Wolf RPG
Republic of Auros - Printable Version

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Republic of Auros - RIP Eden - January 27, 2017

[Image: capture_by_hannah_higgins-dau0mxd.png]

Pack Basics

Name: Republic of Auros
Ranks: Here
Location: Duskfire Glacier
Acronym: ROA
Founded: January 24, 2017
Pack Colours: Scarlet & Gold




Eden: Consul (1.24.2017 — present)
Sylvas Streiter: Consul (1.24.2017 — present)


The Republic of Auros was founded after a hostile takeover of Royal Fire Court by the members of Larksong Grotto. The leadership had quikly become weak after the betrayal of both the original King and Queen, at which point Shalon was appointed. Though after the takeover, she handed the reigns to Eden and Sylvas and instructed them to lead the pack onward, for she could not. Thus, The Republic of Auros reigns as a burning flame, inextinguishable to even the harshest of traumas.

RE: Republic of Auros - RIP Eden - January 27, 2017

Philosophy / Principles

Based heavily on the Roman Empire, The Republic of Auros is run by a strict, military based hierarchy. Above all else, they value honesty and justice, though the wellbeing of the whole is always thier first priority. Despite this, they aren't typically those to call for war, and yet they won't back down from a chance to assert their superiority.

Breeding and Mateship

Because of the unreasonable amount of pups born into Royal Fire Court, the superiors of The Republic are often very critical of prospective parents, especially if another litter could potentially put live pups at risk. Mateship is allowed amongst wolves of the pack, but should they breed without permission, and it could mean not only exile, but also the lives of their children. 

Pups within the pack's ranks will be assigned to a partner, and once they come of age, their bethrothal will become a proper marriage!


The joining process isn't too difficult, though leadership may be strict on the wolves who they allow in. Some important things to consider are age and skill, though neither alone is a make or break factor. Simply stand at the border and howl for your audience. Do not stand on the glacier's peak as this is considered trespassing. 

RE: Republic of Auros - RIP Eden - January 29, 2017


Inner Territories

Auros Passage
http://i67.tinypic.com/2cpxs8w.png (Larger image)
[Image: iqv9ch.png]
A double entrance to the main cavern system that belongs to the wolves of the Republic, these openings can be found safetly nestled up high within the vast, mass of rock and ice. Both these entrances eventually break as the passages eventually divide off into indervidual caverns, some of which (if searched thoroughly), can provide many a wolf an appropriate den. At the very center of the cave, one could call it the heart of the mountain; is a sparkling waterfall that carscades down into a cold pool below, providing a constant souce of water for the inhabiting pack.
Duskfire Forest 
http://i64.tinypic.com/2nvxead.png (Larger Image)
[Image: 2qkkltw.png]
The frost-tocuhed forest can be found to the South of Duskfire Glacier. Small to medium sized game can be found within the frosty woods. The tall, many towering trees that surround the lands edge, seperate the snowy domain from the large mass of water that appears to be the Qeya Rivers heart and main source. Gradually, the forest breaks off from the gathered ice, continuing on the other side of the lake, closer to Frostfire Ridge.
Snowrock Slope 
http://i63.tinypic.com/dra7pg.png (Larger Image)
[Image: 2cqz986.png]
Snowrock Slope can be found just across the ice-covered terrain, being easily reachable once one has travelled through the fiery frosted woods of Duskfire Forest. The ground here becomes uneven, hiding many slippery slopes, hence for it's selected name. Rounded boulders of many sizes can be seen scattering the edges of the area, these rocks are situated close to chilling waters of the nearby lake and are also doted along the borders of the forest. The lake here provides a constant source of food, from the many fish that inhabit its cold depths to the occasional critter that leaves the forest to drink from its crystal waters.
Icewater Cave
http://i63.tinypic.com/ortixe.png (Larger image)
[Image: 2b668m.png]
A vast and cold cave made completely from frozen rock and ice. Concealed deep within it's dark and chilling depths lies an almost endless system of crystallized tunnels, these icy passageways run directly underground to the north side of the mountains. Most of these tunnels split off into many different directions, one of which connects to the main cavern of the pack and can be used as an exit to Sunset Valley in case of emergencies. As for the rest of the tunnels, if explored thoroughly, many wonders are waiting to be found, from trickling streams that pour from the walls, to full sized lakes and so much more.
Crystal/Azure Field
http://i64.tinypic.com/j9ppn8.jpg (Larger Image)
[Image: 33xbipe.png]
These fields are nothing more than open, shallow trenches that split off through the domain, all of which are filled with soft powered snow that completely blankets the area and its many scattered formations of azure colored ice. When the sun hits these stunning blocks that so beautifully decorate this empty exspanse of white, the snow around them glistens into a dazzling cerulean blue as the light of the sun reflects through them onto the ivory snow. This peaceful area is located to the east side of the mountain and these snowy fields can offer a perfect and tranquil view of the terrains that lie beyond Dusckfire Glacier.

Greyfall Cavern (Entrance through Auros Passage)
http://i63.tinypic.com/2dqve6e.png (Larger Image)
[Image: 6nqzd0.png]
A system of caves that runs through the mountain, characterized by the underground rivulets that run through as well.  The largest cavern boasts a large, indoor waterfall that mists the air, and an opening that allows sunlight to filter in results in colorful displays on sunny days. Territory description written by Colt.