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The Sentinels houstan, we have a problem. - Printable Version

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houstan, we have a problem. - Brunhilde - March 05, 2017

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There! The tiny brown creature was quick, darting ahead through the undergrowth like a little bullet, but Brunhilde's keen eye had not missed it. Throwing caution to the win, she shifted all of her weight forward and began tearing after the little morsel, her brain completely enveloped by hunger and the neeed to eat. Her paws thundered against the ground with might and crushed everything in their path as she relentlessly tailed the rabbit, tongue lolling out and murky brown eyes hungrily wide with anticipation, firmly trained on the future meal before her and nothing else.

It was not the first prey animal she'd seen since beginning her travels, but the other's had managed to escape her grasp, leaving her with a terribly empty stomach and fueling the woman to do whatever was neccesary in order to secure this meal. Of course, rabbit's weren't really her favorite, given how much more nimble and speedy they were. Even now, the delicate creature before her was performing confusing zig zags all over the place, gracefully dodging trees and almost leading the less agile brute to smack her head into one numerous times. However, beggers could not be choosers, so she figured it'd be good enough. Regardless of personal preference or challenge, this rabbit would be her's.

Already starting to wear down, she panted with exhaustion as she chased the thing, crashing all the way through The Sentinels like a crazed beast (which she was, in a sense). Much to her dismay, the creature was already starting to get ahead of her by leaps and bounds, becoming smaller and smaller and harder to keep track of... but not all hope was lost! In it's blind panic, the creature had to completely stop itself and change direction in order to keep from hitting a tree, allowing Brunhilde to get well within lunging distance. True, it easily picked up just as much speed in it's new direction, but the woman was now closer! She could practically feel the hair's of it's cottontail brushing her nose! Just... a little... more...

So focused was she on the hunt, she hardly noticed the fallen seqouia blocking both of their paths. No, it wasn't made obvious to her until it was right upon them; until her prey suddenly dissapeared into the ground, quickly diving throw a gap beneath the fallen giant. Determined to not lose the creature, she put no thought into her plan of action as she threw herself to the ground and aggresively pushed through the gap, aiming to follow the creature's every move no matter what it took. She only just got to snap at its little paw before watching it bound away, unharmed by the obstacle it had to pass under and quickly disapearing into the thicket, whereas Brunhilde... was stuck. It took her a few grunts and angry wiggles to realize her body wasn't buding an inch. Of course, the severity of her situation hadn't quite set in yet, as she was too busy being disapointed by the sight of her food getting away. She gave one final huff and exhaustion and indignation before dropping her head to the ground, her ears pinning back and adreleline leaking from her tired body. It seemed she would not be eating today...

After a few moments of laying there, hating her life, she then realized the situation.

The brute's panting ceased at once and her eyes went wide, fear gripping hold of her. No... She awkwardly lifted her back end up and gave a few testing tugs, checking to see just how well she was lodged. No...! She pushed off with her front legs and kept her head pressed to the ground, groaning with effort as she fruitlessly tried to push herself back out of the space. Nope. Nothing. She couldn't move, and the tree didn't even budge, so she realized with a sickening sense of dread that moving the tree wasn't an option. Unwilling to accept defeat, she still tried several more times to move herself out, attempting all different kinds of combinations of pushing, positioning, wriggling, and pullling, but nothing she did would work. it took her a few panic filled minutes to realize her only hope of escape was digging herself out... but with her awkward positioning, it would take hours...

Great. Just great.


RE: houstan, we have a problem. - Lucifer Black - March 06, 2017

Lucifer was bored. Nothing had seemed to happen for such a long time and he yearned for action, or even something to chase. His ragged pelt flashed between trees and blended easily with their tall, menacing shadows. With a soft growl, the male pushed his pace to an eager trot, his tail waving in a relaxed fashion, his fur sifting through the breeze.

As the male lifted his ,unsleeping to taste the air, a scent fought it's way for his attention. Pausing, Lucifer stopped to see who it could be. The scent of the wolf told him the basics, female, wolf, and mingled with a tinge of frustration. His obsidian gaze flashed as he peered around, scanning warily for the source of the curious scent. 

Heading northward, Lucifer strode amount the trees until he spotted a female, the female, ahead. Something was...off. As he looked closer, a chuff of amusement escaped him. The wolf seemed to be stuck. In a hole. He began a swift approach, his tail and head held high in an obvious show of dominance.

"Havin' fun?" Lucifer's amused tone slipped between his words, weaving in among the deep vibration from his voice. He stood a few steps from the female and, with a devilish smirk, merely sat down painfully close and smiled cheerfully. The expression made many others seem friendly, but for him they only enhanced his intimidating looks by twisting his face in a way that didn't seem fit for his almost cruel-looking demeanor.

RE: houstan, we have a problem. - Brunhilde - March 06, 2017

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Knowing it'd take a good while, she'd decided to go ahead and get started with digging herself out. Grumbling a couple of indistinguishable curses in regards to her situation, she awkwardly stretched her hind legs forward and began to flick dirt backwards, clawing out medium sized clods and flinging them behind her, one pawfull at a time. The process was a little more effective than she'd thought it would be, this dirt chunks larger she'd previously assumed them to be, but it would still take hours. There goes any hope of dinner.

Maybe five minutes after beginning the agonizingly slow process, she became vaguley aware of another creature moving through the undergrowth, causing her to furrow her brows and briefly pause in her work so as to listen. Not something huge like a bear... but definitely not tiny like a squirrel or rabbit. Darn. Her nostrils twitched and flared as she sought to obtain the creature's scent, and once she had identified it, a grimace spread onto her muzzle. Wolf. Male. Heading this way.

On one hand, that could be good. Maybe he could help dig her out and make this go a lo-o-o-o-t quicker. On the other hand, she'd be seen in this humilating position by a complete stranger, and even if he did help her, she'd have to admit to needing his help in the first place, something that greatly conflicted with her pride. Certainly seemd like the cons outweighed the pros, but it's not like she had a choice; the man was approaching on his own accord. All she could do was dreafully turn her head in the sound/scent's direction and wait for him to happen upon her... like this...

Of course, when she finally spotted the shade of a man - a well figured male of obsidian fur and piercing yellow eyes - his first reaction was to be amused by her predicament. She very clearly scowled at him and turned away, caught somewhere between humiliated defeat and the stubborn need to somehow look dignified, like all this was entirely intentional, though it clearly was not and her efforts were in vein. Either way, she still refused to speak or even acknowledge his existance, trying to pretend he just wasn't there. Who needed him. She could dig herself out. Sure, it'd take a while, but that suddenly seemed a lot better than entertaining this cocky little- 

His mocking question grated her ears like sandpaper, forcing her to find him again, her muzzle wrinkled in a "shut up" fashion. She decided she suddenly hated him. Hated him for daring to sit so close, for daring to laugh at her situation and daring to give that cruel smile of amusement.

"No," came her digruntled huff, her eyes turning away from him so as not to look pleading, like she needed his help. She didn't, and just to prove it, she continued trying to dig herself out, resuming the act of flinging dirt behind her. Too bad he couldn't sit his little self righteous ass over there behind her; she'd have quite a few little gifts to give him.


RE: houstan, we have a problem. - Lucifer Black - March 07, 2017

Lucifer's narrowed gleaming eyes watching the wolf as she shot the word at him. He could tell she was proud. So proud as not to accept help willingly. Well fine. He hadn't offered it. He leaned back lazily on his haunches and tried to see if she was making progress with getting unstuck.

"Surprising." His word dripped with sarcasm, and with a little grin, he stood up once more. Standing right in front of her, Lucifer's harsh gaze bore down at her digging figure. He made sure to stay out of her paws reach as he tipped his head to the side. "I could get thou out with but little effort." His voice gained a kinder tone, for he somewhat admired her stubbornness. His subtle voice hinted at a suggestion as he gestured to her struggling form. "One need only ask."

RE: houstan, we have a problem. - Brunhilde - March 07, 2017

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The only response she gave to his sarcasm was an annoyed grunt, which just as easily could have been the result of her strenuous efforts, making it difficult to tell where the noise had been directed. So was that his plan then? Just sit there and watch her struggle to get free, like some kinda twisted form of entertainment? Again, she didn't need his help, nor did she want him to supply it on his own (since that would paint her in a weaker light, she thought), but if his intention wasn't to help, he certainly didn't need to stick around anymore. His presence just made her feel dumber and dumber by the minute, especially with that cocky smirk and haughty stance. Not to mention her stomach was still grumbling low, serving as a third painful reminder to her failure, the man and the tree being the first and second. All of these factors were swirling together and greatly testing her temper, making her fruitless tugs and scrabbles more and more frustrated, more and more aggitated. If he did not remove himself soon, she might have a few colorful words for him, as well as a few sharp teeth.

As if he truly sought to make matters worse, the obsidian stranger moved from his seat nearby and stood directly right in front of her, standing just close enough to make her take notice of him, but just far away enough so she couldn't quite bite him. 'Course that didn't mean she wouldn't try, should it come down to that, and he was coming awfully close. She paused in her digging and turned her head up to him, meeting his scrutinizing yellow gaze with an equally intense brown one, not a trace of fear or submission to be found in her murky depths. If anything, with her half lidded gaze and somewhat stoic expression, she almost looked like she didn't give a rat's ass about the man before her. "What?", her cold eyes said. "You don't intimidate me," her single exposed fang said.

Considering the type of wolf she'd assumed him to be up to this point, she was a little taken aback by his sudden kind tone and offer to help, briefly shown in the way her wrinkled muzzle smoothed, hiding all teeth except the fang that would always poke out beneath her lip. Maybe he wasn't just here to mock her; perhaps this offer was genuine... no. Maybe something was in it for him. Like what? her mind sneered. You're a random lady out in the middle of the woods who's stuck under in a tree. What would he get outta this other than bragging rights? Maybe that was it. Furthermore, the kindness of his offer was slightly tainted when he said she'd need to ask first, causing her irritated expression to return and her gaze to seek out the tree.  Again, for the millionth time, she didn't want to admit needing help, and felt a hot bubble of frustration towards the fact that he was actually making her ask... but... did she really wanna be her for hours, digging herself out? Especially now, with the possiblility that this stranger might stick around just to sit by and watch her the whole time, plus anyone else that might be taking a stroll through the woods today? No.

After a long moment of weighing her options, she sighed heavily and turned back to him, but did not meet his gaze. Instead, she just dramatically dropped her head on the ground, plopping it roughly between her forelegs with a thump, and huffed in a defeated tone, "Fine. I could use some help." Not a direct question or plea, but it made her pride sting all the same, causing a pout like scowl to form on her face. The admittance was hard enough, so he could take it or leave it.

"I hate rabbits," she mumbled some time after, mostly to herself.


RE: houstan, we have a problem. - Lucifer Black - March 08, 2017

Lucifer gave a curt nod, his gaze sparking with concentration. He wasn't exactly sure where to start. After all, he didn't actually think she would ask. His tail thumped once as he heard her final mutter. So that was how she had gotten their. She must have been pretty desperate to have chased it and gotten stuck this strongly. Or she was just dumb. 

The male tensed his shoulders and moved forward. He trusted that since she had accepted his help, she wouldn't bite or scratch or harm him. "Thou has done a good job with the rubble-movin'. Two paws are better than one, eh?" Lucifer had been thinking along the lines of them both digging, seeing as the tree was much to large to move and she would, well, wait.
"Seein' i's that or pushin' yer rump to get thee out." He gave a light chuff of amusement, assuming she wouldn't go for the second option.

RE: houstan, we have a problem. - Brunhilde - March 09, 2017

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She perked her ears to the comment, glancing over at him from the corner of her good eye. It only just now occured to her that he had a funny accent to his voice and a foreign way of speaking, but she still got the gist of what he was saying. Was he being honest about her "ruble movin'", or was he possibly just saying that to make her feel a bit less humiliated about seeking his help? She supposed it didn't matter either way; soon enough, if this stranger held true to his promise of assisting her, she'd be treeless and back on four paws in no time.

He made the suggestion that they both work to dig her out, to which she was about to say "sure", but then he made an amused statement about pushing on her rump instead, as a second option. Yeeeeaaaah... no. That was definitely not happening. She was already a little wary of letting him dig so close to her defensles body; he didn't need to be straight up touching her, let alone on her rear of all places.

Her lip curled into a look of digust, followed by a dismissive scoff. "Yeah, we're digging, thanks."

That being said, she shifted her weight once more and began to awkwardly fling clumps of dirt once more, making tiny impressions in the ground that progressively grew larger each time. She didn't know if he would help out with her progress in the back or if he'd help out in the front, but either way, both places needed to be dug out if she was to be freed, so it didn't really matter where he started. She did warily glanced at him every now and then, making sure he wasn't up to any funny business.


RE: houstan, we have a problem. - Lucifer Black - March 10, 2017

Lucifer gave a knowing nod of amusement and grinned cheekily. "Pity." His snarky tone brought light to his dark gaze as the massive male let out a chuckle. With a small incline of his obsidian head, Lucifer's paws began to work deftly beneath her chest, working from her front so as not to raise suspicion. He really didn't mind either way,but he knew that it wouldn't probably make her more comfortable if he worked where she could see him quite plainly. 

A little ways had passed when Lucifer stood back, his breath still coming in an easy rhythm despite the work. "Would thee fit through easily?" He asked, his head tipping slightly to the side. He had grown considerably more relaxed throughout his work, and his tone was of softer and somewhat calm manor, no hint of the former aggression and snarkyness. The hole was big enough now for a creature her size to wiggle through, he assumed.

RE: houstan, we have a problem. - Brunhilde - March 11, 2017

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As the two of them worked together, her disdain for the man slowly ebbed away, her focus now entirely on getting free. In the beginning she'd, understandably, been put on edge by the feeling of his paws scrabbling beneath her chest, but she'd slowly come to accept that he truly just meant to help her, so that too faded away. His snarkiness was forgotten, the possibility of him wanting to hurt her was shoved aside, and even her humiliation towards the situation stopped mattering to her. The only thing she focused on now was kicking her own legs out behind her and occasionally wiggling her body, checking to see how loose she was getting, trying to make progress.

Several minutes later, something like relief spurred in her heart when she realized the pressure of her body betwixt the tree and the ground was lessening: it was working! She could move just a little bit more, and with the increase in range, she was able to push her hind legs even further, effectively clawing out more dirt from under her body than before. At this pace, she'd be out in mere minutes! Maybe she'd even have enough time to track down another meal for the evening! The mere thought made her feel elated. Gone was her grumpiness and gone was her irritation towards the stranger. Of course, she wouldn't be all smiles at rainbows, and her face would likely remain just as stoic, but at least she wouldn't be so grouchy and snappy with him.

Now that a pretty large hole had been dug, the obsidian male stepped back to survey his work, questioning if she could get free. She honestly only half heard him, for she could feel the impact of his work, knew for a fact she could get free, and was far too anxious to do so to hear anything he had said. Without a single word or even glance in his direction, she heaved her back end into a low crouch and pressed the rest of her body against the ground, then slowly pushed and wiggled forward, squeezing herself through the hole. It felt smaller upon standing up, but she was still able to just push herself out from under the tree, then haul her bulky form back onto level ground, bringing herself to a stand beside the male, showing their near equivalence in size.

Glad to be out, she quickly set off at a trot, loping past him and around a few trees, not so as to run away, but to stretch her muscles after being bunched up for so long. It felt good to be treeless and free, free from that horrible burden, save for the dirt that clung to her body, which she promptly shook off before turning back and joining the male once more. Her body language seemed a bit more carefree, and something like happiness shone in her eyes as she approached him, though it wasn't as noticeable on her face, and it slowly dimmed as she realized this wasn't entirely over. She owed him a "thank you", didn't she? An uncomfortable saying that never sat well on her tongue, but he nevertheless did deserve. After all, now looking back on it, he could've just walked away and left her there, but he didn't, and now she was free because of that.

Awkwardly tipping her muzzle down and glancing away, she huffed to him, "Thanks."
