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Phantom Hollow Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Printable Version

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Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 06, 2017

@Avannon here it is.

Judas managed to take the unconscious Avannon to where he planned to take her. To where he believed it all started. And here, he hoped for it to all end. Avannon had been somewhat inspiration to his mind, like an artwork. How much he had changed her somewhat changed him as well. It was like a back and forth wave, hitting two cliffs across from each other. Slowly crumbling them away. That's how he saw it. 

He sat some distance away, leaving a small bird before her. That had been a gift from the good side of him, at least wanting to give something. With nothing laced in it this time. He had already eaten half, and now he just waited, watching her silently. He hadn't tried to hide his tracks when bringing her, for he in fact did not care to.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? - Avannon - February 06, 2017

Not once had she woken up, hr mind and body finding solice in the darkness where she didnt have to stare into his face. Her breathing was peaceful as well as her face, eyes closed with a softness she hadn't showed in such a long time. Something woke her now however, fate maybe, or the smell of bird. Her stomach recoiled at the sight and smell of it, and she coughed as she rolled over to go back to sleep. She wanted to remain in the darkness until death sought her out at last, maybe she would see her parents.

Sleep wouldn't come back to her just yet and she groaned defeatedly before rolling over and sitting up. It was then she realized that she wasn't in Ryujin or even the sunspires at that, she was somewhere completely new with Judas sitting in front of her a couple of feet away. She looked at the bird and back at him, realizing that he had eaten some too. Pushing her starved form up on shaky legs she walked over to the bird and began to eat slowly, savoring the flavor and praying that it was in fact poisoned so she could end it all.

is this where they end it? or is that another thread?

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? - Judas - February 06, 2017

Judas looked away before she could wake up. The good side of him wanted to apologise for everything, and the dark side of Judas didn't like that one bit. So began an argument in his head, that in fact came out aloud. Some words were tossed about, each side insulting the other until she stirred.

Judas stopped with the self-argument to look at her. His good side felt guilt, something that shined through the dark personality. "He wanted to give you food. Thought you would be hungry."

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? - Avannon - February 07, 2017

She had not heard his muttering but looked up when he spoke to her "him? who else is with you?" she asked suddenly on edge again. He had teamed up with someone to kidnap her? But as she sniffed the air all she smelled was the prey and Judas's own scent. It confused her and though the situation should be familiar (Jolon and his demon), it didn't click in her mind just quite yet. When it did she would probably feel some pretty crippling guilt, but for now she was just angry and scared.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? - Judas - February 07, 2017

Judas stared right at her, and answered. "No one else is here. Just you, me, and...guess you could say the other me." He finished off with a laugh, that almost sounded wheezy. All the laughing he had been doing was starting to hurt his throat. 

"So, now that you have finished eating...let's get down to it" he said with a menacing grin. He stood up and took a step toward her. He planned to instill fear into her, to make her remember him. All he wanted was for someone to share his pain, and this was the only way that he knew how. To force the pain unto them.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? - Avannon - February 07, 2017

Once again that grin caused a chill to run down her spine,and she snarled loudly clicking her jaws together and scrambling backwards until her butt was against a tree. She flattened her ears and growled in warning, though her blue eyes were wide with fear "I...I wont hesitate to take the other eye" she warned shakily.

Why was he doing this? Wasn't ruining her enough for him, now he had to torture her and make her dizzy with fear? She let loose a howl hoping that someone,Anyone would hear her though deep down she knew she was alone in this. Jolon...where are you? she cried in her mind, a sharp pain of distress and yearning tearing through her very being.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 08, 2017

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Heavy violence, and may be rather unsettling
Judas watched as she retreated, it gave him some pleasure to see her flee before him. Now this was the Avannon he remembered, when they first met. That fateful day, what he thought it to be, when his dark side was fully unleashed once more. He stalked forward, daring to come close. He knew that she could easily bite his muzzle, but he didn't care. He wanted to get as close as possible. 

The coywolf snapped at her face, not aiming to do damage but if she moved forward then no doubt it would. Then he laughed manically, like an insane cackle. He had truly reached the peak of his madness.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 10, 2017

With a shriek as he snapped at her she pulled her head out of reach, avoiding the damage but smelling his breath and feeling its warmth on her face. She forgot that she was backed up and tried to moved away, only succeeding in pressing against him more and recoiling instantly. He said there was an...other part of him? Another him? It struck her then that he might be like Jolon, only more extreme. She looked at him with pure fear, but swallowed the lum in her throat and spoke "I understand. I dont know how you came to be this way, but you aren't all evil are you? The Judas i saw on the borders cowered before me and was obediant and knew what he had done, but this isnt him. My...My boyfriend was like this. He called the other side Vector" she poke soothingly though her voice was trembling with fear.

She hoped it would startle him enough for her to get a quick bite in so she could run like hell to the nearest pack. She needed help or she would die here, die from this man who couldnt seem to leave her be. He couldn't stop tormenting her even though they were even now that she had taken his eye. What would he do to he now?

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 11, 2017

Judas flinched back. So she knew someone like him, did she? Acted as if she already knew him, that's what he got out of it. "You may know him. But you don't know me...but you will."  He circled back for a moment away from her, pondering on what he could do. He had many things in mind. Many twisted ideas, and he planned to use them all. Or at least as many as possible. He glanced back with the gut-twisting grin he had. 

"I think first, I might treat you to some pain..." He turned on her, lunging forth for one of her legs. Aiming to grip onto it, and then if he did he would throw his head side to side, pulling at it with his teeth to rip into it, through the skin and fur.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 13, 2017

For a moment she seemed to have reached him but then he went back to being the Evil, cruel self she had originally met in the Sunspires. She tried to dart away before he could rech her but stumbled, and ended up with her foreleg clamped in his jaws. He shook his head back and forth earning a scream of anger ad pain from her maw, and she snapped at his face aiming for the missing eyesocket that she knew would still be healing.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 13, 2017

Judas did not let go, not until her own teeth slashed his empty eye. He howled in pain, letting go. The almost healed socket once again bled from the scars, as well as a couple extra cuts. It only made him look more menacing. His chest was heaving, his back following it's movements. If he wasn't angry before, he was now. "There's the fight I was looking for!" He began circling again, aiming to attack from behind.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 13, 2017

She growled as he backed off, a sickening sort of pleasure forming as she watched him bleed and tasted his blood. He wanted a fight huh? Well a fight is what he would get, even though it would be the death of her. He wouldn't touch her ever again, she would make sure of that. She followed his movements, turning so that her rear was never in front of him. Before he could lunge, she darted forward jaws parted as she went for his shoulder aiming to take hold of his flesh and make a quick tear.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 13, 2017

Her hit countered his own, and he felt her teeth tear through his own flesh, some muscle being torn as well. But the pain was only fuelling his bloodlust. He was no fighter, but he would do all he could. All signs of civilised behavior, any behavior but the darkness was gone. There was no more conflict in his mind. Just kill, kill, kill. Ignoring the pain, he made for his own attack toward her side, gnashing wildly with spit flying from his maw.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 14, 2017

Her teeth met with flesh and she tore wildly, not holding anything back. Her growls were purely blood lust, her eyes filled with manic rage and hunger as she tasted his blood. She would make him pay for this, for everything he had done to her even if she died doing it. She had torn into muscle by the time he retaliated, and she snarled with shock and pain as he tore into her side causing her to leap sideways away from his jaws. 

She never went more than a few inches away, muzzle now pointed toward his rear as she lunged low, aiming to take a hind leg inbetween her massive jaws and break it. She would maim him, leave him unable to move, leave him in so much pain he could only scream in his mind. She was no longer Avannon, but a beast driven mad by pain and suffering longing for revenge.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 15, 2017

Judas growled, saliva dripping from his lips. Avannon launched herself at his hindleg. There was a faint snap, a stabbing pain. That was enough to make him cry out. He snapped at whatever he could find, trying to dig his teeth into her. He was sure the poison would had been enough to slow her, but she was tough. He had to give her that. Still, the leaf was lethal. That he knew off by heart. Blood pooled beneath them, and he wasn't sure who's was who's. By now all the blood was no doubt mixed. He felt himself getting weaker.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 16, 2017

Her fangs connected with his leg and she tore, only to leap away as his fangs scraped at her neck and face. She growled trying to keep a face of strength as she circled him, but inside she knew she was weakening. Her breaths were short and rapid, and her nose ran in an unhealthy way. Her stomach cramped up and she coughed, her crazed eyes never leaving him for a second. "You will die...even if i die with you" she promised hoarsely.

She continued to circle him, a sense of cockiness and stupidity wanting him to make the next move against her so she could best him and cause him more pain. She wanted him to suffer so so badly, she wanted to hear him scream like he had the day in Ryujin. Fuck, she wanted him to beg her for mercy, as she tore his damned throat out.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 16, 2017

he knew he was weakening as well. But the cough was a signal to him that she too was weakening as well. He laughed at her words, but they were more like dry breaths. His frame was smaller than hers, less muscle. She had more power over him. And they would both fall, if he had anything to say about it. "Go ahead...do it..."

But for a moment, there was a pause. A flicker. The other side peeked through and held back the other side, and he looked at her for a moment. It was a pleading look. This is what the good side of Judas wanted. Just a moment, a moment for Avannon to strike. He didn't want to hurt anyone, no more. And just for a second, it was there. Only for a second, and then the bad side was back.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 19, 2017

His words didnt make her pause so much as the brief look of pleading he gave her, the look that clearly said Kill me. With a brief nod she looked into his eyes, sympathy breaking through her moment of madness "I will" she said, and those words were like a shot of energy. She would bring him peace, and hopefully he could end her suffering too.

leaping forward she sped toward him, eyes narrowed in concentration until she was merely inches on front of him. She reared onto her hind legs and wrapped her forelegs around his neck, dropping her weight over like a rag doll and aiming to bring him to the ground with her.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 19, 2017

The two-sided coywolf snarled at her, peeling his lips back. His eyes moved up with her body as she went onto her hind legs to bring herself down upon him. He snapped his teeth up at her. Her weight brought him down to the ground with a thump, his belly now sticky with the blood on the ground. This time he struggled, snapping his jaws everywhere in his reach. But he was tiring.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 20, 2017

She grunted with the effort to hold him in place, his jaws coming inches within her eyes as she reeled back with a cry of surprise. His fangs ended up tearing her cheeks apart, and she screamed with both agony and fury. Struggling to mantain her hold she snapped her jaws forward, teeth aiming to seek hold on his windpipe. Her whole body trembled with a mixture of pain,fury, and exhaustion and her mind reeled with the need to just pass out. 

She would make sure he never hurt anyone again, this was her purpose in life. This was why she endured everything she had. She was born to die, giving her life up to kill a possesed man who had blood on his paws.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 21, 2017

Judas never stopped snapping his jaws. He couldn't stop, even if he tried. The killer side of him went in a mad frenzy as soon as they went down. It did not care to die, that side of him. But it was determined to bring her down as well. But the struggling ceased as soon as teeth were felt against the one part of his neck that should never be left vulnerable. A fatal mistake.

Judas gasped for air in her grip, knowing at any moment she could crush it. But then, he just started laughing mockfully. No matter what she did, he had already left a taint of his own on the world.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 21, 2017

He disgusted her, and as her jaws wrapped around his throat she wasted no time even as the laughter began. She squeezed with all her remaining strength as her body failed her and collapsed ontop of him, yet she held strong growling savagely, growling her anger at the world and at Judas, at Jolon for leaving her and never returning, For her family's death and her first love's betrayal. Life was meant to drag you down and she would have no more of it.

She jerked her head weakly, desperately attempting to end it all once and for all even as she felt herself slipping away. Whether she would wake up or not didnt matter to her at the moment, though somewhere in her mind she knew for sure she would never wake and see daylight again.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Judas - February 21, 2017

The coywolf felt his throat being torn out, and he immediately began gasping for air as blood started to clog up in his airways. Every breath was more of a gurgle as the red liquid flowed freely from his throat. His legs kicked out of reflex as he slowly bled out on the ground, dying. His life flashed before him, all he had done. The good, and the bad. And lastly, he saw the image of the one he had done it all for.

His strained voice came out as a gurgle. "Mo..Moth...Mo..." His chest grew still, his kicks becoming less and less. And finally, his eyes glazed over at his final strained breath left him.

RE: Wanna Know How I Got These Scars? (m) - Avannon - February 22, 2017

Avannon collapsed to the side, her body finally giving out as her dulling eyes watched Judas bleed out. She felt nothing surprisingly whether that was due to her dying, or the fact that she couldn't care anymore she didnt know. After She watched him take her last breath she whimpered once and then went into a frenzy. She grabbed Judas's dead body in her jaws and tore at him from her spot on the ground, her weak jaws clamping down and tugging at the skin until she thought she would pass out.

Finally she went still, unable to move a single inch more she stared up at the sky. She felt a relieving sense of peace come over her, and tears ran down her face. A black blur appeared next to her and she could have sworn she smelled his scent. She smiled weakly and turned her head toward the shape that could be a hallucination, but she believed it to be her lover. He had come for her at last to lead her to safety and peace, a world full of love. "Jolon....Jolon...I did it" her last words slipped away and she was gone. No more anger and hatred, no more love and kindness, no more thrist for vengeance, No more Avannon.

@Jolon in case you come back. @Asterr she is no longer alive, so you can remove her from Ryujin.