Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake At Least We'll Both Be Numb - Printable Version

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At Least We'll Both Be Numb - Valkyrie - December 31, 2016

Roll: 2 - where 1 grips, and 2 slips.

She continued along the snowy plains, the incline of the ground that allowed water to drain into the center intangible beneath the alabaster blanket. Stretching out wider than any lake she had ever seen, a blue border interrupted the pristine layer of frost, waves gently lapping at the ice that had formed along the shallows of the water. Flows floated throughout, pushed by a faint breeze that Valkyrie could not detect, or perhaps by a current. She could see at least one line of a river, not quite frozen over - feeding into the great lake. In unfamiliar territory, it would be best to go slow, she thought, carefully making her way with her nose pointed towards the ground, shoulders rolled forward as she bent over. Ears cocked downward as well, she listened for any sign that might indicate that she was walking over a snowy trap; it was not uncommon for weaker streams to be covered by a thin layer of ice and snow, concealing the chilly waters beneath. She certainly did not plan on succumbing to a frigid fate, and continued forward with due vigilance.

Along the west side of the lake, she came across a swiftly running river. It bottle-necked not far from where she stood, great sheets of ice bunched together to form a questionable bridge, while cold waters ran beneath it. The river was too wide to clear in a single bound. Further upstream, it forked, creating a small island in the center. The young wolf did not want to waste any more time, and trying to find a more narrow portion to cross the river from seemed like a daunting task. With a deep breath, she steadied herself, scanning ahead.

Such was the first step to become a great tactician; scouting out not only the opponent, but the environment. To conquer the bridge of ice, she would first have to understand her surroundings, and if she chose to proceed, there was no turning back. With a deep breath, she tensed her muscles, obsidian claws curving into the snow for traction. She lauched forward, taking a running start, before pushing off with her hind legs to leap onto what she had decided was the best spot among the shattered ice flows to land on.