Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Homeland - Printable Version

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Homeland - Blue Willow - April 28, 2014

Willow stood watching the sun rise her tail upright on her back as she watched it turn the sky to glowing embers of beauty. She smiled softly to herself and took a deep breath of the morning air, inhaling the new morning scents and the dewy moist smell of spring. She closed her eyes to enjoy the first rays of the sun lifting her face to point up towards the sun. It was going to be a good day.

She stood like that as she thought of her parents and wished them well. She wished that she could speak to them or send a message to them, but it was not even possible for her to know where they were at this moment. As far as she knew they were in the middle of travel her father always started them walking before dawn.

RE: Homeland - Pura - May 01, 2014

Is it alright if I assume it's near enough to the den for Pura to join in? :D

Pura VirtĂște was almost as fascinated by colour as he was by faeces and feet. Almost. The pup's first experiences of dawn and dusk had nearly caused his brain to explode, but shock was absent from subsequent experiences, and he was able to enjoy himself.

Kisu accompanied him that morning, allowing the boisterous pup to stretch his growing legs on a little trip away from the den. It wasn't far - a few hundred meters at most - but Pura took full advantage. He bounded and leaped on his now much sturdier legs, testing his father's patience by veering off route more than once. The pup's fur had thickened, and he was starting to look more like a wolf than a helpless meat parcel. One ear stood upright, but its fellow on the right side of Pura's head lagged behind. It gave him a permanently quizzical look.

"Boo-bloo!" he hollered when the pack's healer (or 'Boo-bloo') came into view, cannoning into her legs with a muffled 'thunk'. Kisu held back, allowing his son space to make his own way through the social maze. As was customary, the whelp gnawed on one of her knees in greeting - as much a habit now as his very frequent, very regular toilet trips - and stared up at her with big, adoring eyes, tail jiggling his plump rear. Boo-bloo was the ultimate game master, and Pura always had high expectations of any encounter with her. "Pleeeh?" he begged, meaning 'play' but struggling to move beyond vowels.

RE: Homeland - Blue Willow - May 01, 2014

Of course I think Pura and all his bodily functions is adorable.

Blue Willow heard the small pitter patter of tiny footfalls and she turned to see Kisu and Pura coming towards her. She smiled at the sight of father and son, though her heart went out to the older male that strode towards her to lose not one but two mates and at least half of your children well to her it was unfathomable.

Blue Willow heard her name reverted to baby syllables before she was badly bruised around the legs from the full on tackle she received from the little boy. She bent down as he chewed at her knees and gave him a lick to the head and a small nuzzle "hello Pura. She chuckled at his excitement to see her and she sat down to her haunches and spoke quietly "You want a game Pura do you? She had to think hard for a game for the pup to play. She decided perhaps a game of cat and mouse. She looked around and found a bright blue feather picking it up gently in her mouth she stood up.

Bending down so she was nose to nose with him she chuffed gently and wagged her tail and she bounded to the side, but slow enough that he could catch her. She hoped he would catch on quickly.

RE: Homeland - Pura - May 04, 2014

Cat and mouse - or 'catch the thing!' - was a game Pura knew well, though his adversaries were usually much smaller. He copied Blue Willow's play bow - hind legs quivering with pent-up energy and puppy blues locked on the prize. Three, two..

Suddenly, Blue Willow swung to the left - in the heat of the moment, Pura flung himself in the opposite direction. He was sensible enough to realize his mistake whilst still flying through the air and scrambled to rectify the situation, scrabbling at the ground as soon as his big paws found soil again. He ran at Blue Willow's side, squeezed under her belly and came up snapping and pawing at the feather on her other side.

RE: Homeland - Blue Willow - May 04, 2014

Blue Willow chuckled as he slid under her belly and she tickled him in the nose with the feather before backing up and shifting and turning the other way. She again stood facing him and bowed low daring him to try and get it. This time she would let him get it, after all you couldn't make it so easy in the beginning the little ones would grow bored. They needed a challenge. She gave him a mock growl waiting for him to come and get it.

RE: Homeland - Pura - May 05, 2014

Blue Willow narrowly avoided his sneaky attack - at least that was what Pura assumed; his self-confidence was on an unbridled upwards trajectory and he had yet to encounter a challenge that seemed insurmountable.

His playmate bowed again - Pura VirtĂște copied. They stared at each other, muscles quivering with anticipation of the other's move. This time, the pup feinted (quite cleverly, for someone so young) to the right, then flew forward to grasp at the prize in the healer's grasp.

RE: Homeland - Blue Willow - May 05, 2014

Blue Willow laughed out loud when he seized the prize and she backed up and tapped him lightly with her paw so as to not hurt him. She gave him a small mock growl and waited to see what he would do.

Would he show off his prize or would he want her to join in again. Jr was always quick to strut her prizes around, she briefly wondered if Pura would be the same way.

RE: Homeland - Pura - May 15, 2014

Sorry for the slow!

Success! The feather changed hands - or mouths - and Pura scuttled away from Blue Willow with his prize clamped firmly between his jaws. She tapped him gently on the head, inviting a second round. Brimming with energy and eager to play again, this time with the roles reversed, the little whelp turned to face his opponent, head lowered protectively and legs wide, preparing to leap away from any attempts to retrieve the feather. Come at me, bro!

RE: Homeland - Blue Willow - May 15, 2014

Blue chuckled low and softly and she jumped forward and playfully nipped at the air near the prize, then jumped back again. She then jumped at his small side licking him in the process. and then moved back to the front of him a wolfish grin on her face.

She barked though quietly at him and growled yet again and jumped forward at the feather seeing if she would win or if he would leap out of the way just in time.

It's okay and i think he is adorable by the way i want to snuggle him all up

RE: Homeland - Pura - May 29, 2014

Concluding post? Feel free to power-play them going back to the den. :D

Blue Willow charged, but Pura was much too quick - or so he thought; what child would ever think that an adult wasn't really trying? The whelp howled a triumphant "Woo-woooo!" through clenched jaws, and was about to begin parading arrogantly about the clearing when the pack's Caretaker charged again - this time with intent.

"Wah!" the pup yelped, wide-eyed with surprise, but rather than retaliate he rolled himself into a tight, armadillo-style ball with the feather hidden against his tummy. The only two hind legs keeping him upright, Pura soon lost balance, toppling to the ground - the grass screamed violently whispered softly as it was brutally squashed. With his muzzle still tucked tightly against his chest and covered by a paw to protect the balls feathery center, the pup directed one cheeky, blue eye at Willow. "Win?"

RE: Homeland - Blue Willow - May 29, 2014

Blue Willow leaned down and nuzzled the boy Yes Pura you win. She gently shifted her weight and licked his furry head. Alright little one it is time to go home.

with little boy ghosting her steps proud with head held upright and the feather as his prize that traversed on their way home. She had to smile at him. He was a good boy and he was definitely going to have a lot of patience living in a world of nothing but females at least for the time being.