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Chimera Fields my fingers laced a crown - Printable Version

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my fingers laced a crown - Akantha - January 03, 2017

Tagging some newer potential-Nerds if you wanna jump in. <3 @Thexxan @Gypsy @Indie @Cathenna

She ranged farther south today towards the uninhabitable wastes of Chimera Field. Some great force had ripped the grasses and trees from their roots, and strewn about the earth and rock as if playthings. Her mind was not busy ruminating on the phenomena but rather the growth of their numbers. Their spread was growing and it pleased Akantha. Each time she woke there was a new face among them; some familar, some strange, but all willing to submit to Her will that they might thrive here in the Teekons. 

The bitter chill of the winter cold snap had frozen even the dirt and it crunched underfoot as she nosed about the detritus. There were many trails that criss-crossed the territory, but nothing damning. Still, she was on edge, uncomfortable to be in such close proximity to so many packs.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Cathenna - January 03, 2017

Cathenna had been careful to avoid all the pack within the immediate territory, there were so many. Such a thing was strange to Cathenna. She was not used to so many family groups surrounding each other, in such close proximity. She was somewhat on edge though, her sense were hyperactive having left the comfort of the sea. Had she been at home it would have been a different story, of course her pack had claimed land that was not directly adjacent to the roaring sea. But she was not at home, she had not been home for a very long time and this was very different than she was used to. 

Cathenna couldn't be sure what it was that had drawn her toward this clearing of destruction. But as she caught sight of yet another canine she was glad for the distraction. Perhaps she wouldn't be alone any longer. "Greetings." She spoke loudly, trying to convey her voice across the distance that seperated her from the other wolf.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Indie - January 04, 2017

I’m going to say that Indie sneakily follows Cathenna after this thread, if that’s alright! 

Indie’s days had gone from woefully mundane to quite interesting after making the decision to trail behind the grecian woman from the coast. Cathenna hadn’t agreed to the pursuit, nor was she aware of its existence… but that was what made it fun. In the shadows Indie thrived, strengthened by the subterfuge’s cloak of anonymity. When given a task [even a task given by herself], Indie was relentless. So manic became she that she would lose sleep in thoughts, ideas, what ifs and wild possibilities. Her sleuthing was all consuming; not a moment passed her by that she wasn’t testing the winds direction, worked to hide her presence and timing her movements with those of Cathenna. She was so entertained with the act that the grin could not be shaken from her velveteen muzzle, no matter how hard she tried.

The dark woman did not know why she acted as an invisible envoy to the woman. Cathenna was a strong woman and could obviously hold her old in the wilds. It wasn’t out of cruel intent either, for Indie rather liked the seawolf. The simple fact was that Indie had been dreadfully bored and Cathenna [unintentionally] offered her beguilement. To the hoyden, the choice had been obvious. 

Today Cathenna had provided just splendid entertainment. The lady wove though the land, carefully avoiding the claimed parklands that dotted the area and Indie traced her every ambling step. Then, another woman appeared in the winter landscape. Cathenna greeted her. Indie hunkered down in a thicket of bramble, suger dusted with winter snow. It was hard to hear their distant voices — perhaps, soon, she would make her presence known… but that moment was not now. For now she would stay in the shadows and glean what she could from these two strangers.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Thexxan - January 04, 2017

i'm sorry this post is poop. D: but i wanted to toss thexxan in here. :0

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The snow crunched beneath his weight as he moved through the field having skirted around packs, careful to avoid imposing upon their territories — a skill that the doctore was becoming increasingly good at as of late — though he realized that his little misadventure had all but boxed him in. Having never been outside of Coatl’s Rise (for there was never any need) his knowledge on workings of packs aside from the one he was born to was sketchy at best. Five had only ever told him: most are not like the Rise and to avoid trespassing where possible. Thexxan found his mentor’s advice a bit dry but despite that it was easy enough to follow. These Wilds were strange and foreign to him and for a second the doctore felt overwhelmed. It rose like a tide and only ebbed after a few deep breaths to soothe his anxiety. He should not have left Izel to venture out but he doubted that his lovely new found companion wanted him around all the time. Her silence did not give him that impression but he did not wish to burden her with his looming presence. The women of Coatl’s Rise did not enjoy their prolonged presence and those old habits were hard to break. Though it was not fair to do so: he assumed that all women were the same way. Treated males the same way — and this was the natural balance that the young doctore clung to.

Dark ears slicked back as his salmon, pink tongue drew across his lips, black, leathery nostrils flaring as he caught the scent of others, followed shortly after by a femme voice. Though he knew he shouldn’t (this kind of behavior would see him punished in the Rise) his curiosity got the better of him and Thexxan gave in to it. His steps were swift to carry him across he distance before they slowed and he tread with caution, as quiet as he could be with the crunch of snow under foot. He shrugged to where the two women were (not realizing there was a third nearby), his ears pressed against the crown of his skull, and his tail tucked against his leg in a submissive gesture. He averted his eyes too in habitual submission, failing to have gotten a good look at either of the two women.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Akantha - January 05, 2017

Anyone is still welcome to join! Akantha is a butt, I'm sorry @Thexxan (BUT YOU'RE SUPER WELCOME IN THE THREAD I PROMISE LOL)!
A voice cut through the silence, followed by the crush of frozen snow underfoot. Akantha swiveled an ear towards the sound, her muzzle following shortly after as her gaze alighted on the pale silvern woman. Her nose flared, drawing in the scents that carried on the bitter wind, and arched her tail up so that it hung level with her spine. Salt-kissed and bearing eyes unmistakably granted by the Sea, the woman was surely one of their own. 

Cathenna was a welcome distraction and so her passively dominant stance melted back into neutrality once more. She had little time to impose her dominance on her Sisters and, truly, lacked the drive to do so. A smile whisked across her lips; the woman was familiar. Perhaps of Themiscrya herself. But before she could offer up an amicable greeting in return, a dark shadow drifted into view and Akantha bristled in alarm and indignation.

Though his tail was tucked, ears set back, and eyes downcast out of (incredible) respect, Akantha was in no mood to entertain the strange male. Her demeanor immediately changed as she directed every bit of her attention towards him. She suddenly broke away from Cathenna into a stiff legged trot, tail waving high above her back while her eyes cut like daggers into the forehead of the dusky brute. 

She came upon him like a wave, intending to bowl him over into further submission or scare him into fleeing the scene.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Cathenna - January 05, 2017

As the woman turned to her Cathenna was struck with a sense of nostalgia, remembering her Sisters from the Themiscrya Coast. She remembered hearing not to long ago of Nereides Sisters looking for a new place to call their own. Had she stumbled upon them? As her heart began to race and her mind thinking of a future along side her sisters, a future she had once thought lost to her, Cathenna took a longing step toward the woman. Questions filling her trap.... Until they were rudly interupted. Tearing her gaze away from her new unknown Sister, her ocean gaze bore into the new male. Cathenna slowly sauntered over to the male and the sea-wolf, keeping her distance. Being in a jovial mood at the moment, still stuck in the euphoria of her past and the elation of her future. Still unawares of the fae that had followed her from the beach, Cathenna's full attention having been focused on the female and the appearance of the male.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Indie - January 05, 2017

There was movement, excitement! Indie’s eyes dated wildly from the women to the brute who had burst onto the scene. What was going on here? At first it had been strange how the male seemed so submissive — that was not like the men she was used to, and the sight of it was something rather odd. But then the the shewolf who was not Cathenna rushed him with the ferocity of a mercenary, which took Indie by surprise. The broad withheld a hot breath as she prepared for bloodshed. Eventually finding the release of exhalation, Indie snickered. There had to be a good story here: possibly a scorned lover? Maybe packwolves torn asunder? Her attentions were being tugged every which way and she could not help but approach.  She had to know more.

The energy in the air was frenetic and buzzed within Indie as she bounded from behind a tree and scaled the distance between herself and the others in several decorative leaps. Entering the scene from stage left, Indie was certain to have been seen. Indie rounded the three and halted several feet away, maintaining a respectful distance from both the women and the man. This handsome male had done nothing against her and the mistress would show him respect too.... but formalities with the quarrelsome two were for later - they were preoccupied, so Indie turned to Cathenna. Indie dipped her head in greeting. “What a wonder it is to see you again, Cathenna” she said loudly [so she would be heard], as if their meeting was pure chance and not intentional in the least. She quickly returned to the situation at hand, not wanting her curious intentions to slip away via a change in conversation.

“Is something the matter, here?”

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Thexxan - January 05, 2017

no worries! thex is used to it. ;-)

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Thexxan could tell the moment that one of the two women became aware of his presence. The conversation that the two women had held was put on hold. Even as the dark woman rushed at him Thexxan held his ground, refusing to flee even as she bowled him over and he pressed himself flat against the ground, lifting his chin and exposing his throat to her, a soft whine leaving his lips as he aimed to placate her. You are superior both his submissive form and soft, low whine spoke not just for her but for the benefit of the other woman’s as well. There was a part of the doctore that wondered if they would give chase to him if he fled but to flee was weakness to the women of Coatl’s Rise — even among the males.

Another woman joined them, emerging from the bushes and Thexxan averted his eyes from her, too, settling for his paws, stark against the soft ivory of the snow that blanketed the Chimera Fields. Though Thexxan got the distinct feeling that he was included in the question the newest arrival upon the scene posed he held to his silence, differing to the old (but safe he felt) rule of thumb: don’t speak unless spoken or given permission to.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Akantha - January 05, 2017

Akantha skidded to a stop as the male prostrated himself before her in direct reverence to her status as a female, and a Siren. Not that he could have possibly known the connection to the latter, but her arrogance on the matter was quite satisfied by the idea. Her tail cricked high above her hindquarters and she stared him down as the placating whine reached her ears. All was well enough for now. A note of disquiet reverberated in her chest, but she took a step back and allowed him the space to breathe once more.

No more was offered to him as she, finally, turned her attention to the newest figure on the field. She'd not caught the first thing the other said but her tail twitched at the question; as if it was not obvious. But she had to remind herself that the strangers knew nothing of their ways, or the wrongness of their own lives. 

Akantha cast a look towards Cathenna. She felt oddly at ease beside her, and it led her to believe there was more to it than simple circumstance. Still, she thought it best to answer the strange she-wolf's question. "Nothing, so long as he minds his place." She explained in her best Common.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Cathenna - January 05, 2017

Cathenna glanced over at Indie casually, she had no idea the woman had followed her and quite frankly wouldn't have cared if she had. The dark female could do as she pleased, "Greetings Indie, long time no see." Cathenna snorted slightly. She was about to explain what was happening when the sea-wolf responded for her. She was at ease with the situation, Cathenna's aunt had been specifically harsh toward males when she had been young. She knew that males were below them, "Males only have one purpose in our society Indie, we keep them around for procreation. They are useless otherwise." Speaking the frequent dialect for these lands, she looked over at the male, waiting to see if he would object, ready if he did. 

Deciding to give her greeting another shot, Cathenna straightened slightly, looking over the unknown female, "Χαιρετίσματα?" She tested the lanugage on the woman, looking in her gaze for recognition of the tongue that was so foreign to these parts and yet sat in her mouth with such ease.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Indie - January 07, 2017

The surprisingly scene continued to play out in front of Indie  — [if she had hands] she would have clapped with delight, so pleased was she!  The words “we” and “our” that Indie gleaned from the Cathenna and Akantha's frank conversation led Indie to believe they were sisters. Didn’t the familiar shewolf from the coast give her a better name for their… tribe? Ner-something.... oh well. Certain that she would hear the name thrown around at least once or twice, Indie stopped worrying and opportunity began to dawn. Cathenna had entertained and enticed her with talks of harpies and ocean deities, and now that Indie had [not one but] two standing right in front of her, she could receive a true glimpse of this fascinating zeitgeist!

The vaudevillian did felt somewhat bad for the cowering brute, whining as if he were a pup scared by a thunderstorm. Indie, of course, believed all men were licentious and scoundrels… But did that necessitate what Indie understood to be  to her sexual slavery? Indie didn’t necessarily think so. Indie’s probing gaze fell upon the dark man in the the snow and she dipped her head in a jeopardous greeting to him; both testing the situation and Thexxan’s resolve. No matter what, it was clear that he was weak anyways — only a weakling would let themselves suffer such a fate as slavery. He looked strong, like he could fight them! But he didn’t, so he must be weak-willed and unambitious, willing to do the bidding of others. Indie strongly believed that she held the power and desire to change her fate and direct the course of her life… but it was clear that he didn’t. Such a man made her uncomfortable, so Indie clicked her tongue in mock chastisement at the man-boy. “Well, shame on you and your manhood.”  

The two foreign women were speaking in that language [the one she heard by the coast] and as they spoke Olive swallowed her tongue and allowed unbidden silence to fall over her.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Thexxan - January 08, 2017

most of this post is useless filler fluff. >_>

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There was no touch of teeth against his throat, though his bared before her and there was a measure of relief that (for now) his submission appeased her. This, Thexxan was no stranger to. Though he may have bore the royal markings of the Coatl’s he was doctore. It was far as he would have ever seen in his life, the highest honor a gladiator could earn within the Rise and Thexxan had been content. He enjoyed teaching the boy pups that the Rise did not gift to the viking clan and showing off his prowess in battle. He did not enjoy battle but his willingness to impress was high enough to cancel it out (besides the fact that he’d truly had no choice).

Thexxan’s ears remained slicked back against his skull, prostrate before them. The one that had rushed him, the one he had pinned as the unofficial leader of this small group of women (even if that wasn’t the case) had not given him permission to rise and thus it was low and submissive he stayed even as they the two women who seemed to have a similar belief to the Amazon’s of Coatl’s Rise on a male’s place in the world turned their attention from him. The second one spoke, explaining to the third that a male’s only use in the world was to procreate. At that, Thexxan felt a slight swell of irritation but bid it back as he’d been conditioned to. At least the Amazon’s of Coatl’s Rise had thought them slightly more useful than to produce strong daughters. At least they served as entertainment and in times of severe crisis were allowed to fight side by side with the women. The purpose of becoming Gladiators was beyond ensuring they were strong and would, in accordance, produce strong daughters. It went deeper than that: a Trojan horse of sorts. As adamant and vocal as they were about a male’s place in their society none would expect them to be trained in anything, let along be formidable warriors themselves. At least, not until it was too late.

Pale eyes remained focused upon the frozen earth, ravaged and blanketed in snow when the third woman clicked her tongue at him chaste but also mocking as she spoke of his shame on being born a male. Would he have been in the presence of males as opposed to superiors he would have let out a bitter, mirthless laugh. As it was, he could feel it bubble within his chest but he never allowed it to breach his lips. You have no idea, he though acidly. Ironically, his mother had a very similar, very serious view on the matter.

RE: my fingers laced a crown - Akantha - January 10, 2017

Though the stranger deferred to her, still, Akantha was not pleased with the tract of the conversation. She felt exposed, and didn't appreciate the way the other dusky woman observed them as if they were players on a stage. Her ears swiveled back in a flash of uncertainty until an upwelling of falsified confidence replaced it again a moment later. This was too much, too many, and too close still to the packs that surrounded them on nearly every front. 

Akantha looked out across the plains and scowled to no one but herself (and maybe the male). He remained low to the ground, far beneath her line of sight; perhaps he would be useful, if he could keep his tongue silent and his mind closed. The dark vaudevillian clicked her tongue and the sound caused Akantha's hair to stand on end for just a moment. It was not so much the action, or her words that bothered her. In fact, these females were more than fair company. She was simply too anxious to properly handle it.

"Is this your friend?" she asked as she returned her gaze to Cathenna, motioning with a flick of her muzzle towards Indie while simultaneously revealing she did, indeed, hail from similar roots. But despite lacking tolerance for strangers, she didn't like to raise their ire by speaking in foreign tongues in front of them, and quickly switched back to the strained common they were used to. "If you lack a home, the Sea can provide. If you wish for a full belly, She will keep you content." Akantha announced to the gathered wolves. "My sisters and I will teach you, if you can keep your mind open and mouth closed." while nearing the end of the sentence she had turned a piercing stare on Thexxan.