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Blacktail Deer Plateau dudes in bodegas - Printable Version

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dudes in bodegas - Indie - January 12, 2017

Forward dated to 1/13 for the thundersnow, anyone welcome!

Something was churning the earth; something was stirring the sky. The weather hadn’t been happy for a while, but now the titans above were gnashing their teeth in a show of dominance: flashes of light versus a low, rolling thunder. The storm sent her inland, seeking shelter. The first forest appeared to be claimed by a pack and though she considered harboring amongst their territory’s convenient fringes, the nefarious woman elected to eschew intrusion and move on. But as the storm whipped up, her ambling pace quickened and she ascended the canopied plateau that she found soon after.

Then the dark woman lay amongst the trees, somewhat concealed by the shadows. The strong trunks offered her some respite, but she chose to remain close enough to the plateau’s fringes to glimpse the splendid light show above. Her sculpted head balanced delicately upon her front paws as she rocked her head, massaging her velveted chin against the curvature of her toes. It was nice in this spot and she felt secure here. From her place upon the earth Indie warbled into the wind, her cool contralto swaying alongside the gusts as it whipped through the timbers, placing words upon the undulating staff of nature’s instruments. 

Good Lord above, can't you know I'm pining
Tears all in my eyes
Send down that cloud with a silver lining
Lift me to paradise
Show me that river

Take me across and wash all my troubles away
Like that lucky old sun, give me nothin' to do
But roll around heaven all day
roll around heaven
                    all day

RE: dudes in bodegas - Chip - January 13, 2017

I'm gonna assume they've at least come into contact with each other at some point, since they're roaming with each other. ^__^

The bitter, unkind cold had not left them. In fact, this morning, clouds had rolled in and snow had begun to fall. Chip had been following a weak-looking deer for the majority of her day, convinced that it would keel over any moment and leave her (and her crew) with some fresh meat to snack on. It looked as though the deer had been separated from its herd for quite some time, and Chip was bound and determined to stalk it right to its grave. And then eat it.

A voice caught Chip's attention, and thinking that it sounded familiar, she mentally pinpointed the spot where the deer was resting and took off toward the sound. This lazy, no-good freeloader was singing in the middle of a snowstorm. "Uh, hey," Chip said, approaching with a wary stance. "I don't think we've been formally introduced, but I'm Chip. I've been tracking this deer all day, and I think it's about to kick the bucket. You wanna help me carry some of it back to the others when that happens?" Chip asked, blurting everything out as quickly as she could.

RE: dudes in bodegas - Kalika - January 19, 2017

Hope it's fine for Kali to jump in :)

There were two of them; both women of more wisdom than she, and both of Kalika's band. The scent recognition was almost immediate as she approached, and greetings were quickly made. A chuff and a smile crossed her face for the women along with an introductory statement for each — Hello. You travel with us, no? — Kalika gave a dopey look to the woman, one that hid both coquetry and teasing. Then, she turned to the other who she seemed to have interrupted and made another greeting, And you as well?

RE: dudes in bodegas - Indie - January 19, 2017

Wow, sorry for the wait guys!

The vamp was not alone for long — good. Indie preferred this way. She was a woman much more attuned to life amongst the hustle and bustle others and preferred it to even a single a moment in solitude. The storm had been what drove her from the nuclear core of the vagrant Nereides group, for she would have not left their company on their own accord. Indie would return to them eventually, when the supposed “sea god” pacified itself and the weather settled. These Sirenfolk were strange, but she found she liked their exoticism and always wanted to learn more. Perhaps within their culture she would find inspiration, her muse; a song for the vaudevillian to sing across the wilds. Interested in her new company, Indie’s slow aria faded away and her gaze rested upon the chestnut-hued female.

She proposed that Indie assist in bringing a meal to the others; a task that Indie could not righty refuse. With a stately nod, Indie conceded the better part of her day to the woman. “Aye, of course. That’s a great find.” A shiver escaped down Indie’s spin, though her inky pelt [as well as the timbers of the thick forest] did much to save her from the buffeting winds. “I do hope the thing waits until this storm is over, though.” 

A second, paler female arrived on the scene. Both the first and the second woman to arrive were familiar, but like so many others in Nereides, many vital details seemed to slip Indie’s mind. She was guilty of spending most of her time with her friend Cathenna, but it seemed as thought Indie were still somewhat of an outsider and a small wall remained standing between her and the sisters. Like so many others, she would need to earn the trust of this faction. One of the main obstacles to this was linguistics — Indie fell flat when it came to anything other than the common tongue and she challenged the commonly accepted rules of speech, as hers was riddled with colloquialisms, sonnets, metaphors and terminology that she seemingly made up herself. If anything, Indie was the opposite of proper.

The new woman spoke some words in that foreign language, which the dark woman found it impossible to understand and respond to. She cocked her head and darted her eyes from woman to woman, wondering if Chip knew greek any better than she.

RE: dudes in bodegas - Chip - January 23, 2017

*creates intra-pack rivalries*

The black wolf seemed agreeable to helping, and Chip breathed a sigh of relief. At least it wasn't a lazy freeloader, and she happened to speak real words… not that gibberish the sea wolves were trying to teach her. (That might end up being a lost cause.) Before they could get to the task at hand, though, the same wolf Chip had encountered a day or two prior had arrived. Chip let out an audible groan, remembering how the foreign-speaking wolf had not exactly given her a great first impression.

"Dude, neither of us know what you're saying. We are going to go get some food for the pack. Are you gonna help or what?" Chip's tone was terse and to the point, and she didn't wait for an answer before giving the black wolf a "let's go" gesture and heading back to the last location she'd seen the tiring deer. "I'm Chip, by the way," she said quietly to the dark wolf, hopefully out of earshot of the white ~princess.~

RE: dudes in bodegas - Kalika - January 23, 2017

Kalika smirked curtly as Chip dismissed her presence. She then turned to the other (Indie, she believed) and gave a more friendly look of explanation. I was just trying to make introductions, is all. As she saw them stand to move away, Kalika chose to follow suit simply to piss of Chip if for no other reason. Hello there, Chip. Her voice carried a sarcastic lilt with it, though her body language gave off nothing but kind vibes. Looking to Indie, Kalika began to speak again, Any idea what's out there? haven't seen anything.

RE: dudes in bodegas - Indie - January 23, 2017


Chip’s immediate reaction delighted Indie immensely. The rawness and unabashed honesty of the comment pulled loud laughs from deep in Indie’s chest… but the vamp did not laugh directly at Kalika; no, Indie would never purposefully burn a bridge like that. Indie was chuckling more at the awkwardness of the entire situation and Chip’s alacrity [this agouti shewolf was astonishingly brilliant in her mannerisms]. Chip gestured that Indie should follow and the veiled mummer did so gladly, a small white shadow following at their heels.

“I’m Indie,” the inked woman responded when Chip’s moniker was offered. It was funny how she could travel with these wolves but never learn their name. When with the Nereides, the mummer was an interesting mix of introvert and extrovert. Indie loved to entertain them as much as she loved to be entertained by them, and these exertions did not leave much time to form bonds and friendships. Yes, Indie loved the limelight… but it was all just an act. One-on-one was truly where she shined. And here she was, one-on-one [kinda] with the seemingly only other sane wolf here.

 Time to create a friendship.

The white shadow perked up it’s voice to make comments, but did not offer her name. Indie crooked an eyebrow at the girl, glancing over her shoulder. “There’s a deer up there; it’s dying,” Indie said smoothly, dismissively. Indie would never dare to be outright rude to someone, for Indie would play both fields until the day she died… and Chip kinda seemed like the type of wolf who could understand that. Indie’s golden gaze flicked back to the brown creature at her side. “Where yah from?” she said to Chip, mirroring her lackadaisical manner of speaking and hinting at what was glaringly obvious: that they both were clearly not born of this Nereides culture.