Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau cake by the ocean - Printable Version

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cake by the ocean - Kitsch - March 01, 2017

Kitsch had taken to leaving the confines of the forest daily – after all, how would her family’s sentries find her if she was cooped up in another pack’s territory? Every other day she would set out in a new direction and search for signs of a possible man hunt; any familiar smells, tracks, literally anything to give her a sense of hope and a trail to follow – but Kitsch wasn’t a very good tracker [she really wasn’t adept at anything] and every time she returned to Ravensblood Forest disappointed, so she would visit the caches and drag something back to her den for her to gnaw out her anxieties.

This freedom from her past starvation also gave Kitsch the liberty to see after other important matters, such as preening her downy pelt with precise and fine movements of her teeth and tongue. Sleeping lazily about the forest also ranked highly on her list nowadays and Kitsch did just that, since it was what pleased her. Now Kitsch did whatever pleased her for now Kitsch had no court to advise her and no guards to protect her, both of whom had always treated her not unlike some political plaything, to be pampered and coddled and controlled, for her entire life up until now. But here she was, alone; here she was free to do anything she wanted. 

So Kitsch sat amongst the trees of this new and strange forest, entertaining herself by picking small spring flowers and tucking them amongst her pale plumage; decorating herself as a means of distraction.

RE: cake by the ocean - Merrigan - March 01, 2017

Merrigan lay hidden in a patch of deer bedding, the tall grass blending in with her own stray colored and brown fur the only thing that was visible being her vivid green eyes. She watched as a rather beautiful and dainty looking woman sat down not too far away and began to set flowers amongst her fur. Being the flirt and Ballsy woman she was merrigan strode out and sat down in the open, before speaking with a cocky smirk on her maw "A flower as beautiful as yourself need not be amongst others" she spoke poetically as her green eyes travelled along the luxurious looking fur on the stranger's body.

btw Merri is into both sexes haha, if this makes you uncomfortable just have Kitsch tell her off, and she'll take heed haha

RE: cake by the ocean - Kitsch - March 03, 2017

The gentle sun of spring had a large effect on the landscape; the soft heart balkanized the pervasive ice and snow of the flatlands. The newest of the flora peppered the land, created small patches of greens and pastels that clustered around the trunks of trees and spots where the sunlight tumbled through the leafy canopy. The young wolf was extremely glad, for the winter had not been kind to her. She had now been separated from her family for about two moons, she thought, though Kitsch didn’t really know because she had no true knowledge of the moon and it’s phases. She had lost count of the days and nights a long time ago. The terrible storms that plagued these lands disoriented her and smothered her, leaving her starving and distressed. The girl’s figure was slowly filling out as a result of her stint with Teaghlaigh, but the process was slow and she tired of looking at her bony hips and skin that hugged her ribs. Her downy fur did nothing to hide this fact — but at least the oncoming spring brought with it sweet blooms, and these flowers had the power to make her feel special and bright.

But the season was still new and the flowers were still minuscule, so they sat nicely in his thin, pale fur. Kitsch held a single blue floret between her lips and tucked it amongst the fur of her shoulder when she heard the voice.

Kitsch head raised from where she preened herself and looked for the source. The voice spoke words that were pleasing…but was so distinctly feminine. Before her stood a fantastic looking wolf, a melding of greys and black and creams. Kitsch felt as if she were on display, and suddenly felt somewhat silly to be decorated with flowers right then. Kitsch shifted her ermine body to square off with the stranger, but did not walk any closer. The woman’s interesting words were not questioned by the pearl, as a compliment was a compliment and Kitsch would take any (and all) compliments. “Then you wish me to leave your presence?” she said in a lackadaisacal sort of jest, hinting curiously that the strange young woman, too, was a flower.

RE: cake by the ocean - Merrigan - March 06, 2017

The pallid woman's response was quite flattering, saying that Merrigan herself was a flower. A bright peal of laughter escaped her maw and she shook her head, tossing the unamed female a coy look "I wouldn't mind being covered by you" was her brash retort. She looked the woman full on for a few silent moments before realizing that she may have stepped over a line, and cleared her throat before lowering her Irish green eyes to the ground and smiling sheepishly.

"I apologize Miss. You are the second attractive wolf I have seen so far, and it has gotten me a bit fired up" her words were honest though they were followed by another piece of somewhat not needed information.

RE: cake by the ocean - Kitsch - March 15, 2017

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Oh, wow! Kitsch did not expect such a response, but she couldn’t say it was entirely unwelcome. If Kitsch had not fur and stood naked before Merrigan, the lass would be able to see the flush which clouded her cheeks. Kitsch bit her lip but was at a loss for words; in her court she would be expected not to respond or entertain such thoughts — but, then again, no one in her court would have been so brash! Despite whatever mother and father would have said, the girl was flattered and was determined not to shift the conversation from flattery to awkwardness with her words. So, Kitsch said none.

But the stranger seemed to realize that she had broken decorum and apologized in a roundabout manner. Kitsch dipped her maw in acceptance of the apology, though the girl wasn’t sure it was warranted. In her kingdom, someone with such forwardness would be expected to issue an apology like such, so it was somewhat comforting to the girl — but the wolves she found in the wilds did not follow her rules and more and more Kitsch was finding this to be engaging, not scary. 

“You’re the second most attractive wolf i’ve seen too,” Kitsch said lackadaisically, as if flirting with ladies was something she did every day. But in reality, this was a first. Her mind immediately flicked back to the brute Rollo — who had been the prodigal ‘first attractive wolf.’ Kitsch liked his brooding and vociferous style and often sought him out amongst the bleeding woods; but too often, he was nowhere to be seen. This only made her want him more. “which is saying something,” Kitsch continued. “since i’m a pack wolf.”  Kitsch had been impressed with Teaghlaigh’s size, but she knew drama followed large packs of wolves. She was not wrong this time, either. “Do you have a place you call home?”

RE: cake by the ocean - Merrigan - March 16, 2017

"oh?" was the response to the pale woman's response, followed by a devilish grin. With a quick swish of her tail she stepped forward, moving closer to the newest stranger. Sitting back down she listened politely as the woman continued and pointed out she belonged to a pack. Eyes widening at the knowledge she sniffed at the woman subtly and noted that yes, she did smell of other wolves. "oh" was the more serious response that left her maw eyes saddening, before she heard the woman's next question.

"Yes. A pack a long ways off. Human beings stole everyone and drugged us, moving us away from our home. I was recently moved up to the heir spot when my brother was killed, I was a princess and those stupid two legged beasts took me without a care" her words were fierce as her eyes darkened at the memory of everyone running for their lives after one of her best friends had been shot with a tranquilizer. She had stayed by Kain's side and tried to drag him away from the assault, but she too had been shot.

RE: cake by the ocean - Kitsch - March 30, 2017

As a response to her question about home, Merrigan said yes; but to Kitsch it sounded as if her home was a distant reverie, not a distinct reality. With this, Kitsch could relate: her home too was nothing more than a dream. Though the domino girl harbored a splintered hope that she would one day return to Saoi Baile, doubt kept her heart plunged in perpetual darkness. Her recreduence to her ancestral home and court and loved ones was surely a fable, just as the arthurian tales of knights and princesses had been fables. There were no happy endings, and Merrigan’s story simply proved it. But there was one part that didn’t make sense…


The girl quirked her head to the side, indicating that she did not understand such a word — but these humans sounded horrid. Killing brothers, stealing princesses? No thank you!

RE: cake by the ocean - Merrigan - April 02, 2017

Merrigan looked up with surprise at the pallid girl, who obviously had a lack of knowledge on Human beings. Now that she thought of it, Merri had never even smelled or seen a single trace of a human's tint on this land. Was it possible that no human had ever set foot upon this whole expanse of land? This brought joy to her heart, that such a large place was completely safe from the smelly, loud, cruel hands of those beasts. "Nothing to worry about dear, I haven't seen a single trace of them anywhere around here" she responded honestly.

Looking at the girl once more she decided she liked her, and so set forth to introduce herself at last "I am Merrigan, or Merri if you wish to call me that" she said with a wide smile. "And what name do you have, Surely it is as beautiful as you are" she purred.

RE: cake by the ocean - Kitsch - April 12, 2017

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Merrigan looked surprised at Kitsch’s relative ignorance of these obscured humans, but the woman did not elaborate on the topic. Instead, she explained that the touch of humankind had not befallen these woods — an answer which gave Kitsch only a semblance of contentment. Truly, the ink stained girl wished to know more about these creatures [Kitsch always had an affinity for ghost stories and other scary things that went bump in the night] and was sad when it was denied of her. “Oh,” she breathed, and that was that.

”That’s a pretty name,” Kitsch responded, inelegantly trying to keep up with Merrigan’s barrage of compliments. ”I’m Kitsch,” she responded. The girl was neither fond of her name nor disliked it; she felt the meaning of the was something of an ironic joke by her parents [but her constituents were none the wiser].  Kitsch also disliked how the wolves had a penchant to call her “Quiche." Back home, in Saoi Baile, such would be a punishable offense! Here, though… Here, the princess had to grin and bear it. No one listened to her out here, or listened to what she wanted.

Kitsch looked down to glimpse the small, periwinkle blooms that adorned her ermine décolletage. ”Would you like one?” she suggested, plucking one from her scarfed neck with her lips and offering it to her flirtatious cohort.

RE: cake by the ocean - Merrigan - April 13, 2017

The name that fell from the pallid female's lips was an interesting one, it had an exotic sort of beauty to it and it seemed a strong one to Merrigan. She quirked an eyebrow "I think it suits you. The sound of it is pretty, yet holds a strength to it. I think you have some hidden strength to you." she continued on with the compliments, though this was not of flirtatious sources but more of an honest and friendly kind of compliment. Realizing her own name had been complimented her smile twisted into a more sheepish kind of half smile, and she ducked her head. It was the first sign of humility that she had shown so far, besides the half apology when she had been worried that she made Kitsch uncomfortable.

Names meant alot where she came from, they always had some kind of meaning whether they were made up or passed down from the elders. Her name meant Wild flower, which could not be more close to the truth. While her fur was plain and her body was muscular with long legs and not  the most feminine of physiques, she was still pretty. The wild part of her name may have been an understatement however, for Merrigan felt she could never be tamed. She watched as Kitsch plucked a flower from her neck, and when offered it she slowly moved forward crouching down so that the girl could place it upon her fur. "Thank you" she said gratefully.