Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest I'm one of the damned - Printable Version

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I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 05, 2014

Midnight paws kissed the ground as stalking shadow walked to and fro darting through the trees and the forest. Baited breath as he stood in wait for the game that would become his next meal. Blue eyes scanned the fog and shadows as he looked and listened and smelled the game that was hidden there.

Long thick muscles bunched under his shoulders as he stalked and walked forward, saliva dripping from his maw in anticipation for the next kill. Ears erect and twitching to and fro listening for any sounds that did not belong to the forest or his prey.

Panting echoed throughout the trees as he grasped the mean between his jaws and spilled it's lifeblood to the ground quenching the forest floor's thirst.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 08, 2014

She was particularly bored today. Though she ha visited the meadows, she had avoided nearing the Creek wolves and their territory, not wishing to uproot old feelings. She knew she should be angry with Lecter, and by now should have dropped it, because it's been weeks now, but she still had a burning sensation in her stomach. The sensation of anger.

She should be angry with Lecter... But she was not. She was angry with Fox, and though she had had no contact with the Creek alpha since that first day, she still held resentment.

Through with her deeds for the day, the dark female traveled through he forested area, head in the clouds, when a sudden tang of prey's blood filled the air. Curious, the Silvertip toxicologist ventured close to the scent. She saw a black male, and by the scent, part of the Creek. She hid herself in the shadows, wondering whether to go forth and call out the problems in which the prey was killed. She felt the prey should've been honored with a less bloody death. And be honored by the strengths it had and thank it for sustaining the life of the predator. Without prey, the predator is nothing, and the great god Lupus should be thanked.

You couldn't spare it with a cleaner death?

RE: I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 08, 2014

Ear twitched forward as blue eyed gaze sought out the owner of the voice speaking to him. He bent down and ripped a chunk out of the birds back and spoke quietly I gave it a quick death did I not? What are you doing this far from home little Jinx wolf. Jace was tired no he was exhausted, he had just fought a battle with other wolves, he had taken a life and he was just tired of it. He was in no mood to be friendly and besides the mountain wolves would not allow them so near their borders so why should he offer the same courtesy.

He tilted his large head and shifted his broad shoulders the ripped wound in his shoulder hurting and twinging a bit as it had reopened.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 09, 2014

She flicked her ear in annoyance, but could tell he was having a bad day, so she didn't snap at him.

"Herb gathering. There are some things that you can't find on mountaintops... Like Lily of he Valley. Otherwise just enjoying a stroll, something wrong with that?"

She looked at his wound, frowning. "That looks like it hurts..."

RE: I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 09, 2014

Jace tilted his head and motioned towards a cospe of trees near a small mountain. "Theres some lily of the valley over there. Yea the Creek neutral areas do boast some good herb life. He tilted his head weary, he could chase her away and by rights he should be after all they were awful close to his borders, but he found he was far to exhausted. The fight with the wolves had made him tired.

He looked at his shoulder and gave it a lick. "it smarts a bit yes. It had reopened after the fight. He had other minor abrasions and bruises too if anyone took the time to look, but he hid them well his black coat being a wonderful way of hiding most.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 11, 2014

She turned towards the way he pointed. She sniffed and turned back towards the male.

"Thanks. I don't know what about your wound, though. I deal in poisons, not wounds. All I can say is slap on some comfrey or yarrow and wrap it up in cobwebs."

She looked down at the meat. "I didn't mean to be rude. True, you did provide it a swift death, which is thankful, however, that was... rather bloody. I'm not telling you what is right and what is wrong, because truthfully, I don't give a damn, I was just saying it might've been dealt with less blood on the ground..."

RE: I'm one of the damned - Sky - May 11, 2014

Sky caught a few fish and headed out to look out in the woods for no particular reason. She came across Jace with a bloody dead animal too bloody to be identified, and a wolf who wasn't around from here. She also saw Jace had a wound in his shoulder. Her jaw dropped at how big the wound was. She walked in from the shadows and just looked at the two wolves staring into their souls looking for an answer to what happened and she got the answer almost instantly. Her jaw dropped again.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 12, 2014

Jace smiled at her kinder than he had spoken. It was not the other females fault he was tired and exhausted. I do put Yarrow and cobwebs on it, but thank you. Yea i suppose could of been less bloody, but I had some pent up energy that needed spent. Jace wondered at this female was she one of Lecter's pets, he was pretty sure that sea witch knew enough about poisons that he could teach another.

Jace heard a noise and saw Sky standing in the shadows looking at him. He dipped his head in greeting his voice a deep rumble Hello Sky.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Sky - May 12, 2014

She just looked at the wound and the death in his soul but she didn't care on the inside but on the outside she was just surprised at what had happened to what she saw in his soul and almost immediately she found it. That must have happened around now." what happened to your shoulder?"

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 13, 2014

The shade wolf nodded silently and looked at the newcomer.

Sky. That was a pretty name. The Nightshade was stuck with Tyrande, of all names, so she couldn't help but be a bit zealous of wolves with pretty names.

"Greetings, Sky." The Silvertip wolf said in her usual, eerie voice, nodding again in welcome.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Sky - May 13, 2014

Sky looked over at the eerie wolf and saw a little bit of jealousy. She had most of her attention on Jace she had forgotten the wolf next to him."Hello I presume you must be from a different pack." She just tried to etch the wolfs look in her head and waited for her response.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 13, 2014

Sky just so you know there is a posting order when in a thread. For instance in this thread it would be me tyrande then you then me tyrande you again? Make sense. I know your new I just wanted you to know okay

Jace listened to Sky she was a nice wolf though a strange one. He answered her question softly I got it the other night during a small fray. he looked at her hoping she wouldn't ask anymore questions if she wanted answers he'd give them too her but not near a wolf of another pack. That was something he didn't want another pack to know. It was a creek thing and needed to stay within the creek.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 14, 2014

"That I am." she said simply. She turned back to the injured wolf. And murmured

"Must be an important fray for you to fight so hard..."

RE: I'm one of the damned - Sky - May 15, 2014

Sky sniffed the wolf. The smell of a mountain." You're from the Silvertip pack aren't you?" Sky had been up mountains and the smell rang a bell in her mind. Sky walked around Jace looking at the wounds."We need to get those fixed up"

RE: I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 15, 2014

Jace shifted his weight and light blue eyes looked at the mountain wolf. You could say that. I stood between death and life. He wouldn't explain any more than that, he had been the bringer of death as was Bazi and he had watched as a young life was stolen away on swift paws and nips.

He looked at sky and smiled at her Thank you Sky. He then shifted again gently stretching his shoulder wincing as the muscle and skin pulled apart, it was really a very disgusting wound, it was clean though and he was free of any infection as he made sure to take care of it as best he could.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 15, 2014

Tyrande's mind worked, her thoughts perplexed. The wolf had a mind sim alar to Sherlock Holmes. She could pick up any slight motion and get a life story out of it. She put her mind at labor and flicked her eyes across his flank.

One grievous wound. That's about it. Had he been at the center of attention in that battle, he would have suffered worse. Life-or-death... Meaning it wasn't something simple as a food or territory skirmish. It was about another wolf. He's upset. He's in a bad mood, which means he suffered a defeat.

Her eyes glowed a strange violet from her purple-tinted eyes as she came down to two conclusions: He had tried to protect someone and failed. That someone either died or was dragged off somewhere.

"My mind's telling me that you were protecting someone... But failed at it. Seiftcurrent Creek must've lost a wolf."

Her heart skipped a beat. There was only one wolf that ever came close to the region of the Mountain to make sure she was okay, and that had been Bazi. She knew holding a wolf's life over another was wrong, but she was hoping it wasn't Bazi.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Sky - May 15, 2014

Sky had heard about the kidnapping she just wasn't sure who it was. She thought it might have been Bones. She had heard the kidnapping from wolves in the pack. Sky went over to some plants and picked them out of the ground. She could use these and some leaves to cover the wound so it would not open again. Wolves had never known what the plant had been. Sky did know. It had paid off to live in the woods. She knew these where safe plants to use. She pulled out some leaves big enough to cover the wound. She also grabbed some vines to hold it all together. She put the plants in water to take the thorns off.

OCC: This stuff will work ok?

RE: I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 15, 2014

Jace listened he had been in the thick of things though truthfully. Had been in the middle fought and killed to save Bones but it had all been for naught. Bones had run with her tail tucked between her legs, but not in fear rather to save them all. Truth be told Jace could have killed them all and saved her if she hadn't run in the middle of his fray.

Jace neither answered yes or no he just dipped his muzzle and looked at her with blue eyes. He would not get in trouble for passing on information, but if she could read his face that was fine as well.

he looked at sky and watched as she put something on hs shoulder he winced slightly What is that?

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 15, 2014

Tyrande watched him. Their was something in his eyes that explained, yes.

Her eyes softened. She knew what it felt like to have someone wrenched out of your life. It happened not once, not twice, but three times. She looked at him.

"I-I'm sorry for your loss." the words felt odd to her as they rolled off her tongue. She watched Sky. It was an interesting motive, but none-the-less very effective. She made a small note of it for later.

She was unsure what to say and stood here for a moment. To have something to do, she glanced around. With an inward sigh of relief, she spotted the little pink-white flowers of trillium. With careful consideration, she walked over and gingerly dug out the plant while Sky worked, careful not to touch the roots other than with her paw. Taking the fullness of the plant, carrying it by the stem, she walked back as Sky finished tending to the black wolf.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Sky - May 15, 2014

"Don't worry Jace I have used it for all of my wounds, and I have had bigger. I'm not quite sure what to call it but it works a little bit faster at healing." Sky could see Jace whince a little while she worked. She finnaly tied the vine around it all."There." I hope this works as well as it did on me Sky thought. She turned around to see the wolf pick up the plant. "I didn't catch your name what was it?"

RE: I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 16, 2014

Jace looked at Tyrande and dipped his head in silent thanks, though he kept the words largely to himself, after all he hadn't told her they had lost anyone, she had deduced that. He watched what she was doing and asked quietly What's your poison there? He had remembered she said she dabbled in poisons not herbs.

He looked at sky and gave her a slight nudge of thanks for tending to his wound. He had been keeping yarrow and cobwebs on it, but whatever it was that she put on gave him more relief than the Yarrow.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 16, 2014

"Trillium." The shaded she wolf said flatly. "The stem, leaves, and flowers are harmless, but the roots contain a powerful toxin that will leave you regurgitating everything in your stomach."

Most wolves would find this pointless unless you were to sneak it into an enemy's food. But Tyrande used Trillium for different reasons. If a foolish wolf was to ever eat a poisonous plant that they thought was some tasty treat, trillium would help get the deadly plant out of the stomach before it has a chance to cause some real damage.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Sky - May 17, 2014

Sky had heard of Trillium, but she never had saw it. She stared at the plant memorizing what it looked like. She also hoped Jace would get better. She looked at Jace to see if he had felt better. She could see he was feeling a lot better. She knew he needed rest, good food, and attention. She also looked at her contraption to hold the plant on. It was holding on well. She would take care of Jace until his wound had put itself back together.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Jace - May 18, 2014

Jace listened and then spoke quietly That's a terrible plant, but yo ucan use it for good too can't you in case the wolf eats a different poison? or bad food? He bent down to look at the plant at a closer level though being sure not to touch it in anyway. What is that thing you keep it in?

He turned to sky and offered her a smile letting her know he wasn't ignoring her, but he was curious about the stuff the other wolf had.

RE: I'm one of the damned - Tyrande Nightshade - May 20, 2014

The shadowed female flicked her tail. She was unsure if Jinx would allow her to voice about her talent with clay. After all, it's wasn't harming the pack if she told them about her hobbies...

Or maybe it was? Sometimes, you could never tell with Jinx.

"I keep them in clay pots." she said flatly, as if that explained everything.