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Stone Circle we lose some along the way - Printable Version +- Wolf RPG (https://wolf-rpg.com) +-- Forum: In Character: Roleplaying (https://wolf-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=5) +--- Forum: Archives (https://wolf-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=11) +--- Thread: Stone Circle we lose some along the way (/showthread.php?tid=19733) |
we lose some along the way - Evelyn - December 27, 2016 Belle was, once again, out and about on her daily travels, trying her best to find something to add to either cache. Due to the harsh conditions of the season, she figured the herb cache was more important (illness was always a possibility, and she was the only one tending to it) as were the statuses of the pack's youngest members, whether she liked it or not. Unsure of how close she might be allowed to get to Amber's den, she stood a few yards away and chuffed her presence. Should she be greeted, she would ask the parents what they needed and see how their young were doing. If she were to be turned away, then that would be that and the young lass would make her way to the Alpha's den as she'd previously planned. RE: we lose some along the way - Grayday Sr. - December 28, 2016 The kids were asleep, finally. Sunny had stopped asking for Amber long enough to close his eyes and, for the moment, all was quiet. Day knew that it couldn't last long and found himself anticipating their waking hours. It made his heart churn to think of the long road ahead of him, but when they were awake, he could just focus on getting through the day. With a heavy sigh, Grayday had laid himself across the mouth of the den, intending to block them in so that he could rest without worrying about them getting cold or getting out. They could curl against his back if they caught a chill, and they would certainly alert him if they tried to escape. He thought of sleeping, then, because he hadn't since the first night after returning home... but he couldn't. Not then. "Mirabelle," Day greeted, relieved when the diminutive female made an appearance. His head lifted off his paws and his tail beat the ground in a weak thud-thud as he watched her approach. Any company was good company, right then, and he disliked Mirabelle significantly less than he once had. "How are you?" he asked, wondering if her bite wound was now fully healed. RE: we lose some along the way - Evelyn - December 29, 2016 Belle smiled, hearing the kind thump of Day's tail. A genuine smile, for she was becoming quite fond of the young male. Chaska was still around, and she felt similarly about him, but that was business and Day seemed a bit more than that. Hey there, she called, with a more casual tone than she normally had. Amber was nowhere to be seen which called forth questions in Belle's analytical mind. Where's Amber? Not that she'd be too happy to see me, I'd assume.She gave a light chuckle, though concern was forming in the back of her mind; not so much for Amber herself, but for the family she had created. Belle didn't truly care much for the pups, but she wasn't looking forwad to having to care for orphans if something had gone wrong. RE: we lose some along the way - Grayday Sr. - January 01, 2017 Pups are hidden behind him. He's like the door to the den XD
All at once, his good mood ended. Amber was mentioned, and lately, that was all it took to set Sunny whinging and his teeth on edge and every other Bad Thing that could happen. Why couldn't it have been Mirabelle? He thought vindictively - (later on, he would scold himself and remember that they'd reached and understanding, he had to be kind to her) - his expression seeming to spell out the same words all over his face. Only for a moment, though, before he forced his expression to fall flat and blank."She left," he said, short and to the point. A white, vaporous sigh billowed from his nose as he released that anger, tried to soften his features as well as his voice. "We're doing as well as we can be," he replied, laying his head back on his paws. "Thank you for checking in, Mirabelle." RE: we lose some along the way - Evelyn - January 01, 2017 Edited!
She had obviously struck a nerve. Had this been almost anyone else and Belle might've ignored her mal speech, but she'd come a long way to be cordial with Day and she didn't want it to go to waste. I didn't mean...she began, but figured it was better if she let the subject die rather than bring it up again. Are you sure that there's nothing you need?Belle didn't want to leave so abruptly (in fact, she quite liked their talks), so she tried her hardest to salvage the conversation, though there wasn't much left to be said between them. RE: we lose some along the way - Grayday Sr. - January 06, 2017 She did not respond to his revealing of Amber's leaving, but that was probably for the best. He didn't want to talk about it - especially not in front of the kids. He felt bad for snapping though, when she seemed to struggle with her words. It wasn't like her, and suddenly, Day wished they could go back to when they disliked each other entirely. It would mean he wouldn't have to care about her discomfort, but once you got there with someone, it didn't ever really go away. "No, I'm sorry for being grumpy," he corrected when she started her own backpedaling, wanting to put at stop to that at once. She wasn't doing anything wrong, after all. "And no, we're doing alright. Just keep doing what you're doing and we'll get by. Everyone's been pitching in," he assured her, not wanting her to worry about him or the kids. There was always someone willing to watch them for a second when he had to step out, or even for a bit longer if he wanted to hunt a little bit. It was nothing like the deerchases Valette was famous for organizing, but it was enough to keep his little monsters fed. "How are you?" he repeated, still seeking his own answers. RE: we lose some along the way - Evelyn - January 08, 2017 Belle listened to his apology and gave an accepting nod of her head. I'm fine, she told him, just trying to get back into the swing of things.She bit at the inside of her cheek for a moment, debating whether or not to bring up Chaska to Day. On one hand, it seemed odd, bringing him up to another male when their own relationship needed a bit of work. But on the same note, Chaska and Day must have known each other longer than she had known either of them combined, so wouldn't he have some useful advice? Actually, I have a question, she began, taking a deep breath, or, a few questions actually. It's about Chaska.She turned her head so that they were no longer facing one another and sat back on he haunches, I think I really like him, and I don't know what to do. RE: we lose some along the way - Grayday Sr. - January 09, 2017 Oh... Chaska? Oh. The first real smile in several days found its way onto Grayday's face as his mind finally caught up with Mirabelle's words. It made her seem strangely vulnerable - not quite as much as her dip in the river had, but near that - to know that she was asking his advice about something. Even more so that it was about such a sensetive topic. But although his smile continued to grow, Day refrained from teasing her about this new development, though he was sorely tempted. She'd put her trust in him, and he did not want to punish her for that. "The best thing to do is be straightforward about it," said Day, knowing that there was not an ounce of true guile in his packmate. It was not that he was unintelligent, just that he took people at their word. If one was not plain about what it was they meant, how was anyone supposed to understand them? "Chaska's a good man. He won't judge you for your feelings, even if he doesn't feel the same way." Oh. That didn't sound encouraging. "I mean, he'll be kind to you either way," Day corrected, tail swishing in apology. "But I'm sure he's into you - you're a good-looking girl, and nice enough, I guess." The last part was said with the last bit of teasing that he could not seem to exorcise from his system without spending. It was meant as a harmless joke, as he now rather liked Mirabelle, even if she was a little ornery at times. RE: we lose some along the way - Evelyn - January 16, 2017 Belle listened to Day's wave of words; his ability to find humor in her state wasn't as well hidden as he might have liked. His smile made her brow furrow and her lips tighten, but she paid attention to his advice. After all, he'd managed to find a mate, right? He had to know something. You don't have to mock me, she blurted, a slight tone of annoyance evident. She turned her head in frustration and thought for a moment, but then turned back with her head lowered and her eyes turned to the ground. She sighed, but then gave a defeated whimper to apologize to her new companion. I just...I've never been in this sort of situation. Feelings, emotions...love; it's never been my thing. Belle gave a warm smile (warm for her at least, which was still two degrees below freezing) and let her tail wag happily beside her. I appreciate it. RE: we lose some along the way - Grayday Sr. - January 16, 2017 "I'm not mocking!" Day defended - and he wasn't, for the record. "It's just that - well, I'm touched you'd think to ask me, that's all." And surprised she would ask anyone at all. Maybe he should ask her about his romance problems. "And I get where you're coming from, okay? When it happened to me, I had no idea what to do." He gave a heavy sigh, thoughts straying to Adeline and his worry for her once more. "I'm still pretty lost, to be honest. But I think you're situation is a little more straightforward than mine." RE: we lose some along the way - Evelyn - January 16, 2017 Yeah, well, I trust you, she wanted to say. But instead, Belle let the moment fade and shifted her attention back to Day. Oh yeah? Lost how?And believe it or not, she actually wanted to know. Her head was tilted curiously as she awaited her answer, though she thought that she had an idea of what he meant. If her lover left her alone with nothing but a litter to remember them by, well, she would've been hurt, too. Inwardly, of course, but the pain would've still been there. She also probably would've reacted a lot differently but, you get the idea. RE: we lose some along the way - Grayday Sr. - January 19, 2017 Well, obviously, Amber is now gone, he thought sourly, looking up at Mirabelle with an unreadable expression on his face. He debated, internally, what exactly he would tell her - because he had decided, then, that he really did want to talk about it. "It's not Amber," he said after a moment, turning his head to the side so that he did not have to meet her gaze. "It... it was never Amber." RE: we lose some along the way - Evelyn - January 21, 2017 Belle's face did little to hide her confusion as Day confessed his truth. What?she asked, her voice as soft as she could manage. She tried to sound empathetic or sympathetic or whatever it was that you were supposed to feel in a situation like this, but her tone was one of simple inquisition with little emotion behind it. What do you mean? RE: we lose some along the way - Grayday Sr. - January 22, 2017 Day gave a restless sigh, knowing he should take it back and just his mouth but finding himself entirely unable to do so. He wanted so badly to share this burden. "I love someone else," he explained, the words tasting like bitterness and betrayal on his tongue instead of the sweet relief he always thought he'd feel. "I've always loved her. More than Amber. Better. But I - I mean, I've never been unfaithful," he added, guilt prompting him to defend his honor, and the honor of his absent mate. "I wouldn't do that to her... wouldn't have..." This was all so wrong. He need to shut up before he got himself into trouble. "I shouldn't be talking about this," he said abruptly. "Could you... I'm sorry, Mirabelle, but could you just forget I said anything?" |