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Stone Circle happening in Manhattan - Printable Version

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happening in Manhattan - Phiipa - February 16, 2017

Phiipa was so extremely happy to finally have her sisters back and couldn't wait to bring them to her home, she only hoped they would be welcome. She knew Easthollow was rather packed, but perhaps they could make room for two more. With them at her side she trotted up to the border, staring beyond it into the meadows of her new home. The horizon scattered with fluffy white clouds, painted onto the blue crystal sky. The hills of her home rolled on and on, with some forest scattered here and there. Spring was on its way, and she could hardly wait until these hills were lush with green and splattered with color.

Welcome to Easthollow! I'll call for the leaders, you two just soak it in. She said with a hum, then turned back to the border that she waited at and howled, a long friendly howl for @Valette, or if she was lucky one of the other two leaders she was yet to meet, @Steady or @Grayday.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Vinnira - February 16, 2017

Wow. It is a nice place - Vi has to hand it to her sister. She'd stumbled onto some very pretty scenery, even if this forest isn't as glorious as the one they'd grown up in. Vi almost prefered the scary forest they'd had their reunion in to this one, but even living in a desert would be worth having a pack again.

"Nice rocks," she comments, staring at the weird, grim standing stones in the distance. There's something sort of unnatural about that formation, but Vi is willing to overlook it in light of all the positive things she's seeing her. Or smelling, rather. It seems like there's a very active and healthy group of wolves around.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Sophy - February 17, 2017

Sophy had the same thing in mind about the look of the place. It did look nice, quite homey. But, she was nervous. Not by the look. But the smells. There was no doubt many wolves, judging by the mix of scents along the border. That made her nervous. Sure, Phi said they were nice. But that didn't mean all of them were nice. Many what-if's went through her mind. To get them off her mind, she looked to her both sisters for comfort. Her tail swayed gently behind her in her newfound comfort, her legs stopped shaking. That was enough to keep her calm.

RE: happening in Manhattan - RIP Valette - February 19, 2017

Valette heard the familiar howl of Phiipa. She was curious about the fact that it came from the borders. It sounded like a joining howl. Valette wondered if she had missed another howl. She made some haste to meet them. She was still quite new to the whole joining process as she usually left that to her mate. He was far more critical than she was.

The alpha female made her way to the border. She saw two unknown female, but they really looked like Phiipa. Valette curiously approached them, yet her tail was still up to let the strangers know she was most definitely in charge here. Valette noticed that one looked more nervous than the other. "Welcome to Easthollow. Phiipa, did you bring these females?," she asked, giving her a chance to introduce these two females. Valette was quite impressed she brought two new recruits. It would mean Easthollow would really max out. The move had been a great one.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Phiipa - February 19, 2017

Phiipa scoffed at Vinnira's comments on the rocks, she could tell her sisters weren't all that amazed at the place she called home, but they would get used to it as Phiipa had. She nudged Vinnira playfully in response, then gave her little sister a quick muzzle of encouragement. Soon a familiar face arrived to greet them, Phiipa was glad that it was Valette and not one of the leaders she hadn't met yet. She wanted to meet the other two of course, but would rather have someone who already knew her meet her sisters first, maybe Valette would be more inclined to accept them.

Phiipa bowed her head in respect to the pack's alpha female, glancing at her sisters to urge them to do the same. When she looked back up she nodded in a friendly manner. Yes I did! These are my sisters, Vinnira and Sophy. She said, nodding to them in that respective order. They wish to join your ranks, if you would have them. She explained politely, her tail swaying lightly.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Vinnira - February 21, 2017

They are soon enough greeted by a sweet-looking woman, dark of fur and soft of eye. Vinnira wags her tail and does her best to look both harmless and able-bodied.

"Hello," she ventures, and for her sisters, she sets aside guile in favor of tact. It's important to make a good first impression here, and one doesn't go about that by making jokes and poking fun. Part of her wants to go about listing her many good qualities, but Vi will wait until she's asked. Though the shewolf's presence is imposing enough, she hasn't yet introduced herself or given any rank. If she's going to have to say something polite, she might as well only say it once.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Sophy - February 25, 2017

Sophy saw the other approach when the other sisters did, and her own tail wagged as her sisters did. She seemed to know Phiipa. And she seemed nice enough. Wasn't yelling at them yet like intruders or anything. That settled Sophy's nerves. Vi gave a quick hello and Phi explained things to the dark wolf. She remained close to both her sisters, as she felt safe around them.

Sophy gave a little nod of her head in a hello of her own, still not confident enough to actually say anything. Phi had already introduced the two sisters, so she didn't find any reason to say anything at all to introduce herself. But if either of her sisters told her to speak, she would do so.

RE: happening in Manhattan - RIP Valette - March 01, 2017

Valette looked over the group of sisters. They all looked very kind, just as she knew Phiipa to be. The young Alpha did notice however that each had their own personalities. "They are welcome, but as you know we aren't allowing any slackers. Why don't you two both tell me what you like to be doing to sustain the pack?,' she asked. She needed to ask, though Valette didn't believe that she would have to reject the two. It did help that Phiipa was familiar with them.

Sorry short and crappy post. But internet is flaky on Holiday!

RE: happening in Manhattan - Phiipa - March 01, 2017

Not at all :)

Phiipa was glad to see Sophy relax, she always was more chatty and friendly when she was relaxed. Vinnira as always, was quick to greet Valette, always the one to take initiative. She looked at her two sisters with an admiring gaze, once again thinking of how wonderful it was to have them by her side again. Valette told them they were welcome, but not if they were slackers, then asked for their skill set. Phiipa shifted back a little, allowing her sisters to take the mic. She gave Sophy a quick smile of encouragement, knowing how nervous she could be sometimes.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Vinnira - March 02, 2017

Vi's tail begins to wag as the dark shewolf speaks. Definitely leadership, she thinks, as well as someone she sees herself getting along with. While Vinnira might be more of a trickster than the dilligent type, she appreciates those who can get to the point and be transparent when it's necessary. It's good to know where you stand.

"No slackers here, ma'am!" she chimes in, stepping forward to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Phiipa. "Hunting has always been my talent." But something makes her swallow and rescind the statement - "But... I don't have much experience hunting out in the open. More in forested areas, so I might need some help at first." She wags her tail and gives the other woman her best puppy-dog eyes, hoping that she will see that Vi is willing to try her best. Then, she gives Sophy a little nudge with her hip, encouraging her to speak up.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Sophy - March 03, 2017

The most nervous of the three waited her turn as Vi spoke of her aspirations. It made Sophy wonder what her's was. Sure, she looked up to her sisters. But she wouldn't want to go out alone, and if hunting ever meant hunting alone...She shivered at that thought just as Vi's answer came to a close.

Both sisters encouraged her to do so, so Sophy spoke. With her tender yet sometimes anxious personality, she most of the time stuck within the borders. But with her kind heart, she wanted to help others. "I-I would like to help others" she responded quietly, one of her forepaws making circles in the dirt. "With wounds..And other things."

RE: happening in Manhattan - RIP Valette - March 04, 2017

Valette looked at the sisters, one clearly more confident compared to the other. Valette liked that the female was admitting that she was a hunter at heart but not great in the open fields. It was good to have something to work on. The other wanted to help people, and her shyness reminded her a bit of Phiipa when she first joined for some reason. Valette nodded. "Good. I am a hunter too, and have a specialty Deerstalker. We have big fields here, but I am sure that with some lessons you can expand your knowledge," she returned, in a friendly matter.

Then she turned to the more nervous one. "We do have a wolf that is interested in healing her name is Kyrpton. You can always meet up with her to expand your knowledge," she added and then smiled to make her more comfortable. "Which means that you two are accepted. Welcome. Do introduce yourself to my mate Steady. He is your alpha." Valette liked to have Steady know about the new arrivals.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Phiipa - March 05, 2017

Phiipa was so proud of her sisters, they introduced themselves properly and sold it well. Sophy was indeed a good healer, the two younger Derian's had practiced medicine together often. And Vinnira wasn't just a good hunter, she was an amazing one. Perhaps she was biased towards her beloved sister, but Phiipa could've sworn up and down that she'd never seen another wolf stalk prey better than Vi had. Valette seemed to think that they were good enough, and a moment later they were getting a welcome speech. 

Phiipa bowed her head to the alpha, a smile on her face. Thank you Valette, I'll show them around the territory. She hummed politely before turning back to her sisters. Come on you guys, follow me, and tell me more about everything I've missed. She said with a giddiness about her, taking the lead as she prepared to show them around the borders. 

Last from me <3

RE: happening in Manhattan - Vinnira - March 12, 2017

Whoops! I forgot she went after Phiipa!
She's glad when Phi finally drops the stranger's name - Valette. She'd forgotten to introduce herself, even after giving the name of her fellow alpha. Vi wags her tail at the dark-pelted woman. "It was nice to meet you," she says sincerely, feeling somewhat odd as she tip-toes past the woman to follow Phi into the territory. Her tail is quickly tucked between her legs, and it stays that way even as it begins to wag at Phi's excited declaration.

"Not a lot has happened," she claims, hoping to forstall the tale of How Vi Lost So for as long as she can.

RE: happening in Manhattan - Sophy - March 13, 2017

Sophy's own tail wagged as she tucked it between her own legs in the presence of the higher up wolf. She was excited to hear that there was another who could perhaps help her if she needed anything extra to learn in the path she had chosen. "Thank you" she murmured very quietly.

She walked slowly to follow Phi and Vi, her tail still swaying gently behind her. "Well, there was-" She cut herself off before mentioning the snowstorm, not wanting to worry Phi at all. "Nevermind. Not a lot."