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Sunbeam Lair She walks like summer and talks like rain - Printable Version

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She walks like summer and talks like rain - Shikoba - January 24, 2017

ooc: going for a hunting thread! Feel free to jump in! here is her roll, one success! she's at the obake waters ^^

She was already exploring the cave with ease, though her body was beginning to fatigue as her quick pace continued around and around. She liked the feeling, it made her feel even more refreshed when her energy came back. She was at a fast lope, darting around and sticking her nose into every inch of the caves she could locate and wasn't blocked off. It was a giant adventure for her and she enjoyed it! However, her adventure around her new home was cut short as her ears twitched at a strange noise. A growl rumbled through her stomach, making her turn her head and look at her body. Scarred, bruised, cut, mangled, thin--she was ugly.

The native took no point in caring how she looked, though knew she would need to clean herself before seeing any others, along with catching a meal. with the thought in mind, she set off in her fast pace towards the sound of water knowing that an easy meal lay within the cool liquid. She was no expert fisher but knew how to do it and had caught fish before. besides, it was a great thing to know how to do when the large game could not be located nor hunted. It took her a bit of time, but she arrived and could smell how fresh the water was, it invigorated her. With a light step, she began to wade into the water pond, slowly and quietly to make sure she wasn't going to scare off the fish.

She could see them, she could feel their tails push water towards her and she felt giddy and excited. The first couple attempts were fails, mostly because she could hardly catch them fast enough, she forgot how slippery they were. Finally, after what seemed to be forever, shikoba finally located her fish that she knew she would catch. Medium sized, swimming happily and a bit slower than the others. she grinned to herself, letting it swim close to her before sinking her muzzle into the water, grasping the fish between her jaws, and hauling it out of the water. haha, triumph! she yipped a muffled yip before waddling out of the water, shaking out her now wet and cold coat before settling right where she was, beginning to peel the scales off of her prize.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Hadraniel - January 24, 2017

Having returned from his stroll, Hadraniel set off in search of the newcomers they had join in the past few days. He was glad to have some extra paws to help throughout the harsh blizzard, but he was also rather disappointed. It seemed that when he went in search of recruits no one was to be found, but the second he stopped looking and everyone came flooding in. What kind of luck was that? He let out a snort at his own thought and assumed that he had been cursed with bad luck for his entire life. 

Just as he was about to give up on finding the new members, he heard a faint yip in the distance. Curious to find out who it was he started off in the direction of the sound only to see a strange female tearing away at a fish. "Hey, nice catch" he called out while quickening his trot towards her. "You've got some skill" he finally complimented once he got closer, assuming she had been the one to catch the prize.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Shikoba - January 24, 2017

She didn't notice nor hear him approach, she was too hungry to pay attention. She peeled her catch with glee, taking off scales before ripping off strands of fresh meat. She licked her chops, fish always had a good taste to her. She continued to eat until she finally saw a new pack mate. Her cupped ears perked up, scarred face looking towards his. His words were minimal, but it made it easier for her to understand.

she smiled at him, her tail wagged behind her. "Thank you," she said to him, sounding a bit awkward but overall pieced together. She looked towards the water again, her ears perking up. "Want fish?" She asked, blood smeared over her face messily as if it was war paint. She thought about going in, but remembered it was respectable to give names before doing anything. "I shikoba" she offered him, "name?" She asked him, head tilting a bit.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Hadraniel - January 24, 2017

He returned her smile with one of his own and stopped to stand just before her. He assumed she was a fellow hunter and it caused him great joy to have someone share the same interests as him. "Can you teach me?" he asked, wondering if she'd be willing to share some tips and tricks with him since he was not as skilled when it came to hunting creatures of the water. Catching game on land was his forte, but he was always eager and willing to learn when it came to hunting. 

"I'm Hadraniel" he introduced after receiving her name and let out a toothy grin while anxiously awaiting to hear if she was going to teach him or not.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Shikoba - January 24, 2017

ooc: i went ahead and rolled here for Shikoba's catches! 

Shikoba smiled at him, nodding her head at his question. Though she was not a trained mentor, teaching someone how to fish couldn't possibly be too hard for her, though her low ability to communicate might become a limit to her. She caught on his name, though she didn't test it on her tongue, she merely acknowledged it with a nod. She stood from her meal, licking her lips before slowly waddling into the water once more, slow and steady. "enter slow, fish go away when wolf in too fast," she instructed him, motioning him to follow her into the chilly waters. she didn't go too deep, she stayed where her belly grazed the top but was close enough where she could throw her catches onto the shore.

she felt the fish swim by her, her eyes carefully watching them before she looked behind her. "fish quick, Hadraniel must be quicker. slippery, hold firm." she instructed him, seeing that her eyes were beginning to draw attentin onto a large fish. shikoba dove for it but didn't give herself enough time, becoming soaked and empty-handed. she smiled sheepishly to Hadraniel. "shikoba move too fast, must take time" she said before turning back to the water. the large fish had swum by, leaving smaller fish to linger. this time, shikoba took her time, carefully plotting out where the fish would go. "predict fish, think where it go next" she said choppily, before sinking her head into the water and grabbing a small fish. she clenched tightly, ending it with a crunch before tossing it ashore. Slowly, she turned around to face Hadrianel, wanting him to go. "follow fish slow, take time, hold tight."  

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Hadraniel - January 25, 2017

rolled here

His acidic eyes never left the female as she made her approach into the lake and instructed him to follow. He let out a hiss when the freezing water hit his paws and continued along until his belly was just barely touching the water. He felt has the fish swam beside his ankles with some being brave enough to nibble on his paws. He watched with absolutely focus as the woman moved and went for a catch, his heart quickly beating in anticipation to see what prize she would grasp. But she came up with nothing and he let out a quiet chuff to encourage her on. Her second attempt was a success and he smiled as she tossed the fish ashore.

He felt as the attention shifted to him and he looked down with eager eyes as the fish swam by. He took a deep breath before plunging below the water's surface. He felt as his teeth sunk into the slimy creature and he quickly pulled his head out and flung the decent sized fish to the shore. It desperately flopped around in search of any water but it was to far from the lake to have an chance of survival. So he turned back to the water and waited a minute before trying again. His next few attempts resulted in him missing but with his final lunge he was able to secure one last large fish. Hadraniel clenched down as his prey tried their best to escape and ended smacking him a few times in the face. He carefully moved out of the water and set his prize next to his first catch. "Thanks, your a pretty good teacher" he complimented while shaking off his pelt. He was glad to have a fresh meal for a change, but he wondered if it was really worth it since he was now freezing his tail off.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Shikoba - February 02, 2017

he seemed to take his time, though he did miss, he still made hs mark and caught a meal. the native smiled at him, continuing to watch the fish with a careful gaze before sticking her muzzle in the water again and again before she decided it was best to finish fishing. she threw another small fish onto the shore, though the next fish after turned out to be quite larger than she expected. perhaps she could share it with him, or at least, cache it somewhere. 

she soon waddled out of the water, shaking out the water from her pelt quickly and taking a deep breath, almost enjoying the cold for a bit. it made her feel very much so awake, a feeling she enjoyed. to be aware was good in her book. with a light bounce in her step, she padded towards her fish and ate up the small one. she left the bigger one there, perhaps she could take it to someone as a gift. she didn't listen very much but did catch his words of thanks to her, along with his compliment. the female dipped her head in thanks, happy to know she had helped someone fill their belly besides her own.

hey, she was doing her job! providing for the pack, that was something she swore she would do in order to join. "Learned young, fish here when other prey gone. Steady... supply, wolfs need to... learn.... to fish. Important," she said as if she was a robot with a choppy and glitchy voice. however, it was at least understandable. She was taught young to fish and always believed that if large prey was gone, then the fish would provide instead, like a switch between land to aquatic hunting.

She appreciated she could at least help him. After finishing her fish, she looked towards Hadrieniel with a sheepish smile.  "Help find Asterr?" she asked, hoping he could help her locate the chieftess that way Shikoba could deliver the fish to her as a gift of thanks for letting her rest and join the tribe.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Hadraniel - February 11, 2017

He listened as she informed him that it was important for wolves to learn to fish and he nodded his head in agreement. He would have spoken, but his teeth were rattling together so much from all his shivering that he was afraid he might have bitten his tongue off if he tried to speak. Instead he watched as she gathered her fish together and asked if he could help her find the inky cheiftess. "S-s-sure. S-she m-might be a-at h-her den" he forced out while standing to collect his fish. He was thankful for the cavern walls keeping the wind at bay; he couldn't even begin imagine what it would feel like being soak and wet while the freezing wind blew against you. 

"T-this way" he said before picking up his fish and heading towards the den. He was unashamed by the fact that he looked like a wet rat, as all he currently cared about was finding a warm space where he could dry off. The sooner they found Asterr, the better.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Shikoba - February 12, 2017

He offered her the path, making her follow loyally with her fish in her jaws. However, Shikoba noted the shiver in the boy's words, making her stop in her path. She didn't feel the cold just yet, but knew well enough that it would come soon. 

"Wait," she said to him gently, dropping her fish. "Hadriniel cold, shiver." She was concerned about him, making her go towards him and nudge him to follow her. "Find place, warm up, then go to Asterr," she told him, wondering if he was up for the plan. If it came to having to snuggle, by all means she would do it if it meant keeping the two of them warm.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Hadraniel - February 25, 2017

His ears swiveled atop his head at the woman's words, and Hadraniel let out an appreciative smile at her suggestion. He knew he could dry off at the chieftess's den but he didn't wish to leave Shikoba to face the cold alone after she had been so kind as to teach him how to properly fish. "Ok. T-this way" he let out and turned to head in the direction of an area where the cavern had fallen in. He assumed there would be snow lying around the area where the opening was but sunlight was necessary to helping them warm up. 

As the pair neared the gaping hole in the cavern ceiling, the sandy male moved to face the comforting rays of warmth while inviting his hunting partner to stand beside him. "We c-can warm up here f-for a bit" he suggested while looking to see if the woman approved.

RE: She walks like summer and talks like rain - Shikoba - February 26, 2017

he took her suggestion, thankfully, and decided to lead her somewhere to dry off from the water. by now, shikoba felt the coldness crawl up her legs and body as if it was a rampage of spiders biting every few strides. loyally, she followed the male and soon the two reached a part of the cave where a sunlight poked through the open ceiling. eagerly she walked towards the beams of light and stood beside hadraniel, soaking up the sun as if it was rare to be in contact with it.

her body wasn't visibly shaking, but she could feel the chills still rumble through her body. hopefully staying in the warmth of the sun would help her and her hunting buddy warm up faster to make it to asterr. for now, shikoba's fish lay in the snow, chilling to stay fresh.