Wolf RPG
Chicken feathers? I think not! - Printable Version

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Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 04, 2014

Aryn alighted down onto a low branch. Shaking out her feathers as she watched the last rays of the sun fall into twilight.

She let out the first raspy hoot of the night as she peered the river for nocturnal hunting. Tilting her head back and forth, she faintly heard the soft heartbeat of a mouse. She softly flew into the air, circling.

She spotted her quarry and went in for a kill spiral. In less than a second, with a small, terrified squeak, the mouse was clutched in her talons.

Aryn ate her dinner- or in her case, breakfast- on a low-lying tree branch. After a few minutes, with the mouse comfortably in her gizzard, she eagerly looked for her late night entertainment- a late-night wolf.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Charlemagne - May 04, 2014

OCC: jumping in because I can ... hope you don't mind

The small fox treaded through the high grass, clinging to the shadows as the sun began dissapearing behind the horizon. As many other creatures, Charlemagne enjoyed the night time, it was far more secretive and exciting in his opinion. It was when the lights went out that the real fun began.

He stopped at the base of a tree, and raised his head taking in the scents around him in search of a potential meal. Suddenly a couple of feet away from him a quick shadow sank into the ground, and shot up again, taking what seemed to be a small mouse in it's grasp.

Charlemagne, watched astonished as the creature poised itself on a tree branch. He had never seen such a creature, the only feathered critters he had ever come across were pesky vultures that just like him, liked to pick at the remains. But this bird was different..

Curiosity broiling in his belly, Charlemagne stepped out of his hideout, and faced the tree the bird was perched in, his eyes blinking at her with intrigue. "Ello!" he yapped.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 04, 2014

not at all! :)

Aryn turned towards the loud greeting, twisting her head upside down to get a better angle. She recognized the word, hello. She clacked her beak once, and lifted one wing, waggling it awkwardly, as if she were waving. As if it were a tail waving in salutations.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 04, 2014

The vocal noise was what had awoken the brute from his slumber, and he pulled himself from the den below the tree. He looked for the source of the noise, not even thinking to look up into the tree, he froze when he saw the four legged creature before him. The hair on the back of his neck stood up making the brute seem larger then he already was, towering over the tiny creature.

This was no coyote so he faltered in his next actions and just stared at the fox very seriously. Regarding it, deciding if it was going to be a threat to the pack's food cache.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Charlemagne - May 04, 2014

he is clueless xD
The youngster, watched the owl's response with amusement wagging his tail in return to his wave, suddenly he felt the hot breath of a larger creature on his back, slowly he swiveled his ears towards the monster and with a jolt he jumped back, out of his reach. "Aye!" he yipped.

Just in front of him a huge wolf stood his ground, his back bristling and his eyes narrowed. Charlemagne stared at him, his eyes wide as platters, then as if he were waiting for him to lunge at him, Charlemagne took a step back. And dipped his head to the wolf non-chalantly. "Evening.. are you here to watch the bird too?" he mused pointinmg his snout at the feathered animal perched in the tree.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 04, 2014

Aryn made a raspy hoot as the wolf crawled out of his nest- Er, den. she told herself. They call their nests, dens.-She wasn't surprised, she heard the heartbeat of a large animal at the foot of the tree, but rather excited. She loved the cluelessness of the four legged creatures and their second cousins of foxes and dogs and coyotes.

She repeated the greeting gesture and hooted again to get the wolf's attention.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 05, 2014

Ferdie's ears tipped backward toward the sound, he recognized it as owl but it wasn't something he'd have to be concerned about this fox on the other paw... Ferdie chuckled to himself wouldn't the alpha named Fox love a gift of a fox, usually his gifts were dead and edible but this one might be more fun alive.

However he was already on her bad list this might hurt him even more, still he was torn about whether to drive it off or enjoy the company of the two animals for a while before driving off or even eating the fox, the owl could stay as long as it wished.

Were he a lone wolf he would have tried to keep these creatures around as long as possible, but here though the brute was lonely, with Bazi gone as often as she was and the alpha's rejection of his company for more then a few tolerant minutes he was too worried about stepping on toes with pack etiquette to enjoy himself.

He ignored the foxes question and asked another though his ears did flick back toward the Owl he wished he could spend time with, the owl would be allowed in the pack territory with no questions asked, no grey area there. What do you want little fox? he decided to address the fox if he could find out why it was here then perhaps he could then decide if it could stay or not, knowing his luck if he let it stay it'd follow him everywhere and get him in trouble.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Charlemagne - May 05, 2014

Charlemagne swished his tail back and forth, feeling a bit uncomfortable by the wolf's lack of response. He looked at the owl again hoping it would do some kind of dance with its feathers so that the wolf would get distracted, giving him a decent 5 seconds to run.

He did not want to meet the wolf's steady gaze, as he felt it could be interpreted as a defiant action. Instead he left his head considerably lower and his ears pinned back against his head. "I want nothing from you friend wolf.." he began, "I was just watching the owl.. pretty interesting fella." he added, shrugging his shoulders casually.

"I bet we cannot catch it" he whispered, he really had no intentions of hurting the bird, but he felt that by switching the wolf's attention to the owl could be the only way for him to escape.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 05, 2014

Aryn cocked her head, slowly translating the words in her head. She picked up the anxiety in their voices, the uncertainty.

I bet we cannot catch it.

If Aryn could smile, she would. Actually, she was smiling. A very owl-ish smile. The fox wanted a chance to get away.

She hooted, "I hope you don't plan on hurting the fox..." She sighed, knowing that all they'll hear is a bunch of squawks and hoots.

Instead, swift like the wind, she flew down between the two quadrupeds. She landed and faced the wolf, making a long, deep hoot that sounded like a soft howl, looking at the wolf. She resisted the urge to annoy the wolf, knowing this might be the only chance to get close to a wolf.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 05, 2014

Ferdie slid down into a laying position a front leg on either side of the owl, the wild fauna was now ganging up on him, and he without the energy to bother with them. A lone fox was no cause for concern they didn't travel in packs nor could it hunt anything more then rats and things. In the winter when food was scarce this fox would be a concern but food was plentiful enough for the moment.

So he ignored the fox and snuffed the owls belly very gently, he had learned long ago one bite from and bird was nasty this one could probably even scar him but not before he killed it for the bite. So he wasn't overly concerned about being bitten. He was resigned to the fact mother nature wanted to mock him too now. He sighed watching the owls chest feathers move below his breath silently.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Charlemagne - May 05, 2014

im in my mobile, couldn't resist to reply pardon the typos

Then before Charlemagne could do anything else to try to convince the wolf to leave him alone, the golden bird rose from the branch, landing gratefully between the two if them like an angel. He took advantage of the owl's graceful appereance and took a step back slowly.

His eyes still fixed on the wolf. "Ha! You caught it!" He murmured taking yet another step back

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 05, 2014

Aryn churred. Churring was laughter for an owl. She laughed at the Fox's words. She shrugged her wings at the wolf, as if it was a casual meet( which in her case, it was). Before the wolf could react, she ran her beak through the fur on his head. Owl mothers would do this to owlets to clean their feathers. It was also a sign of love or friendship. She turned and waddled over to the fox and did the same before it could back off more. She backed off and made a triangle out of the three creatures, churring and bowing.

If these motions were translated correctly, they would realize she'd be saying, Let's be friends!

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 05, 2014

Watching the bird walk upon the ground was almost comical to the wolf, he had never gotten a chance to get this close to a bird unless it was between his teeth before. Finally he decided that the Fox could stay as long as it didn't cause him trouble he relaxed and lay his head upon the ground. The grooming gesture from the owl had been weird feeling but not all that unwelcome, for the most part it was always he whom did the grooming to others. Rarely if ever had he been on the receiving end.

In order to give the fox more reason to relax, and in light of the owls weird behavior to invite friendship he sighed eehh.... you'd be to much trouble to chase

This was an odd trio for sure, all Ferdie hoped was no other wolf saw him, he'd never live it down.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Charlemagne - May 05, 2014

The young fox's chest fur bristled in alarm as the bird waddled towards him, he raised his tail in astonishment as he received the tawny owl's gentle caressing. He had never had any contact with an animal of such sort so just like the wolf he was quite puzzled.

Then the wolf rested his huge head onto the ground, showing that he was no longer interested in Charlemagne. This made him relax, he pricked his ears an took a step forward so he could then sit at a more reduced distance from his fellow cousin.

With a rapid flick of his tail, he covered his toes and offered the bigger canine a sheepish smile, considering that they were no longer strangers -they had now upgraded their relationship to being acquaintances.

"Not as much trouble as I'd be to catch!" he joked, hoping to break the tension. "What's your name fellow wolf?" he inquired, his small golden eyes blinking with curiosity

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 05, 2014

Aryn flipped her head to the wolf in curiosity, then quizzically flipped it upside down, her eyes on bottom and her beak on top. She cooed questioningly, as if the repeat the fox's inquiry.

The owl shuffles her feet in excitement, her yes hinting her feelings. She was communicating with a real wolf! She never felt happier in her life! She finally got to speak to those creatures that ran so beautifully, as if they were one, like a river. She finally got to know one personally!

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 07, 2014

Ferdie von pelt lifted his head and stared at the fox his attention drawn from the owl, Did the fox consider himself a wolf when he called the brute a fellow wolf, for if it thought itself a wolf then Ferdie had a problem with it. It might start behaving like a trespassing wolf, he narrowed his eyes; then his lips flicked up into a smile and then a toothy grin.

Catching you would be easy Ferdie snapped his teeth enjoying the clacking sound they made. You’d be dead if I caught you. it’s the chasing part that would take up to much effort The brute snorted softly.

For wanting to make friends he was doing a very poor job of it, his actions portraying the exact opposite of what he really wanted. That however was the story of his life. Somehow or another that is what he usually ended up doing, and boy did it cause him problems

Ferdie lay his head back down making his gaze level with the two creatures. His voice was softer now, and though he didn’t offer a verbal appology he did relax and try to ease the air about him. I am Ferdie Von Pelt, do you two have names?

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Charlemagne - May 07, 2014

The tip of the fox's tail, brushes against the ground, he then began tapping it impatiently as he stared at the wolf and the owl. He then heard the wolf claim that it would be easy for him to catch him. A threat?, he thought wrinkling up his nose, he still didn't think the wolf would catch him with ease, but he was stubborn so Charlemagne decided to leave the comment lingering in the air.

He then went ahead and introduced himself. Ferdie Von Pelt, the name ringed in his head, quite a peculiar name.. He offered him an amused smile and gave a jovial bark, "My name is Charlemagne"

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 07, 2014

Aryn clacked her beak in frustration. She was unsure how to tell the two creatures her name. She wavered before attempting to speak the language of the wolf. She understood their language, so maybe she should try to speak it...

"A-Aryn-n" she mouthed, before letting off a frustrated hoot and flipped her head backwards. Her wolfish sounded guttural and screechy, hardly audible. If one were to make a name out at all, it would sound more like 'Ari'.

She turned her head back to the right position and looked at them, blinking.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 07, 2014

Ferdie never contemplated that birds has a different language then wolfs before but then other then watching from afar he had never gotten close to one before. then he thought of Ame' She liked birds too, she watched them even more frequently then he, she would love to meet the owl. Ferdie imagined him and Ame racing the owl that would be fun to see who was faster a wolf on familiar terra or an Owl on the wing.

Ferdie nodded used to screechy voices from when he befriended the ferret or mink or what ever it was, he still remembered the feeling of the little creature running all over his body, clinging to his neck as he ran.

Aryne and Charlemange Ferdie grinned at the fox purposely mispronouncing it's name putting the word mange in it

Ferdie got up and went into his den he pulled out a slightly dry fish and placed it on the ground between the Fox and the Owl then lay down upon the ground, he wasn't going to eat it so someone might aswell.

Go ahead, eat He offered a gift to them, neither one likely having been able to eat fish often. Not the Ferdie was able to either, he couldn't fish to save his life

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Charlemagne - May 07, 2014

bwahaha i love how he teases him
The fox's slender figure hunched over as the bird began to screech, he was trying to make out the word it was trying to pronounce. He drew his face closer, his eyes attentively focused on the pretty feathered animal, and his ears pricked.

A-Ary?, he wondered as he watched it with surprise, it was such a magnificent animal, even more up close. The wolf then repeated both of their names, mispronouncing his naturally. The reddish canine just snorted with amusement, "Pleased to meet to you,Freddie" he teased back, half sure the wolf would laugh along, half doubting if that comment had just sealed his fate as an appetizer.

Suddenly the wolf, stood up and disappeared into his den, a second later he returned carrying a fish in his maw. He dropped it before them and told them to eat. What? A wolf sharing his food with an owl and a fox? Crazy! But wonderful at the same time, Charlemagne was starving!

He hesitated for a second, thinking it was too good to be true, but his rumbling stomach got the best of him, so he stepped forward, pressing his nose against the fish's scaly body. "Cheers!" he barked delighted.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 07, 2014

Aryn blinked at the fish, and nodded gratefully, but then shook her head and patted her stomach with her wing. I ate already!

And to prove her point, the owl began to make a funny coughing noise. After a few seconds of keeling over, the owl presented a pellet that she let the two animals stare at before she embarrassingly kicked it away from the group. She shook her head but made an owlish smile at the wolf. Thanks, but no thanks.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 07, 2014

Ferdie lifted his head back and stared at the owl, unable to help himself his nostrils scented the air, strangely there wasn't much smell if any at all, when wolves did that you could smell it from a mile away, at least other wolves could. the one think he knew about Owls is that they didn't have much of a sense of smell he saw one eating a skunk kit before the stench was awful, just passing by the scene had made him smell for days.

He tipped his head and shrugged then lay his head back down and watched the fox enjoy the fish. better watch you don't get to full or then you'd be easy to chase too Ferdie chuffed softly enjoying the banter back and forth with the tiny creature.

Where is your nest Aryne? he inquired of the owl wondering how it might answer this question, it was doing great so far

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Charlemagne - May 07, 2014

At first the youngster hesitated to take a bite, the bird had declined and the wolf had offered the fish, so that meant it was all for him. My! How quick does a night change its course. He had been out for an evening stroll,just stumbled into a quite peculiar pair and got free food?!

He gave a little melodious squeak, and dug in, ripping the fish's tender skin back and picking at its soft pink flesh. Ah! heaven in a scaly package. He heard murmuring and chirping, but he didn't really pay attention to the other two conversation -or charade game considering the owl could not speak.

waa love them

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Aryn - May 11, 2014

The owl hooted at the question. She shrugged her wings and shook her head, flowing out her large wingspan and motioning to the the night sky. She was a wanderer, only sleeping where she felt would be comfortable for the night. She hadn't found anyone yet, or any place that felt... right.

RE: Chicken feathers? I think not! - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 12, 2014

Ferdie nodded then yawned, Don't expect to get much more fish from me, Charlemange, I didn't catch that one, I am a terrible fisher. Aryn I wish I could take you to see my friend Ame, she really seems to appreciate birds

he whispered and closed his eyes, but for now sleep

Fade Ferdie I cant post much this week