Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley water is sweet, but blood is thicker - Printable Version

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water is sweet, but blood is thicker - Ahnah - January 31, 2017

nose to tail she slumbered, beside a rocky outcrop that shielded from winter's breath. the sun had yet to rise, though already the dark sky was dyed the paleness of dawn. birds begun their morning cries, and the winds that had raged in the darkness abated, sudenly made cowards by the light of the sun. awareness came slowly to the huntress, first of the light, then of the sounds that surrounded her in the snow, and then of scent, from which she discovered the air to be tainted with the scent of prey. and then of hunger, as her optics snapped open and beheld the morning before her.

it was an uneasy time, that between dawn and night, as the hunter's of the night stole back to their lairs and the day's creatures awoke from their slumber. it was silent, the stars faded and the sun rose ever steadily, when the huntress stood and did not bother to shake the snow from her pelt as she moved from her brief refuge, in seek of something to dull the hunger that cut at her. charcoal gaze cut through the snow as she moved softly, soundlessly, ears roving atop her head as they caught sound, only to dismiss it for naught. until the crunch of snow being crumbled underfoot had her pause, gaze darting to it's source. moment's later, from the bush stepped a stag. he was young, and he was alone, looking likely for a herd to master. 

she knew  very well that she alone may not take on a buck, young and fit, yet perhaps with another she may have luck. there were none here, yet something kept her still and watching the creature as it carefully moved through the trees, scraping from them bark and anything else it found to be edible. 

RE: water is sweet, but blood is thicker - Gwen - February 01, 2017

Gwen was still patrolling the area. Though, it seemed, she had managed to walk further from the Noctisardor Bypass than she had first assumed. The Bypass would soon be her and her packs home. Once they claimed it, Gwen would officially be an Empress, and Knew an Emporer. The two had seemingly gotten closer during their travel to the Valley, and it made the wolfess smile.

However, this smile turned to a neutral expression as she watched the wolf ahead of her with curiousity. The pale wolfess had not yet met this stranger, and perhaps it was good to know the people that walked close to your land. Maybe she'd even think about joining the pack, though it was doubtful. Most lone wolves were lone wolves because they simply enjoyed the freedom of it. Like Birk, the strange man she had meant what, three months ago? Had it been that long? Even longer?

Gwen eyed the female once more. She seemed to be watching a buck. A seemingly young, healthy one too. Gwen, being a huntress herself, only one hunt away from earning the hunter trade, knew that hunting a healthy male was not a great idea. Though, she also knew that, when prey was short, wolves would risk their lives for a good meal. Or multiple meals, in this case.

RE: water is sweet, but blood is thicker - Ahnah - February 01, 2017

she was not alone. the knowledge presented itself in the form of a prickling along her spine, the knowledge that she was being watched. she was still, until she wasn't, head swung smoothly to atch the other in her gaze, a woman with a pelt of moonlight, as was hers. her charcoal gaze beheld the woman, and a moment later her head canted ever so slightly to the side, gaze searching as she asked a silent question. her gaze flickered briefly to the buck, is if to convey her meaning and assure herself that it was still there. 

her tail flicked slightly, and her dark gaze swept back to the woman, waiting silently for a response to be made. words would be wasted by the fact that they were likely to scare the creature when they were so close, and the fact that she knew hardly enough to make speaking worth the effort. but the woman instead turned and left, leaving Ahnah alone with the creature- and after a short hunt, she came up empty handed.