Wolf RPG
Horizon Ridge Light at the End of the World - Printable Version

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Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 25, 2014

The chocolate female hadn't had much expirence being in a pack. While she was raised in a pack it still had been two years since she had relations with one. She kept to herself besides one conversation with a sickly ebony wolf who deemed him Kennedy. The female chose to sleep away from everyone else. Choosing instead a patch of trees near the sand dunes that sprinkled themselves around their territory.

The female was an excellent hunter, even as a lone wolf she had survived two years living solely off her own prey and scraps of predators. Hunting for the pack came easy to her,because of that she spent most of her free time hunting. She filled up the pack catche with small mammals and on occasion small sickly deer who would have died on their own anyway.

On this day the dark female had hunted a few rabbits, and fed herself with one, placing the other in the pack catche. After finishing the mammal she chew quickly on the bones looking to pass sometime in a world that offers you too little. There the female laid on the rain soaked dirt in sparse wood growth, nawing on the bones of her past eaten prey.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 26, 2014

I hope this is all welcome can't tell on mobile and I aplogize for any typos as well

there was not much thistle could do as of late and most of her emotions were still very mixed where her leader was concerned. so lately she had been wandering around the pack lands mostly by herself or with Ragnar sometimes Gavriil. Her sides were thickening daily she had yet to feel the pups move but she was not alarmed yet.

as she walked today she thought of the herbs she had started to squirrel away including some for her pregnant self. she was walking blankly right now so far into her own head she almost didn't see the other wolf. first instinct was to growl but before she could scents of her leader and other wafted to her a new pack mate. hello I'm thistle cloud she spoke up tentatively

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 26, 2014

It is all welcome so no worries!

Diluculo glanced up at the female that trotted in front of her path. The female flinched and immediately pulled the bones she was nawing on away from the other wolf. This was from instinct, she was protecting her kill. Too often had other wolves tried to steal it. Once she realized the female was friendly the chocolate she wolf relax a little. Before she could speak a scent wadded through her nose. Ragnar. This wolf must be his mate. Smirking the female returned the greeting. "I am Diluculo and you're fat. You must be pregnant." mentioned the female blatantly.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 26, 2014

Thistle saw her flinch and pull her bones closer and she was a bit taken back. She would not have taken them from the other that wasn't nice, but as she studied her it was apparent that she had been on her own for some time. So it was probably purely survival and instinctual.

Thistle's eyes cut down that was really rude, was her thinking but her brothers had been like that crude and rude, but she loved them anyway. It was easy for her to quip back. "Really Captain Obvious what gave you that idea. You're a smart one aren't you. her voice was laced with Arsenic and satin. She was not happy with the way the other female greeted her, but she supposed it might also be a survival mechanism or she was just a blunt wolf, but if she had spoke this way to Ragnar at the borders it was no wonder her mate was angry and he was not a good enemy to have.

She studied the she wolf in front of her to discern if there were any health concerns she was still a healer in the fore front of her mind, even if some wolves like Kennedy refused her aid now that she was pregnant. She didn't really blame him but it still smarted and hurt. She saw none the girl had an unusual coat though Thistle couldn't really say much of anything she did too. "Well Met Diluculo are you finding the ridge to your liking?

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 26, 2014

The chocolate female couldn't help but smile when Thistle offered a retort of her own. Diluculo already enjoyed this female more than her male counter part, the pretty pale boy who has a nasty temper. This one would be harder to provoke to anger, but she would none the less try her best. "I'm about as smart as your male. The pretty boy with a temper like a raging hippo." Diluculo smiled in fake happiness. Would speaking badly about her mate provoke her, or would she have to push further and go for her pups. Diluculo wasn't necessarily a mean wolf but she did enjoy pushing other beings.

The chocolate wolf had met a majority of her packmates;Kennedy, the sickly ebony male wolf, Pump, the strong alpha, Ragnar, previously mentioned. Now she had met Thistle, this was the aspiring healer Pump had spoken briefly about. "The wolves here are decent, the food is plentiful, the land is nice, I have no complaints." The chocolate female spoke honestly.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 26, 2014

Very seldom could another provoke her to anger and as for Ragnar she would stand up for him, but he didn't need her too. It was very obvious that this female was in for a rude awakening when her mate met her again. She tilted her head and lowered he eyes for a moment as she thought of what to say to the other's obvious goad. She was trying to provoke her and Thistle did not appreciate it to say the least. Though lately she was quicker to anger than usual she blamed her hormones. "Actually Ragnar is very smart and he not a good enemy to have just so you know. He does have a temper though. That was all she would say on the subject she would not say anything bad about her mate, he knew he had a temper and he admitted it so she just agreed.

Thistle nodded her head "yes all the above and more. What brings you here? She was merely curious and as true to her nature she was inquisitive.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 27, 2014

Diluculo smirked as the rust pelted female gave a retort. Ragnar was not a threat to the chocolate she wolf. "Whats he going to do? Kill me?" The she wolf spoke to herself, internally challenging Ragnar. She wasn't afraid of death so provoking an aggressive male wolf was not out of the ordinary for the female.

The other she wolf quickly changed the subject from Ragnar to the pack. Diluculo had no problem with this, but what she did have a problem with was the female being so quick to ask Diluculo personal questions. "I came because i needed a pack. Why yes?" The midnight female spoke with acid and sarcasm dripping from her tongue.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 27, 2014

If Thistle had been asked if Ragnar would kill her, she would have answered her easily and without a word yes he could he wouldn't but he could. What the other she wolf did not realize was that her mate really was every bit as savage, feral and wild as he boasted and it did not do any good to argue with that.

Thistle heard the acid and sarcasm and spoke softly "there is no need to get up in arms Diluculo I am merely curious and by no means do you have to answer me and i said yes because we have everything you said, plus we boast a good view, there is a river, a little inlet, we have plants and herbs that I use for my healing in abundance including my own little space that i'll try and grow some herbs if I can find the time. And we are for the most part a small family though every family has discord running through it of course. With that she fell silent and waited to hear what other insult or cruel remark this other wolf had to say. If it got to trying or to cruel she would just take her leave.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 27, 2014

Diluculo has had a long day and she was honestly tired of being defensive. With a sigh the female spoke. "I left my old pack nearly two years ago, I was alone until now. I needed a pack or I wouldn't survive another year, happy?" This all was true. Leaving her home pack was for the best, but she wished she would have found another pack sooner. Being a lone wolf had taught her a lot about survival, she was great full for that.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 27, 2014

Thistle shook her head "No I am not happy, because you have had it rough. However, i am happy to have a new pack-mate and I hope we can at least become a little better towards each other so that we both aren't on the defensive at the same time. I have never been in a pack until now either, but my parents and brothers were with me. She offered up some of her own past so that she wasn't receiving information without giving it back it was only fair after all. Do you have any questions about the area or the pack? She was trying to be helpful.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 28, 2014

The chocolate female snorted. As If the russet she wolf empathized with her, all she had done is be rude and insult her mate. Diluculo didn't care too much about the other female's past, she was kind enough so it seemed obvious she was raised in a semi-decent home. The past was a painful thing for some to speak about so Diluculo didn't press her about her past life. 

The female wasn't that fimilar with the territory that her pack resided in, nor with the wolves. She did have one question however. "Is Pump a decent leader? I like her as a person but can she lead?" The chocolate female inquired curiously. 

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 28, 2014

Thistle did not mind telling anyone her past. She had lead a happy life for the first year of her life and if she went home to her family it would still be happy. Though she was happy and content here with the life she had chosen for herself. The turmoil of her pup's conception of course was not very happy, but she was happy to have them all the same.

Thistle nodded her head "Yes she can she is a good leader. She had managed to keep us together in light of a tragedy, and a few other misadventures one on my own part. She also makes sure to speak with all of us at least once every few days just to check in. She pulls her own weight and expects all of us to do the same. She is a good wolf and a good leader. Thistle would not tell the other of her current misconceptions with Pump as that was between she and her and she still had to clear the air and sort through her own turbulent thoughts about it.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 29, 2014

Pump from her subordiantes perspective sounded like a decent leader. The chcolate female would obivously found out in time but she trusted the opinion of the aapiring healer. But there was a part of the russet wolf's statement that left the midnight wolf curious.

Misadventures? What misadventures could this female wolf cause. The chocolate female was curious on what her she wolf companion had done to cause turmoil within the pack. "Pump sounds like a marvelous leader." Diluculo spoke with slight sarcasm in her voice, although it wasn't directed towards Pump and her leadership skills. "So tell me russet wolf, what did you do to cause problems in this little pack?" She spoke showing interest in the female's mistake.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 29, 2014

Thistle should have know she would peak the other wolf's curiosity but she didn't mind. The female would here about it eventually from someone so it would best to come from her anyway.

Thistle dipped her head Thus far she is. I am sure there are times that one of us or all of us will disagree with her, but such is the throes of being a leader. She smiled as a matter of fact some things she did not agree with right now. Thistle frowned as she thought of what to say so she just jumped right in with all four feet. "You've already figured out what I've done I'm pregnant when I had no permission and perhaps even to a wolf from another pack, or Ragnar. This was my first season and quite frankly it got away from me. That was the best way she could explain it, she was not excusing her behavior merely explaining why she thought it had happened. She shrugged hoping the other wolf would not think her a terrible kind of wolf or something or lose respect her or worse refuse to be healed by her or something. She found herself fighting hard to keep her eyes up and not cast downward.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 29, 2014

Diluculo wasn't necessarily a mean wolf, while she could come off that way to a sensitive wolf she considers herself more blunt and honest. When the young female confessed her mistake the chocolate wolf kept a straight face. She too had made mistakes and the female showed obvious signs of being upset about her fault.

Diluculo for a moment thought about how easy it would have been in this moment to being the female down, to crush her even farther. In truth she had nothing against the female, only her mate, and the chocolate wolf wouldn't hold the transgressions of Ragnar against her. "It's alright. We all make mistakes. I assume you have learned your lesson and won't do it again."

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 29, 2014

Though Thistle was down in the dumps for a moment and yes she seemed to come off as a gentle sweet natured wolf, There was hidden toughness in her hide that many did not know. She could square off with anyone if she wanted, she just preferred not too and no one would know that about her either unless she was thrust into a position where she would show her strength.

Thistle laughed quietly "Yes I assure you I have learned my lesson definitely will ask for Permission next time. And I will stay away from strange males in forest settings as well. She chuckled at the irony of the situation. The forest she both loved and hated it.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 29, 2014

Diluculo chuckled at the female. She was glad the female figured it all out even after her mistake. "Be careful next time, males are unpredictable sometimes. I assume your pretty boy in shining gold armor will protect you from here on out." The she wolf stated a little bitter but she attempted to be helpful.

Her only interaction with males in the past had been in subordiance. The female's old pack had been run by three extremely dominate makes who held everyone below them. This formed in Dikuculo's mind a very negative view of males in general who held power. She was glad there was a female leader here, and she was even more glad that Ragnar wasn't leader. She would have been rat meat at the borders if he was. She knew that Ragnar could kill her, even if she chose not to admit it nor submit.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 29, 2014

Thistle smiled and chuckled "They can be yes. I had two brothers of my own and my father the only female interaction I have ever had has been in this pack. She blinked at the bitterness in the others tone how to explain Ragnar she frowned. She loved her husband but he was a harsh man at times due to his upbringing and though it was something she found she kind of liked in him not ever one would. "Yes he will I know that.

Thistle shifted and spoke quietly "I apologize that you and he got off on the wrong foot. He has his own set of standards and such, but if you can get past that he's a good male for the most part. Though when he tells you he is savage he really is, but he would not be him without that part. Make sense? She shrugged she hoped that she wouldn't confuse or upset the other. Ragnar and she that was their fight she did not want in the middle of it especially now, but where he was all rough sides and gruffness she was all smooth edges and softness.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 29, 2014

Being savage was an extremely negative trait to have in Diluculo's cyan eyes. The male proved it, he just couldn't wait for a reason to bring the chocolate female down and if a Pump wasn't leader surely she would have perished at the borders. "A savage wolf knows no bounds, only killing and then eventually death." The female spoke vaguely, while the statement applied to Ragnar, it merely was intended for her ex-alphas and their rein on her life.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 29, 2014

Thistle looked at her and nodded her head. "yes that is true indeed. And he does not hide that part of himself nor does he feel ashamed of it. However, there are also a lot more plains to the man for instance he has never not once harmed me or even attempted too and trust me he and I have had some arguments. He also had a strict moral code unlike you and I but he has one none the less. She tilted her head and decided to drop the subject of Ragnar.

She looked at the other female for a moment and then spoke "You know what I do not think I will be able to change your mind about Ragnar and I don't think I should continue to try whatever it is is between the two of you. So, let's talk about something else shall we. What do you like to do in your downtime? I collect herbs and such.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - April 30, 2014

The ruby she wolf spoke proudly of her mate, which was to be expected. When you're close to someone you take their flaws and make them into assets, it's a pity really. Moral codes were something that the male obviously lacked but the other female decided to drop the conversation about Ragnar and turn it to something more, normal. What did she do in her down time? She gnawed at the bones of her half eaten prey of course! But of course that statement was too visually unappealing to speak to the pregnant female. "I hunt, eat, sleep, repeat." the female spoke giving. A vague answer to the female's inquiry.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - April 30, 2014

Thistle frowned at the bland answer she received. "Well no offense Diluculo but that sounds extremely boring and monotonous. She tilted her head trying to think of what to say. The other female was making it exceptionally hard to hold a conversation. It was almost as if she could not hold one unless she was trading insults.

Finally, Thistle thought of what to ask Have you thought of a trade to work towards? For instance I am working towards healer. Ragnar and Gavriil are both working towards Warden's. Gavriil is another male in the pack he is very kind I think you may like him at least better than Ragnar anyway. The last part was merely her teasing slightly though she did think she would like Gavriil it was almost impossible to dislike him.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - May 01, 2014

It was exceptionally  hard for the swarthy female to hold a simple conversation without tossing insults around like leaves falling from trees plagued by fall. The female tried her hardest to ether make another wolf whom she held a conversation with extremely uncomfortable or very upset. Thistle was hard to anger so making her uncomfortable was the females next best choice.

"I am a hunter, I hunt, as I said before. I wouldn't mind hunting a specimen like you." The female spoke with a slight flirting nature in her juicy voice. After the female mentioned Ragnar and a wolf named Gavriil the ebony she wold continued to flirt. "I'm kind of busy with you to learn about the other males that I have no interest in." The reason for the female flirting was mainly because it was a hit at Ragnar. Words and disrespect would only add so much insult to the male, attempting to fornication with his mate, now that's the ultimate payback. The female hid her intentions of insult to Ragnar with a fake, but convincing, attraction to the pregnant female.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Thistle Cloud - May 01, 2014

As soon as the words left the other's mouth Thistle was confused. Why would her pack mate want to hunt another wolf. Was she a cannibal if so she really needed to speak to Pump about who they let i nthe borders but then as the other female continued her eyes began to narrow. She did not understand what this female was about, for a moment she thought perhaps she had taken Poppy and it altered her mind, Thistle just shook her head a small chuckle on her lips.

I apologize Dilucolo but I prefer my wolves well more manly than you. Though I must say your pelt is divine. She tilted her head a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. She did not know what the female was about but she refused to allow it to upset her. She would just give it right back really. She had grown up with two brothers after all.

RE: Light at the End of the World - Diluculo - May 02, 2014

The first paragraph got me to laugh. Haha I love it!

When the russet wolf's reaction to her flirty statements was to smile and giggle Diluculo thought in at least some ways it worked. Alas, the swarthy female was neither a cannibal nor shroom popper or medicine addict, she was merely determined. Determined to insult Ragnar in anyway possible, while on the side being able to get the chance of in the least but flirt with a beauty.

"I am manly, you just have to catch me in a certain light. My pelt may be divine but more than just your fur is breath-taking." As the female spoke she lowered herself to sit on the ground a few feet away from her packmate.