Wolf RPG
Stone Circle A dream is a wish your heart makes - Printable Version

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A dream is a wish your heart makes - Mara Susi - January 20, 2017

An amber gaze stared down upon a young soul, petite but full of neverending energy. The tiny tail wagged as the owner returned to stare up at her, yipping joyfully as could be. The small yearling was perfect, beyond she could imagine, every whine, every yip, every tail wag, every action the young wolf made excelled the definition of perfect. Then her eyes opened, and Mara was met with the unfortunate reality of being without a child. The wolfess blinked, suddenly lifting her head to guarantee there indeed was no young pup for her to dote on. A wave of melancholy fell over her, yes the girl always wished to be a mother but she never yearned for one like she did now. It was foreign to desire something so badly, especially since the longing hadn't been so strong merely a few hours before her rest. 

She decided a walk would do her good, aimless or not. Mara stood from her bed made in snow, her agouti coat now drenched in frigid water, making the weather even harder to withstand, but her thoughts made it less prominent than it already was. Mara continued to roam the grounds of Easthollow, trying to draw her thoughts from her want to be a mother, it was unrealistic anyway. She wouldn't want a child without the relationship of a strong father, but her dream had made the desire only grow. No, she couldn't have a child alone, they deserved a father in their life no matter how desperate she was to have a pup. These aspirations are sure to fade anyway, they're but a phase... For once the usually antisocial wolf wished for someone to appear, mainly to distract her from herself.

RE: A dream is a wish your heart makes - Sunny - January 20, 2017

mind if I hop in?

Sunny had become a real escape artist recently. Leaving the den despite the cold weather and exploring the land by himself gave him happiness, and he often made his escapes when Dawn was asleep and daddy was too so that he could leave without worrying about his sister. This time he wasn't quite alone however as his nose twitched at a semi familiar scent. He followed the scent until he was able to see a multi colored woman standing in the cold, fur soaking wet.

Tipping to announce his presence he bounded over to her, tail waggling at the excitement of finding another pack member "hellowhatcha doin? Why are you wet?"  he chirped the questions at her happily his head tilted to the side in a cute fashion, a big toothy smile on his face.

RE: A dream is a wish your heart makes - Mara Susi - January 20, 2017

Mara was startled by the yip, her useless nose not picking up on another's presence. Thinking of the devil, a most adorable dusty young boy bounded toward her in a most cute fashion. In most cases, someone would feel even more depressed about their lack of children when being forced to speak to one that wasn't there own, but she could only feel joy when staring down at the yearling. 

She chuckled lightly at his enthusiasm over something so little, her eyes were bright and lacked the sadness they once held. Mara glanced down at her drenched fur, before refocusing on the pup. They were familiar... aha! Day's son, she remembered them during the precaution of denning as a pack together during the storm. Unfortunately, she never learned their name, and she felt awkward asking. "I fell asleep in the snow is all." Mentioning it only made it seem even more freezing, and she held back a shiver. "I'm just walking, what are you doing?" Mara asked with a small grin.

RE: A dream is a wish your heart makes - Sunny - January 20, 2017

She slept in the snow? Thats badass! Sunny gave her a mischievous grin and shrugged "I snuck away from Daddy and Dawn. I always do, I want to learn the land so that I know where to go when I'm grown!" he boasted with no hint of guilt. He was still a bit young to know that if Gray saw him missing that his dad would probably flip out. Noticing her shiver he frowned and moved up to her, pressing his tiny form against her chest.

"You're cold. Why don't you come to our den? I'm sure daddy wouldn't mind too much!" he offered sympathetically, while rasping his tongue against her pelt like his mother did to keep him and Dawn warm in the cold. "Ever since momma left us, daddy's been real sad. Maybe your company could help him?"  he wondered out loud, his ears falling back against his skull at the mention of his mother. Nobody could ever replace her in his kind, but someone could help fill the gap for daddy.

RE: A dream is a wish your heart makes - Mara Susi - January 20, 2017

Mara's heart was warmed at the kind act of the young wolf before her, she couldn't express the enjoyment she had talking to someone so pure and young. "You shouldn't be sneaking off in the cold like this, next time you want to look for me instead, I'm learning the land myself." She admitted, sending him a smile. Although his small amount of body heat did little for her physical warmth, the effort was more than she could ever ask for. Though Mara couldn't help but step back, "Thank you, but I don't need to be getting you cold too."

His offer was unexpected, she certainly didn't want to intrude on Day's home, but as the little one continued she felt wave of sadness fall over her. She had no idea he was going through so much, yes she was once taken advantage of by Peak, and is now dealing with the cease of her and Steady's...whatever, but to have the father of her children leave her side would be unbearable. She opened her mouth in protest, before considering the fact that she indeed didn't have a den yet. No, she couldn't be so rude, her and Day were hardly friends yet. "Why don't I take you home and we'll see what happens?" Mara offered, not wanting to completely deny them anything.

RE: A dream is a wish your heart makes - Sunny - February 19, 2017

Sunny nodded eagerly and bounded away a few feet before falling through a particularly deep patch of snow and disappearing. After a moment of being invisible he sprung out of the snow a few feet further away and sneezed with wide eyes. For a second his face looked like he was trying to decide whether to cry or laugh, but then his face split into a huge grin and he laughed "I disappeared! Come on um...whats your name?" he asked, realizing he had no clue who she was.

i totally forgot about this im so sorry!