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Blackwater Islands sunset on a warm summer's eve - Printable Version

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sunset on a warm summer's eve - Kalika - March 06, 2017

hopefully an advisor thread!

Kalika had not been in the best of emotional states in the days passed. Between the intense waves of lust, anger, and a melancholy null, she was lost in her own mind. Perhaps things would get better with the warming of the weather, though the young Siren could not be sure. As she wandered through the territory, searching for @Akantha, she tried to think of a song to hum under her breath to fill the silence, though it seemed as if every bit of inspiration remaining had been sucked from her body and into the night.

The fresh indents of claws in the moist sand served as a hint that someone was near, and after sniffing at the prints to check for a scent, she found that it was exactly who she had been looking for. Kalika barked to let the Matriarch know that she was near, then continued onward at a slowed pace.

RE: sunset on a warm summer's eve - Akantha - March 08, 2017

Though their claim was now official, Akantha still had much to do. The last 48 hours or so had been spent in solitude, contemplating and brainstorming while basking in the gentle embrace of the Sea. There were rites to perform, and rituals in need of her Voice, but she knew not where to even begin. Over half of their number were not from Themiscrya, so they did not have knowledge of how their culture dictated when, where, and how. They were still gliding along in her wake, enjoying the solitude and comforts the pack life brought.

That would soon change.

A call broke through the soft hush of the waves that rolled up the beach, and she turned to see Kalika in pursuit. Her heart warmed but she was conflicted—she remembered how strong her scent was upon Gabe's pelt, and how he'd inquired about love and affection. Was she tricking him into thinking he had a chance at a family? Akantha wanted to believe the contrary—that Kalika was loyal to their ways and to her, but suspicious nature did not allow the matter to rest at ease. 

"Kalika." She called, turning so that the full length of her frame was exposed to the younger siren. One ear flicked back as uncertainty plagued her thoughts and her hazel gaze raked the other's face in search of an answer she wasn't likely to find.

RE: sunset on a warm summer's eve - Kalika - March 08, 2017

Kalika could easily detect the unrest in Akantha's gaze and orient, though she chose to leave this unspoken. Instead, she lowered her neck and gave a kind grin to the Matriarch. Akantha, she cooed, how are you? As she drew nearer, she stood adjacent to her leader and examined her puzzling expression. Is everything alright? 

There was an affectionate kiss placed on Akantha's forehead, paired with a soft whine. She was unsure of how to act in the Matriarch's presence, but she planned on trying as best she could to keep her apprehension to herself.

RE: sunset on a warm summer's eve - Akantha - March 16, 2017

referencing this.

Normally Akantha would accept the affectionate touch without much complaint, but today it sparked an even greater feeling of unease. Between Gabe's ignorance, the confusing paring of scents upon his pelt, and Kalika's history, Akantha was left with many questions but frustratingly few answers. She drew away and snapped twice at the air to warn the other woman away from any further attempts at physical contact. Her heart ached; she wanted, desperately, to believe in her. 

"No," She rumbled as she tore her eyes away from Kalika to avoid her imploring gaze. The uneven fur of her hackles shivered once—twice, and she sighed loudly, fighting the instinctual urge to impose her dominance upon the younger, smaller woman. finally she flung her ears forward and swung her great head around to the she-wolf, lips pulled tight across her sheathed fangs. "your scent was heavy on Gabe's coat when I spoke to him the other day." she did not continue, and allowed the unspoken questions to fall upon Kalika.

RE: sunset on a warm summer's eve - Kalika - March 16, 2017

Kalika immediately showed full submission with Akantha's shows of dominance. She went from kissing the Matriarch on the forehead to cowering near to the ground with her tail tucked and her ears flat. She squinted her eyes nearly shut and began to lick at her snout, taking careful steps back to reinforce the space between them. He has taken to my side, but I assure you that I am making sure he knows his place. Initially, I showed him affection so that he would stay with us and aid our male numbers, Kalika told her leader in an effort to help dispel her frustration, I have since then stopped treating him the same way I once had. I had to do it in a gradual way so that he wouldn't leave us. 

With her head still lowered and her eyes peering upward to Akantha, Kalika thought carefully before continuing, I wouldn't betray you right under your nose, Matriarch. Everything I do is for the benefit of our pack and to assist you in whatever way you deem necessary. And that was the only absolutely constant truth which she had known since pledging herself to Nereides. There would be no actions taken out of malice in the presence of her leader.

RE: sunset on a warm summer's eve - Akantha - March 16, 2017

Akantha draws herself up to her full height and looks down at Kalika who prostrates herself in a display of extreme submission. The pink of her tongue lashes anxiously across her lips, and the motion placates Akantha's fury just enough to prevent the Matriarch's teeth from seeking her subordinate's flesh. She allows her to reclaim the steps and remains motionless, but brimming with restrained energy. Her hazel eyes bore into Kalika's brow as if searching for the truth trapped behind the woman's skull, but it spills forth anyway, summoned by the fury of the Matriarch.

The explaination, and the vow, do not fall on deaf ears. Akantha visibly begins to relax as Kalika goes into further detail, and places the Nereides before her own needs and desires. She exhales and, with it, the tension laced across her shoulders. Her hackles still bristle, and her tail still hovers high above her hips, but her face doesn't twitch with anger and her legs do not ache to consume the distance between them.

When she finally spoke, her voice was low but her tone was raw with repressed emotion. "I've told him and I will tell you: we do not love our Consorts." She explained with an idle growl of disquiet. "The Mothers word is law, and I am her voice. You will not have any further relations with that boy. Are we clear?" A small part of her hated having to impose her rule, and their traditions, upon her well-meaning sister. But she feared losing grip on them if she did not remain firm. It was a difficult line to traverse, and Akantha was having difficulty accepting it.

RE: sunset on a warm summer's eve - Kalika - March 16, 2017

I understand. And I can assure you, any thoughts of love or affection that Gabe had or continues to have are of his own making. There will be no further relations between us. She took the opportunity to stand, albeit a bit slowly and while leaving a slight disparity between where she and Akantha were raised. Kalika was no stranger to reprimands from her superior, and the fact that Akantha was willing to defend the ideals of her pack did nothing but make the respect and reverence between them stronger.

I appreciate this, Akantha. I mean you telling me what I've done to offend you so that I can correct it. Giving a slight nod of her head, Kalika sat back and curled her tail around her in one swift, delicate motion. Is there anything else that you need to speak with me about? There was always something, so the question was more like this: Do you trust me enough to let me help you?

RE: sunset on a warm summer's eve - Akantha - March 16, 2017

sudden end! sorry!

Somehow, Kalika still found ways to take her by surprise. Akantha relaxed further when the pale woman retreated and continued to express her position, while simultaniously remaining entirely respectful of the situation. She handled the confrontation with the grace and patience of a wolf twice her age. It was here Akantha realized that she respected Kalika, though she did not yet trust her. This paradox was the source of her unhappiness, and the truth could be said about most of the Nereides. She craved the closeness, but knew it was near impossible for her to overcome her natural inclinations.

And even though the younger she-wolf was just reprimanded, she still, somehow, came up with the courage to ask if she could be of any assistance. "No, I—" Akantha stammered uncharacteristically. "Thank you for being honest with me." There was a small part of her that wanted to apologize for her temper but no matter how hard she tried, it was the one thing she could not change about herself. Volatile, distrusting, and anxious. 

"I need to finish my patrol." she remarked and abruptly turned away to head off down the beach, leaving them both alone with their thoughts.

RE: sunset on a warm summer's eve - Kalika - March 16, 2017

Despite her efforts to ease the heavy air between them, it seemed Akantha wasn't in the mood for conversation. As the Matriarch walked away, Kalika took in a deep breath and retired in the same fashion to her own corner of the beach, sitting beside the water.