Wolf RPG
Ravensblood Forest Refuge - Printable Version

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Refuge - Macawi - April 24, 2014

OOC:This thread is a continuation of my last two, "Big Water" and "Fishing". Feel free to respond to any of them and I will try and change the next ones to match.

IC: Macawi watched as the sun began to slink down the sky. She had been lounging near the river for a while, letting her belly digest all the fish she had eaten. A pile of small bones lay nearby, a tribute to her meal. She felt relaxed and sleepy, and wanted to just curl up right there and sleep 'til morning, but she knew that in this Spring weather, that could be suicide. It wasn't nearly warm enough to sleep near the Big Water, so exposed.

So, she hoisted herself to her paws and looked around for somewhere that would give her shelter during the night. Far off, she saw the dark green blob that meant forest, and with a forest came a den. Allowing herself a grin, she began her trek to the trees.

Soon enough, she reached the first tall spruce tree. She craned her neck back and gazed at the thing in wonder, and then decided to mark it for good measure. She lifted a delicate paw and left a single gouge mark in the bark of the trunk, and then continued on into the forest. She had to get farther from the Big Water so that her shelter would actually be warm. The closer to the heart of a forest one was, the warmer it got.

As she traveled, she saw many small animals scurrying around, who ran the moment they noticed her. She paid them no mind. She had had her fill of fish. She would not be hungry again for some time. Unfortunately, she did not come across any dens - at least none that were empty - so she had to settle for making a shelter. She spent a good half an hour piling leaves up, and collecting moss from nearby rocks. It was hard work, as her paws were not meant for raking. Finally, she had made a pile big enough for herself, and, without a care in the world, flung herself into it and all but disappeared in the earthy-smelling mulch of the leaves.

Wondering what the next day's adventures would bring, she went to sleep.