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Swiftcurrent Creek local natives - Printable Version

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local natives - Bones - April 30, 2014

She's looking for @Fox but anyone's welcome. :)

After parting ways with Jace, Bones decided to catch a bite of breakfast before continuing her search for Fox. She waded into the creek, spending about a quarter of an hour splashing around and lunging at the passing fish before she managed to nab one. Unlike her meager catch at the recent fishing contest, this one was a whopper. The muscles and cords in the youth's neck stood out as she held the fish in her jaws and did her best to prevent it from flopping its way back into the water.

Diving for the shore, she dropped it and sprang on it like a cat, just barely pinning it in place. Landing a killing blow to its head took several tries, though eventually it gave a final few twitches and lay still. Bones panted lightly and shook the water from her coat before hooking her paw into the fish's slick side and feeding on its delicious carcass.

After she filled the tank, Bones decided to dedicate another hour to her search for Captain Fox. If she didn't locate her by then, the youth would howl for her. Failing any response to that, Bones would go ahead and depart for the plateau. It would only be a visit, after all, and she could always talk to Fox about all of it later. It was just that she really wanted to pick the leader's brain before her next foray, just in case Atticus tried to convince her to join him at Blacktail Deer Plateau again.

RE: local natives - RIP Fox - April 30, 2014

Fox had been keeping herself busy with the normal duties of a leader. The load was no longer lightened by a co-leader, but she did have faith in the members of her pack who remained. She was less-satisfied with the young newcomer who could not have been much younger than Bones. Fox had observed her from afar, and she was uncertain if Ferdie would have to end her life. As cruel as it sounded, Fox had no tolerance for those who could not pull their own weight.

And, speaking of Bones, Fox caught sight of the young girl up ahead, and thought fondly of her. She'd not had a chance to chat since she had spoken to Perry about his niece, and Fox was curious as to why the girl had not told her about the rather close relatives she had at the plateau. Perhaps it had just not come up in conversation. “Hey, Bones,” she greeted warmly, her tail wagging and her stance relaxed.

RE: local natives - Bones - April 30, 2014

When the very wolf she was looking for strode into view, Bones smiled warmly and said, "Ahoy, Cap'n Fox!" Her tail wagged too as she bounded closer to the foxlike Alpha female and bumped her chin with the tip of her snout.

"I'm glad I found you. I've been meaning to talk to you about something..." the youth began. "I found me dad. He lives at the plateau; do you know of it?" She paused to give Fox a chance to shake her yes yes or no. "Well, he's a nice guy and he wants me in his life! Only..." Here, she paused again, her face twisting into a slightly anxious expression. "He wants me to live at the plateau. I have a whole family there. But... well, I consider the creek to be my family now. I mean the wolves here, not the water!" she corrected herself with a burst of almost nervous laughter.

After unloading her initial and choppy thoughts, she nibbled on her bottom lip, eyes lifting slightly to look at Fox's face (without looking her directly in the eye) to gauge the Alpha's reaction to all this information. Would she have questions? Concerns? Assurances? Young Bones wasn't sure but she remained silent and still, allowing the leader a chance to react and respond.

RE: local natives - RIP Fox - April 30, 2014

Bones, in her usual manner, prattled on about the topic on her mind, and Fox listened. It was amusing to think that she and Bones were a mere half a year apart. It was easy to forget that Fox had been her age not too much before she had first happened upon the creek. It seemed Bones was not as set in her ways as Perry had seemed to think in the first place, causing Fox to pause for a moment and contemplate this.

“There will always be reasons to leave Swiftcurrent,” she replied, “but hopefully the reasons to stay will outweigh them.” This was probably about as philosophical as Fox could be without sounding like a complete idiot. “You hardly know your father, correct? Considering I see you within the bounds of the creek so often, you could not have spent much time with him. How can you possibly know what he is like?” Fox could not imagine going to stay with somebody based purely on the fact that they shared some of the same blood.

“You are practically an adult, and he is practically a child. Somehow, I doubt he will give you much parenting. On the other hand, here at the creek, you can always look to Njal, Tuwawi, or even—dare I say—Ferdie for guidance.” Those three were all older, more experienced wolves than even the fresh-faced plateau father. And while Ferdie may have been a bit too soft for Fox, she knew that he cared greatly for the younger wolves of the pack.

RE: local natives - Bones - April 30, 2014

Although she didn't know it, Bones was seeking simple reassurance. At first, she thought that was what Fox was about to provide and she leaned forward, thirsty for it. However, the Alpha went in an unexpected direction and, by the time Fox finished, Bones felt strangely gutted and like she might cry, which rarely happened to the youngster. Hell, she couldn't remember the last time she'd wept. Something about the words Fox said read as accusatory to Bones, both regarding herself and her newly-found sire.

"I know he's a good man!" the child replied, feeling an incredible sense of defensive loyalty when it came to Atticus... even though she knew, deep down, that Fox was right and that her stance was just practical. "He's going to be a good father! He just hasn't had the chance yet!" she insisted, swallowing the knot in her throat.

Composing herself, Bones murmured, "I want to stay in the creek..." It was the truth, even though she felt guilty about it. Her eyelids fluttered, batting at tears that threatened as she added softly, "But please don't judge me father or me. I don't know him well yet... but he's me dad and... I love him."

RE: local natives - RIP Fox - April 30, 2014

Fox had been quick to judge Atticus, despite having never met him. Part of her personal code was no bastard children, and Atticus had been the direct cause of at least one. To Fox, it was a miracle Bones had not been killed at birth. Not because she had done anything wrong, but because her parent(s) had been irresponsible. Fox had yet to go through her own heat cycle, but she knew from her older family that one could keep their hormones in check if they had half a brain.

"He hasn't had the chance because he doesn't deserve one," thought Fox, though she kept that thought to herself. Bones seemed pretty torn up about a guy she barely knew, going so far as to say she loved him. Fox thought it was absurd and unnatural. The creek was Bones's family now, could she not see that?

“Why doesn’t he come live in the creek?” she suggested. He was Perry's brother, sure, but perhaps he had more reason to be here, with his daughter, than under his brother's rule.

RE: local natives - Bones - May 01, 2014

Fox didn't seem affected by Bones's uncharacteristic display of emotion, offering no response to it. Instead, she asked a question. At least her voice was lighter this time, not so thick with judgment. Bones still cringed inwardly, feeling a difficult mixture of shame, guilt and anger over Fox's blunt points a moment ago.

"He has roots there, a bunch of family members," Bones mumbled. "He has brothers and a sister. One of his brothers is gonna have pups... or he's had them by now, I think. He's my uncle and they're my cousins," she added as if to point out why this was a quandary to her.

Atticus didn't understand that Swiftcurrent Creek was her family and it seemed Fox similarly didn't understand that she had family at the plateau too. She knew the former much better and was inclined to stick with them, sure... but it didn't mean she didn't value her relatives, particularly her father, at the plateau. Hence why she felt so mixed up about everything. She was only a kid, after all!

"I want to stay in the creek. I'm loyal to it," the youth said in a stilted voice a moment later. "I've never wavered," she added, blinking her watery eyes at Captain Fox. "But I still feel bad, like I owe it to me dad and his family to live with them. And there's part of me that does want that but... not enough to leave the creek." She paused. "I'm just torn. I just want to be happy about my decision, to own it. That's all, that's all." If she'd had hands, she would've wrung them.

RE: local natives - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 01, 2014

Ferdie walked up about then, always seeming to be near by, some way or another. He nodded his head in deference to Fox, then spoke to Bones softly, a tiny smile curled at his lips knowing that Fox was likely going to tune him out about a quarter way through his heartfelt speech.

Bones, Your family will always be bound to you by blood and by love. No one can help but feel a loyalty to their relatives, and so your relatives should feel the same way toward you in return.

You need to do what makes you happy, and If living here has; then your father and relatives should understand and not only respect it but encourage your happiness as well. When it comes down to it, you can always visit family and enjoy their presence, but you can always come home and know you are accepted and loved here too, not just because of what you are, daughter, niece, aunt, cousin, pack mate,... but who you are inside.

Ferdie closed the space between him and bones and licked the top of her head fondly, His tone lighter and holding a bit of mirth I could always go with you if you wish.

He swayed his tail then wondered if he should exit as quickly as he came, first he sat and leaned back scratching the back of his shoulder with the back leg letting out an ahh as he got the spot that was bothering him

RE: local natives - RIP Fox - May 04, 2014

Fox had never been a particularly sensitive wolf. In fact, she was quite the opposite. When thinking about others, she could see only the facts and figures of how to make a decision. With her own decision-making, she was swayed far more heavily by emotion and attachment. The yearling nodded when Bones spoke of Perry and his offspring... but again, Bones had never met them. It was perplexing as to why she felt some kind of connection to them. Fox had all but forgotten her family now, preferring the Swiftcurrent wolves to be her family instead.

Counseling was clearly not Fox's strong point, so a part of her was relieved when Ferdie came along. He had more of a knack for it, even if Fox still thought he could be off-putting at times. Their personalities were just too dissimilar. As he expected, she did tune him out a few words in, preening her front foreleg as he spoke to Bones. Of the few words she caught, they sounded like fluffy nonsense to her. But if that was what Bones wanted to hear, Fox was all for it. So long as it didn't take her permanently away from the creek.

RE: local natives - Bones - May 05, 2014

Although Fox didn't seem to have anything to say to that, Ferdie abruptly materialized, spouting words of wisdom. Although Bones found his spontaneous interruption off-putting at first, particularly because she was feeling so sensitive at the moment, she listened nonetheless. When he finished, she nodded, biting her lower lip. When her head grew still again, she then shook it to decline his offer to accompany her.

"I'm... I'm going to stay part of the creek. But I'm going to visit them as often as I can... maybe once a month?" It came out as a question, her eyes flicking to Fox as if to seek her blessing, though truthfully, she wasn't asking, she was telling. "I feel like that's a good... what's the word? Compromise?" Now she looked to Ferdie, hoping he would confirm her usage of the word.

"Thanks," she croaked after a pause, "for listening and talking to me about it. But I guess... I guess I am the only one who can help me come to terms with my decision. Nothing anyone else says will do any good. I have to make peace with my choice," the juvenile said, thinking out loud again. She felt lighter for having said the words and less like she might cry. In fact, she even smiled a little.

RE: local natives - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 05, 2014

Ferdie knew he had only entered the conversation to save Fox from awkwardness, and help the youngster, she was to young to have a heavy heart. The brute always did have a way to keep the peace once he got comfortable with the wolves he was around.

He nodded his affirmation of her word choice and nudged her shoulder fondly with the bridge of his muzzle.

I personally think one a month 'might be appropriate' you don't want to wear out your welcome with the rest of the pack over there. And I suppose taking others with you wouldn't be good either we don't want to have to many of our pack floating in and out of their boarders.

Ferdie stood up then, and smiled though it might have seemed a little forced, his stomach rumbled loudly angry in it hunger. At the end of the day there is only one wolf you need to worry about pleasing and that's yourself. and possibly the alpha you pledged your life and loyalty to, Ferdie flashed a grin at fox, trying to lighten his mood too. But ultimately you Bones, only you can make yourself happy.

Now. If only this brute could swallow his own advice. Ferdie turned then and nodded to both females, taking his leave as quickly as he had entered.

RE: local natives - RIP Fox - May 06, 2014

It was good to get affirmation that Bones had no intentions of permanently leave the creek. Fox thought she would grow into a strong and useful asset, and she did not like the idea of losing her to some deadbeat father. “You may wish to speak with Peregrine about your frequent visits. I know from experience that he dislikes visitors.” Especially those who piss on his borders, she thought. Then again, they had somehow managed to turn that around into an amiable... well, it certainly wasn't a friendship.

Ferdie took his leave, and Fox nodded a good-bye to him. She would soon follow suit, but she paused to allow Bones any last thoughts.

RE: local natives - Bones - May 06, 2014

"You're right, Ferdie," Bones replied, "thanks." Her green eyes followed him as he bade them farewell and trotted away, probably to find food if his rumbling stomach was any indication.

Taking a breath, the youth faced Captain Fox. "Thank-you too," she said. "I'm heading out to visit the plateau today. I won't be gone more than one night, though I actually plan to be back earlier than that," Bones said, thinking on her feet for the most part. "And I'll make sure I obey my Uncle Peregrine's wishes," she added.

After licking the Alpha female's chin and murmuring a quiet, "See you later," the youth trotted in the direction of the borders and Blacktail Deer Plateau beyond them.