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Swiftcurrent Creek I Roll With It - Printable Version

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I Roll With It - Jace - May 05, 2014

Jace woke up at Dawn as he always did, he took a quick look at his shoulder and it looked almost completely healed up. He figured today he could start his daily run again. He stood and stretched his pink tongue running swipe across pearly whites. He took to a loping gait, his large paws eating up the ground as he took long strides. Breath in breath out was the mantra in his head.

Finishing his morning ritual he stood on a hilltop overlooking the creek to watch the sun rise the rest of the way up. Large shoulders and lean body stood out rigid against the back drop of bloody orange tinged sun.

RE: I Roll With It - Bazi - May 07, 2014

I think we might be thread bffs. :D I thought we could do a hunt! Are you OK with dice rolls? Take off whatever my attack number is from the prey HP in your post and I'll do the same. The instructions are here - http://wolf-rpg.com/guidebook.php?action=combat

Prey HP: 15/15
Action #1: (Attack - 4) Bazi aims a bite at the deer's hind leg

Unfortunately for Jace, that was the end of quiet contemplation time. Earlier that morning, Bazi had separated a deer from its family herd - and for something so small and gangling, the thing had both speed and perseverance.

She had chased the thing for nearly twenty minutes on her own, alternating between stalking and outright sprints. They were running at full speed now, approaching Jace from behind. The hillock that he stood upon slowed the spindly prey down, just, but Bazi pushed on - it was her job to be constantly on the move, and it showed in her endurance.

Blinded by exhaustion, the deer didn't spot Jace before reaching the crest of the hill. The sight of a second predator nearly knocked the poor creature of balance, and Bazi took this opportunity to lunge at a flailing hind leg.

RE: I Roll With It - Jace - May 07, 2014

That's okay with me Jace needs a buddy :D. Yea I'm good with them.
Prey HP: 11/15
Attack #2: (Attack - 4) Jace aims a bite at the shoulder and side as it comes in

Jace had only a moment to react when he heard the thundering hooves of some sort of animal followed by the sound of panting. Turning he saw a deer rushing up the side of the hills followed closely by Bazi. Turning his quiet countenance into a snarling lathering beast he jumped at the beast as it went thundering past aiming a snap of his jaws at it's shoulder and side.

He connected but the beast kept going and he was off in a loping run after the thing long legs tearing up the ground he did offer Bazi a breathless Hello as she passed him giving chase, he followed.

RE: I Roll With It - Bazi - May 07, 2014

Prey HP: 7/15
Attack #2: (Attack - 7) Bazi attaches herself to the deer's front leg, attempting to slow it down.

Bazi shot he pack-mate an equally laboured, grinning "Hey!" Ropes of slaver clung to the corner of her mouth, hanging on for dear life.

Jace's move destabilized the deer further. Exhaustion and surprise made it stumble, and this was when Bazi made her move. She lunged for a stationary front leg, clamping down hard just below the knee and pulling hard, hindquarters working hard to knock the animal off its legs. Once it was on the ground, there was precious little the animal could do to escape two strong, healthy wolves; Jace would give it a merciful end and they could both celebrate a good day's hunting before the sun was fully risen.

RE: I Roll With It - Jace - May 07, 2014

Jace jumped into the fray grasping the juggular between teeth and jaw ripping upwards severing the blood source. he backed up grinning and panting. good job bazi we did good he sat down letting the energy work off until he was ready to rip up the limbs and see if Bazi wanted to skin this one too.

RE: I Roll With It - Bazi - May 07, 2014

Minor dominance tussle over the carcass, I hope that flies with you.

A spray of blood announced the end of the the deer, which became limp and heavy in Bazi's grip. She relaxed her jaws and stepped back, panting hard. Adrenaline burned bright in her eyes, and she nodded her agreement silently - they had done good; food always tasted the best after a good night's sleep and a hard morning's run.

Bazi had no intention to skin this kill. It was smaller, thereby demanding a lighter touch and more time to be processed - her own den was already full of fresh pelts.

Instinct demanded that she feed first, but there was only two of them for breakfast and she wouldn't push her status within the pack much further than a cautioning growl and a light nip to Jace's black cheek.

The male's jaws had opened a ragged wound in the animal's throat, and Bazi seized on the roughly severed sheets of muscle that were exposed as a result. It came away in a pink, bloody strip, lifting skin away from the animal's neck and shoulder. The meat here was tough, not nearly as succulent as the still-warm organs they had yet to spill, but Bazi was still riled up from the hunt and wanted something with a bit of resistance.

RE: I Roll With It - Jace - May 07, 2014

Not at all we need 10 for it to be a trade thread I believe so a few more posts for the two of us yes?

Jace was momentarily surprised at her show of dominance, especially since he hadn't planned on going towards the kill anyway. He did however accept it none the less and he moved backwards another step so to give her more room to get to the throat which was where it seemed she wanted to go.

He stood and stretched out his legs as he studied the beast from different angles. Smaller than the other one yes, but still rather large. He wondered if he would needed to rip this one up or if his brute strength after they gorged a bit, he could carry it to a cache himself without breaking it up. He decided against it.

Bazi ate her fill and he split the underside of it with teeth and dug out the organs he pushed them to the side, those he would take to Tuwawi and Njal himself, those being the choicer bits. He also tore at a leg he would take that as well the rest he would pack in caches all around the lands. Though Bazi would probably do it he planned to take some to Ferdie and Nightingale as well.

RE: I Roll With It - Bazi - May 08, 2014

Yep, a few more!

Jace separated out bits of the kill whilst Bazi feasted - organs first, then the leg. She presumed he would make a sling out of the skin to ferry the whole lot to those in need of it, or make several trips. Perhaps it would be more economical if they pilled the guts back in and dragged the entire carcass closer to Njal and Tuwawi.

"Shall we team up and drag it closer to the dens?" she asked, licking her chops and raising her head to survey the progress of he pack-mates work. Jace was the one who spent the most time transporting food around the pack, caching hardy cuts of muscle and dropping perishables in the laps of those who could not feed themselves as easily. Soon, there would be pups to feed - whatever it was they ate after being weaned.

RE: I Roll With It - Jace - May 08, 2014

Jace shook his head for a moment thinking I don't know Are all the dens near each other? I only know where your's is and Njal and Tuwawi's? It would probably be easier if they are close to each other, but as I said I don't know where they all are. He sat down stopping his packing for a moment as he waited for her answer.

He did spend most of his time putting things away and in the caches. He was unsure why maybe he wanted ot prove to himself and everyone else that he was useful that despite his blood lust he could be a good pack member. Maybe he just wanted to prove he was good instead of dark and evil. He did not know, but what he did know was it kept him calm the little busy work that he did.

RE: I Roll With It - Bazi - May 09, 2014

Conclude? :D Powerplay Bazi.

"Pretty close. Near the creek," Bazi confirmed, moving to their kill's hind legs and grasping its ankle in her mouth. Blue eyes looked expectantly up at Jace. Together, they might be able to drag it a little bit closer to the heart of the pack's territory and save Tuwawi the trip. She was getting bigger every day, and Bazi worried that too much running around would make the pups drop out before they were ready.

RE: I Roll With It - Jace - May 09, 2014

Jace stood then and grasping the other two legs he threw it over his shoulders and carried it that way so that Bazi could just hold her end up off the ground. He'd be covered in blood but at least he could clean that off. SHall we? He started on his way trying to keep from pulling to far ahead of Bazi.