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Sequoia Coast they come to snuff the rooster - Printable Version

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they come to snuff the rooster - Salish - March 15, 2017


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It was in the early morning that Salish decided to scout the area surrounding her home. The trek across the sandbar was trecherous and terrifying, yet the bold woman traversed it with courage in her heart. The Sea would deliver her, and if it took her then so be it. She placed all of her trust into her faith while the Sea churned and spat all around her, paws sinking into the sand, wind blowing with all the power to knock her to her demise. 

But today was not her day to have her life ripped from its shell. She arrived safely to the coast and climbed over the sharp rocks, through the tidepools and up upon the shore. Here, she turned about and faced the Sea, the Islands of her home rising before her eyes. A sudden urge to sing overcame her, and so she recklessly threw her pale maw skyward and emitted her beautiful wolfsong, singing her praises and thanks to the Sea as she reclined upon her lean haunches. She had inadvertantly revealed her presence and location to any whom had heard her joyful song, but she did not care. Salish was overwhelmed with faith and therefore, she would deal accordingly with whatever or whomever was brought to her.

RE: they come to snuff the rooster - Corranochender - March 15, 2017

After his interesting meeting with the commander of the Drageda and tentative acceptance into the pack, the large male stayed upon the beach, lost in thought. He was park of a pack again and it made him feel good. Granted, he had yet to meet his packmates, but he would soon.

The swift sea breeze constantly moved the clouds about, making peepholes for the sun, then closing them again. This was his home now, this windy, salty place. It was turbulent, stirring. He liked the way the wind moved through his thick pelt. As he sat, watching the waves and thinking, a sudden howl invaded his thoughts. It sounded exuberant, almost reverent and it piqued his curiosity.

He jogged over the sand, towards the noise. When he crested the swell of a hill of sand, he saw a light colored female upon her haunches. Could this be one of his pack members? Or perhaps another. Thuringwethil had been the only wolf he had met so far, since he had come to these lands. He was happy at the thought of another interaction. He yipped a greeting, alerting the female to his presence.

RE: they come to snuff the rooster - Salish - March 16, 2017

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A noise made her aware that she was no longer alone. Honey eyes searched around her until they landed upon the soft, gray-and-white form of a large male. She chuffed back, her tail beginning to wag gently, though her reverence was not forgotten. Hey! she declared, having determined that the stranger's approach was not a hostile one. Perhaps the Mothers had blessed her with another friendly encounter, a delightful way to spend her time.

His pelt did not smell of the Nereides, but the scents of other canines was thick, leading her to believe he belonged to one of the neighboring packs. I was just giving thanks, she stated cheerily, the golden ribbon of a tail now wagging slightly faster. My name is Salish. How are you today? She introduced herself under the assumption that he would provide his name in return. Perhaps, too, he would ask her to explain her state of thanksgiving, thus giving her an excuse to talk all about her pack and its beliefs. Needless to say, Salish felt very excited at this point.

RE: they come to snuff the rooster - Corranochender - March 17, 2017

Corranochender paused a moment after his initial greeting, in case the other was less than friendly. He had lucked out thus far, having not encroached upon a pack's territory or met anyone aggressive. When the female noticed him and acknowledged his presence, the large male continued forward, fluffy gray tail wagging behind him.

He cocked his head to the side slightly when she mentioned giving thanks. He supposed it wasn't so strange a thing to say. He was always thankful when his pack made a good kill or when all the pups made it through the winter. And right now, he was thankful that the sun was out for longer than 5 minutes. He didn't mind the rain too much, but his pelt hadn't been fully dry in days.

"Greetings Salish! I am Corranochender." He smiled at the pale colored female, her friendliness and exuberance was refreshing. "I'm doing quite well. How are you? Oh and...what did you mean when you said you were "giving thanks?"

RE: they come to snuff the rooster - Salish - March 18, 2017

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Now that she had drawn close to him, Salish became aware of just how large he truly was. She had never seen a man as massive as he; why, he was as big as a grizzy bear! Blinking her long, dark eyelashes, Salish realized she had been staring, although, she guessed it happened to him quite often. It had to. She could not help but think of how lucky she was that he, thus far, seemed to be a kind-hearted, friendly individual. he could easily tear the slender female to shreds if he so wished. 

WIth his greeting she was fully confident that he was not going to abruptly attack her. He had a name just as large and powerful as he was, about which the young woman could not help but comment. What a name! Have you a nickname, or anything?  she asked with a quizzical tilt of her head. Not that I mind saying "Corrannunender..." Oh...  a soft giggle escaped her lips. In truth, unless he offered her a shortened version of his name, she was going to butcher it during this encounter.

As hoped, the beast of a wolf inquired about her state of thanksgiving. She took a deep breath. Well, we believe the Sea watches over us, guiding us in our lives. We live by the Sea's Will, communicated to us through our Matriarch, Akantha. The journey from our Islands to the mainland is a trecherous one, and I was giving thanks to the Sea for delivering me safely. It was the shortened version, but he was, after all, just a man. Being lesser beings brought forth by the Drowned God, men had difficulty understanding things, and Salish believed she had done him a favor in the brevity with which she explained her religion. 

If you ever grow apart from your pack, I am sure we would love to have someone like you among our ranks. Her smile grew coy. It would be nice, indeed, to recruit a man with such favorable physical attributes as his. No doubt, he would be able to produce many daughters of considerable size and strength with his genes. It was a damn shame that he was not a consort of the Nereides.


RE: they come to snuff the rooster - Corranochender - March 18, 2017

Corranochender sat upon his great haunches, facing Salish and he noticed her honey colored eyes hadn't left his body. He chuckled slightly, and let her continue to inspect him. He wasn't bothered at all, especially when the staring involved a female.
He took a moment to look Salish herself over as well. She was pretty, very feminine. He quite enjoyed the color of her pelt and laughing warm eyes, not to mention her vivacious, friendly personality. He nodded when she spoke about the length of his name, it was quite a mouthful "You can call me Cor." He laughed at the attempted pronunciation of his name. The tilt of her head and giggle were very endearing.
Cor settled in to listen to her explanation as Salish took a deep breath. It was very facinating. The sea having a will to live by for wolves. Corranochender supposed it could work. He wasn't a very judgmental wolf, to each his own he always thought. He nodded, brows furrowed in interest as she paused before stating that they would love someone like him among their ranks. The flirtatious smile she cast after those words had him shaking hsis head in mirth. "Indeed?" He said, raising a brow, trying to keep from laughing.

RE: they come to snuff the rooster - Salish - March 19, 2017

omg I'm beginning to realize what a giant whore Salish is lmao

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Corranochender seemed largely unfazed by her explanation, a reaction one step above the eye-rolling and mocking which often came of talking about one's religion. He neither scoffed, nor laughed; rather, he simply listened, accepting her faith without a word. He was a rare breed.

He also appeared bemused by her half-hearted invitation, laughing when she took it a step further, right into flirting. It was not often that a wolf suddenly decided to drop everything and join a completely foreign pack, and so his reaction had been expected. Her smile remaining, Salish playfully prodded at him a little more.

"Indeed," she agreed. "Our islands are filled with beautiful women, my sisters, with whom you could earn breeding rights..." Her tail fanned the air as she emitted another jocular giggle. At this point, Salish was just having fun. And she was not even the least bit ashamed.


RE: they come to snuff the rooster - Corranochender - March 22, 2017

The hefty gray male's tail thumped the earth as Salish seemed to entice him. In actuality, it didn't sound half bad. Islands filled with beautiful females? Where was Salish when he was looking for a pack? He would have to see this someday.

"Surely not as beautiful as you, dear Salish!" Corranochender grinned at her. Two could play this game! It had been a while since Cor had some fun and laughter in his life. He sauntered closer to her, brushing her shoulder with his, before circling her, his tail tip sweeping along her body.

RE: they come to snuff the rooster - Salish - April 11, 2017

@Corranochender sorry sorry for the wait! aaah

To her delight, he joined in her game of flirtation. She wore a wry smile when he called her beautiful; it as her favorite compliment, her favorite thing to hear anyone say, really. She leaned her weight into him as he brushed by her, relishing the feeling of his warm silver form against hers. In an effort to be a little less... easy, she darted away from him, her smile still in place, the tip of her tail flicking his cheek as she bounced away. This action also served another purpose. According to Nereiedes law she was not permitted to take things too far with an outsider, therefore she opted to simply toy with him, rather than bringing him truly closer.

You flatter me, she spoke, tilting her head. Her tail curled around her haunches as she sat down a reasonable distance away from him. So... why don't you tell me about your own pack. Drageda?