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Liquid engineers - Printable Version

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Liquid engineers - Jinx - May 08, 2014


It was long past time Jinx addressed the primary problem with Silvertip Mountain: the wolves' flippant disregard for her authority. Her subordinates behaved well enough whilst on the mountain, but acted like uneducated children beyond her borders. The repercussions of this came back to bite her, not them. Though the fault was not hers, it was plain from Fox's attitude that Jinx would continue to be blamed for her subordinates' transgressions when, in fact, she was wholly unaware of them.

(This was, of course, hypocritical in a number of ways, for the same Jinx who loathed being blamed for her subordinates' incompetence in the neutral lands was quick to blame other Alphas for lacking control over their own followers.)

She stood amongst the tall soldier pines closer to the territory's base and sent out a long, demanding howl for Lunar's presence. It was only the one issue that she knew about, but it was one she would address heatedly.

RE: Liquid engineers - Lunar - May 09, 2014

Lunar had been watching over the packs border, re-marking the spots with scent where it seemed o fade. She was learning the ropes gradually. In her pack as a pup she had no responsibilitiesso she had alot to learn now as a dult. She was suspected upholf her duties to the pack.

Jinx's call rang in her ears like a symphony. She immediatly leftbher route and ran steadily towards thebcall. Her pace quickened as not wanting to keep the alpha waiting. Once she arrived in Jinx's presence she entered a submissibe posture awaiting her response "You called?"

RE: Liquid engineers - Jinx - May 12, 2014

Lunar was prompt, which worked in her favour, for Jinx was already impatient and being made to wait would have put her in a bad mood indeed. The submission shown was favourable, but nevertheless Jinx was curt when she motioned for the woman to sit down. She herself remained standing, commanding the situation as it were, and only spoke when Lunar had made herself comfortable.

“I do not believe I told you how I came to this mountain,” she began, keeping her tone even and her expression benign for the time being. “I ran with a pack before this, as we all did. I was its Beta.” Her lips curved ever-so-slightly upward at the memory, though there was also the bitter memory of her pack mates turning on her. It didn't matter, she thought.

“Imagine my surprise when the very wolf I was closest with told me you had so kindly informed them I hate them,” Jinx went on, fixing Lunar with a sharp gaze now that the meaning of this meeting was clear, “especially when I had said no such things.”