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Blacktail Deer Plateau As the shadows fall - Printable Version

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As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - May 01, 2014

Blue Willow looked around the evening shadows were falling so all the prey were starting their slow descent into sleep. She decided to do some hunting while she had the time, she would take a couple of rabbits to Osprey if she could manage to eat them and keep them down that was.

She shook her black/gray coat free of debris and with nose to the ground she followed the scent of a hare or two. Her long lithe legs were graceful as they moved across the land as if dancing. Green eyes shot to the sky while the star's blinked conspiratorially at her. A small smile was upon her maw as she hunted for the rabbit that would be supper.

Getting lower to the ground broad shoulders bent towards what would soon be fed to mouth. She growled one time and that was all the rabbit heard. With a quick snap of her jaws it hung limp from her maw, blood dripping down along the dirt.

She laid it at her feet it was nice and plump. She then sat down with her tail curled tightly around her paws to watch the stars as they winked at her in the sky.

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - May 16, 2014

Atticus loved the night. Its serene beauty and silent calm were such a restorative change after the bustle and hubbub of the daytime. There was a rhythm to the night that soothed his soul and invigorated him; the symphonies of the frogs and crickets, the distant music of the night-birds, the stars glittering diamondlike in the velvety darkness above, the pale, ethereal glow of moonlight as it spilled across dewy, scintillating landscapes. He was a living shadow, midnight itself manifested on four fleet, silent paws. The blackness of his fur was flawlessly deep, blending seamlessly in with the darkness and shadows around him while ribbons of blue and silver moonlight danced and shifted on the angles and planes of his body. He was unquestionably a creature of the night.

And so was she. He smelled her long before he saw her, and only because she too was draped in a coat as dark as the space between the stars. He saw her limned in pewter moonlight and his heart quickened, adrenaline racing like ice-water through him. He did not know her well, but his brother's words had stirred an interest in him -- enough so that he felt nervous and jittery around her. "Blue Willow," he said softly in greeting as he padded toward her, his deep voice a dark rumble in the quiet summer air.

RE: As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - May 17, 2014

Oh Yay an Atticus thread! He such a sweety. You write so beautifully I'm jealous <3

Green eyed gaze searched the shadows for the deep voice that resonated in the night air. Finally falling on the ebony male. She smiled in greeting and wagged her tail slightly. His brother had planted a seed of interest in her as well, though she was certain Atticus did not know. However, as she had told Peregrine she would be true to herself first, so she must get to know him. She spoke softly hello Atticus Telling secrets to the shadows are you? She was unsure where that came from her father had always said that to her, after a night of wandering. She could never stay still when they were in a new place. Telling secrets to the shadows is you little tree always telling secrets to the shadows

She motioned to a spot beside her Would you like to sit with me awhile? I was getting a rabbit for Osprey to try and entice her to eat in the morning now she is probably sleeping, but the stars caught my interest they were winking at me you see telling me stories. she smiled again She was not lying after all there were stories to go with the constellations that looked down on them all and her mother had taught them to her every single one that she knew at least.

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - May 22, 2014

Sorry for the shortness. Posting from my phone. I'm not good at this, lol.

"Yep, full of secrets, that's me," he replied with a grin, charmed by her warm and friendly reception. She was always so sweet whenever he talked to her; Peregrine had been right about her, he thought. Moving toward her, he scented the rabbit that she had caught for Osprey and felt a sense of gratitude at all she had done and continued to do for his sister. He had an inkling that if Oss had been under anyone else's care than Blue's, she might've already died.

"What sorts of stories do they tell you?" he asked as he sat down near her, turning his pale eyes up toward the sparkling sky above.

RE: As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - May 22, 2014

I hate posting from my phone

Blue tilted her head as she listened one ear raised and green eyes roaming across the plains of his face and then back down to the mossy cool dirt. She did not wish to offend him even though she was above in rank. However as far as she was concerned there were no ranks here tonight. What brings you out so late Atticus, besides telling secrets to the shadows of course?

Alright so I'm going to adapt these too wolves.The fun of creative writing ;p

Blue willow smiled gently her green eyes softening. She nibbled the inside of her cheek as she mentally went through all the stories. Would he wish to hear about Hercules, or Andromeda or even Draco. She finally settled on one and lifted eyes to gaze upward with a paw she gently pointed to Draco. That is Draco the dragon. There are different versions of how he got there so I'll go with the shortest so I do not bore you. I tend to talk a lot when excited and stories excite me. She sat and rearranged her thoughts and began. Many moons ago there were giants, and goddesses walked the earth. One such being was the goddess Minerva. Draco fought against the goddesses and gods during the great giant and god war. He fought long and hard, but it was all for naught as the great Goddess won. To warn all others she twisted him up in a bent and contorted shape and threw him to the heavens to be viewed as a warning to not fight with the great beings forevermore.

She shrugged shyly that was all. Putting her head down to hide the shyness that suddenly siezed her irritatingly so. She felt strange sharing her stories and in a way her secret love of stories with him and the shadows. It was not a bad strange though.

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - May 28, 2014

She inquired as to what brought him out this late, and he shrugged, "I like the night." He grinned. He was a pretty simple guy. "Less noise, less going on. It's peaceful. I can think at night." He suspected that she could relate. Blue Willow was probably the busiest wolf in the pack. Between caring for Osprey, helping Perry with the puppies, handling the duties expected of her as Beta, and hunting and guarding their territory, she had her hands pretty full all the time. It was probably nice to get out after dark and just enjoy the peace and quiet.

She settled into storytelling mode a moment later, and he listened with interest. He remembered some of these mythologies from when he was a pup, but his memory was foggy and vague. He'd been young and had had a short attention span back then. It was far better hearing the stories from the lips of a beautiful girl than from his dad, though. He smiled at that thought.

When she finished, he wagged his tail behind him and commented, "I like that. My dad used to tell me stories like this when I was little, but you tell it better." That wasn't entirely true. Aether had been very thorough and detailed in his recounting of the tales, and had built them up so they were exciting and riveting. But Willow didn't need to know that. He'd only wanted to pay her a compliment, after all.

RE: As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - May 28, 2014

Blue smiled at his small confession. Truth be told she could very well relate. She was always busy throughout the day, she never got a chance to look up or even down for that matter, but at night she could do both and she could do them at her leisure. Though it made for a late night usually, as she could never get enough of the interminable sweetness of the night air and the stars. Yes it is isn't it. It helps that when we want to be alone with our thoughts we can hide a little better than most too yes. She was not ashamed to say that as her teenage years had rolled around, she had often disappeared into the cloak of darkness that night had to offer to get away from her parents. She had never gone far, just far enough to breath without them being right there. Though if she thought on it, her father had probably been hidden in the shadows as well watching her, keeping her safe. How she missed that man.

Blue Willow could remember all the stories of her youth. Granted it had been her parents trade and one she had to learn. So it was survival that she learned them all. And she liked how they took hold on your imagination and let you soar away from where you were.

Blue Willow chuckled a soft sound. Oh thank you very much Atticus. She gave him a smile that made her eyes light up in mirth. My father was far better than me though, I wish you could hear him tell a story. He would hold you captive with his voice until the very end. Her father had an emotional voice, he was an emotional story teller. He could paint pictures with words that made even the simpliest or harshest wolf respond. So tell me Atticus since you are thinking anything paramount? Did you have a stroke of genius while you pad among the shadows? She smiled at him with her question. He by no means had to answer her, but she found she liked talking to him. He was easy to talk to much like his brother and sister.

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - May 28, 2014

It was enchanting, the way the starlight gathered in the verdant pools of her eyes and sparkled, silvery, in their bottomless depths. The ethereal light played upon her face, illuminating and casting shadows so she appeared every bit as dramatic as she was beautiful. Atticus kept catching himself staring at her as she spoke, and he would force himself to look away so as not to appear rude or creepy…only to end up staring again. She was just such a lovely wolf, so intelligent, with such an incredible personality. How on earth was she still single?

It occurred to him that Peregrine's mateship with Hawkeye was on the rocks and Perry had an extremely close friendship with Blue Willow. It was entirely possible that Atticus could lose yet another romantic interest to his more charismatic and higher-ranked brother. The thought lingered and rankled inside of him like the taste of sour milk on the tongue.

She asked if he was thinking any important or pressing thoughts, but he didn't dare voice what was on his mind at that moment. Rather, he commented, "I'm thinking of my brother and Hawkeye. Things got messed up so quickly. I hope he'll be okay if they do split…" He'd been worried about Peregrine. His brother had never been so invested in a relationship before, with kids and a pack and everything else coming from that mateship. How it would impact him to break things off with Hawkeye was yet to be seen, but Atti hoped it wouldn't hit him too hard. He chuckled then, admitting, "I guess that's not a stroke of genius, is it? I tend to think with my heart more than my brain."

RE: As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - May 28, 2014

Blue Willow being the inquisitive and curious girl that she was studied Atticus as he sat near her. Though this time rather than study him on a rather straight forward this is me and plain way she studied him as a male and she as a female. She had never took the time to look at any males really, this was a first for her. His shadow kissed hide certainly appealed to her and his blue eyes were quite beautiful. Though most males would probably not want a femme to comment that his eyes were beautiful. They reminded her of small pin pricks of ice in the froth of winter both beautiful and fierce to look upon. However, they were by no means cold but rather warm and kind. She dipped her head to not appear over zealous or rude in anyway. After all she was staring at the poor man. Rather than hefty he was built much like her for speed and endurance she found that appealing as well. She did not like the males that were blocky and large, they just did not appeal to her not that she really noticed, but she guessed that was true as fleeting glimpses go.

Blue Willow smiled softly and sadly yes it is a shame isn't it. I feel bad for your brother and Hawkeye too, though I do not know her well. Since Peregrine is much like a brother to me as well I hurt for him. To be honest I do not know who will take it worse Perry or Hawkeye. I know it will be hard for both of them. He spoke to me about it, I told him he needed to do what was best for the little ones regardless. Granted that is my own personal opinion. it was entirely true that she viewed Perry as a brother and nothing more. Perhaps if she had met him under different circumstances it would have been different, but now he was just a heart brother and that was all he would ever be. She chuckled softly Oh but Atticus those are the best types of thinkers. When you rule with your heart you take other's into consideration and then you do the right thing even if it hurts you. I think that makes a very good man. So I personally think you are a genius. My father is a heart thinker as am I.

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - May 29, 2014

I really enjoy this thread. Blue is so adorable. ♥

As much as he caught himself staring at her, he caught her staring at him, too. It was so awkward and cute, and he couldn't help the bashful grin that crossed his face. He tried to hide it, but he simply couldn't. The thought that he was being checked out by a hot female was almost too exciting to bear. His heart beat so fast in his chest that he had a hard time sitting still, but he forced himself to remain calm and collected. Don't make an idiot out of yourself in front of her, you asshole, he chided himself.

As she commented on the whole situation with Peregrine, Atticus felt a sense of relief that she had spoken with Perry already and had, presumably, offered him some advice. Given his own past history with Hawkeye, Atti figured Peregrine wasn't comfortable divulging the details of their issues with him, and that was understandable. But, all the same, he didn't want his brother to be alone in this. He knew how close Perry and Blue Willow were, so he was appreciative to the Beta for being the friend he knew his brother needed. "Thanks for being there for him," he said, and meant it.

She seemed to be the lifeline, the crutch, for his whole family. Nursing Osprey in her ailing health, supporting Peregrine in these rough times…he smiled, thinking of how important this she-wolf had become to them all.

When she went on to reply to his comment about thinking with his heart rather than his head, and paid him some very nice compliments, he felt his cheeks heat up as he blushed beneath his black fur. It wasn't often a beautiful lady complimented him, and he got the impression that she thought very highly of her father. For her to compare him to her father was an honor, and his gratitude showed on his face. "Tell me about your father?" he inquired, genuinely interested. "You must have been very close. You mention him a lot."

RE: As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - May 29, 2014

Aww thanks. I enjoy this thread myself <3

Truth be told had Blue been privy to his thoughts had she known he thought her hot she would have been intensely bashful herself. As it were she didn't know, but she did see his bashful grin and it made her smile even more. It was dashing on his masculine face made him look a bit boyish and ornery. She imagined he had been an ornery devil as a child all of them really. Blue felt overly warm for her pelt ,especially when she realized she had been caught staring. She shifted herself and tightened her tail around her paws.

She thought about the sadness and confusion regarding the Perry and Hawkeye decision, but she found she was not entirely surprised. She would never divulge that small chestnut of knowledge to anyone, as no one needed to know. She attributed her lack of surprise merely to the tension of the first meeting she had ever been too and the scarcity of Hawkeye these many weeks. you are welcome I deeply respect your brother and he is the first friend I have ever made on my own and in general.

As Willow reflected on them all in the family she realized she had helped every single one except for the one who sat before her. She hoped she could help him in someway someday as well.

Blue smiled sadly He was and hopefully still would be my very best friend. She sat for a moment thinking of the scarred storyteller that she called father. His life had been troubled, oh but he had persevered he was a strong man and an honorable one. His name is Sun Spark and once upon a time, a long time ago he went by a different name, a warriors name, but he left that life and his name far behind him, when he met my mother and he never spoke of it. He has always called me little tree. He has this slight accent but from where I am afraid I don't know. He has a melodious voice, and when he tells a story, as well, as when he speaks, it's safe and warm, and curls around you like a warm pelt in a cold winter. He is an honorable wolf, a brave wolf with a golden heart. He always told me to leave another better than I found them. He loves me unconditionally and he taught me most of what I know. He taught me to be brave, and true to myself and to never lose my curiosity. I miss him very much. she blinked shyly and tilted her muzzle in embarassment.

I'm sorry I talk a lot. what about you were you close to your parents? Your mothers nickname was Mo yes?

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - June 03, 2014

He nodded in response to her comments about Perry being her first and closest friend here. Underneath all the silly, insulting banter between the brothers, Atticus thought incredibly highly of Peregrine. His brother was one of the smartest, most generous and honorable wolves Atticus knew, and he was proud of the blood they shared. They'd had their rough spots, sure, but Perry was, without a doubt, the best friend that Atticus himself had.

He listened to her talk about her father, and he couldn't help grinning at the fondness and love in Blue Willow's voice. It was clear she had adored her father, and her descriptions of him reminded Atticus very much of his own father. "Little Tree," he commented with a smile, amusement in his voice. "That's so cute. I like that." She went on to ask him about his own family, specifically his mother, and he chuckled as he remembered the white hurricane that had been his mom. "Yeah, her name was March Owl but everyone just called her Mo. She was……well, I'm not sure how to put it. She was…really something." He laughed. His mother had been foul-mouthed, short-tempered, and iron-strong in everything she said, did, and believed. He had never known a more memorable wolf since. "And my dad was…well, I think he was a bit like yours. He liked to tell stories, and he was a teacher and mentor to me as I grew up. I wasn't as big or strong as some of my other brothers, I didn't have dreams of leadership like Tyrannus did, I wasn't super-smart like Echo or Crete were, but…I dunno, he saw something in me and he made me feel like I could do anything, like the world was mine for the taking, y'know?" He grinned, realizing he was babbling on and wondering if she was bored yet. Sighing, he added, "I really miss my parents."

RE: As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - June 03, 2014

Blue Willow dipped her head shyly yes I am quite fond of that nickname, but he is the only one that ever called me that. Everyone else has always called me willow or blue, or some rather nasty things from my brothers of course, but what is brothers without the antagonistic flare. She chuckled as she thought of her brothers. She did not know them well, but they had some friendly rapport anyway. They had been long gone and only visiting when she had come to the world.

Blue laughed you're brother just about said the same exact thing about your mother. She sounds like quite a character and I imagine she would have shocked me with some of her mannerisms, but I think she would have been wonderful to meet. Blue Willow listened, he sounded as fond of his father as she was of her own. She had not been as fond of her mother, she had loved her of course, but her mother had been so plain spoken and rather uptight most of her growing up. The only time she had ever ever seen her mother lose herself was when she was with her father and then well then it was a whole 'nother being almost. Why Atticus of course you can conquer the world. My father told me once that the world is there for the taking you just have to be up for the adventure and the risk. Mostly the risk.

She smiled she heard the sigh and felt bad, she had forgotten that his family was gone to the heavens. She was unsure what to do but hoping to give comfort where it was due, she leaned forward and pressed her muzzle into his own for a moment and then backed up again, a simple touch the same she would do for any though this one felt like a giant leap. She assumed it was because she was watching this wolf far closer than most and had romantic notions in her head both her own and his brothers. I miss my family very much too, mostly my father. My mother and I are not very close neither our my brothers and I. I love them all, but I love my father best. That probably makes me a bit selfish and mean,but what are you to do.

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - June 04, 2014

Omg, Blue is so sweet. I want to hug her!

He was surprised when she touched him. Not only because she did so -- and that was an unexpected delight in itself -- but because of the way it made him feel. Sure, he'd taken a shine to the lovely Beta, but he hadn't realize how interested he truly was until that simple little gesture on her part. Her touch electrified him, sent ticklish currents of quicksilver fire zinging through his entire body until they settled, like a nest of restless butterflies, right in his belly. He couldn't help grinning like a fool. He felt like a teenager again. Not even Hawkeye had elicited this sort of anxious anticipation in him.

Not only did she awaken him physically, but she also made him feel good on the inside. Her affirmation of what his father had told him -- that he could conquer the universe if he but had the heart and the will to do it -- somehow made him feel more like a man, like a wolf worthy of respect. He hadn't heard words of encouragement like those his father had given him since…well, since before Aether had passed away. His tail wagged across the soft grass behind him and he looked at her with grateful eyes. "You are something else, Blue Willow, y'know that?"

RE: As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - June 04, 2014

D'aw thanks! she'd hug ya back lol

She saw his grin and chuckled to herself she moved and lay on her belly spinx-like after moving the hare. Her tail went tap tap across the ground in lazy ways. By rights she should have been tired and listless, but rather she felt wide awake and lively. She tilted her head studying the wolf in front of her he was a fine specimen and she had not anticipated the level of attraction he would incite once she opened to the idea.

If she had been asked the beta healer would have been more than willing to tell Atticus that he was worthy of respect that he was a good man with a good heart. She chuckled softly oh I don't know about that I'm just me, but thank you very much that compliment was a large one and she took it happily with grace. so tell me a tale true she offered a small smile her father had said that at moments of silence when he wished to prolong a conversation and she dearly wished too, but it was getting late and though she was fine she did not know about him. my father used to tell me that when he wished to prolong the conversations she let a gentle thrum ring once in her chest at her contentment.

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - June 08, 2014

Mind if we wrap this up in the next post or two? I'd love to have another one with you soon. :)

As she retired into a more comfortable position, Atticus did the same, lying down and stretching his forelegs out in front of him. He felt a yawn tug at his lungs but resisted the urge to give in to it, not wanting to appear rude or bored to her. He was, after all, anything but bored. Blue Willow was not a creature that could bore him; even when she spoke of seemingly mundane things this night, he found himself transfixed by her words, and could not help studying the little things about her -- the sweet tone of her laugh, the cute way her lips curled when she grinned, the way her deep green eyes captured the starlight, the way the night danced and moved over her black curves. She was the furthest thing from boring in the world at that moment.

She invited him to tell her a tale, and so he did. He told her of some misbegotten adventure he, Peregrine, and Crete had gone on when they were boys (there'd been many of those), of how it'd gone totally and completely awry (and it always had), and how much trouble they'd gotten in afterward (which never taught them the lesson it was intended to). He laughed a lot in the telling, and found parts of himself that he'd never realized were so isolated and tense, opening up and relaxing.

RE: As the shadows fall - Blue Willow - June 08, 2014

I don't mind at all. just let me know when you have time for another I know you're busy bee :)

Blue listened raptly to his tale laughing at the places where it was warranted laughing until her eyes watered. it seemed that she had been right he had been an ornery child as well as his brothers. the starlight played peek a boo with his pelt and it glittered alloweing a warmth to pervade and pool in her belly. It was an enjoyable night but like all wonderful things it had to end for the time being.

As his story was concluded and the wetness wiped from her eyes she sighed both in regret and contentment. she shifted and stood slowly its late I believe I best go crawl in my den to sleep. she leaned forward and nudged his shoulder and his side thank you Atticus this has been a wonderful night and we must tell secrets to the shadows together again soon.

RE: As the shadows fall - Atticus - June 09, 2014

Thanks! You're awesome. :)

As his silly tale came to its conclusion, they both had tears in their eyes and cramps in their cheeks from laughter and smiles. It had turned out to be a truly awesome evening, Atticus thought, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a good time with someone he scarcely knew. It was clear, though, that the late hour was beginning to take its toll on them both, as eyes grew heavier and yawns could no longer be stifled. As Blue Willow began to say her farewells, Atticus rose to his paws and stretched. She gave him a friendly nudge to the shoulder, and he gently touched the top of her head with his chin as she did so. "Yes, I'd enjoy that," he replied to her comment about telling secrets to the shadows again soon. "Have a good night, Blue Willow. I'll see ya later." And with that, he turned and headed back to the small clearing where he usually slept.