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Horizon Ridge awkward moment abound - Printable Version

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awkward moment abound - Nerian - May 01, 2014

@Pump only

Tired and cold the she wolf drew up close to the place where she was told to find Ragnar, She shivered despite herself, For a few days she had skulked and watched trying to learn the rules of the culture here. She was all about following tradition, and order. It kept things right it kept things in check so they made sense, nothing about Ragnar made sense Or maybe she waited a few days because she didn't really want to find Rangar she could just turn and go and be free on her own, with nothing and no one, in a strange land. Nerian rolled her eyes, no that wouldn't do either, she wanted to survive, not just surivive but live, could she not do both? While still being owned? probably not.

With a sigh Nerian moved into the light of the pack boarders, but not anywhere near close enough that she would be seen as a threat, she was as about non threatening looking as they came. There she sat patiently and quietly almost not moving at all, waiting to be seen by the one that ruled this land, she'd have to go the chain of command to get to him. Any distraction from her task was a welcome one, if the Royalty or what were they called here... alpha right? if only the alpha had manners unlike the heathen she sought.

Being a cleric in her birth lands might help her here, At her paws was fresh picked Lemon Balm, she whispered a prayer upon the plant, she hoped the scent and presence of it would help to promote a good relationship between her and the alpha.

RE: awkward moment abound - Pump - May 01, 2014

After few days of well-deserved rest, Pump was back in business. Ragnar had left the lands for few days, his scent intermingled with a foreign one. He hadn't said a word to her, which made her a little curious about the matter. She didn't like the idea of a possibility that Ragnar was doing stuff behind her back - she trusted him on a certain level, but even after a month or so of knowing him, there were still things he kept back. Pump wouldn't mind, if they were small and insignificant regarding the pack, but her intuition told otherwise. But, since there was so much to do within the range of Horizon ridge, she left speculations and theories for later consideration.

Their furry neighbor - the bear - had come close their lands once again. She had caught it's scent and found it's tracks today, moving in close vicinity of their home and crossing the invisible border now and then. This was not good news, because the dangerous beast was expanding it's territory and with all the respect to it's mightiness and strength, Pump wasn't the person, who liked to share her place of living with him. With this in mind she was walking along the borders, when she suddenly came accross a lone figure sitting near their lands. She stopped, examined the stranger with her gaze and deciding that this was a person she could take down in a fight, approached her in a confident manner. "Waiting for someone?" she asked.

RE: awkward moment abound - Nerian - May 01, 2014

The lone figure sat very still and upon the arrival of another she continued to sit still patiently; when the other wolf finally spoke to her she lifted her gaze to the females face though being careful to avoid direct eye contact. It was not her place to look in the eyes of a superior and she knew her place very well.

Her voice was low as she spoke "Yes I am. I am waiting for you. For if it is you who owns these lands and it is you I must beg permission to travel upon them" Shge knew the other would not accept just that explanation and some she continued after a brief pause after my audience with you and only if you permit, my liege, I will be seeking out one you call Ragnar." she dipped her head in complete difference to the alpha and kept her thoughts well to herself. These heathens allowed a hybrid to rule them; this she found surprising even though she had been sure nothing else about the heathens could have surprised her. These 'well she would no longer call them wolves' were an odd group that she must put up with, since she would be living among them, so if they were fine with a hybrid ruling them then she would be fine with a hybrid and she would never put it to question. in thinking this to herself she put it to words showing her respect for this 'beings' position here on these lands

"You have every right to take my life right now for drawing even this close to your lands; but I beg of you not too. For I offer my skills as a very capable healer, naturalist and Chronicler."

She seethed at the thought of this 'wolf' even attempting upon her life, none but her God had the right to take her life, But others had taken it upon themselves to give them this right over her. She knew this and God might not be pleased that she had somehow allowed herself in this situation, perhaps that was a sin in itself. One day she would take the time to delve into this personal matter and find out whether or not she was sining just by accepting it. For now though she could not help the situation and had to do what she must to survive in this strange repugnant culture.

Now it was, that Nerian lay down before the queen, err.. alpha and awaited her judgement. As she lay down she crushed the lemon balm below her chest, letting a very light lemonesk scent hint the air before being carried off by the wind. Nerian murmured very very softly a prayer to herself, the words would be unintelligible to any ears.

RE: awkward moment abound - Pump - May 02, 2014

There were very odd people arriving at the doorstep of Pump's home lately. Mowanza rather than stepping out in the open to speak eye to eye, had dug out a hole and hid it, after howling for her audience. Ragnar and Thistle had chased off a coyote hybrid, who - according to what she had heard - had been very willing to join their ranks. Then she had caught scent of one or two foreign wolves at their borders, but hadn't seen them, because either Ragnar or Thistle had caught up with them and led them away. And now this...

Why were they so intent on her taking another's life without a particular reason? As long as you didn't go inside Horizon ridge uninvited, Pump didn't care about your existance. Right now they were fine with what they had got and didn't plan to expand. There was practically no danger coming from outside, since they were located at a rather remote place. So she was at ease and pretty calm, when conversating with strangers.
"We have got a capable healer already and I see hardly any value in a chronicler or a naturalist," Pump was blunt and honest about her views of practicality.

"Better tell me, what is that you want from Ragnar," she raised an eyebrow and waited for her response. She had nothing against that her packmates had friends elsewhere, however, when it came to pack business and joining, she preferred that they pledged their loyalty to her first. Since she saw the white beast as her rival for the throne, she didn't like him to have more loyal and capable followers than he already did. Thistle and her kids were going to be enough.

RE: awkward moment abound - Nerian - May 02, 2014

Nerian raised her eye brows No use for a naturalist? The best time to drive off the bear I have scented around these parts? They do not have as good night vision as wolves do, the new moon would be the best time, sneak attacks from the side; herd it and drive it where you want it to go, get it far far away from here without having to go in and kill it. Also when the tides are high it would be the best time to find and hunt large deer. Their escape is cut off even rivers have high tide wolfs of both side of the river make the deer easy to pick off if they choose to swim and tire themselves in the deep water Nerian took a deep breath, her heart pounding she need to recover from spewing forth so many words at once, However she needed to be seen and invaluable and saw it important to explain her skills. Nerian sat up again, she felt the blood rush through her jugular quickly each throb of her heart felt like it was going to knock her over. She could not explain what a cleric was or that she could use minor spells and prayers to help the outcome of a fight or even a wound, making her a better healer then the one whom just used plants. Not that these heathens believed in any of the work she could do, claiming the outcomes had nothing to do with her skills.

The alpha's next question threw her off guard, and she related the alpha, her words more of a question then an answer what I want from Ragnar? her eyes traveled to the ground as she was deep in thought, her lips pursed and a prayer slipped between them, again not audible as she did not exhale the words but barely mouthed them as the prayer infiltrated her thoughts.

This alpha had the right to command her too, for if she were Rangar's leader she was his. she could command anything of her and Nerian would follow the commands to the best of her ability but Rangar would not likely care if she lived or died so using her as a pawn would be more useful then killing her or attempting to draw him out with threats of her life. The skin on the back of her neck crawled but she spoke the truth and she had no other reason, no message to deliver, no ulterior motives... nothing so she simply said
I have to find him,

added to the last sentence she had no other reason, no message to deliver, no ulterior motives... nothing so she simply said

RE: awkward moment abound - Pump - May 02, 2014

It seemed that Pump's remark about her skills had ignited a fire in the other's heart, which was a welcome change and showed that this she-wolf wasn't just a toerag to be stepped on, but could stand her ground, if that was needed. Her reasoning about the bear would seem rational, had not Pump had different opinion about it. She was a cautious person, when her own health and well-being was in question. Therefore, even though she did not like the bear living next door, she wasn't going to attack him for the sake of driving him away. As long as he stayed out of her home and did no harm, he could live as he wished.

Her point about the deer hunt, however, sparked Pump's interest. Her expression from skeptical changed to mildly impressed one. "Nice," she said, once the woman had finished her monologue. Living in Horizon ridge was all about proving your worth and unknowingly the she-wolf had done just that. Which was a definite plus in her file. However, her next answer was not that satisfying. Pump furrowed her brow and gave her a thoughtful look. "Not good enough," she said. "Let's change the question then - how do you know him?"

RE: awkward moment abound - Nerian - May 02, 2014

Nerian frowned and fought to keep her facial expression calm though there were going to be some minor twitches to her eyes and possibly nose before she used her cleric training to reign it all back in.

The female drew a deep breath and huffed it out quickly, I am the Cleric Nerian, In service to god, and It was he and his kin whom drug me from my homeland, they who took me so far away that I can not find out how to return. in a way she felt Ragnar was responsible for her, not that he'd ever admit to it aloud or even to himself.

she was not a dumb wolf, she knew there was something behind this alpha's questions. If anyone should feel threatened by Rangar it would be the person with the position Ragnar fancied, wheiter Rangar knew he sought it or not.
However she could currently offer no other knowledge to the alpha and nothing to use against Ragnar.

I do not lie, nor would I want to, that is why I fully disclosed my intentions to you my liege. True she could have not said anything about Ragnar and sought him out in secrecy but that would not get her off on the right paw here, submission and loyalty to her superiors came before all else. There were traditions and rituals to follow and they were important, they were created for a reason, but what would happen to her if her rank outweighed Rangar's in the end; would then have she earned her freedom and shed her sins?? Only time would tell.

I will be going to a dog show this weekend I am leaving shortly, so if I do not respond quickly or at all until monday that is why

RE: awkward moment abound - Pump - May 05, 2014

Ragnar never ceased to surprise Pump in the most unexpected ways. There was a good share of things she had learned about him already and yet it was just a fraction of the person he really was or had been once. To be true, her tale didn't make any sense to Pump, because had she been in Nerian's place, she would have run for the hills by now. Willingly returning to one person, who had taken you away from your homeland by force was an equivalent of a suicide mission in her eyes. But she kept her peers to herself and just regarded the girl with a cryptical gaze.

"You are a cookie difficult to understand," Pump finally said. Whatever "cookie" meant, it sounded downright cool. "Before you step over to become part of the ranks, I advise you to leave your past behind - no matter what ties or relations you have," this was probably impossible task in reality, but she expected that every newcomer kept that in mind, when they joined. They started from point zero, regardless of, whether they had been an alpha or omega in the past. "Your loyalty to me will always have to come first and I won't tolerate it any other way. Keep that in mind," if it ever came to fight with Ragnar, she wanted to have the majority of folks on her side.

"If you are unable to do that, then better leave now than suffer for that later," Pump was ready to let her in, but on her conditions.

RE: awkward moment abound - Nerian - May 05, 2014

ugh, still recovering sorry so short

Nerian bowed her head then lay herself upon the ground though she did not roll onto her back for that would be grovelling and a step to far in the ritual of joining.

Her voice was solemn Your words are heeded My Liege. Though if it were to come down to the battle between Pump and Ragnar she'd clearly have trouble choosing and sides and might just remain neutral or find herself scarce, a fight between two opposing powers was not something Nerian was allowed to interfere with as a rule of her up-raising.

RE: awkward moment abound - Pump - May 05, 2014

If a fight between Pump and Ragnar would ever occur, the wolf-dog would expect those, who had pledged loyalty to her, to stand by her side. Because even if she lost in a battle, the white beast still couldn't claim the throne if the rest of the pack didn't agree. They had a say in this and their voice counted the most. There couldn't be a neutral party, if the charge of the leadership was in question. Therefore Nerian would be forced to choose, which side she stood, if it ever came to that.

"Very well," Pump accepted the deal and stepped aside, as if figuratively letting the newcomer enter their lands. "Come with me and I will show you around a little," main, important stuff - where to sleep, where to hunt, where to be in case of an emergency.

RE: awkward moment abound - Nerian - May 05, 2014

Nerian had expected no kindness, not from these heathens and was yet again, surprised, by the invitation, she had fully expected to be left at the border and made to fend for self.
She steeled herself, she was still not going to be fooled by their kindness, these 'wolves' were what they were and she simply could not see them otherwise.

Nerian rose to her feet keeping her head below the alpha bitch's and her posture submissive though not excessively so, as she moved to fall instep behind her. she would listen and she would taken a clear mental note of every thing that would be said to her, for she wanted to be as self reliant as she could possibly be

RE: awkward moment abound - Pump - May 07, 2014

Pump didn't like the habit of following behind her - some of her packmates had developed. She felt threatened and uneasy, if the person was walking out of her sight, therefore she slowed her step to move aside a little, so that Nerian would walk in line with her. She gave her a pointed look, which meant that the wolf-dog didn't want it to be otherwise, and then moved on.

"I prefer that my fellow packmates live in a near vicinity from each other," she began, telling the same story she did for every newcomer here. "You might find a decent den in the denning area," and if not then Pump would make sure that she did. "There are a lot of rocks on one side, sea-shore on the other and the forest is in between."

RE: awkward moment abound - Nerian - May 07, 2014

Nerian frowned but quickly removed her expression and made herself to look neutral. No one should walk side by side with the royal wolf, er, alpha, but then this alpha did not walk with a constant body guard so then was Nerian expected to take up that role? to guard the alpha she barely knew. Being accepted here meant yes she supposed.

So she moved to fall instep beside the alpha and remained in pace with her. Her eyes scanned the area looking for a free space to den perhaps she'd find a few rocks to remodel into a tee-pee like shape for her own den. but she would make it as far off to the side as she would be allowed. she needed space to practice her skills.

She grew more at ease in the presence of the alpha, but wondered why she kept the wolfs altogether in one place. In her own home; that one so far away, The warriors denned together the cleric's denned together each wolf grouped by their job denned together but to have all the wolfs in one place would be chaotic if only one type was needed.

Nerian decided not to dwell on it, these heathens where not as organized and why should she expect them to be. She tipped her ear to the alpha awaiting her next words.

RE: awkward moment abound - Pump - May 07, 2014

Pump sensed that Nerian was not entirely comfortable walking so close to her, but decided not to act upon it. She was a leader, yet the privileges that came with the royalty status were foreign to her. Yes, she implemented rules, yes, she required her subordinates to respect and submit to her sometimes, but other than that she was just as ordinary as everyone else. The wolf-dog never forgot, where she came from and what she had been before becoming the queen of the Horizon ridge.

"Comes in handy in case of an emergency and easy to look after you all," she explained her reasons, why she wanted all of her pack mates to live nearby. Up until recently they had been a very small pack and sticking together was the safest way to stay alive in this place. Now their numbers were growing and the situation was a little different. But still...
"Lost your voice?" she asked in a good-natured manner, casting a side glance at her. It was a common thing in all of the newcomers - they were very brash and talkative during the joining process, but their spunk disappeared the moment they were on the other side of the doors.

RE: awkward moment abound - Nerian - May 07, 2014

Nerian shook her head, and then realized the alpha wanted conversation. No, I have a voice The joke was clearly lost on her as she answered matter of factly I'm just not talkative, I apologize, My liege She bowed her head and closed her eyes in defferal briefly before she make sure she was matching her pace to the alpha's She still didn't know her name but that didn't bother her, it wasn't like she was ever going to call her by anything but her title anyway.

She was very good and staying in step with the alpha her steps were practiced in pacing others, shifting when the other shifted taking turns by the subtle cues of the inky hybrids body. Her training in youth made her an exceptional solider marching for hours in union with others almost dancing in a way but still useful training keeping her eyes keen on the others body, But that was not something she had told Ragnar lest he use it against her.

Apparently her job was to come up with conversation now, she she quickly thought and came up with a question, to stop the alpha from explaining herself, she needn't explain her decisions to a lowly wolf like Nerian Where do you hunt? is there a hunting schedule? really she wanted to know if these heathens were as haphazard as they appeared to be, did they hunt at night or during high tide or during the full moon when deer were likely to be dropping their fawns and they would be easy targets, but she couldn't ask what was really on her mind without sounding condescending so she asked these two questions trying to keep her tone light and up-beat, since the alpha didn't have a use for a naturalist Nerian already knew the answer, she just wanted to rush the introduction along so she could get her den ready and find what she came here to find.

RE: awkward moment abound - Pump - May 13, 2014

ooc: I will be very busy for the next two weeks, therefore this will be my last post here and maybe you can fade this thread out in your next. However, I am looking forward to having another thread with your character in near future.

"That's good to know," most of the time Pump wasn't very chatty herself, therefore she didn't mind silence that much as long as she herself wasn't inclined to talk. However, having a conversation with the newcomers was an essential part of getting to know them and finding out, what kind of people they were and which buttons the leader had to push in order to test them. Therefore if the other person was too quiet or unwilling to talk at the first meeting, she considered this as suspicious.

A hunting schedule? Pump cast a surprised glance at Nerian, because this sounded totally odd. Hunting was just as natural as breathing to her - you didn't have to have a schedule to do it. There was no right or wrong way - you simply did it. And, whatever planning was needed, came along with the action itself. "There is plenty of small game to sustain us for now," she said - rodents, hares, small carnivores, the young of the sea-lions - there hadn't been any need to look for a larger kill for now, which would be a time and energy consuming activity, potentially dangerous.

"However, do tell of your former home and what exactly you did," she added, being genuinely interested in Nerian's background and profession especially. She was not ashamed to admit that there were things she didn't know that well and that she considered them as unneccessary, but at the same time being a leader meant to constantly learn something new. This girl here with her odd views of life in the pack was just the perfect opportunity to do so.