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Sequoia Coast wahine - Printable Version

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wahine - Aolani - February 08, 2017

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For now, her thirst was sated. Having been lucky enough to find a small kava plant, barely surviving in the cold, Lulu's condition had been temporarily halted and she was once again floating along with the breeze, the wind blowing into her chest. In the distance, she could see the sparkling lights of a moon dance, though it seemed the closer she was, the farther the performers would drift. A soft whimper escaped Lulu's maw as she sauntered and flopped toward the sweet song of the angels, for the entire ordeal was becoming quite overwhelming for the young woman. Still, she continued onward with her eyes locked on the sweet sparkling of their wings.

RE: wahine - Neako - February 08, 2017

The dark wolf stared out across the terrain, his night hued tail swaying behind him as he remained quiet and still within the land. The brute's shimmering eyes gleamed from the light of the sun as he peered out to where the grass merged into the sand, the large male letting out snort as he then continued onward, traipsing through the coast without aim with the fresh carcass of a seabird hanging from his jaws. Neako would pause to watch as its white feathers fell from its lifeless body, the male quietly observing how they fluttered in the wind and elegantly danced through the air.

Slowly he turned his head to continue his journey and as he did this, Neako's eyes caught the sight of another approaching far off in the distance, a puzzled expression befell the male's face as he watched the figure move, their motion definitely appeared... odd.

RE: wahine - Aolani - February 09, 2017

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So close; she was drawing so close to the angels! Yet before she could reach their sweet siren songs, a black figure stepped before her with one of the sweet ballerinas locked between his jaws. Lulu stopped where she stood, her heart racing and her eyes locked, as she waited for the lapu to make a move. A snarl ripped across her maw, though it was broken by occasional whimpers and licks to her nose. Stay back! she called out, though fear obviously lined her words. Lulu crouched down with her tail between her hind legs and her paws covering her ears, waiting for the spirit to expose its inner wrath.

RE: wahine - Neako - February 09, 2017

Confusion. It was the first thing that came to the night colored brute as his golden eyes stared at the female, observing how she cowered, shouting to who he assumed was him to stay back. At this point, Neako remained still and silent, a singular ear twitching as she snarled and whimpered at him. 'What the hell is up with her?' The male thought as he observed her near panicked form, jaws opening, he dropped the carcass to the ground, his pink tongue licking at his muzzle before letting his gruff voice fill the air, ”I'm not going to harm you..” He said, un-groomed tail swaying behind him as he then let out a sigh, tongue returning to lick at his blood stained maw, ”Are you feeling okay?” Neako questioned, head tipping to the side as he continued to study the strange girl.

RE: wahine - Aolani - February 09, 2017

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Despite the being's reassurance, fear held Lulu locked in place against the rough sands of the beach. One couldn't trust the spirits of the dead, for they no longer knew of values and earthly standards. She lifted herself slowly, ready to make her retreat, though as she rose to her paws, Lulu silently studied the lapu's frame. It was darker than the night with eyes which shone into her soul. Around it was an aura of crow-colored dust, floating just close enough to its body to be noted. Though the voice it used was a collection of throaty bass and harsh tones, it held a sort of comforting attraction. Despite this all, Lulu remained where she was, one paw lifted as though she was preparing to approach.

RE: wahine - Neako - February 09, 2017

Gold eyes blinked as he watched the girl silently, the male shuddering as cold breeze swept through the land, its icy touch gently caressing his raven colored pelt as he found himself unsure on what to do but simply stare blankly at her. Gradually his gold eyes glanced away and down to the carcass upon the ground, though slowly he looked back to the startled she-wolf, ”Are you hungry?” He asked, tail swaying behind him in the brisk coastal wind that seemed to be picking up.

RE: wahine - Aolani - February 10, 2017

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Hover over the Hawaiian for a translation!
N-no, Lulu stammered out, Heaha hoi kau e makemake mai ai iaʻu, lapu? It was strange for a being such as this to wander alone without a cause. Perhaps she had angered it by rousing its vessel, and now the spirit was confronting her to learn her reasoning behind disturbing the dead. 

Lulu took a step closer, then another after that, until the space between the pair had been closed by a few yards. The angels were no longer dancing for her, which brought a bit of sorrow to her heart, though she was satisfied with the new company she'd come across. So far, the lapu seemed much easier to please than the large butterfly she'd met before. As she drew in, Lulu could see that this lapu was no spirit at all, but a rather animated being who seemed more alive than a simple illusion. A breath escaped her as she sighed with relief and sat back on her haunches, curling her tail around herself in a shy, closed-off fashion. Tilting her head downward, Lulu looked at the poor angel's corpse and back at the large beast before her, still unsure of what to call it just yet.

You've killed it. You've killed one of my angels. Her voice cracked as she spoke, for the poor girl was on the verge of tears. She knew nought of the actual prey before her. All that Lulu knew was that there were dancers, sweet and lithe, and the limp thing before her looked just like their Queen.

RE: wahine - Neako - February 11, 2017

Black ears arched forward at her stammered reply and Neako slowly straightened himself as he continued to examined the strange she-wolf; she wasn't hungry, so what was it? The raven male's stared blankly at her as she suddenly began speaking in a foreign tongue. 'What on earth is she sayin'?'  The brute thought as he kept his eyes focused on the freckled woman, the male's muzzle parting as he slowly shook his head to her, ”I'm sorry, I don't understand you..” He said, giving a shrug of his shoulders and gradually allowing a drawn-out sigh to escape his lips. The loner silently observed how she began to approach him and Neako couldn't help but tilt his head again as she then seated herself down with her head low, glancing to the seabird upon the ground and almost seeming to be on the verge of tears. But out of everything, it was the words that fell from her mouth that caused the ebony male's brows to furrow with utter confusion, 'You've killed it. You've killed one of my angels.' Neako looked down to the carcass at his paws, nose twitching as he then returned his gaze back to the slim female, ”You're...angel?” He asked as his ebony tail swayed behind him, fur bristling as another brisk breeze swept past the pair.

Neako stood quietly throughout the meeting, his mind puzzled as he remained within the unusual she-wolf's company, for she was indeed an unusual one and in truth the brute was slowly beginning to think that this woman was totally off her head. If she thought the waterfowl he'd killed was an angel  then she was definitely deluded. Taking a breath, Neako licked his muzzle and spoke out smoothly, ”You do realize its a seabird.. and not an angel of any form, right?” He queried as he casually lifted a paw to move the dead feathered creature, giving it a gentle nudge toward the woman for a better view.

RE: wahine - Aolani - February 11, 2017

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Lulu sniffled and watched as the man nudged the bird over, for she was beginning to fall quite foolish. From a distance, it was easy for things to seem unlike they really were; it was no wonder he didn't understand her, for he was only a man, after all. I'm sorry, she said. Though still heavily intoxicated, this was becoming a moment of clarity and humiliation. I just...I thought it was something else. Lulu bit at the inside of her cheek and looked away from the black stained brute, trying to find the words to explain herself. I'm not normally like this, nor did she like it when she was. She no longer found pleasure in her addictions; each fix was just to keep from dying.

I'm Lulua'ina, but Lulu is easier to pronounce. I would understand if you want to go; I'm sure I seem a bit strange. She laughed softly, though it was a weak sound laced with sorrow. She was beginning to come down from the top of her high which she knew would be able to hold her for about a day or so before she needed another. Inwardly, Lulu hoped the male would stay, or at least invite her to where he slept. She had no one to miss her, no home to leave behind; in short, she had nothing to lose.

RE: wahine - Neako - February 12, 2017

An ear twitched at the sound of an apology and the dark male merely gave the woman a small dip of his head in response, his orange eyes gleamed as he watched her curiously for it appeared that maybe, reality was finally beginning to hit the she-wolf. As she spoke, Neako remained silent, listening carefully as she continued to explain herself, telling him that she had thought the carcass to be something else and Neako couldn't help but let out a dry laugh. The brute's black lips parted as he replied with a slight smirk, ”I'm not sure how you could confuse a meal as an angel..” He started, giving an amused sway of his tail though the movement soon ceased as he continued on a more seriously note, ”..but maybe you should be careful roaming around with such an imagination, or whatever it is.” He gave her an earnest look before his pink tongue escaped his mouth to lick at his dry lips.

The introduction from the female caused Neako's body to tense suddenly and his golden eyes anxiously looked away from Lulu, his ebony ears kept twitching a top his head as he listened to her go on about understanding if he now chose to leave and swiftly, Neako looked to the ocean that was located a short distance away from were they stood, debating such an act. He was unsure of what to say or do as socializing wasn't one of his strongest points so his gold eyes slowly closed as the brute then let a drawn-out sigh and politely went on to introduced himself in return, ”I'm Neako.” He muttered as he gradually brought his attention back to Lulua'ina.

RE: wahine - Aolani - February 12, 2017

It seems silly now that I can see it better... Lulu was ashamed of her mistake, though it wasn't the first time something of the sort had happened. Do you live around here? She sat back on her haunches, trusting the male much more than she should have. He could easily attacked if he wished, though she hoped that he wouldn't. I could use a bit of company, or a place to stay, at the least.

RE: wahine - Neako - February 13, 2017

”Indeed.” He said gruffly as his messily kept tail gave a sway behind him, ”And, no.. I don't.” Neako replied as his tongue then flicked out from his mouth to lick the side of his muzzle. The brute knew he'd yet to find somewhere decent to call a temporary home and as he glanced toward the setting sun, Neako couldn't help but contemplate that, now, would probably be a good time to find such a place to call for the night. He watched quietly as she gradually seated herself upon the ground, ”Do you?” He asked in return, head tilting to the side curiously as he continued to observe the girl, though occasionally Neako shifted his gaze as he briefly scanned the terrain around them in search of a suitable and close by shelter.

Dark ears quickly arched forward as he caught Lulua'ina's last words, bright eyes returning their gaze back to Lulu with a slight glint of unease within them, slowly a frown crossed his features as Neako looked at her blankly, ”Um..” He started, though soon the black wolf let out a long sigh and forced the girl a smile, ”Sure.” Unfortunately, for Neako, he knew the gentleman in him couldn't allow himself to just walk off and ignore her request.