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Horizon Ridge I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Printable Version

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I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - April 30, 2014

@Ragnar for when the BDP and the other one are done wanted to get this down while she's still angry so I can get the feels when the time comes :).

Thistle stood outside the den that she and her husband shared her tail lashing behind her while her paws dug up the very ground beneath her. She was furious and for good reason. The meeting with his brother had not gone well and she really wanted to rip into her mates hide, a feeling she found she was not used too having never been this furious.

As she heaved herself to her paws and marched back and forth her tail slashing the air with a malicious swish. She began to speak low to herself angry at herself for being this angry when she knew how he had been perhaps still was. Fool that she was for assuming he cared as much as she did. The way the other spoke of this Sif made her think that her mate loved that one but even that did not stick in her throat as much as the fact that she had been pregnant he had thought they were his and he had left. That to her was even far worse than the punishment he had given Dagmar.

How could he do that honestly! What was he thinking leaving her pregnant and unprotected. It does not matter that they are his brothers it was the simple thinking of the thing. And now for me to hear it from his brother, his brother who he also never told me about.

She growled again and snarled her throat raw with a feral sound. She was unsure if she would be able to control herself when he came home, she may murder the man and watch his blood soak the ground. She paced back and forth fast the pups kicking and moving as swiftly as she was almost as agitated as she.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - April 30, 2014

Going to go ahead and reply to this, but will try to leave things vague. :3

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Ragnar had been surprised not to find Thistle waiting at the borders for him, though he realized and remembered that she was heavily pregnant and such a welcoming sight would been stretching her limitations and had been a stupid expectation to begin with. She was probably sleeping he assumed as he crossed into the borders of Horizon Ridge, thinking that he would surprise her when she awoke. He did not move swiftly towards the den he shared with her, instead deigning to take his time with it, sorting through the details of the meeting, sure that she would inquire about it at some point or another. Honestly, it had not been long and Peregrine - Crete’s brother - had expressed no interest in the babes, more or less stating that they did not even exist to Crete’s family which was fine by Ragnar who had not intended for them to ever know about Crete.

As far as the Viking was concerned he could let sleeping dogs lie now and hopefully put Thistle’s mind to rest in regards to her poor mute lover.

As he approached he heard angry steps against the ground, and words. Words in Thistle’s voice. Angry words. Pausing just short of approach her he watched her pace, her tail whipping out behind her like a weapon, anger emitting from her as if it were a physical cloak she wore that was alive. He could not make out her words but her anger was definitive and for the moment Ragnar was ignorant that it was whole heartedly directed at him. “What are you on about?” He spoke breaking her angry little rant, smirking at her as he shrugged past the shadows and branches that he had been briefly concealed behind. “I have missed you.” He murmured to her in a husky voice, watching her through heavy lidded eyes.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - April 30, 2014

Thistle heard his voice and turned her head her eyes snapping to him and narrowing. She growled at him, What am I about? Well Ragnar Loðbrók I had a most interesting visitor while you were away. Does the name Dagrún mean anything to you? or how about Sif! She continued pacing holding herself from flying into her mate and ripping the fur from his body.

I knew Ragnar that you had other women and I was fine with that but ot find out that you left her when she could have been pregnant with your own children! Thank goodness they are your brothers and not your's then since you left her knowing she was pregnant! She did not know he didn't know and the half brother had not eluded that he didn't know so she assumed he had known. Ears back on her head she continued to snarl and growl. Much of her problem that she refused to admit was the jealousy that ate her alive that she could do nothing about.

His words I missed you gave her pause and she stared at him for a moment though she was still angry she spoke I missed you too of course Ragnar, but that does not mean I am any less furious with you. How could you do that to her!

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - April 30, 2014

She turned to him abruptly he watched, her lip curled back over her teeth at him as she growled at him. Brows shot up, perplexed, because he had not been expecting it; and thusly never ever heard Thistle growl at him no matter how angry she had been at him - and she had been very angry with him before. To call this the welcome home he expected would be to outright lie. “What do they have to do with anything?” He inquired back at her, before he laughed softly figuring that this was a game. Surely, she wasn’t so mad at him. “What of them love?” It was a errant question, the endearment rolling off of his tongue mischievously, smirking at her. “Listen…” He took a step towards her, pausing only when she began spouting off some more. Things that made no sense to him.

Other women. Leaving someone pregnant with his children. Something about them being his brother’s and not his. Listen,” He demanded of her again, his mirth rapidly depeleting as he figured out that she wasn’t playing with him. “I don’t know what you speak!” In his confusion and defense his English became a little altered, things not going in the right order - or missing words altogether. “No one was pregnant when I left.” He spat at her.

“I told you Sif wasn’t pregnant …what do you mean my brothers?” He demanded of her, his own anger rising to the heat of hers as he approached her brazenly, demanding she explain what she had meant. "Why are you so very angry with me?" For once, Ragnar did not actually do anything wrong that he could actually see.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - April 30, 2014

Thistle was very angry but the endearment of his tongue gave her pause for a moment as she studied him but she continued to move restlessly, less she go after him. She froze as he spoke and stopped moving realizing she was not making sense.

She sat down in a huff and curled her tail tightly around her paws and stared at him with fiery blue eyes. She did not touch him just stared and spoke again her words icy and clipped I said your brother Dagrún who I might add you forgot to mention so imagine my surprise showed up. He talked to me about your gift Sif. she wanted to snarl at the mere mention of hte other woman but she kept her mouth tightly closed on that aspect. He mentioned to me that she was pregnant with Vali's children so they hadn't been yours at all. So imagine my surprise at finding out my husband left a woman who was pregnant with what might have been his babies. She cut her eyes again at him. "How could you do that? I thought what you did to Dagmar was callous and cruel but to leave one behind who was carrying what may have been your children. Though they aren't you're children they are Vali's She sighed and tilted her head and sighed again shifting her weight.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - April 30, 2014

“A bastard brother. I grew up unallowed to aknowledge him. That makes you tend to not speak of him.” Though Ragnar was curious by Dagrún’s sudden appearance in the Teekon Wilds - which could not be a coincidence he realized it was not the time to question it. First, he needed to focus on Thistle. He didn’t understand why she was so up in arms about Sif who was honestly boring to him anyway, now. “You’re not listening,” Ragnar snapped at her, experated, agitated at both his brother, Sif and Thistle. He was being stabbed in the back by the brother he had thought he could trust and the little vixen that had been his even if he had lost interest in her as quickly as it had came. Trying to process and sort it all out, while trying to understand why Thistle was so angry with him about it all - did it really matter he was never going back to the Cove, while his past was not forgotten his wives and gifts previous to her was insignificant. They no longer mattered to him, holding nothing for him. “She wasn’t pregnant when I left!” If she had been, he would not have departed.

“I had her, many times, but never while she was in heat.” Ragnar told Thistle, trying to keep his calm at the angry (and jealous) accusations she was letting fly at him. “Why does it matter to you so much? Do you still think I will leave you?” Was that the base of her problem with him? Was that was the rowing force of her anger as it crashed upon him? “What is it about them that makes you so furious, hmm?” Ragnar returned, as he circled her, figuring that Sif was probably part of the problem too. “Whatever ever interest I had held for them was fleeting and is entirely gone, never to come back,” Ragnar licked his lips and made to skim his muzzle tantalizingly over hers if she would let him though he expected her to pull away sharply or bite him. There was something about her being so furious with him that was intensely arousing to the savage feral.

He wanted to play with her, to turn it into a game as he had first assumed it was.

“I don’t hold your mute lover over your head, do I?” He inquired in a sharp hiss, eyes dancing with mischief as he moved in again to nip at her cheek roughly. “Do you know why?” He whispered to her in a soft groan at her ear, smirking to himself.

It was not likely the most appropriate time to tell her, and there was always the chance that she would refuse to believe him, but he had realized that he had crash landed on his way back the Ridge from the Plateau. “Because I believe in my heart that they are mine, and I love them,” He had glimpsed down to her womb as he spoke it before he looked back to her, daring her to meet his gaze. “because I am in love with you, Thistle.”

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - April 30, 2014

Thistle stared at him and grumbled "he told me as much it was still a surprise to see him though when i did not know he existed. Thistle listened trying hard to calm down and it finally did register that he said she wasn't pregnant so she looked at him but didn't say anything just waited.

Thistle cut her eye at him and said quietly What upset me was that your brother eluded at least that is how I took it that she was pregnant before you left to you, but you left anyway. That is what made me angry but clearly that was not the case. She snapped at his muzzle skimming across her's "Don't try it Ragnar I'll rip your muzzle off before you can blink. Getting fresh. She groused at him.

She froze in mid snap at his next words as she had been going to snap at him again and stared her eyes blown wide. She narrowed them again and searched his face seeing if he was lying though she had never with the exception of too Blue Willow known him to lie. "Oh really? She did not know what else to say she lowered her eyes thinking hard. Could she believe him or was he just telling her that to calm her. She looked back up and said That is a surprise a welcome one but a surprise all the same. She sighed and grinned at him "I love you too, but that does not mean I am perfectly fine now. She tilted her head at him quirking an eyebrow.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - May 01, 2014

“Would you have been so mad at me if it had been my mother at the borders, instead? I haven’t told you about her,” Of course Kenna wasn’t about to uproot herself from the Cove to follow Ragnar when her precious baby held the coveted and cheaply stolen helm. “He is an idiot, obviously, and why are you still angry about it? I’ve told you I didn’t leave her pregnant. That is the end,” Ragnar was tired of going into circles with her about it. “I don’t care. I don’t care what Sif or Váli do. They are not of my life now,” Maybe they had never been his life, the Viking realized. Family had always meant more than anything to him but how could they be his family when they always betrayed him? Ragnar was not a creature known for holding grudges and even now he found that he didn’t really care if Váli had stolen and impregnated Sif behind his back. “I wish Váli and Sif much happiness,” He breathed sincerely and with a shrug of his broad shoulders let it wash away.

Her teeth snapped together loudly when his muzzle touched hers though she had not, yet, made an attempt to bite him though her warning was well noted by the savage who merely offered his wife a cheeky little smirk as he stepped away in a grand gesture as if he were noble enough to give up. Unfortunately for Thistle (or perhaps that was unfortunately for himself) he wasn’t. “My love,” Slipped from betwixt his lips in a mock wounded tone as if he actually felt threatened by her threat to tear his muzzle off. He wanted to tell her that she could try - that she would not have been the first, and that he had the scars marring it to prove it but did not.

Ragnar’s declaration of love had been quite genuine, even if, granted, it did not seem so given their lovers fight going on currently, and as he glimpsed at her eyes to see her pupils blown wide within their azure pools, noting the way she had paused he considered that he had won. That went away suddenly when her question came out of her mouth seeming uncertain to the Viking. If Ragnar had expected some kind of grand fanfare (admittedly he had) he was left disappointed by the calmly way in which Thistle responded, returning his declaration of love back to him, but finishing that it did not make her perfectly okay. “What bothers you now?” He wasn’t going to apologize for never telling her about Dagrún because he had honestly forgotten about his half brother which was quite easy to do given how he had to acknowledge him as such in secret all the times previously. She was the first he had ever confessed his love too, partially because she was the first he had ever been in love with and the last thing he wanted to do now was to continue fighting.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - May 01, 2014

Thistle looked at him would she be bothered if his mother showed up instead really no she knew he had a mother it was the extra brother that surprised and truthfully floored her though to be honest it was mostly the conversation. She looked at him for a moment and shook her head, "No Ragnar it would not bother me because I know you have a mother it is a surprise brother I did not know even existed. Until he comes to our borders spouting of things that i obviously did not like though clearly were misinterpreted." She nibbled softly at the inside of her cheek as he continued to speak.

She watched him back up as if wounded and she couldn't help the bubble of mirth that slipped out of her mouth. "You dearheart are insufferable though she huffed at him she could not hide the smile she bore at his teasing.

Thistle sat looking at him and did not answer his question right away to lost in her thoughts to do so. She could not just turn her emotions off she had been furious albeit yes it had been from misinterpretation but still she could not just be calm all the sudden she did not work that way. Besides that she was still reeling in shock and absolute elation at his declaration of love. Then she realized he really had said he loved her and with slow movements as she was much too large to dash to her feet she went to his side and buried her nose into his neck and shoulder nipping his shoulder like always only slightly harder. She spoke quietly "nothing else bothers me right now. I am just still trying to process and calm down. I am not easily brought down from anger as it takes much to make me so and now on top of that I am in shock and very very happy which none of those emotions work well together I was not expecting you to declare your love. Here I thought I would have to suffer my own love in silence. with that she rubbed silken nose across scarred nose tugging gently at his scruff. I'm not sorry for being angry though I am sorry I didn't get to greet you happily I really did miss you it was almost tortuous without you."

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - May 01, 2014

Ragnar listened when Thistle told him that she would not be this enraged if it had been his mother that had appeared at their borders, and the Viking shook his head not understanding why his failure to tell her of Dagrún had angered her so much. There were many things she had yet to learn of him, and other things that she would never know simply because Ragnar assumed that it did not matter here or there. It wasn’t as if the whole of Odinn’s Cove was going to suddenly appear at their borders pledging loyalty to Ragnar - though the way things were going, Dagrún was the second to come from the Cove, despite that the Shield Maiden Sveid was no longer around, it certiantly looked like that might be the case. Not that Ragnar particularly minded, if they did all relocate perhaps that would give him the support he needed to break free of Pump and the Ridge and inhabit Ravensblood Forest for his own and re-create the Cove.

The Viking’s grin was twitching and devilish at her laugh and smile at his wounded tone and recoil at her threat. There remained little doubt in Ragnar’s mind that even though she was angry with him, so much so that she felt the need to threaten him that he still held her in the palm of his hand. Quietly, cunningly the Viking studied her, observing, wondering what it would take to have her melting against him, her anger dissolved. That was the ultimate goal, currently.

He stood still then, as she slowly rose to her paws, an awkward movement given the extra weight she was carrying, like some iced and scarred Adonis as she approached, a contented noise leaving his lips when he felt her bury her face against his neck and then his shoulder. A breathless, intangible curse in Ragnar’s native tongue left his lips followed by a groan when she nipped at his shoulder hard, the pain mixing with pleasure in his body in some foreign and familiar dance within him. Her words, however, brought about the savage’s curiosity and softly the feral inquired, “For how long have you loved me?” Because her words of suffering her love in silence led him to believe that it had been for quite some time. Ragnar looked out at the horizon then, feeling her nose skimming a path across Odinn’s mark upon his face all the way to his scurff. His love was - like everything else about him - a dangerous thing but Ragnar did not bother to speak this to her because he suspected she already knew; and there was no need to be redundant. “I kept it as short as I could,” Which reminded him that he had yet to tell her of how it had went. “I was afraid you might give birth in my absence.” Not that he was going to be able to offer much of anything, really, but he wanted to be there when his sons came into the world and breathed their very first breaths of air.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - May 01, 2014

She shook her head the stubborn male still didn't understand, it had not been the prescence of the brother it had been his message that had been misconstrued apparently, but really how was she to know. I mean really. And of course a little bit of jealous but she wouldn't ever tell him that, that would be a secret she would take with her to the grave. Not only would he smirk at her, but he would tease her unmercillessly so she kept silent about that aspect of her issue.

Her husband may have held her in the center of his paw, but she could and would bite those toes off if she needed and she would remind him of this if he was every arrogant enough to admit such a thing. She was very much her own wolf.

She tilted an ear at his question and answer just as softly Long enough. I am glad you left it short. I have a few weeks left dear heart. She smiled coyly at his muted curse and his groan. She was woman hear her roar. She stepped back from him and tilted her head "Did it go well then? I hope so.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - May 02, 2014

No need to match the length on this, I got really inspired and carried away, lol.

Ragnar didn’t understand but then again he was a man and his as complex, cunning, clever, and intelligent as he was, her thought processes and emotions were like a labyrinth to him, one that he figured he might never find his way out of to be able to make sense of her completely. Women were confusing creatures at best and downright enigmatic at their worst. Perhaps, he considered, that was all apart of their allure to his sex (besides the other, more obvious allures). While Ragnar could hardly speak for other men he enjoyed the challenge of attempting to unravel the mystery of her emotions and thoughts, even if he suspected he might never reach the end to achieve full understanding. Men and Women were too different despite how similar they seemed to one another. “You are like a labyrinth, my love, --” He spoke his thoughts to her quietly, so low and soft that she would have to have been truly paying attention to hear him. In retrospect, it was hardly fair that all Odinn had to sacrifice was his eye to gain knowledge of everything (women included) when Ragnar was willing to sacrifice much more. He sought knowledge with the same passion and determination of his God, if not more ambition. Maybe that was because his life span was not as long as Odinn’s therefore making Ragnar’s ambition much more greater than the Allfather’s. “--one that I enjoy getting lost within, ready to spend the rest of my lifetime trying to get to the end of it.” He murmured to Thistle, glimpsing down at her, giving her instead of a lazy, sexy smirk, another and extremely rare genuine smile. It was about as romantic (i.e. not very romantic at all) as Thistle was probably ever going to get out of Ragnar for there was nothing remotely sentimental about her Viking husband.

Ragnar’s ear twitched slightly at her response to his inqury regarding how long she had loved him, playing with the words “long enough” for a few moments before solidifying his conclusion that it was likely she had fallen in love with him before he, her, despite that he had been falling for her when he had asked her to be his wife even if, at the time, it had been almost purely because he wanted possession over her. Not to misunderstand Ragnar because he had liked her, finding her extremely fascinating, amused by their verbal banter, impressed by the persistence she had displayed, putting him in his place when she had been tending to his at the time, wounded shoulder. But the majority of his desire to claim her for his own had been borne of his jealousy at her near constant talk of Kennedy (of whom after the meeting Ragnar no longer saw as any sort of competition) and after their night of passion in Ravensblood Forest when she had still been in her heat season the simple fact that he didn’t want any other male to have her like that. Only him.

There was nothing about Ragnar that was gallant, or even remotely, nobel. He supposed he could have his moments - after all he wasn’t entirely made up of selfishness and flaws - but he didn’t illusion himself as Thistle’s knight in shining armor. More like he was a demonic fallen angel that had managed to pull her into his gravitational pull by dark temptation (at least that was what he fancied). In reality, he had no idea what had made Thistle fall in love with him, or even, agree to be his wife because he hadn’t asked.

“I know, but I had no idea what to expect when I arrived, how they would react to the news,” Although Peregrine had been very angry, he had not been hostile. “Or how long I would be.” The Gods saw to it that the weather did not keep him at bay, and that the meeting went with relative smoothness. “I should probably speak to Pump, else she might be suspicious,” If she wasn’t already considering he had left without her knowledge or permission; but as far as Ragnar saw it he had answered their Beta’s call and the situation needed immediate attention not attention whenever Pump decided she was ready to go see them, although Peregrine did not seem interested in the news about the Ridge that Ragnar had shared. Frankly, it was fine with Ragnar, the less intrusive their neighbors, the better. “He was very angry with Crete, of course,” Which Ragnar knew his lie helped to escalate but he didn’t care, it was his own vengeance at Crete for having Thistle at all, never mind before him. “He spoke for the family, the babes have nothing to do with the Plateau or Crete’s family,” Ragnar relayed, “Which makes it easier for me to claim full fathership over them. Any meddling from them would have been unwelcome; that was about it. It was not very long.” He shrugged his shoulders then, watching her face for her reactions, finding for once that he was unable to guess what they would be.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - May 02, 2014

we will see ugh oral surgery sucks

Thistle Cloud did not really expect him to completely understand not only was she very different from him as were her thought processes as they were spanning two cultures, but also she was a completely different gender and tended to see things differently. Not that it bothered her, they complemented each other in a lot of ways, both vastly different though some ideals the same. She was virtually calm at this point, and not as anger and she in a way felt bad for her reaction, but what was one going to do when she was pregnant hormonal and all of the above. She twitched an ear and heard his expression confused at first. Why was she like a labyrinth if she was thinking of the correct thing they were mazes of a sort. He explained in a way what he meant, but she was momentarily struck dumb at his smile and couldn't even think of a reply let alone reply. He was breathtaking even on his worst day, but a smile was enough to kill her.

In a way Thistle's love for him had stolen over her without any problems. It had come as a surprise a welcome one, but a surprise none the less. She had not expected to fall in love with him so soon. She imagined she probably had been all along and just didn't realize it. Perhaps that was why she sought out comfort from another far to afraid to even think on any emotions she had regarding anyone. For her the dalliance in the forest was simple and easy and there were no emotions invested so less chance of getting hurt. She had seen what her mother had gone through at the hands of her first mate and she refused to be that way. So in a way she assumed to herself that she had always been afraid to veer towards love, but it had caught her anyway and she found she was not complaining at all.

Thistle listened her ears erect and forward as he spoke she was nervous and a bit afraid. She had not realized how so until right at this moment. Perhaps that was part of her angry as well an irrational fear of what news he would bring even though it was not his fault what another might say. Well I don't think we can ever really know how someone is going to react until the moment comes. We can certainly think on it. A sense of crushing relief hit her at the moment and for a dizzying moment she felt light headed and had to close her eyes. "Thank goodness. She breathed out, she had not realized that she did not want them to be there. She knew in part it was because Pump was forcing others onto her to help raise their pups, that she didn't want anyone else to try and help and or take them. I did not realize how much I seriously did not want them around them at least not right at first. There's already going to be too many trying to help me and it will most likely cause me to go crazy though I know it is needed and perhaps warranted. She tilted her head and licked his muzzle Thank you for taking care of my mess Ragnar.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - May 02, 2014

It sounds like it sucks. :o Feel better soon! <3

Thistle said nothing to his comparison of her to a labyrinth which didn’t bother Ragnar all that much because he hadn’t really said it to woo her or anything silly like that. He had been speaking exactly how he thought of her, expressing that while he could not always make sense of her he was going to spend the rest of his life trying too because it felt like something someone in love did. Ragnar blinked at his wife, his smile fading at her dazed expression, lips parting to speak before he closed them again, trying to understand why she was looking at him like that. It did not occur to him that it had been him that had placed that starry eyed expression upon her face and so the Viking ignorantly wrote it off as a pregnancy thing and left it contented at that.

“Well that does not seem to be a foreseeable problem,” Ragnar assured her, recognizing her relief for it mirrored his own at the time. He had not know if Peregrine would fight for the children or not, but his write off of them made everything measurably easier. That left Ragnar with one last concern. “I do not want anyone coming in and filling their heads with nonsense and undoing their birth right as Vikings.” If Ragnar caught even a whisper on the wind of something attempting to teach his sons things that contradicted him Ragnar would be wearing someone’s bloodied skull as a prize. Pump may have lorded it over everyone that the babes belonged to the Ridge but she was wrong. They belonged to Odinn and the Vikings and though Ragnar was confident his personality was overbearing and resolute enough to prevent anything from being able to contradict what he taught his sons, he still would not take kindly (not that Ragnar was kind to begin with) to it.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - May 02, 2014

thanks <3

Thistle shook her head a couple times to dispell the image of his smile merely out for the time being she would go back to it at a later time. She saw his expression and asid quietly Ragnar you realize one of these days that killer smile of yours is going to be my undoing right. She was teasing but she didn't want him to think she was being empty headed or something was wrong with her pregnant self as he was sometimes prone to do.

Thistle listened as he spoke on their sons birthrights so to speak.She was fairly certain no one would try and teach them anything other than hunting, healing and defense. Which she was fairly certain would be some of skills she and Ragnar would teach them anyway plus raiding and pillaging and the like. I do not think anyone at least in the Ridge will say anything as long as our sons learn tasks that will help the pack.


RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - May 02, 2014

Thistle’s quiet words were processed by the Viking, an amused look stealing across his muzzle and dancing in the depths of his icy, oceanic eyes. “Is that so?” Ragnar teased her, voice barely more than a whispering caress. It was an interesting thing to be told of the power he held over her, evident in how she spoke of coming undone at something as small, though highly significant, as his smile. The Viking was sure he could find other ways that could make her come undone but none of them were appropriate to lavish and tease her with while she was pregnant. He snorted once to himself, sighing softly as he thought of them, tempting her to ask but knowing that it would likely only cause her torture to know, though if she was like him and craved the knowledge it was torture not to tell her in and of itself.

For now, they were his little secrets to keep.

“They would be wise not too.” Unless of course they wanted to deal with Ragnar. Some wolves didn’t care, did not fear him as others did. It was a foolish thing but the Viking felt confident that in time, they would learn. He would not allow anyone to further meddle in the carrying out of Odinn’s commands. Pump was enough with the fact that she kept the Beta rank just out of Ragnar’s grasp, and frankly, Ragnar was not willing to test the Allfather’s patience with him. It was not an endless thing, Ragnar knew and he did not want any more failures to bar his rightful place in Valhalla.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - May 02, 2014

Thistle saw his amusement and heard his whispery words and gave him a mock glare . She ruined it with a chuckle though as it could not be helped. She was far too often a happy wolf and she enjoyed his teasing and banter she had since they had met. She had actually looked forward to the verbal sparring matches they had when he was hurt, it had made her laugh to no end afterwards though it had been trying at first.

She looked at him and his soft spoken words and she knew he was right. Most of the others just like Dilucolu thought that he was really not as harsh and savage as he boasted but she knew otherwise she had seen the scars herself on his pelt many times. She also had seen the cold steel in his eyes. They maybe willing to tempt the devil, but she was not. And besides you could only tempt a devil with an angel's grace and none of them had that. Yes I know I just wish some of the others would realize as well that you are indeed a dangerous man. She did not mind that about him at all on the contrary it was a primal instinct that she loved that he carried.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - May 02, 2014

Ragnar caught her mock glare out the corner of his eye, as to which he responded with a wicked grin that pulled at the scarred portion of his face as his muscles complied beneath marred platinum silver fur, distorting the what was supposed to be disjointed raven marked there. He might have believed it was a genuine glare if she had not chuckled a few seconds later causing him to hum tunelessly with delight. In a way, he understand their inability to accept that he truly was as dangerous as he claimed to be that he was not, for the sake of it, claiming to be that way to scare them. If they wanted a witness to it they could find Bazi, in truth, because she had witnessed just how ruthless he could be when he had sacrificed a baby cougar, rather heartlessly to Odinn for his own success. In a way, Ragnar had been doing it a kindness but that hadn’t been his true motivating point. The simple fact of it was that Odinn had wanted the cougar cub, commanded his devout follower to take it’s life, and Ragnar wanted to ensure his success. The mercy he had bestowed upon it had merely, though Ragnar had more or less sort of lied out his ass to Bazi about it, a happy coincidence.

Thistle’s opinion about him might have changed in that instant if she had known what he had done, but Ragnar had no intentions of telling her because the truth of it was he didn’t want her to realize what kind of monster man he truly was and decide that she could do better. The fact of it was that Gavriil, hell even Kennedy probably were much better for her than Ragnar; but he loved Thistle and for whatever it was worth, she had him, however helplessly. Letting her go wasn’t an option - had never really been an option. “They will just have to learn the hard way,” He murmured coolly, though even Ragnar himself was not sure what sort of horrors “the hard way” entailed.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - May 02, 2014

Thistle raised an eyebrow at his grin and wondered what was playing behind that beautiful yet deadly mind of his. She would have been upset about the baby cougar, but at the same time what else could he have done except kill it mercilessly and if she had known she would have told him so.

Regardless of what he had done, would do and was planning on doing her mind wouldn't change. She knew very well what she had been getting into when she agreed to be his. Yes she did not know all of his feral savageness, but she did know that he was feral and savage and wild and that was alright with her, because regardless of that wildness he did follow his own set of morals even if they weren'tlike most. She nodded Yes they will. Before she could say anything else she got a swift kick to the side that made her wince and she suddenly just felt tired and wanted to sleep.Her day and emotions were catching up to her. "Ragnar one of your son's has a strong kick. She smiled softly and leaned into his chest for a moment and spoke through his fur "I am tired Ragnar I have excited myself far too much. I need to go to sleep.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Ragnar - May 03, 2014

It seemed the worst of their fight had passed and Ragnar, exhausted from the trip having pushed himself a little harder than had probably been necessary to get back to her. He noticed her wince but didn’t comment on it simply because he didn’t have the chance. Beating him to the punch Thistle informed him that one of his sons had a strong kick and the Viking smirked to himself. “Then sleep, I will watch over you.” He murmured to her before he laid down in a sphinx position outside of the den they shared together, prepared to take a light nap while Thistle slept.

RE: I'll send you to hell in a handbasket - Thistle Cloud - May 03, 2014

Thistle smiled at him and flicked him with her tail as she turned and went down into the den. Settling down with her tail around her nose she was asleep almost as quickly as she closed her eyes. A small smile was gracing her lips in sleep as she dreamed whatever it was she dreamed.