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Noctisardor Bypass I am quite certain she felt no pain - Printable Version

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I am quite certain she felt no pain - Circe - April 01, 2017

[Image: naturalist.gif] 2/5

the skies were heavy, grey and ripe with tension. they would burst, soon- but not for a while, yet. which gave her ample time to explore the Bypass and the rich Flora she found to grow there. It was merely early spring, but already with the smallest of shoots burst forth from the earth, and many plants had survived winter's wrath.

she moved amongst the forest garbed in drag browns, accented with the slightest of green- that of new growth. herbs and poisons were few, but there was plenty more to be observed. as she walked, she recalled silently the names of the species of plants she passed, and all that she knew of them. alone, she sunk into her thoughts, scheming aimlessly and dreaming up plans to do deeds that would never come to pass. 

RE: I am quite certain she felt no pain - Rhona - April 01, 2017

After a couple of days in her knew home, Rhona still hadn't explored it all. She had spent quite a bit of time around the lake enjoying the cooling waters and getting to know her packmate Semira, as well as investigating the vegitation growing on and around it's banks.

Today wasn't as warm and sunny as two days ago had been. The atmosphere was heavy and Rhona could feel the pressure of rain-and possibly a storm-building. Everything seemed muted, the birds barely sang and she hadn't heard an insect the whole time she'd been in the forest. She padded past an Aspen tree, her grandmother's voice in her head. The inner bark of an Aspen has similar properties as willow bark, when chewed, but not as potent.

Continuing on, she saw another moving up ahead aways and she sniffed the oppressive, moist air. The other smelled like the pack, but Rhona had yet to meet this female. She barked out a friendly greeting as she picked up her pace to catch up to the darker wolf.

RE: I am quite certain she felt no pain - Circe - April 01, 2017

there came a greeting, through the trees, and the woman paused, looking back to see another of the Bypass. she schooled her features with frightening speed, and when she turned to greet the woman, her maw perked up in a smile and her words fell lightly from her tongue. "Hello!" came her greeting, waiting for the other to catch up with her. 

"I don't think we've met- I'm Circe." came her introduction, a smile biting at her
maw once more.  I was seeing what interesting plants I could find- if any."  she admitted with a grin, eyeing the other lightly. 

RE: I am quite certain she felt no pain - Rhona - April 02, 2017

When Rhona caught up to the other, she stopped and smiled, glancing over the unfamilar one in front of her. She was quite lovely with her dark fur and her slim elegance. Rhona herself felt quite large and clumsy just standing near her.

Her green eyes lit up after Circe introduced herself and mentioned that she was looking for plants as well. "Circe, very pleased to meet you. I'm doing the same!" Finally someone she could talk about plants to! She didn't even know where to start, so excited was she. She also forgot to introduce herself initially. "Oh, I'm Rhona by the way. Do you want to be a healer too?"

RE: I am quite certain she felt no pain - Circe - April 04, 2017

the woman seemed quite pleased to meet her, introducing herself and admitting she was up to the same thing as she. very likely, however, her definition of interesting plant's differed from that of Circe, who thought the most interesting were those of the deadly variety. "Cool! Have you found anything interesting?" she questioned, smile biting at the edges of her maw. at her second question, she answered lightly, "A naturalist, actually. Plants and storms and such."  she chatted amiably, falling into step beside the other.  

spotting a rather interesting tree, the woman pointed it out, and the two discussed amiably for a time. but soon they separated, and Circe went on her own way, to the heart of the territory where she sought a meal.