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Blackwater Islands but can you speak without a tongue? - Printable Version

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but can you speak without a tongue? - Kalika - March 08, 2017

@Gabe : doing a bit of PP so that they're near one another. hope its all good!

Kalika watched him, the ignorant son of a bitch. Gabe was wandering in his typical fashion as she peered over a rock formation to better see his frame. Once he drew near enough, she pulled herself from where she was concealed and barked to call his attention. Her gait quickly grew from a walk to a trot, feuled by the fires of her displeasure.

Gabriel, she called out in a harsh tone which demanded nought but his full attention. Kalika's tail was raised and ticking with annoyance, paired with the high-standing of her ears. A snarl almost broke, though she was able to keep at least this aspect of her dominance under control.

RE: but can you speak without a tongue? - Gabe - March 09, 2017


Gabe turned his head at the sound of his name. He hardly recognized he voice, for it was harsh and displeased. Kalika had never sounded so angry, especially when mentioning his name. And the way she said, 'Gabriel' instead of his nickname, that really worried him. His ears flattened when he saw her, her beautiful ivory fur was bristling and her whole body was pointed with annoyance. He trotted towards her slowly, surprised still, confused and frightened. When he neared her, at a distance still for which he felt safe, he looked up at her.

What did I do? He asked, his words soft and nervous. He knew how things worked around here. Nobody would help him if Kalika turned on him. What had he done since their last encounter, when she had been his lover, to now when she was acting like an angry mother bear.

RE: but can you speak without a tongue? - Kalika - March 09, 2017

Kalika stood over the male now, a rumble building low in her throat. Do you think that you can fool me? she roared ferociously, saliva dripping from her lips. I will not be disrespected in my own home. Did he truly believe that she wouldn't learn of his flirtations? Was he so thick that he thought he could run a game on a Nereid, of all things? You are mine. I brought you here and I will keep you here. Your flirtations are an insult to me and to my Sisters, and I will not tolerate it. She took a moment to have a few deep breaths of her own and try to slow the pounding of her heart.

I feel insulted, Gabe. I do not want to feel like this, but I don't think I can just leave you. What do you propose we do to solve this?

RE: but can you speak without a tongue? - Gabe - March 11, 2017

Kalika was towering over him now, and for the first time he felt afraid of her. He never thought that possible, and yet here he was, trembling under her sapphire gaze. Her words dripped with rage, and he still had no clue what he'd tried to 'fool' her with. How had he disrespected her? Had they not been closed than close only days ago. She spoke of flirtations, and he realized she must've been talking about the way he acted around the other females. He acted like that with everyone, but she was the only one he had ever truly flirted with. The only one he wanted with a passion. But she seemed to think otherwise.

Please Kalika! I didn't mean to do anything, I only care about you. Those others are just friends. I wasn't flirting, you have to believe me. He said, trying to explain himself. Next she asked him what they should do to solve the problem. She left his punishment open ended, which scared him even more. It only meant that she was truly going to punish him, and probably in a violent way. He tucked his tail under himself and tensed up, hoping to protect himself if she attacked. Kalika please. He begged.

RE: but can you speak without a tongue? - Kalika - March 11, 2017

Don't lie to me![ Kalika barked as her tail sraightened and her eyes moved into a focused glare. I asked you a question and I still don't have an answer, Gabriel. It was in that moment that she moved forward in one, swift leap to grab onto his muzzle with her teeth, trying her hardest to draw blood. 

As her rage grew, she clenched on even harder, pushing them him onto his back and herself onto all fours. In this position, her throat was exposed and available for attack, though she was far too gone to even realize the danger she was in. Kalika continued to hold on, her head shaking gently from side to side.

RE: but can you speak without a tongue? - Gabe - March 11, 2017

Gabe's assurances to her only made her angrier, and he snarls grew louder. He was truly afraid, his mind started to flash from present to past. This wasn't the first time someone close to him had turned on him. Kamden had been a great brother, his best friend, and yet in a moment everything had changed. Kalika's face started to change and distort and for a moment Gabe could've sworn he was looking at his brother. Panic rose inside of him and he started to squirm, to whimper and cry. 

Her words became a blur and he didn't recognize the language she spoke anymore. He didn't know how to answer, and he didn't have time to either. She lunged forwards and grabbed onto his muzzle clenching it tight in her mouth. He couldn't speak, not only because she had his mouth clenched shut, but also because he had nothing to say. What could he say. He had loved her, and now she had turned on him. Who could he trust? No one it seemed, for everyone he'd ever cared about had hurt him.

She rolled him onto his back, and he caught sight of her exposed throat. He thought for a moment that he should try and take it with his claws, to get her off, but that would hurt her. She could hurt him it seemed, but he could never hurt her. He'd promised himself he'd never hurt anyone, because he knew what it felt like, so he just laid there, defenseless and blank expression as she tore at his face, as well as his heart.

RE: but can you speak without a tongue? - Kalika - March 11, 2017

The violent outbursts lasted for a few moments before Kalika finally began to find herself once again. She took a few deep breaths as she held onto him, before releasing his muzzle and backing away from him. She remained standing as she looked him over, her eyes examining the wounds she had left behind. It was the first time that Kalika had ever attacked someone in the way which she wanted, and it pleased her immensely. The males could do nothing to fight back so while they were in the ranks, none of them were safe from her newfound pleasures.

Kalika sat silently for a moment, gently licking at her paws and preening the fur on her tail. Then she decided to speak up with a much less aggravated tone to her words. Galateia might be able to help you with that. With a flick of her tail and a chuff to say goodbye, Kalika turned away from Gabe and began to make her way back to her perch, though she remained listening should he have anything more to say.

RE: but can you speak without a tongue? - Gabe - March 11, 2017

It wasn't long before her anger quelled, and she loosened her grip. As soon as she let go of his maw, the arctic male scrambled to his feet and hurried away a few steps. If she came at him again he would run. Still trembling, his heart racing, he stared at her, expression returning to his face. Kalika went about preening as if she'd only done her duty, she showed no remorse, no guilt, it was as if this was what he'd deserved. How he deserved this, how anyone deserved this he didn't know. He flinched when she spoke, half expecting her to attack him again.

He still wasn't quite all there, the panic attack he'd had was still muddling his thoughts. Her words went not apprehended, but he nodded his head anyway. He licked his lips, for the first time feeling the damage she'd done. Her teeth had punctured a half circle around his mouth, and blood was oozing out of the holes slowly. The red liquid tasted hot in his mouth, but it wasn't foreign to him. Then, still licking his burning mouth, he turned and walked away, hoping to find a place where he could hide and cry, alone where he was safest.