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Ankyra Sound what height dare we not dare? - Printable Version

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what height dare we not dare? - Embry - April 11, 2017

@Artemis | Sorry it took so long to get this out there! Homework caught up with me.

     Embry's large, golden mass lay supine to the earth, stretched in spite of himself to a contented position. His coat, honey in the afternoon light, shimmered as he readjusted himself. The day had so far been uneventful for the young man - tiring at best, but not lacking its beauty. He enjoyed travelling across the Sequoia Coast if not only to get a taste of the world he had now lived within. He found that lying amongst the flaxen stalks of this particular strathe suited him immensely well, and therefore had resigned himself a few hours after noon to a hazy nap. Now, blinking sleep from his sea-green orbs, he was awoken by the wind's feeble prod upon his gently cresting flanks.

     "Leave me..." He mumbled, but there was nobody there. Growling, he rolled onto his forepaws and pressed his claws into the ground. Slowly, carefully, he rose from the warmth of the brush; a giant aureate bean amidst the sinuous grass. Nearby, he could hear the faint cry of seagulls, and, no doubt, the spirit of the bear. But he was too soon from the depths of slumber to partake in any intellectual compensation, and thus turned from the grove of trees to arch his brows at the rolling fields miles to the East. A day's journey had led him to his current location, and while he was pleased with the majesty of the forest, he was slightly more enamored with the excitement sprouting further Southward. 

     His nose twinged at the scent of a potential bird. Cautiously, he turned to face the forest once more, gaze trained intently at the darker congregation of olive greens and jaded browns before him. 

RE: what height dare we not dare? - Art - April 13, 2017

yet another daft, boring wolf. this one was garbed in a pelt of tawny, taller than she and rather imposing looking, yet, as were all other wolves, likely rather stupid. they were simply a species to reliant on their bulk and brawn to consider expanding their intelligence, or so she thought. no matter the reason, coyotes, as a general rule, were smarter than wolves. 

she watched in silence from the trees, dark form hidden among the drab browns and barren trees, speckled lightly with budding leaves. soon, the woods would regain their splendour, and then the small creatures, she included, would be able to hide easily between the lush wood and bramble and brush. but for now, she was not quite so as hidden as she might have hoped as she gazed at the male. 

RE: what height dare we not dare? - Embry - April 13, 2017

Embry yawned, massive haunches raising as he stood. He could feel his incisors gaping at the depths of his mouth; fangs a glistening ornament among the many fragmented teeth jutting from the rosy pink of his gums. Somewhere in his peripherals he could spot a worming figure, almost imperceptible, admist the forest's garish vivacity. Whether it was just an animated frond or less biotic had yet to be determined.

     He shifted his weight, hind legs countering the movement in one swift stride. Brow darkened, he swept his gaze across the leafy expanse with reflexive osmosis following the pursuit. Lately, he had found himself delving further and further into his own mind; a subtle tangent to his everyday ennui. To his deep vexation, he often was left with nothing but the elegy of a life lost to whim. Today, though, he was surprised to find himself staring (rather unconciously) straight at a fellow creature. His tail, in compensation to the sudden tremor of shock, bristled and rose. His lips curled back in a definitive snarl. How long had he been under observation? How long was he exposed to the unknown eyes of this stranger? 

RE: what height dare we not dare? - Art - April 22, 2017

he noticed her, mere moments after she had determined that he would not. her slender limbs did not turn in flight, but instead stood stock-still, watching the male. lips curled back to reveal gleaming fangs, and the nymph's fur prickled warily, rising in the slightest along her nape. her head tilted a fraction, curious, perhaps, at whether or not he would prove to strike, to make good on his threatening posture. 

she ought to run. any small creature ought 
to, when faced with a large, hostile one. yet she did not, staked as she was to the earth. the reason was rather a stupid one, given the situation; she had come to realise the stranger was rather handsome. and the coyote had an appreciation for fine things, even should they be angry wolves. 

RE: what height dare we not dare? - Embry - April 22, 2017

Embry held his gaze, tail swaying uncertainly as they faced eachother. The golden brawn wasn't sure whether this female was all the threat she looked to impose, what with her accountable size and posture. The sight merited her a gentle, ill-defined grin on his part. She was nothing short of intriguing, that was for sure.

     "Looking for something?" He wasn't sure if she could comprehend his dialect, but the words held true as he spoke - resonant in the silent ambience of evening. It was a shame, he realized as he erected his stance, muscles primed for attack, that she had not been born a wolf. Coyotes didn't mix well with wolves like him, especially considering the past he shared with them. Better to keep the claws sharp than lose them.

RE: what height dare we not dare? - Art - April 22, 2017

uncertainty was in his stance, she could sense it, see it. she was perhaps smug, in the slightest, as she realised that she was the cause. then came a grin to his face, and her gaze sparked with a glint of humour. so he wouldn't make good on his threat, not yet. that, she supposed, was good. 

words came next, and she responded bluntly. "a meal," for when was she not? there came a constant hunger with constant travelling, she knew. "among other things." she added smoothly, voice barely hinting at what "other things" might entail. for a beat, she was silent, waiting, watching the male who she found was perhaps even more attractive when he wasn't curling back his lips. 

RE: what height dare we not dare? - Embry - April 22, 2017

Ah, I don't know how to start the fight XD

     Embry chuckled, a brief sense of amusement glittering in his emerald gaze. His ears perked as he moved, approaching the female in hopes of attaining a clearer view. "You know, to some creatures you are a meal." His voice trailed ominously through the air as he spoke. His tail whipped subconciously behind him, a telltale testimony to his contentment. So far, he found himself enjoying their little conversation. If he had more time, he might have considered showing the little sylph what real meat tasted like. The great what-ifs of life.

     Instead, he slackened his posture, loosening his lips to brandish the marbled fangs sequestered beneath. He was subtle in his show of dominance, remaining perceptibly cordial for the time being. If he could avoid a fight to get her on her way, that would be the preferred resolution. Perhaps it would help to excersize his position in mother-nature before he had to employ it.

RE: what height dare we not dare? - Art - May 07, 2017

she sighed in feigned disappointment, enjoying the rush the little conversation gave, as if she were dancing on the edge of a cliff, sometimes leaning over the edge. "Well," she replied, gaze light and hiding a seriousness of her thoughts. if this one was a coyote-eater, she would do well to be on her way.  "I don't take you as the kind who eats their kin." she answered, head tilting in light curiosity, making light of the rather serious topic of whether or not she was on his menu. 

He lifts himself in dominance, and she does not react save to lower her tail a tad, hoping to avoid a fight- or a hunt. either way, she would do best to simply bolt in the opposite direction.