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Swiftcurrent Creek connection - Printable Version

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connection - Scimitar - May 06, 2014


He had told himself the moment his large paws had lead him astray from Neverwinter Forest that he would not return to these lands. He had followed Chakra’s scent for as long as he could, desperate to find her.. desperate to bring her home where she had belonged. But the she-wolf had eluded him, and when he had turned home to see the state of the Forest, the others had vanished as well. Once more, Scimitar had befallen the empty promises of a leader and had been forced form his home and to the life of a lone wolf.

Winter had been quiet – he had searched for comrades.. Luka, Viinturuth. Anyone. But winter had fallen across the lands, and with that, the agouti male had laid low for the rest of the winter. He had journeyed from pack to pack, seeking an establishment. Seeking a connection. Always, within weeks, he would whisk away from their borders once more, unsatisfied. Longing for Teekon Wilds, despite its empty promises.

And so, as the ground had thawed and the trees began to bud once more with the promise of spring and life, the bear-like wolf stood upon the borders of a pack he had not known existed before. His features were hardened, though his stance remained neutral. He held himself lower than usual – a proper guest knocking at the door of a potential home. He understood the law of the wolf, and in turn, understood that he was meant to run with a pack.

For now, this would be his next stop.

RE: connection - Bazi - May 06, 2014


Though she fancied herself a scout and had earned that badge officially, Bazi spent more time within Swiftcurrent Creek now than when she had first joined. There was plenty to hunt and explore in their side of the mountains, and to risk injury or fights by straying into the western flatlands - which was now encircled by packs that were mostly hostile to outsiders - was as unnecessary as it was unwise. She hadn't travelled further than the hot springs in days, and hadn't done that alone.

Staying at home meant patrolling, and it was whilst performing this duty that she happened upon the stranger's scent. Quick, light steps took the white little wolf to Scimitar, who was anything but little. Despite the difference in size, Bazi swung her tail high over her back to indicate that she was a wolf of the Creek, ears perched tall on her head as she stepped to within four or five meters.

He's a tank, Bazi thought, and tried to guess the other wolf's age from the mere look of him. Three - maybe older; there was something weathered about his face, but most loners shared that look. Before addressing Scimitar herself, she called first for @Fox, then @Jace and @Ferdie von Pelt - just in case. "I've called for our alpha, Fox," she said. It was clear from his stance that this wolf wished to be granted entry into Swiftcurrent Creek. The fact that he knew the rules - and the sheer physical size of him - would stand him in good stead, at least from Bazi's point of view. They needed obedient muscle.

RE: connection - Jace - May 06, 2014

Jace was across the pack lands at the other side of the borders when he heard a call come out for himself, Fox and Ferdie. Fearing that it was coyotes again the shadow walker ran towards the sound. He arrived to find Bazi staring at another wolf that rivaled his own size perhaps even surpassed it, but one couldn't be sure after all he was still all gangly with youth's appearance himself.

Jace stood looking at him a moment and spoke quietly to Bazi, "Hello Bazi. he did not mention that she had called for him as well leaving it to the other to think what he would. As proper manners dictate he did offer up his name not fearing the other know him or any other. "I am Jace and you are Sir? Though he was being friendly he did hold himself taller, his ear's erect and his tail up over his back. He maybe lower on the totem pole than Bazi but he was a Creek wolf and ranked none the less.

RE: connection - Scimitar - May 06, 2014

His silent wait was not a long one, and soon a pale creature weaved her way toward him. She was slender—delicate, almost, and as she regarded him carefully, the agouti male found his own form lowering even more as the dutiful visitor to any land should. He watched her quietly as her muzzle tilted back slightly, crying out for the others of her pack. One ear flickered forward at her words, and as she did not address him further, the lone male gave a small nod in return to her statement. He could at least appreciate the efficiency of it.

They weren’t alone for long – a darker male came to them, young, like the female. Scimitar held his posture in the same low manner so as to not threaten the pack wolves of the territory – the other did not hold himself in high regard like the ivory she-wolf, and in turn, Scimitar could only assume it was not the alpha that had come upon them just yet. A light nod was given to the introduction, his eyes falling upon the large black wolf’s paws. “Scimitar,” he offered in return, his own tone a deep rumble. “I come to seek information of the pack and possibly swear my allegiance should I deem it be a good fit for both parties.” It was strange to think how much distrust he now held in packs after having two of his previous ones disband within the region.

RE: connection - Bazi - May 06, 2014

"Scimitar. I come to seek information of the pack and possibly swear my allegiance should I deem it be a good fit for both parties."

The little Gamma nuzzled her inbound pack-mate's cheek affectionately. "Bazi," she shared with the stranger, relaxing her posture somewhat now that reinforcement had arrived - it may have been excessive to call Ferdie as well, but Bazi would sooner be safe than sorry. Scimitar's businesslike response to her own equally no-frills introduction was appreciated, and the fact that he would also be appraising them for suitability was a clever move on his part - it made Bazi feel like they were his first choice of many, and she was proud enough of her pack for that to matter.

RE: connection - Jace - May 06, 2014

Jace nudged her back gently so as to not hurt her and then turned blue eyed gaze back at the potential member. Eyes to mind he assessed the other wolf standing in front of him. He was a large brute of a male and he also seemed diplomatic.

Jace listened to his diplomatic approach and much like Bazi he understood the unspoken in the other's words and was proud of his pack as she was. "This is SwiftCurrent Creek we are run by Fox. Tell us what are some skills you can present to better our pack? Jace realizing they should wait for Fox he wished to find out what he could so he could report to Fox if needed, though he was certain she would ask the same questions. However, he was an aspiring warden as it were so he deemed it necessary to ask and he just didn't want to have silence and awkwardness slice through them all.

RE: connection - RIP Fox - May 06, 2014

Fox heeded Bazi's call as quickly as she could, although she had been at the midpoint of their home. It seemed Jace had already arrived, and Fox gave him a curt nod to acknowledge him. The fireball then looked to the stranger briefly, assessing his strength on a purely visual level. If anything, he was fit, strong, and large. Perhaps a little worn, but that was to be expected of any loner. Her final acknowledgement was given to Bazi with a nose touch to the white girl's shoulder.

Turning back to the stranger, whom she assumed was a potential creek member, Fox spoke. "What do you bring to the creek?" she asked him, not realizing that Jace had asked this question moments before she arrived. Fox would not dilly-dally with introductions. If he was to be chased off, there was no reason for him to know her name, nor her, his. The girl's tail twitched then, awaiting an answer and wondering if he would be good breeding stock for next year.

RE: connection - Scimitar - May 06, 2014

They did not seem to mind the honesty in which he spoke – he was familiar with the joining process, having gone through it a few times now, and at times, delivered the questions himself. Never before had he, however, made it clear to the pack that he was also questioning them – or, at least, judging them and whether or not they were the wolves he felt he could fully swear himself too. Scimitar was many things, but a liar was not one of them – nor could he be accused of unloyalty. His promise to the packs of the past few months had been no more than that of a mercenary – he would deliver them a service, and in turn, would remain with them and have access to their caches. It had worked well.

But it was not enough.

The pale dove offered her name in turn, and the male noted how close the two seemed – lovers, perhaps? As age mates, it would not be unexpected. Yet the connection they shared could also have been nothing more than the bound duty of a pack mate.. the relationships he longed to hold once more.

His eyes drifted briefly to fall upon the chest of the darker male, not once glancing him in the eyes. Jace, as he had introduced himself as earlier, was quick to inform him of the land he encroached upon, but no more than the name of their Alpha – another sole leader, it seemed, as Muirrin and Chakra had also been.

His jaws opened to respond to the question when a fiery figure approached – her regal stance was enough to give way her rank within the pack, and as such, Scimitar’s jaws clicked shut once more, his aqua gaze roaming to the she-wolf’s paws as she made to greet her pack mates. The question rung out again – even more to the point than before. “I possess the same skills as many – hunter, scout, guardian. In the past, I have aimed for the role as warden or warrior.” There was a small pause as he recalled his attempts at the fallen Tuatha De and Neverwinter Forest – time in his life he wished he could have back. “More importantly, I bring the desire of running with a pack once more and the loyalty that comes with it if the pack is a good fit.” As in.. as long as they weren’t a pack that claimed undying loyalty only to have their leaders skitter away in to the dark of night.. or as long as they weren’t batshit crazy.

RE: connection - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 06, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt, heard the call and drew up closer to the group gathered but he did not join the fray. Choosing to remain 50 feet or so away, content with watching. The small wolf whom asserted herself as alpha was very good at handling herself. He could help but watch her, admiring the way she held herself.

He had wondered though if jace had over stepped his bounds in asking the stranger what he could offer, it was ultimately up to Fox and she alone to determine access to the pack lands. Ferdie still had yet to learn so of the basic social skills and though he was getting better he was far from perfect.

Don't bother keeping Ferdie in the posting order, he's just hanging back doing what he always does, watching

RE: connection - Bazi - May 06, 2014

Bazi itched to ask questions, but kept silent in deference to Fox, whose friendly nudge she paid back in kind. Have you ever lost a fight? she wanted to ask, To who? Their alpha's face said very little about what she thought - her words even less - but Bazi thought she saw a glimmer of something in her leader's otherwise cool, grey eyes. The Gamma's gaze flitted between the tank at their borders and the small wisp of a girly - comparatively speaking - at the Creek's helm.

Was she considering.. ?

Fox's ambition burned bright - brighter than Bazi's, but that particular race was still in its early stages. As alpha, it would be well within her right to claim this man as hers. Scimitar was an impressive wolf, well worthy of that honour, the pale yearling noted in the privacy of her mind - and not without a pang of jealousy. Life alone had worn him down at the edges, but he was far from defeated. Bazi had to keep a girlish impulse to giggle in check when he spoke of loyalty - and so eloquently, too. She took a step back to watch the stranger interact with Fox, gaze trained on his impossibly bright, aquamarine eyes. This was one to watch.

RE: connection - Jace - May 07, 2014

Jace returned the nod and then backed up a ways to keep out of the meeting. It was now a meeting between his superior and a potential pack mate and he would do nothing to disrupt this. He would listen however, he noticed both women looking at the male in question with he supposed was a glimmer of appreciation which he did not understand. It didn't bother him, he was of the opinion that they would choose who they chose as would all women and if he was lucky enough to get chosen by anyone well he would cross that path when he came to it, preferring not to think to much on it.

He twitched an ear back when he heard movement and turned seeing Ferdie he gave the male a nod then turned back around this other male seemed loyal and stoic above other things. He assumed he would be a good fit and if the reaction of both females was anything to go on he wold be allowed in the pack even if it was just for breeding rights. Sometimes it paid to be observant sometimes not.

RE: connection - RIP Fox - May 07, 2014

Lol, all the wolves are shipping these two already. It is amusing!

"We have two wardens among our own, and I am a warrior myself. Several of our wolves are hunters, and Bazi is a seasoned scout," she replied, "What makes you better?" Swiftcurrent had a good stock of loyal wolves who had stood by her side for quite some time, so this one was no different than the creek wolves in that regard. The thing dangling between his legs could be valuable, of course, but Fox would not make such a judgement so quickly. He had potential, but she had seen potential in Njal and Haunter, too.

Fox took no note of Ferdie, for she was far too focused on the possible new addition. However, his presence would be noted before she left, and she would keep it in mind. Despite his frequent slip-ups, he did manage to balance it well with support for the creek and its members. Jace and Bazi would be thanked (even if silently) as well. It was always good to know that their borders were well-guarded.

RE: connection - Scimitar - May 13, 2014

Her words were not unwarranted, though he was slightly miffed she had completely skimmed over the most important of his words – his loyalty. The possibilities that arose from this enlightened him. Perhaps, loyalty had never been questioned amongst them before.. perhaps their members and legacy were maintained well. The possibility seemed far too good to be true, and with thought, the agouti rogue shifted himself slightly, his eyes barely drifting over the other newcomer.. only because the leader demanded his attention so thoroughly.

What made him better. The question was certainly a complicated one – did he offer a presentation of his skills? Did he question her own worth on the matter – one sweep of his gaze resonated that he was surrounded by wolves of younger age than him.. While he was but a wolf in his prime, the pride of the family to which he had been raised by had certainly extended his prowess of battle. Raids upon neighboring packs had not been out of the question, and yet they had not looted for nothing. What were the morals of the pack that stood before him?

“I can’t stake any claim that I am better than any of the wolves that stand before me,” he murmured, knowing his chosen words could very well seal his fate at remaining a lone wolf until he sought borders elsewhere. “I hold no ego to even consider that thought. I can list reasons why you should take a chance on me and open up your home to me as my own, I can attempt to show my skills to you.. but I cannot state that I am better at anything than anyone here without even knowing them.” Blinking, his gaze would flicker out to the crowd once more, realizing that a four to one ratio was certainly not in his favor.

RE: connection - RIP Fox - May 15, 2014

I don't wish to keep you in joining limbo any longer, so I'm going to go ahead and skip the other peeps.

Fox rarely looked for one specific answer to the question. Instead, she sought to see how they would respond to it. As long as they were honest, that was really all the yearling leader was looking for. A sign that they had (at least) half a brain and were willing to show it. Thus far, everybody had answered vastly differently, and she was keen to note that their answers were important in some way or another. The answer often revealed much more than what might have transpired if she had simply asked them what they were good at.

After a quiet hmmmm, Fox flicked her tail and nodded. “Very well,” she replied, stepping forward to mark him as her own with a rub of her body against his. “See to it that you get acquainted with your new comrades.” They would become his family, and he, theirs. That is, if he stuck around long enough. Those who were loyal were rewarded, and Fox had a good feeling about this one. It did help, of course, that he had the potential to make fine children, and she did not hesitate to let her gaze linger upon him. “In fact… you can start with me. What do you say we do a perimeter check? It will be a good way for you to learn the lay of the land.”

We can fade out with your next post if you'd like. :)

RE: connection - Ferdie Von Pelt - May 18, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt lowered his eyes in a glare toward the other male even from a distance, quickly the brute stood teeth gritted as he stalked away in the opposite direct of Fox, not that the red furred femme would ever seek him out, for reasons other then her own gain.

RE: connection - Scimitar - May 18, 2014

He rumbled his consent to the she-wolf, silently pleased that he had gained entrance to her home. She never had given him much to go by -- to ponder whether the pack itself would be a place he would indeed lay roots to, and yet once more the cinnamon male found himself placing blind trust in an Alpha.. the only consolation this time was that the pack itself was established, rather than newly forming.. perhaps she wouldn't be a flake like the rest.

His gaze swept over the others momentarily, noting the lowering of the strange male's muzzle and the glower that was sent his way. His own brows crinkled in distaste and confusion, though a stoical mask soon swept across his features, hiding any disconcerting thoughts of what he was about to walk in to.

Without another word, the agouti male gave a nod to his new Alpha, sidling up to traipse near her side, but far enough a distance to remain respectful as they maintained the perimeters, and, in turn, allowed him a brief insight to his new home and possibly his the she-wolf he now swore his allegiance to.

RE: connection - Jace - May 19, 2014

Jace flinched for Ferdie as Fox walked off with the new member. Even he could see that Ferdie was infatuated with the young Fox and she had no idea and with every cavalier attitude she had iwth other males she dug the claws and teeth deeper into Ferdie's heart. It was painfully obvious.

Which made jace then question did she not notice or did she just not care. He shrugged it was none of his business he supposed and with one last look back he loped off into the forest surround the creek to hunt some game.

RE: connection - Bazi - May 19, 2014

Scimitar's answer to that question was not much different from what her own had been - no wolf could prove themselves in words alone (unless they were being interviewed for their skills as as singer or storyteller, but those skills alone would not guarantee a hire).

Fox swanned off with the newbie, and other wolves began to move away. From the corner of her eye, Bazi caught Ferdie turn abruptly away and stalk off. It surprised her somewhat that he would disappear without saying hello; but unlike Jace, she was not perceptive enough to spot traces of the green-eyed monster in Ferdie's actions. As far a she was concerned, he was just being rude, and the frequency with which it happened was starting to become annoying.
