Wolf RPG
Arrow Lake some kind of drug - Printable Version

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some kind of drug - Hadraniel - January 23, 2017

He was no naturalist and knew little when it came to weather patterns, but Hadraniel would have assumed the damn blizzard would have let up by now. Unfortunately he was dead wrong, and the second he took one step outside the liar he was met with fierce winds and a face full of ice. It had taken him a few attempts to regain his footing and even then he continued to slide and lose balance every now and then. However he hadn't been out and about in a while wanted to take stroll no matter how uncomfortable it may be. 

Nearing the lake where he had first met the inky cheiftess, the sandy male trudged through the fallen snow and kept his eyes peeled for any signs of life. He hadn't come across anything living so far and he feared that the herds had moved in search of warmer lands. He certainly didn't blame them for leaving, but he only hoped they would return so that he could resume his hunting duties. With nothing interesting in sight, the man drew near to the lake's shore and sat so that he might rest. He didn't plan on staying out in the cold much longer, but for now he was content to listen to the wind's song.

RE: some kind of drug - Lumar - January 24, 2017

Hope you don't mind me joining.  :)

You know what was stupid?  Snow.  It was cold, harsh, exasperating and annoying... wait had she called it stupid yet?  Worst of all though was that wind, that seemed to try to tear the life from your body, with forever blasting you in the face with ice.

What a lovely day.

She grumbled under her breath, cursing the ice and snow and wishing that it didn't exist.  Becoming lost in her thoughts, she stumbled on some ice and fell forward into a faceplant, her mouth almost instantaneously filling with freezing snow.  She jumped back to her paws with a startled yelp, before proceeding to stare at the evil snow gathered around her.  What she would give to kill it all... the only things that stopped her is that she literally had no idea even how to kill snow.

She halted in her steps at the sight of someone near the shore of the lake.  Curious, she found herself heading over to check out who it was and what they were doing.  It was then that she realized that this creature was a wolf... another stupid, careless, slobbering pack dog.  Just great, as if these Wilds needed anymore of these things.  Still she continued to head over to him anyways, just out of plain curiousity.  "Why are you out here in the snow?"  Shouldn't you be back home with all your dull-witted, slobbery friends?  She added silently to herself, hiding a smirk.

RE: some kind of drug - Hadraniel - January 25, 2017


He certainly hadn't been expecting company, so when a voice called out to him it made him jump with a bit of shock. "Jeez, don't you know not to sneak up on someone" he said in return and squinted his eyes so that he could try and get a clear image of just who was before him. He scrunched up his nose once he got a whiff of coyote but made no move to attack. It would take up to much effort to chase after her and the distance between them was too great that he probably wouldn't catch up no matter what he did. So he relaxed a bit but still kept an eye on the sly little beast. "I could ask you the same question" he returned.

A sudden harsh breeze tangled his fur while he let out a sigh, a tiny cloud like fog forming just before him. "I was searching to see if anything survived the blizzard, and apparently something has" he said while glancing down at the coyote.

RE: some kind of drug - Lumar - January 27, 2017

Okay, this guy was offically an idiot.  First off, of course something had survived the blizzard!  He had.  Were all wolves this blind.  Yes, Lumar every last one of them.  She answered herself.  There was also the fact she had scared him.  These wierd creatures as powerful as they seemed to be, at the end of the day seemed really really dumb.  Coyotes... now they were smart.

"You do know that you survived the blizzard, so searching to see if anything survived the blizzard seems pretty pointless.  You probably should've rephrased that and instead said, 'I was just looking to see if anyone else besides me survived the blizzard.'  See?  Problem solved."  She taunted him, deciding that in this snow it would be kinda pointless for him to try to chase her and loose some of his energy.  Still it was still a possibility, so she made sure to remain a fair distance away from him.  "I mean you can choose not to be a dumb, slobbering creature like the rest of your species if you actually try."

RE: some kind of drug - Hadraniel - January 31, 2017

He didn't bother to listen to whatever the blabbering coyote had to say and turned his back on stranger. Usually he'd be more on guard but considering how there was a good distance between them Hadraniel wasn't too concerned about being attacked. He had no use for someone who thought they were intelligent only to look like an idiot instead. I mean who wastes that much energy and time trying to explain something so insignificant? 

He let out a sigh and closed his eyes while a burst of wind came towards them. Coyotes were such annoying creatures but he saw them to be equal to wolves nonetheless. "Are you finished?" he asked after assuming she was done yapping. If there was nothing else for him here the male saw no reason to stick around, but then again there wasn't much back at the lair so should the coyote still wish for an audience he would gladly pretend to listen.