Wolf RPG
Sea Lion Shores Big Water - Printable Version

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Big Water - Macawi - April 24, 2014

Macawi had never seen a lake this size before. Ever. She didn't even know a lake this big could exist. She stared and stared at the rolling waves that made loud roaring sounds that echoed in her ears. The water was so… so amazing! And these creatures surrounding her, making odd sounds at each other… They were brownish-grey and had smooth, slick bodies, and big flat, wide front paws. Could she even call them 'paws'? They made more funny noises at her, and a few of them lifted up their big fat bodies and flopped away. They seemed to have a hard time walking, which amused Macawi further.

She barked and yipped in glee. She had not had this much fun in a long time. Her fear of wolves and other animals was temporarily forgotten as she ran to the water's edge, barked, and then scampered away as the waves came rushing towards her. Then she spun and ran at them again as they receded. She repeated this many times, losing all sense of self and not caring if anyone saw her. A thought flitted across her mind momentarily.

I will call this massive lake 'Big Water'.