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Honeyed Pasture kangaroo done hung the juror - Printable Version

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kangaroo done hung the juror - Uma - March 18, 2017

@Merrigan <3

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Uma and Feint had separated, with the intention of finding one another in a few hours. As they were both growing hungry, the female pair had deduced that they would be able to cover more ground in search of prey if they were apart, rather than if they were together.

The ivory lady entered the sweetsmelling pasture with the scent of blood in her nostrils, combined tantalizingly with the scent of honey. A faint buzz occupied her ears, the noise of the bees as they worked hard to create their liquid gold. But it was the blood which concerned uma, its aroma growing thicker by the second.

another noise, much less endearing than the buzz of the bees, interrupted her attention. a series of snarls and high-pitched yapping filled her mind with dread and disgust. sure enough, into her realm of vision appeared the carcass, surrounded by four coyotes devouring it. uma cursed softly under her breath. One or two coyotes would have been fine; but four? she would be torn to shreds, and probably eaten too, considering how fucked up coyotes were.

the only thing she could do was go find feint and command her to help chase off the scavengers, but as she did not know where the young girl had gone, it quite possibly could take hours to find her, and by that time, the tastiest morsels would be in the bellies of those oversized rats. but it was her only option... muttering foully, uma turned around and began to walk back the way she had come, towards the forest, praying internally that feint was nearby. 


RE: kangaroo done hung the juror - Merrigan - March 20, 2017

It was to the sound of ferocious yapping that Merri was drawn, not to the stench of blood. Okay..not totally to the stench of blood. She followed the intriguing sound all of her senses focused on tracking that down so that she didn't notice the pale woman approaching her. "Hello" Was all she said before she lifted her gaze in the direction of the yapping and tearing sounds, longing obvious in her gaze. She was out looking for trouble, boredom having struck her rather hard. Vivid green gaze flicked to the woman again before she spoke "Ya haven't seen tha things makin that sound have ya?" she asked curiously irish accent slipping through the false voice she tried to keep. 

Everyone she had met spoke in a different voice, or different accents than Irish. She had not once heard a familiar brogue coming from a wolf in these territories and it made her feel odd. She didn't like feeling odd so she decided to change to suit the needs of her situation.

RE: kangaroo done hung the juror - Uma - April 13, 2017

@Merrigan sorry for the wait!

Uma became aware of an agouti female with a pair of piercing green eyes , followed by an almost musical, lilting "hello." Her pale features immediately became quizzical, pink eyes widening curiously. More words followed, these carrying the same accented tones. In all her years, Uma had never once heard such a voice, and it puzzled her greatly. She did not know of, and therefore did not understand, the concept of differing accents and dialects, having never encountered them before.

Deciding to not yet communicate her confusion, Uma answered flatly. "Oh, I've seen them. They're back a ways," her ear flicking in blatant irritation. Not with the woman before her, but with the coyotes behind. "Care to help me deal with it? There's food in it for you." She spoke truthfully; she would not unfairly attempt to rob the woman a chance to eat, should she decide to help with those abominable pests.

RE: kangaroo done hung the juror - Merrigan - April 14, 2017

Merrigan took note of the curiousity and felt the corners of her lips twitch upward as she tried to withhold a chuckle. Shifting her weight slightly she patiently waited for the woman to respond to her question, and when she did Merrigan sat down. The offer to help the woman deal with the yapping gave her that familiar feeling, the one where she knew something could be dangerous but it excited her anyway. Giving a wide grin she dipped her head "Aye I will help you, So long as it gets em to shut up!"she responded enthusiastically.

RE: kangaroo done hung the juror - Uma - April 25, 2017

The ghost of a smile curled her wry lips as the pretty Irishwoman agreed to lend her aid, silken white banner of a tail waving involuntarily. Very well. Follow me, With a heavy snicker Uma turned tail and headed towards the source of the racket, her posture lowered into a hunter's stalk. Cotton candy eyes peered between the tall spring grasses, and it was here that she attempted to devise a plan, although there did not seem to be a right or a wrong manner in which to tackle the situation. 

Her voice came as a whisper when she next spoke, eyes remaining directly focussed on the scene of the coyote pack consuming noisily and with abandon. We should attack together, and suddenly. Try to look as viscious as you can, she commanded, having taken the liberty of promoting herself to the leadership of the operation. The yapping, yodeling shit-rats would have to think twice about standing up to a pair of full grown and physically fit wolves.

RE: kangaroo done hung the juror - Merrigan - April 26, 2017

Merrigan followed behind the pallid woman, crouching low in the grass and keeping her ears and tail tuckes close to her body. She listened silently to the simple plan and shook her pelt with excitement "sounds dangerous" she said with a slow smile forming on her maw.

Looking at the disgusting beasts eating with no manners to speak of, she snorted "I like it!" she growled enthusiastically. Bracing herself she looked at the woman from the corner of her eyes "on my cue...one,two three!" she murmured and sprang from the bushes not caring about how her comrade had taken the lead. To merri they were partners and partners were equal until someone asserted dominance. She snarled visciously, narrowing her emerald eyes and peeling her lips up from her fangs usimg slow deliberate movements to look as predatory as possible. She wouldnt officially attack until her teammate did so, after all she did say together.

RE: kangaroo done hung the juror - Uma - April 29, 2017

Impressed by the enthusiasm which the other woman displayed, Uma met her sidelong gaze with one of her own, her smile continuing to show mischief and glee alike. It was good to have a partner who appeared to emulate her own enjoyment; for her part, the pallid woman would relish the opportunity to invoke pain upon the smaller canid creatures for whom she held such distaste. 

In spite of being impressed, her velveteen lip twitched in irritation when it became clear that Merrigan refused to heed her assumed dominance, but the feeling faded quickly as their attack grew close at hand. The agouti she-wolf counted up to said attack, and together they sprang from concealment and executed an expert ambush. The coyotes yowled in shock and fear, lowering their ears and tucking their tails against their lean bellies. But Uma wore an angered expression that likely could have terrified a bear; launching her strong physique at an individual, she quickly overpowered the 'yote, pinning it and taking a decent chunk out of its cheek. She growled pleasurably; this individual would pay for its greed with permanent disfigurement. Releasing the smaller creature, which fled the scene, she wheeled around to face the others and to ensure that Merrigan was holding up, as well.

RE: kangaroo done hung the juror - Merrigan - May 01, 2017

Merrigan let her true spirit fly as she saw Uma attack, and Launched her large body at a Coyote who still hovered by the carcass. She barrelled into it and their jaws snapped together fighting for a hold on each other's flesh. Finally Merrigan snagged the Canid's lips between her fangs and shredded it with easy causing a shriek of agony to come from the coyote's maw.

Merri snarled and bit at the coy's chest and shoulders as it struggled to escape from her amd when it finally did she stood up, snarling loudly at the retreating form. She flicked her gaze toward Uma to check on her and then grunted as she was tackled from behind.