Wolf RPG
Regarding Rank Challenges - Printable Version

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Regarding Rank Challenges - Rose - April 04, 2017

I didn't see anything in the guidebook about this or in the help desk so forgive me if I skipped over it! 

1) Are we required to seek OOC permission before challenging for a rank? 
While I personally have no issue with my characters being unexpectedly challenged, I can understand if a player would like a heads up. 

2) Can there be more than two participants in a rank challenge?
For example, could Wolf A challenge Wolf B and Wolf C jumps into to assist one of them.

RE: Regarding Rank Challenges - West - April 04, 2017

I believe, based on the new/current guidelines, that these are up to the individual packs.

RE: Regarding Rank Challenges - Nemesis - April 04, 2017

@Rose In BFW, we have to so Wolf C would typically be a leader assisting the wolf they felt deserved the rank better, but like above, it really depends on the rules of the pack!

RE: Regarding Rank Challenges - Rose - April 04, 2017

Ahh! Thank you <3