Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau on your side - Printable Version

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on your side - RIP Tytonidae - April 28, 2014

Takes place just outside the den. Assuming Perry, Kisu, and/or Hawkeye are standing by on watch.

Ty was allowed more and more freedoms as she grew and aged, although most of the time, she still felt things were unfair. She wanted to go further eat more and stay up later than everybody else. Ty was usually the last of her siblings to fall asleep, keeping her eyes open for as long as her small body would allow and often falling asleep only when she could no longer keep her head off of the ground. For her, life was one hundred percent go-time, and sleep was for the weak.

Having just awoken from her mid-morning nap, Tytonidae burst from the mouth of the den barking and yapping for no apparent reason. The sun was bright, causing her to blink her still baby-blue eyes and cease her (likely annoying) vocalizations. Spotting one of her favorite things nearby (a stick), Ty bounded toward it with glee, her feet disobeying her and landing her face-first in the dirt. The girl yelped, almost entirely from surprise and not at all from pain, got back on her feet, and walked more slowly toward the stick. Once there, she pounced on it, grabbing it between her tiny needle teeth and shaking it back and forth.

RE: on your side - Blue Willow - April 29, 2014

I'm going to Commandeer this thread because I can :D

Blue willow loped into view as was usual for her of late always with food for the leaders, Kisu and or the pups if the alphas and Kisu decided that the pups could have it. She smiled as she set the food down and then chuckled out loud when the pup hit the ground.

She stepped closer and sat down watching the little girl play with the stick. "you like that stick do you little girl. She licked her muzzle and watched the other daughter of Peregrine and Hawkeye chew at the stick as if it were an enemy of her.

RE: on your side - RIP Tytonidae - May 07, 2014

Ty's head whipped around (almost causing her to topple over again) when she heard Blue Willow's voice. It was one she was familiar with, and the whelp wagged her tail, dropping the stick and wiggling her way over to the lady. This wolf was a newer presence in her life, and yet because Mom and Dad trusted her, so did Tytonidae. Once Ty reached Beedubs (lol silly nickname), she lowered onto her belly and crawled toward the guardian.

“Waaaaa,” she drawled, still in the phase of testing out sounds to hear what they would sound like. “Zk! Zk! Zzzzzk!” It was nonsense, but boy, was it fun nonsense.

RE: on your side - Blue Willow - May 08, 2014

Aww i think it's cute the nickname i mean she can call her than if she wants too lol

Blue bent down to the little female princess's level and gave her a lick on the head. She smiled at her choice of nonsense words. She did not know Ty as well as Jr or Pura so she was unsure how she would react to playing and what not, but Blue was more than willing to learn. She chuckled again and she bent down and repeated what the girl had said, followed by her own nonsense words BAAA! LAAA! AHH!.

She tilted an ear and moved a paw in case the little girl wanted to chew on her paw as her little family was prone to do.

RE: on your side - RIP Tytonidae - May 11, 2014

Neat! And sorry I'm slowish with Ty. Still getting into her character...

The sounds were repeated, and Ty barked and wagged her tail with excitement. Things were always so much more interesting when she was the center of attention. Then, new sounds were made by Beedubs, and Ty took this to mean that she should repeat them. “BAH!” she shouted right in the guardian's face. It probably wasn't the most socially acceptable thing to do. “LA! AHHHHHHHH!”

Wound up by all this yelling, Ty spun around and barked at Beedubs, slapping her paws on the ground and play-growling. She jumped backwards, hoping to invite the guardian to play with her. Ty then pounced on Beedubs's paw, growling as her tiny needle teeth prodded and poked at it.

RE: on your side - Blue Willow - May 12, 2014

No problem i think she's adorable by the way :D

Blue Chuckled and she spun around once though not as enthusiastic as the little she wolf in front of her. Most looking upon her would probably think she was foolish and a bit touched in the head, but she found she frankly did not care. A puppy needed entertained and by golly she would do it.

Blue gently flipped the girl onto her back and play growled back. She also play bowed though it was a bit more exaggerated and low for most. She then wagged her tail and held out her paw and side stepped once or twice and smiled baring teeth but gently so as to not frighten. Though in most cases these pups were fearless.