and he was the favorable child? They could all kiss her assfreckles. She opened her bi-colored eyes, one a vivid green and one as blue as the summer's sky, as she lowered her head. Just then did she scent her brother, and she jumped to her feet almost instantly. She turned quickly, leaving almost no time for an unexpected attack. 

Her brow furrowed and her freckled tail twitched dangerously in the air as her eyes landed on her familiar frame and coat pattern. What was he doing here? It was her job to stalk her brothers, not the other way around. Aullak. She commanded calmly but coldly. 

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 18, 2016

He had been caught. He did not fear his sister, nor did he fret over the fact that he had been discovered. Instead, he remained rigid and watched as his sister advanced towards him. He would do very little in indulging her commands and, instead, he found him lifting his chin defiantly at her command.

“No,” he replied, his tone indifferent and he looked to her, a creeping curiosity of what would ensue coming over him as he awaited her reaction.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 20, 2016

She had not even moved - knowing that mother and father did not like the children fighting. How much she wished to be an only child. Her siblings were both loved and hated by the little girl, much like their mother. She was confused and angry and just wanted the support of Damien at this point. It had been the only stable relationship in her circle. A dangerous growl rippled from her young throat as she advanced forward - too light to sink through the snow fully. If he would not leave, she would make him leave.

Moving her head down to protect her neck like her father had done she stood there - a wicked grin on her cute face as she threw her tail up further. Tutsialaugit, IniKunak Anik... She rumbled sinister. 

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 20, 2016

He watched her approach, his eyes trained on her dappled form with a steady frown as she did this. When she offered another command, the boy’s tail lashed once before steadily steadily with his favorite word, “No”. Surely, given Atshen’s track record, this reply would not surprise the princess.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 23, 2016

She glared at him, her bi-colored eyes peering deeply in his as one side of her upper lip pulled up. While he might be the firstborn, he was not superior. Astrid knew for sure he was not favored - not even by the missing king of their woods. Mother hated equally, and father loved only the ones that did not act like total brats. And her oldest brother surely was a brat. You are no fun today, big brother. She snickered, taking a few steps farther toward him. But are you ever?

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 24, 2016

He snorted to her remark as he felt something spark within. What happened next occurred without much thought. Her comments, though he was not hurt by them, sparked something from within-- something that he had become all too accustomed to. Seeing red, the eldest Spiderling lept forward as a nasty snarl erupted from his mouth. Not really having too much control in his emotions, Atshen allowed himself to be consumed by them. Every fiber in his being was ready to do one thing to his sister: mutilate.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 24, 2016

No point for Astrid-butt

Finally, the boy seemed alive. This is how Astrid saw her brothers best. She loved how she could crawl under their skin and get these kind of reactions. She fed of of them like a parasite, and she loved every single moment of it. Sometimes, feeling hurt was the best feeling in the world. She snarled as he charged for her, not quick enough to dodge him due to the snow that reached over their ankles. A pain shot through her shoulder as their bodies collided and she struggled to regain balance.

In a moment of sweet panic, she turned to wherever he was after his pounce and charged. She had wanted to grab him by the neck, but her movements were slowed by the snow and her lust to be hurt by him. Could he make her bleed was the question, and she hoped the answer was yes. 

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 24, 2016

Point for landing, no point for his next attempt!

He landed his initial blow. Though he did not count out the initial pang of pain that he felt, Asthen’s fury only heightened in his success. His pain and his successes would only fuel his dance, urging him to fight on. Nothing else mattered but feeling the sweet tang of his sister’s blood. He sure hoped that she would put up some sort or fight, as he was not one to enjoy the simple pleasures of a victory handed over.

She made her attempt to return his strike. Sliding out of the way quickly, Atshen avoided her attack. Without much time to re-compose himself, Atshen lunged forward in reply to her strike. Though he was confident in his every move, a bystander could surely see that he would not land the next blow.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 24, 2016

No point for Astrid

While her charge had missed, it was also a moment to reflect on how little they had learned from their parents. No one had taught them how to fight - they were just doing this out of instinct. The spiderlings apparently needed no teacher for this, they would become better with age. Her brother charged again, but this time she was quick enough to dodge and set a few steps away from him. This was fun! This was like playing with Death, and she enjoyed it.

She lowered her front body and charged from under, but her hind leg slipped a little and even she knew that this hit would be a failure. Her only hope was to keep balance, which would probably happen. 

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 24, 2016

Point for Atshen.

Though he had missed, his sibling’s miss brought forward another opportunity for the ebony-haired child. Seeking this, as he notiched how unstable she pressed forward, Atshen lunged in her direction and aimed for her shoulder. Landing the blow easily, Atshen ripped into Astrid’s shoulder. Quickly, the blood came, slipping upon his tongue. He was intoxicated instantly, distracting him in this moment.

Surely, she would attempt  to shake him off. But, to the best of his ability, he would keep his hold.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 24, 2016


As she reached his side, she could almost feel the darkness crawl over her back. Shit. As her brother's teeth sunk into the flesh very close near her should, she let out a sound that was neither a growl nor a moan. She could feel the tingly feeling of pure pleasure run up her spine, and this feeling left her in a dreamy state for a moment. Quickly though, she felt the need to feel this pain somewhere else. 

With their bodies now so close together, yet with her head in the clouds from the pleasure she got from the blood dripping down her right, front leg she made some useless attempts to bite the upside of his neck.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 24, 2016

Point for Atshen!

Despite his pleasure, he knew that this would not be the end of their duel. Atshen drew back and surveyed the situation quickly, as if pinpoint his next claim. Finding this easily, as she lunched for him, Atshen grabbed hold of her scruff and tugged harshly in an attempt to imbalance her.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 24, 2016

Pointy for Astridy

Her mind clouded with horribly amazing thoughts of all the naughty, painful stuff they could do together made her go numb slightly as she lost her balance. She barely reacted to the sudden grab to her scruff as she was coming at the snow covered earth. It felt unreal for a moment, the pain - the smell of blood, but a split second later she snapped back. This fight was not over - as long as she would live, it would not be over. Her big brother could hurt her in all the ways imaginable, but she would give him the same pleasure.

In her fall, she grabbed a a hold on the flesh of the flesh just above his chest. She tasted blood, and she was not about to let go either. She felt the need to grind her teeth over the probably painful flesh. If she was going down - so would he unless he wanted a piece of his body to be consumed by his little sister. It wasn't a big piece though, unfortunately, but wounds didn't have to be big to hurt, she knew. 

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 24, 2016

No point for Atshen!

His attempt to shake her worked and soon enough Astrid was falling. But, in the midst of this, his speckled sibling grabbed hold of his broad chest and made contact. A rippling roar erupted from him as pain surged from his chest. Furthering his anger, Atshen attempted to shake off Astrid.

In said attempts, Atshen attempted to backpedal with the hopes of getting her off. In addition, he blindly lunged towards his sister in multiple attempts to grab how of her maw. All of these attempts were not successful.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 24, 2016

None for Astrid either :p

Her grip was too tight - her lust for more unbearable and her mind clouded. This was not like with Abraxas. With her oldest brother, it was different. She wanted him to hurt her more - make her forget the loss of her Forest King who had surely been awfully friendly with her from the start. She wanted him to make her forget about how her mother clearly disliked her - about the dark woods they were destined to roam until they were old enough to leave and seek a kingdom of their own. Atshen was everything she had.

How she loved him at this point was indescribable. It was wrong, but for her it was perfect. It was what she needed, and she could not ask for more. Did he feel the same? His failed attempts to get her off did not reveal a thing, and yet in her heart she made herself believe he thought of her the same way. She smiled as she let go of him - landing quite softly in the cold snow, coloring it red with blood near her shoulder.

She smiled up at him, her bi-colored eyes wild and perhaps a tiny bit insane. If you keep hurting me like this, IniKunak Anik, I might want to do very wrong things to you... She said in a smothering voice, one of madness yet strange love. She moved her head down, protecting her neck at all times.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 25, 2016

Atshen did not share his sister’s sentiments, nor had he expected them until she spoke in a rather unexpected purl. Pausing at this, his molten eyes were met with a desire that he had never experienced before and something that caused him to stop dead in his tracks. Despite the red he saw, he knew he had to make sense of what had just been said. Hesitation was apparent in his expression as he froze, unsure what to do next.

“I might want to do very wrong things to you…”

He could not fully comprehend the last part of her sentence, but something within told him it was wrong. Reverting back into his rage at this, Atshen lunged his snout for her again. A snarl ripped from his parted lips as he looked down to her his blazing eyes. “Get lost,” was his warning as his muzzle plunged down to make contact with her chest.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 25, 2016

A wicked grin was painted onto the young girl's face as she saw her brother freeze. This felt like confession - one of love or equal madness. She did not need her Forest King if her brother could bring her this pleasure. Mother did not pay attention to her, and so she would steal her firstborn from her own mother. It only felt like a fair deal - one made by the mind of a masochist though. Pain was her new God, and she'd serve it by letting her brother put as many holes as he wanted into her body.

Her grin grew wider as the rage in her brother's form returned and she closed her eyes in pleasure as he punctured her chest flesh again. A moan escaped her mouth and her hind legs stayed almost completely still as she lay on her back. It felt like heaven and hell all at the same time. She whimpered for more, fearing he would leave her alone again - fearing anyone would leave her alone again. Yes - yes, get lost with you, my brother. Let's get lost together... She purred.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 26, 2016

Atshen didn’t understand where these words were coming from. A sense of confusion plagued the red of his rage. Despite violence being his go-to in most situations, the eldest Spiderling knew it would do him no good in this situation. At her moaning, a noise that felt like nails against sharp slate in his mind, he dismounted from his position above her and moved back a few paces.

Once settled, his tail lashed and his ears flattened as he looked to her. “Stop saying that,” he demanded, his tone dropping into a low growl as he addressed his star-speckled sibling.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - December 26, 2016

The speckles on her forehead moved closer together as she frowned. Why was he stopping? Did he not enjoy her bleeding for him? She loved bleeding for him, she loved the pain that came with it and the intense look of her big brother. She loved the cold against her back as her chest area was warm with blood and Atshen's presence. She loved falling in love with her own sibling.

He moved away and she quickly scampered up, one leg limping slightly due to the intense pain she was feeling. It was lovely - he was lovely. Despite bleeding so much that she could color the snow a dark red, her grin never wavered and her stare was full of battling emotions. You don't like poking holes in your dear sister? She purred again, limping closer to him without much thought. I enjoy it... She confessed softly - seductive.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Atshen’s Ghost - December 27, 2016

Sorry for pulling him out so suddenly, but I can't see him staying around. :P

Having had enough of his sister’s remarked, Atshen flattened his ears and growled-- wanting nothing more to do with this situation. “No, I don’t,” he replied, lying to an extent. Though he did love ripping her flesh, he did not like the reaction it brought about. It made him sick to his stomach and he wanted nothing more to do with it.

Quickly, seizing the opportunity when he saw it, Atshen quickly turned tail and bolted away from the scene. Running as fast as he could, and knowing that she would be unable to keep up with her limp, Atshen did not stop until he was at the borders. It was only then that his adrenaline faded and made way for the pain from his wounds. Despite this, he would press on in an attempt to further himself from her.

RE: Oh good God, let me give you my life - Nocturnal - January 04, 2017

Astrid was not scared of him. He was holding back, whether for his own sanity or that of hers. Funny. The fight had been one-sided, and she still felt like a winner coming out on top. All that he had brought her were marks of joy - the spilling of blood and the first crush of the little girl. She had brought him only pain - and even though she enjoyed it, she doubted Atshen felt the same. No sibling would ever win if they were battling her - mentally, she was as good as gone in a fight that involved blood, but physically she was capable of more due to that.

He was lying. She knew it. He had to love it, too. He simply had to - he was her brother. Still, all he left were his pawprints and the scent she could track. But she would not follow him. She would not even attempt to do so. She was tired of today anyway, and she limped back to the den - not saying a word to anyone who dared questioning her.