Wolf RPG
Stone Circle layaway - Printable Version

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layaway - Grayday Sr. - January 09, 2017

It'd taken several days of long reflection for Day to realize that what he'd been feeling had a name: heartbreak. It didn't register at first. He'd been worried about the kids and hurt by the mother's apparent betrayal, but he hadn't thought about missing her, not at first. Despite everything, Day had just never thought of her like that - as a lover, as a friend. She'd been his partner. The mother of his children. Everything but who she ought to have been, first and foremost. And, despite everything, she'd become that - or had started to, before she went away.

And now Day missed her, pined for her, felt his heart creak when he heard her name or caught the dying whispers of her scent on the breeze. Surprised him every time, too - to know that he'd loved her after all. But there was nothing he could do about that, even if he could make up his mind about what he would've done differently, if he could go back and do it all again. Those options weren't open to him, and so, he chose not to dwell on it.

The worst of the storm was over, and Day was managing to get by the same as he always had, though he was a little more reserved than he had been.

Today, he was hunting. Really hunting, as the kids were now old enough to know how to stick around and not wander off into a snowstorm. He trusted them to entertain themselves for a few hours during the day, and even if he hadn't, he trusted his pack mates to stop them if they ended up doing something dangerous. So Grayday pushed the kids from his mind and trotted through the snow, his broad chest breaking a path through the fresh, crusty layer that'd built up overnight. All trails would be covered, but he wasn't going to let that deter him. Sometimes, you just had to grasp at the wind.

RE: layaway - Sunny - January 10, 2017

Sunny had awoken to find daddy gray was gone, and he looked around the dark den for a few moments before letting out a sleepy yawn. He carefully peeled himself away from Dawn and walked to the entrance of the den, to watch the snow fall. The snow was so beautiful, The fact of how every flake was made different and Unique only to disappear in a few moments and be replaced by another intrigued him for some reason. This morning was slightly colder than usual and he had to shift away from the opening of the den to avoid the breeze that stung his eyes and made them water.

Turning his head back to Dawn he smiled softly his chest becoming filled with an emotion he had yet to name, but one that warmed him from the inside out. His sister was so precious and small (Even though he was the same size), and he wanted to protect her forever. Mama still hadn't come back home and he had come to resign himself to the fact that maybe she had disappeared just like the snowflakes, here one moment and gone forever the next. The thought saddened him and he felt a keening rise in his throat, and lifted his muzzle to the air releasing a small series of howls. It was the first time he had made such a sound but it made him feel better, so he continued to howl long drawn out high pitched sounds until he couldn't anymore. Once done he lay down and put his head on his paws, staring out into the field waiting for his daddy to come back again.

RE: layaway - Grayday Sr. - January 10, 2017

The hunt was abandoned as soon as his son's voice came from the direction of the den. Day turned at once, double-timing it back to where he'd left the kids. Nothing seemed to be amiss, but the male swivelled his ears around anyway, listening for signs of danger as he dipped his head to give Sunny a lick on the cheek.

"Are y'alright, buck-o?" Day asked, looking past him to check up on @Dawn, too. Sleeping, not dead, he thought to himself, nosing over his little princess as well.

RE: layaway - Sunny - January 11, 2017

Daddy Gray had come back really fast, and sunny stood up wagging his tiny tail and greeted his father with a lick to the chin. He watched as Grayday went to check on Dawn,and asked him a question "Im alwight, just miss momma. She's never comin back is she?" he asked sadly looking up at Grayday with big eyes. He moved over to Dawn and tucked himself by her side, keeping his head lifted off the ground to look at his father. "I dont want Dawn to be sad....can't we keep her happy?" he asked hopefully.

He didn't want his little sister to feel the bitter ache that had begun when Amber disappeared that day, and that had slowly began to get worse as he realized that his mother wouldn't come home. To him Dawn was precious, way to innocent for the nasty feeling he had been exposed to.

RE: layaway - Grayday Sr. - January 11, 2017

"I don't know, Sunny," he admitted, his heart twisting as he thought of how much more awful this must be for his kids. He hated to think of them missing Amber even more than he hated to miss her himself, and it didn't sit right with him that Sunny had to worry about Dawn like this - they were the same age, and they both ought to have a few worry-free months before they were expected to start helping out. They were growing up too fast.

"Of course we can," said Day, curling protectively around the two of them. "I don't want either of you to be sad. Is there anything I can do to make it better?" he asked, at a loss for what exactly he was meant to do. He knew he wasn't in the best state of mind to be taking care of children, but he could - he would - push that all aside and knuckle down. Still, what else could be done? Maybe Sunny had the answer.

RE: layaway - RIP Valette - January 12, 2017

Valette had been looking for Grayday. The news of Amber had reached her ears and being the mother of Keoni and Nikai she wanted to offer Grayday her help where she could. She did not give any milk but she could feed them along with Keoni and Nikai. She would be open to babysit them or have them all snuggle against her in one big pile.

The female soon found Grayday and Sunny outside. It was cold and she was briefly worried it was not too cold for the pup. She caught part of their conversation. "I hope I am not intruding?," she asked kindly. "What I noticed with Keoni and Nikai was that they were very adaptable," she told Day. Then she moved her muzzle down and nosed lovingly over Sunny. "If it makes you happy I be your part time mom? If you miss her you can just come to me and maybe I can make you feel better?," she offered the pup.

RE: layaway - Sunny - January 13, 2017

Gray asked him what would make him feel better, and being a child the answer was simple. He was about to respond when Valette showed up and spoke to daddy gray about Nikai and Keoni, before nuzzling him. The gesture relaxed him and he stood on his hind legs, lifting his muzzle he licked Valette's face happily his fore paws braced on her chest.

Once he was done returning the affection he looked back at Grayday with a smile "We can play tug?" He suggested the game that had been his favorite for a while. It involved a dead piece of prey that would be tugged between two wolves.

RE: layaway - Grayday Sr. - January 14, 2017

Lately, he'd been fluctuating between two extremes: either being completely unable to control his emotions, or being unable to feel emotion at all. It seemed that he was in the former mood, because when Valette appeared and shared her view on the situation, several different feeling popped into his head in quick succession.

First it was gladness - he liked Valette, and visits from her were always welcome.

Then it was anger. He was angry that she would even suggest such a thing. These kids had a mother, and Valette couldn't just come and replace Amber like she'd never existed. Who did she think she was? Did she think Day couldn't handle this on his own?

Desperation was next. He'd been realizing more and more that he couldn't handle these two on his own - not emotionally, at least. Maybe in a few weeks he'd be feeling more up to the task, but for now, all he could do was provide for them, keep them safe, and grope blindly at straws as he tried to figure out how to raise them.

Finally, he was relieved. Relieved and indebted and tired and confused. Day let out a heavy, shuddering sigh, trying to release all these stupid feelings so he didn't cry in front of the kids. Everything had just been so overwhelming lately, and then Val just came and swept some of the weight onto her own shoulders, and Day feels like he can do this, now. The boat was still leaking, but now he and Valette both had a bucket.

They were going to make it.

"Thank you," Day said quietly, thinking that she would never know the depth of those words. He meant them, like he'd never meant anything else he ever said. It was a bone-deep kind of graditude, and Day knew that he would never forget this.

But there were bigger fish to fry - a little boy wanted to play, and Day could do that. He could try.

"Alright!" he said, grabbing a scrap of drying ligament that'd been discarded earlier that day. "But you gotta catch it first," he told the kid, speaking through his teeth as he kept a tight grip on the scrap of flesh. He'd jerk it away a few times before letting the kid catch the end.

RE: layaway - RIP Valette - January 17, 2017

Valette only wanted to be a help for Grayday. She did not mean to offend him like she had done also when Amber was still here. Perhaps she shouldn't even have offered. Grayday said not much but his face spoke of the emotions he was going through. Valette hoped that she hadn't made things worse. "Let me know where I can help. I will leave you two to it," she offered and then quickly turned and let Grayday play with his son.

She did not need a repeat from last time, and it seemed she might have been offering at the wrong time. Perhaps Grayday just needed to think about it and he would be fine. Who knows. For now the female went back to her own young.

RE: layaway - Sunny - January 17, 2017

The game was agreed to and Sunny set forth after the ligament with a hearty pounce, moving his paws and finding them empty. He growled softly and lunged again this time finding the dead thing in his mouth, and he tugged back sharply. He growled through his closed mouth and jerked his head to the side, then to the other as he tried to yank the toy from his father's mouth. Almost instinctually he came up with a plan, and ran around Grayday's legs the ligament yanking against Grayday's legs and tugging them off balance. 

Sunny let out a frustrated growl, as that hadn't gone as planned. His father's legs were supposed to be shoved out from under him and he was supposed to fall, letting go of the toy. Nevertheless Sunny did not give up, yanking back against the ligament which now tugged against Grayday's teeth and legs at an uncomfortable angle.

RE: layaway - Grayday Sr. - January 19, 2017

Day paused his game with his son to dart after Valette, not liking the uncertainty in her stance.

"Hey," he said sternly, catching a tuft of her fur briefly between his teeth. "I mean it, Valley - thank you. I don't know what we'd all do without you."

RE: layaway - RIP Valette - January 19, 2017

Valette turned around when Grayday called her back. She turned and looked surprised, yet it was soon replaced by a smile. The female swayed her tail gently. "I didn't mean to hurt you with my words. I'm glad you think that Day. I was just worried I said something to hurt you," she admitted to the grey male. Valette didn't want to upset the other in any way, and perhaps that she wanted to a mother figure for his kids was perhaps too early for the male. "I'm glad I didn't hurt you or anything," she commented.

RE: layaway - Sunny - January 19, 2017

The toy was let go and Sunny grinned through the mouthful of fur, walking around with the ligament hanging from his mouth tail held high and wagging. Moving to the entrance of the den he peeked out to see where Gray went. Spotting him near valette he shrugged and turned back around to chew on the ligament inside.

RE: layaway - Grayday Sr. - January 22, 2017

Her words had hurt, but she hadn't meant them to. And, more than that, it was something that he'd been needing to hear. He knew, of course, that the rest of the pack would always pitch in whenever it was needed, and he knew that Steady and Valette were, perhaps, the most selfless in this. Steady was more like a second father to his kids than an uncle, so it only made sense that Valette would be willing to step in as a part-time mother for them.

"It did hurt - I think it'll always hurt me when I can't do everything," Day admitted, "But I can't do everything, and it's good to be reminded that I'm not alone. I've got a very selfless and wonderful leader to help me out."

He nudged her shoulder, ears folded down in an unusually obvious sign of submission. He owed his leaders big-time.

"And... you're never intruding. Drop by whenever, okay?" he added, remembering her words from earlier.

He turned back to Sunny, eyeing the ligament with renewed interest. Suddenly, playing didn't seem like such a chore. With a soft yip, he descended on the boy, teeth snapping playfully at the strip of flesh.

RE: layaway - RIP Valette - January 22, 2017

Valette's ears dropped visibly when Grayday admitted that her words hurt him. That was her worst fear. Though the male continued making her feel better for hurting him. Valette realized that Grayday was a perfectionist and liked to do everything himself. It was a bit like how she often was. His words made her smile once more. "You should be reminded that you are never alone. We are a family Grayday," She returned to him.

She almost felt awkward how much submission he was showing her. But she reminded herself that she was higher in rank than him it didn't mean that she was better. She realized that she couldn't have gotten a more greater honor from one of their members. She nudged him back. Grayday was a good friend, or better like an older brother. "I know you would do the same for me," she returned with a smile. "I will remember that. Glad that this is settled. It is the same for you. We always have time for you Day," she added with a smile. It widened when she saw the two play again. She could tell some of his tension was gone.