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Sunbeam Lair make me a believer - Printable Version

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make me a believer - Hadraniel - March 10, 2017

At the time of his joining, it had been unclear to Hadraniel if he would remain at Ryūjin or if he would go his separate way during the warmer months. It was all rather bittersweet really. He was glad that winter was primarily over and that the prey were beginning to return, but at the same time he was now forced to make such a important decision. Stay or leave? What was here for him if he remained? A family? Friends? Would it even matter if he left? All of these questions troubled him as they swam through his mind, relentless in their pursuit to make him figure out the next point in his life. 

"Ahh, shut up brain" he grumbled lowly to himself while strolling beside a small stream. He wanted his mind off the topic of Ryūjin so he instead thought of his children and wondered what they were doing. He would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit interested in them, but he was more concerned than anything else. How many were there? Did they survive the blizzard? What do they look like? He wanted to know and wanted to visit them, but fear kept him chained to the ground. Fear that once he saw them he wouldn't want to leave, and more than anything else he feared of what they would think of him.

RE: make me a believer - Anouke - March 15, 2017

Hallo! sorry if I'm not who you preferred to post XD

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Anouke was settling in fairly well, but it would take time for her to grow completely comfortable. At first hesistant about the darkness of the caverns, this fear had lifted immediately after the rains of her first day in Ryujin ceased, and the clouds parted to reveal the sunlight that flowed through the roof, illuminating all but the darkest corners of the lair. She discovered a place to sleep within the inner forests near the entrance, a secluded yet spacious spot where the morning light awakened her each day.

It was within her "den" that she woke from a pleasant nap. After the fog of sleep lifted, she decided to explore the caverns further. Before long, however, the scent of a fellow dragon captured her attention and the planned exploration was forgotten. Shyly, she approached the Commander, her ears folding back and her tail lowering as the distance between them closed. H-hello, @Hadraniel, she spoke, gazing at him with curious bright eyes. How are you t-today? Her voice was ever sweetened, and her tail gave a few quick wags between her heels. She had not met the male yet, but she knew of him. Although it took all of the pixie's strength to speak to him, Anouke was happy to make his acquaintance, as was displayed in her sweet smile.

RE: make me a believer - Hadraniel - March 17, 2017

I was actually hoping for a thread with you! ^_^

Some time passed and although he had managed to remove the pestering thoughts in his mind, he couldn't seem to forget them entirely. In fact he probably would have gone back to arguing with himself if it weren't for the soft voice that disrupted his train of thought. "Hmm" he hummed out as he turned to face the newest member of the dragon family. And then as if a switch was flipped inside his head, the male instantly turned his scowl into a smile and greeted the inky female with a gentle swish of his tail.

"Hey" he let out softly, trying to be considerate in the presence of the soft spoken commoner. "I'm well. How about you, settling in ok?" he asked out of genuine concern before motioning for her to join him while he strolled beside the stream.

RE: make me a believer - Anouke - March 18, 2017

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As he turned towards her, the wraith spied a look of anxiety painted upon the man' features, but it disappeared the very instant he faced her completely. Though she amply wondered what had been troubling him prior to her arrival, Anouke did not dare prod him for information. She dared not ask him. Besides, he had effectively flipped his frown over and regarded her with kind eyes, and when he asked her how she was faring, his masculine tones seemed genuine enough.

Yes, I-I'm doing fine, she responded, sitting back upon her spindly haunches so that they could speak together more comfortably. Deciding to be a bit more honest than that, she continued. It will take time for me to feel comfortable. Briefly, she looked down at her paws, as if ashamed of herself over such a trivial admission. It was not to say anything against Ryujin however; it mattered not where she found herself, new circumstances always took the girl time to adjust to. Perhaps more time than most. But I will. She spoke lightly and with hope in her voice

I am Anouke. If... if you didn't already know. She had no idea if he had been told what her name was by the other dragons, so it seemed safe to inform him nevertheless.


RE: make me a believer - Hadraniel - April 08, 2017

He was not used to dealing with delicate creatures such as Anouke. The way she spoke and presented herself made him nervous, for he feared one wrong move would shatter her into a million pieces. Not that he believed he had the power to do such a thing, but Hadraniel couldn't help but be cautious with his words and actions. "I was the same way when I first joined," he said while moving to sit before her. He had felt so out of place when he had first joined the ranks, but now he was as comfortable as could be. Content with his rank as a commoner and happy to provide for those he now considered to be family.

"Anouke" he spoke aloud, testing her name on his tongue. "I'm Hadraniel, but I guess you already knew that" he said with a light chuckle. One of the reasons Ryūjin had become so appealing to him was because of how small it is. Everyone knew everyone even if they had never officially met before, and it was that close knit community that the sandy man often craved for.

RE: make me a believer - Anouke - April 21, 2017

Unbeknownst to her, Anouke often had the exact effect upon others  that Hadraniel was experiencing -- she provoked discomfort because of her fragile nature. The only part of this that she was able to detect and understand was in the difficulty she had with getting close to others, with making friends. She did not understand why, however,  which served only to deepen her uncertainties. It was a vicious cycle.

She was glad to hear that he understood her current state of mild discomfort. She nodded when he gave his name. "I have heard of you -- nothing bad, or anything," she hurried to correct herself. "I have just heard your name around." She cleared her throat nervously and looked askance. "How l-long have you been here?" She nearly cringed at herself and her own awkwardness. What must he think of her? Probably nothing good.