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Silver Creek my tails frozen, and my nose is froze - Printable Version

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my tails frozen, and my nose is froze - Freyja - January 16, 2017

Though it had taken Freyja quite a while, she had finally come to terms with settling down in Silver Creek. Even though she had found herself wanting to press on, she knew that this would do them no good. As she had said upon arrival to the creek, the conditions outside would have killed them easily. In their short time in the ranks of Silver Creek, the trio had experienced Thundersnow, a phenomenon that enticed the silver huntress, had flared up around the region and had lit the sky with electricity. Though she had been startled by the occurrence, she also could not draw her eyes away from the show. 

She awoke early on the morning of the 16th, blinking slowly as she turned to Seff. The three travelers were currently sharing the same den, but, Freyja had found herself curled up next to Seff every morning. She smiled at the sight of him, pleased to wake up next to him again. 

"Hey, @Seff," she said, reaching forward to nudge his cheek. Though she still found herself squinting from the soft light that trickled into the den,  Freyja could tell it had stopped snowing. With the indications of such conditions, Freyja wanted to take advantage of the weather outside. "You want to go catch some breakfast?" 

RE: my tails frozen, and my nose is froze - Seff - January 16, 2017

He had been awake a while,  simply content to watch the world outside their den. Sleep had not come easy, for his dreams had been dark and uneasy, images of his mother retreating into the wood, of fog and shadow enveloping her and taking her her from him. Of him returning, but he could not find her, and Nemesis a rage filled wraith lunging for his head. Confusing and frightening they were, and he could not allow himself to fall into sleep once more.

I nudge and a few words from Freyjahad him shift and loolook to her with a soft smile, though he suddenly found himself staring at this girl he had fallen for. He had, quite literally, left behind all he had ever known and loved to travel with her in search of a place they might both find they belonged.  And while he did not think that Silver Creek was that place, he would not leave yet, for it was not the time, and he felt that he owed them something, for sheltering them. 

he blinked, drawing his gaze away with a sheesheepish grin. He was enamourned by the woman, for not only was she beautiful, but brave and strong and so much more. And, she was all that he had. 

"yes " he agreed simply, returInn her soft nnudge and rising to his feet, glancing once at Hvit and then quiclyy back to Freyja. "lead the way, oh mighty huntress" he implored with a grin, slipping from the den and hesitating so that he may follow at her side to wherever she may lead.

RE: my tails frozen, and my nose is froze - Freyja - January 16, 2017

If Freyja had known of the haunts that had plagued his dreams, Freyja would have done everything in her power to calm him from such things. He, along with Hvitserk, was all she had left in the world and she would do everything in her power to protect both her infatuation and her brother. They had all given up on their previous lives in pursuit of the place where they belonged. Though their road had not been paved with the easiest path, the three young wolves had found themselves in a place where they could survive for now. When the snow stopped, Freyja knew that she would want to hit the road again. 

When he replied, her eyes danced, and a smile spread across her lips. Not offering much more, the huntress pushed herself onto her paws, gave herself a good shake, and turned momentarily towards her sleeping sibling. Knowing that he deserved a morning to rest, Freyja decided then that she would bring him back some breakfast. With this plan decided, Freyja turned back towards the cave's entrance and slid past Seff as she went to exit their temporary home. 

Entering the snow was never an easy task for Freyja and as she stepped into the fresh powder. She found herself stiffening as the chill rushed through her entire being and she turned to Seff with wide eyes. 

"Have you ever seen so much snow?" she asked, her head tilting as she spoke. When she was younger, she had experienced snow, but it was never to the proportions that had accumulated in the past few weeks. Still shivering, the woman pushed on another step of so, looking to the sand-colored wolf as he replied.

RE: my tails frozen, and my nose is froze - Seff - January 18, 2017

the cold, it seemed, still lingered over them. the chill swept through his fur, and he fought a shiver. he gave his pelt a stiff shake to rid it of the thin layer of snow that the wind had just recently swept upon it, and turned with a smile to Freyja. "never" he replied simply, for he had been born in early spring, never having in his life experienced such conditions. and he was in no way hoping that they would last. spring, sadly, still seemed a few months off, though he hoped the tempurature would at least rise a little more. 

"Should we run? it might warm us up" he suggest nonchalantly, though he gazed to her with a hint of teasing challenge in his eyes. though he found himself to be preoppupied with a great many thoughts that he as a pup had never had to deal with (chiefly, surviving, Freyja, how exactly to repay the Creek for taking them in and a thousand other small worries), still he was up for a game occasionally, however small. and a race might be both fun and useful in the bitter cold.

RE: my tails frozen, and my nose is froze - Freyja - January 18, 2017

She nodded at his response, meeting her gaze with his briefly. But, as their sights were connected, she looked away shyly as she felt a sudden flush flare on the bridge of her nose. "Y-Yeah," she offered quickly, her tail swaying gently as she attempted to compose herself. "Me either." Being born in the Summer, Freyja had just experienced her first snow a few months back. When she had talked to Dio about snow, she probably would never have imagined just how much snow they'd get. 

She only turned to him as he offered a suggestion. Her eyes shone at the invitation, and she nodded quickly. But, before she said anything, the woman leaped forward and didn't stop once she landed. Instead, with a broad grin, she began to run off in no particular direction.