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Sun Mote Copse A runaway once more - Printable Version

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A runaway once more - Feyre - April 19, 2017

Feyre did not falter her lithe stride away from her home. The fae was no stranger to leaving packs, but she despised the sorrow that always paired with it. Every step she took through the oak-brown forest was one of confidence, and yet, with every call of the jays up in the canopy of the trees, she found herself wondering what her life would have become if she had stayed. 

The rays of light filtering through every joyful leaf landed upon the golden pelt of the male beside her. Embry seemed quiet, possibly seething from the...conversation with Jhala, or perhaps he was just taking in the view of the turquise-blue waters carving through the forest in front of them. The winding river blocked her path, to where she did not know, causing her to pause mid-step. She turned away from the diamonds of light dancing upon the babbling river, facing the brawny male. Her gaze lacked her usual bravado and instead appeared disheartened. Her sunset eyes searched his face as she spoke in soft tones, "W-what now?"

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 19, 2017

   Embry was silent as he ran, bounding alongside Feyre without pausing to look back upon Jhala and her forsakened pack. He had found that, within the few preemptory moments he had shared in the Glade, he truly hadn't ever felt himself grow extraordinarily attached. It didn't make much sense why the pull had been lost - it was rather like some unknown string had snapped. His thoughts ran as fast as he, hesitating only as he lulled in step - purposefully lagging behind (however descretely) to assess the condition of his fellow escapee. He didn't dare meet her eyes yet, when he knew she would only find a hatred he was not ready for her to discover. There were darkness's that could blemish this gem before him... He intended to keep them as far away as he could manage for as long as it took. 

     Throughout the light jog he had been wandering about past experience. This whole encounter was deja vu to him, what with the golden setting and ireful pursuit. He might as well have just introduced himself to a murderer. But things were noticeably different, by degrees he was slowly coming to acknowledge. When the pair finally approached the ravine, he had just about come to terms with reality. Just about.

     Her shaky voice was enough to jet in the motivation he had ebbed throughout the short journey. Finally, he let his sea-green orbs match with the woman in front of him. Princess. What have I done? He resisted the impulse to comfort her any further than to press his flank lightly upon her's. The night would soon be arriving and a few things needed to be settled. He knew that the primary course of action needed for any lone wolf in need of survival ethics was determination. A goal had to be set. He wanted, beyond everything he'd ever wanted before, to show this wolf that he loved her. She, the girl who just gave up a future for him. He needed to make her a better one.

     "Feyre, I can't believe you..." But he trailed off. The problem was, he could believe it. He could because he would have done the same thing. Part of him believed it was why he had left his pack before. Damn, she looked too pretty to be here, beside this brute who'd stolen her. "You... You could have been killed..."
     He released a hesitant sigh. He had traveled this route before, though it wasn't ever this close to the water when he'd ventured it. It seemed fitting for Feyre, who seemed to attract the prettiest of places. His first day with her would be tomorrow... All his. He had to keep her safe. Already, his mind was whirring. They could easily travel to the coast again. Or maybe by Drageda. She would make any place paradise.

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 19, 2017

She could not read each thought running through his mind, but she could read the emotions written upon his face. Fury darkened his eyes, turmoil running through the sea-colored depths. That anger against the woman she used to call 'Alpha'. She paused at the intensity of his gaze as it turned to something more protective; possesive, her mind coming to a complete stop. She had never had anyone look at her in this way. She fought the urge to look down at her paws; his fervent gaze tugging at the strings of her heart. The fae did not know what love was like, nor had she ever imagined she would be in a situation like this. With her family, it had never been about love - but dictatorship and loyalty.

She fought the urge to step away from the burning heat in her side as he pressed against her in a comforting fashion. She needed to think, now fall prey to her whimsy. Taking a large gulp of air, she calmed herself. Think Feyre. What are you going to do now? Where will you -no- we go? She paused as she felt his gaze assess her well-being, allowing herself to meet his eyes once more. We. Fleeting thoughts made their way through her mind; fanciful thoughts.

Heat rushed to her ivory face and she tore her amber eyes away from his, peering down upon her flaxen paws in concentration. I'm so screwed. My gods, she could not even think logically around this man. She cleared her throat briefly. Right. Back to the whole: "putting myself in danger" thing. She shook her head ever so slightly, as if she could physically clear her thoughts. "It's a dangerous world Embry." She let her voice naturally lilt at his name, nearly purring out the consonants. Really? "Its a dangerous world", thats your attempt at lightening the mood? Her thoughts seemed to overide her, mocking her own attempts at wiping the concern off her face. 

She let a wry grin mold across her features, "You know, I think I can handle myself." She released a breathy chuckle before a stricken look struck her expression. She closed her eyes for a moment to keep them from watering at the pain lashing at her ribcage. It seemed as though her injuries were determined to remind her that they were still very fresh. She found herself leaning heavily onto Embry for those few paralyzing seconds, a complete rebute of her words. Sure, she was independent and strong-willed, but there are times when she required someone to help her. As it seemed, that time was now.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 19, 2017

 Embry listened to her voice. It was so mellow and calm, sweet to his ears. The contrast between environments, so vast, was hard to absorb at such quick rates. He could still feel Jhala's icy glare biting at his pelt. Had he been that bad? How had things gone so wrong? Yet, when Feyre spoke again, his mood changed. Things had gone right, in a way. Technically, he was still the lucky guy that managed to catch this fae. 

     'You know. I think I can handle myself.' He grunted, a small grin etched upon his face. He didn't know who had granted him this wonderful new character, but he deeply thanked them for her. There simply was nothing better than that wry little spirit encompassing her, sifting through his own heart and forcing him into submission. Yet, just as it seemed the mood was lightening, she weakened. He heard her breathing crumble and felt himself move instinctively, erecting his form to preserve her strength. Her eyes left his, wavering, full of pain. He growled, cursing himself and Jhala. It did not make sense how Feyre had been the one to get the most lashings, out of all the bad souls he'd encountered (not excluding himself). 

     "Woah, there, Princess." He tried to remain, outwardly, calm; gentle as he moved to assist her frail body. He had no idea where she was injured, no doubt near the torso by the looks of it, but he tried to compensate anyway. The last time he'd called her Princess, he had been a stranger. What was he now? "Take it easy... I think you just need to rest before you go off 'handling' yourself, eh?" His sea-green gaze was playful. "Let's think about the future before we go and make it."

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 19, 2017

Only he could peruse a laugh from her when she was in this state. Princess. It seemed to be his favorite choice in nicknames, undoubtedly endearing for her to hear roll from his lips. As luck would have it, she happened upon a man who would literally treat her like a princess.

He proved this notion with his actions, providing her with a steady mass the lean against whilst she regained her composure. She regretted her decisions at the glade, her lack of pacing out her battles and shifts. She had overstepped her limits by far, only to prove to those that did not want her that she was enough. He tthinks I'm enough. She pulled her gaze back up to his, a glimmer of happiness fluttering to life.

My gods he matched her wit in every way. His words sparked her humor again, but with this moment she held back the burst of laughter begging to be released. Instead, she provided him with a lazy smirk; her eyes twinkling. "...Perhaps you are correct," she winked, "...this time." 

He was true, she needed to rest soon, or face the effects of fatigue. She fought the urge to yawn, not willing to add on to the proof that he was correct. Her thoughts of resistance were quickly overcome. Exposing her ivories, she let out a large yawn, cooing slightly at the end in contentment.

The moment was short-lived, for his words brought her back to reality. They needed rest, and then some sort of food source. Her thoughts switched to that of a trained survivor, analyzing the world around her. The river, reflecting the ball of golden flame that is the setting sun, should contain fish. The water should draw other prey towards them as well. She checked that task off of her list, and resting as well. She would get to that soon enough. The future, that worried her. What were they going to do? Where were they going to go? His questions were light and playful, but her answer was serious, "There are no words truer than those..." she frowned lightly, marring her ivory features, "What are we going to do Embry?" Fear of the unknown laced her words.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 19, 2017

     Embry relaxed beside the female. He watched her gaze flutter along the stream and grinned, half-heartedly, at the thought. She was no doubt forming their survival plans for the next few days. He felt a slight tremor of pride at the sight - this beautiful female so serious. And then that wink... His heart was beating again - that mad man's tap dance that sent jitters down his spine. He would have liked to keep the memory lasting, but her tone dragged him from his stupor. As always, the girl was right. Why, mon cheri, did you ever catch my eye?

     He felt himself yawn at the sight, arching slightly as his mouth widened. The sunlight felt pleasant on his coat, and the sound of the churning water was coaxing him into a somewhat involuntary trance. If not for Feyre, he would have been asleep by now. Her features tensed, though, and he was immediately tugged from the daze. Once again, he could not resist the urge to comfort her. Restraint. He chided himself. Survive, first, you idiot.

     "I... I've been this way before." He was hesitant to speak about it. The last time he'd discussed his journey from the Fen, he had been tempted to snap the poor wolf's ears off. He just didn't enjoy relapsing that past endeavor. Now, though, it was paramount to their future. He had no choice, especially not with Feyre. He searched her gaze, summoning whatever warmth and reassurance he could muster. It would take time, but life would smooth itself back out. "This river leads northward to a swamp. There's a big reservoir just beyond there that sits beneath the Deepwood Weald. Once we rest there, we can probably make it past the Honeyed Pasture and break for either the Firefly Hot Springs or further along the Coast. It will take a few days, give or take, if the weather holds... And then... And then we can see what opportunities come find us."

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 20, 2017

She nearly regretting bringing up how they were going to deal with their future, for he seemed so peaceful as he yawned. A near mirror of her action. Alas, it what out of nessessity that she then spoke. Her words seemed to bring a sense of unease from the male beside her, and she could not help but to reach out with a soft paw; as if she were to pet that golden pelt of his. His words made her pause and retreact her forelimb before it came in contact with him. She tilted her head in curiousity, but did not ask what had happened. Don't push him about the matter, if he wants you to know about his past, he'll tell you. The same went for the fae, who did not care to indulge others in her past. She was not one to dally on those memories, least they resurface the anger that once boiled white-hot beneath her veins.

He looked upon her with those caring, soulfilled eyes, providing her with a rope of reasurance to help her out of this pit she had fallen into. Her memories of her cold-hearted family were washed away by his sea-green gaze. After clearing her head, she listened intently to his ideas. She nodded here and there, but otherwise remained quiet.

Her body wavered on its own. She had overused it today, that was for sure. Spotting an oportunity for humor, she leapt to the occasion, "Well now...Resting time seems a little far away." She let a mischievous smile draw itself opon her face; a devilish gleam in her eye. Her words were not an arguement, but merely a chance for her to verbally tease him. She quickly decided to add to the effect, leaning into his side and tucking her muzzle into the scruff of his neck. An oddity they must appear to be, with crimson stains still lingering upon their pelts. For once the grime did not bother her, nor did she rush to the nearest water to cleanse her pure pelt of it. Instead, she merely let out a rumble of contentment in her throat, "I'm kidding mon doux, your plan sounds great." She reluctantly pulled away from his warmth, sliding her eyes to the north-west. An area she had never ventured to, how exciting. She felt her own tail slide happily across the ground behind her.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 20, 2017

Embry smiled, a faint trace of personal fatigue drifting across his aureate features. He wasn't one to forfeit very easily, nor was he prone to submitting publicly. But his paws were aching, and Jhala had definitely impressed her sentiments: his shoulder was pounding. Similarly, he could visibly see Feyre growing tired. Soon, they would inevitably need to stop.

     It wasn't hard to notice her softening stance as he voiced his thoughts. She obviously knew what it was like to have a sensitive history. If he hadn't been so darn close to collapsing, he would have been more tempted to question her. Anything about this strange girl was captivating, and he found that the more time he spent in her presence, the more time he wanted to spend in her past (and, admittedly, future). A light chuckled escaped his lips. Resting time seem a little far away

     He sucked in a breath of cool air as he moved away, noting the sudden acrid tang that filled his pallate. Her sweet scent was lost in the breeze as she moved. He instantly stood, despite the exahustive state of his body, to follow in her path. If she wanted to continue, he would be there every step of the way. "You sure you're ok with this?" He knew there was hardly any alternative, but something about made him apprehensive. He didn't want to be the reason she had regrets. 


RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 20, 2017

The fae left his side, her body protesting, and padded towards the water surfaced by the gold of the nearly set sun. She was not a vain creature, but her earlier thoughts had planted their seeds. She gently dipped her paw into the turquoise-blue liquid, watching as it found a new path around her forelimb. With a light twirl of her paw, she pulled it from the water's cool touch, revealing her gilded coloring once more.

She allowed herself to revel in the scenery for a moment longer before looking behind her to her companion. He looked lost in thought, concerned about some matter she could not decipher. She quickly realized his intent and frowned as he spoke. "Do you doubt my wish to come with you?" She prowled back up the bank towards him, every step slow and concise; that of a trained huntress. She stopped merely inches before him, a frown marring her delicate features. "I do not make my decisions lightly." Her words were whispered so quietly that they came out huskily.

With her words, she turned back to the water, giving him a flick of her tail. She was back at the waters edge before one could blink, washing away the pains of the day. With every droplet of crimson that ran from her into the stream, she was able to release some of her emotions. The anger and grief against her Alphess slowly trickled away, leaving a dull ache in her chest. She did not doubt leaving the pack, although by others it might have seemed naive. Instead, she would embrace her new freedom -- with Embry at her side.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 20, 2017

Embry traced Feyre's body - the lines that curved and swayed across her form - as she moved, albeit hesitantly, toward the stream. Her tawny coat seemed to shimmer in the illumination, caught in the cross-fire of both the sun and water. He took special care to capture that image; it's serenity a friend long gone and gladly welcomed. It would be sequestered into the deepest of his mental arsenal, cached away among the few beautiful memories he kept pinned in his mind. 

     He let his ears droop slightly as she spoke, trepidation lacing his gaze. His tail quieted in its motion, slightly abated as she prowled across the marshy bank. My huntress. Even when she was angry (and certainly frightening), she was something of a different kind. Majesty this world simply struggled to withhold, he supposed. The prickling consternation that had previous enveloped him ebbed into sheer empathy. He hadn't intended to question her authority over these recent turn of events. Thus, he backtracked. Quickly.

     "Right, right. I just don't want to see you get tangled up in this mess with me." He walked alongside the female now, properly positioned so that their pelts only briefly touched. She had been accurate in moving away; correct in stifling his hopes of a... pleasant night. The time wasn't right to engage in anything more than what they already now pursued - the destination. With the prospective journey ahead, they would get a lot of time to get to know eachother better. "I guess it's a little late now... I'm glad you're here. With me." He searched her gaze as they walked, shoulders bobbing with each pawstep; the earth a gentle incline beneath him. "Now's as good a time as any to find out who's behind this princess beside me. Feyre, right? he grinned for good measure, sea-green gaze sportive - Nice to meet you. I'm Embry, but you probably didn't know that. What brings a lady like you to a place like this?" And while his voice was playing the part well, his eyes grew more transient; reserved to the point of reverence.

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 21, 2017

He followed close by her side as she made her way along the bank of the river, an attempt at gaining gradual distance on their journey ahead. She had noticed the inclination in his eyes right before she turned away, and found herself welcoming the cool breeze to calm her smoldering core. Not the time Feyre. Get control of yourself, you don't even really know him. The thought was successful in calming her burning desire, but it also effectively saddened her. It was true, she knew nothing about him.

She allowed her tail to sway lightly as she walked, her paws sinking into the mud of the bank. Embry's words lightened her heart, causing her to tilt her head up at him beside her and smile; a real, brilliant smile. "Gotta keep things lively." She allowed herself a michevious wink for good measure. She was happy that he quickly accepted her comfirmation, as if her opinion accually mattered. She could feel her heart thudding in approval.

He was right, she did want to know more about the mass of gold beside her. His formal greeting suprised her, causing her to have to force back her burst of laughter. Two could play this game. "Yes, that is my name." She added a mocking tilt of her brow. "Embry...What a suiting name. Why I've only happened upon this place just now, a bit of a starting place for my journey." She held up the facade "Would you care to join me?" A short laugh was released, nearly a breath of air.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 21, 2017

     Gotta keep things lively. He grinned,a light-hearted, sheepish exterior as they walked. She winked and he almost stopped right there; almost told the world to stop this cruel trick. What if he woke up one day? Woke up and realized this was all just a dream? His honey-golden pelage was growing darker in the somber strokes of dusk, shifting into an auburn appeal of bronze and feathered gold. Similarly, the fae beside him seemed to be growing enhanced - the lines that raced along her figure thickening with every direct beam.

     Embry chuckled as she played along, his pawsteps slow and loose. He could feel himself mellowing at the sight of the sun as it ran closer to the horizon, hours from nodding beneath the waves of jagged earth beneath. What was below what lay before them? He had no time to think of such philosophy. He had all the knowledge he needed right beside him. When she struggled to contain her laughter, his grin widened. She was so darn cute.

     "To join you? I didn't think it would be so easy." He tipped his head to the side, a roguish glint in his sea-green pools. "Dunno. I guess I thought it would take a bit more persuasion, is all. Maybe I thought you'd like to fight over some caribou fur or something..." He nudged her shoulder playfully, striking a paw out of in front of her path in an attempt at tripping the female. Of course, he wouldn't actually deal any damage. If she fell, he could easily counter the motion. But he knew what he was dealing with. Wounded or not, she was a huntress. She had agility - something he unfortunately did not so easily withhold. Plus, this was fun. Extremely fun. "Tell me, do you always make a guy want to attack you?"

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 21, 2017

Her partner in crime seemed aglow as the strings of the setting sun wove their way into his gilded pelt. The shadows basking a portion of his face in their darkness, applying a devilish look to his visage. He looked at her as if she had grown a pair of wings and he worried that she would fly away. His gaze spoke the words resting on his tongue, flattery no doubt. Her varnished eyes quickly flickered down to her mitts self-conciously. She was agast at her own reaction, scolding herself inwardly. With any other male she would have easily tempted his desires, but it was hard to do so to him with out becoming impulsive herself.

His laugh, combined with his easy gait, brought her warm gaze back to meet his. "Dunno. I guess I thought it would take a bit more persuasion, is all." She easily fell back into her uncanny wit, her own laughter bringing a sparkle to her amber orbs. My, this one was sarcastic. The comment about their beginnings did not fall flat on the fae, causing her to give him a false look of disappointment. "Now now...You'd think you knew how to treat a lady. Ladies don't fight over caribou." She molded her face into a faux scowl before allowing it to spread into a devilish smile. "We prefer to land our own meals." A hint of humor lay in the corners of her mouth. 

She spotted his outstretched forelimb before it even crossed her path and bounced around it with ease, a toying smile playing at her lips. He seemed to be enjoying his own efforts - she aptly decided to make it a wee bit more fun. His words were all the incentive she needed. Her next words were low, spoken directly beside his ear. "Sometime yes, but usually in another way." More along the lines of wishing to ravish her intimately - of which when they asked she would always politely decline. She proceeded to loop her way around his front side, her pace provocative yet threatening. She walked near enough to him that her tail dragged upon his torso as she made her way around. It was only when she resumed her position at his side did she stretch out an ivory paw - its course intercepting his path. "Two can play at that game."

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 22, 2017

     Embry's breathing quickened as she turned in, body weaving around his with nimble tenacity. He felt his chest thrumming along, wildly tracking the seconds as they moved. He couldn't suppress the urge to grin, yet again, as she spoke. We prefer to land our own meals... He feigned surprise, ears perking ever so slightly. As he had expected, she danced around his paw without hesitation. 

     When she spoke again, he let his body relent for a moment, pressing into her own warmth and morphing their fur and scents. His breathing grew harder as he neared her, heat radiating from his pelt. As soon as the moment had begun, she was out of range, her tail slipping across his torso. He turned to face her but she was too quick - too mischevious for her own good. She was toying with him, now... And he liked it. That is, until she tripped him.

     He stumbled forward with a grunt, jogging out of the slight incline to avoid a full head-first dive. His recovery was well-managed, but the emberrassment was clear on his face when he doubled back, all the while trotting as though he had been doing so all along. "I, uh, I meant to do that." He remarked, licking down tufts of dishevelled chest fur breezily. "You know, just staying fit. Considering we - the men and all - actually do fight over, er... over caribou, and stuff." He lifted his chin pointedly, hoping he looked as intimidating as he wanted. Sure, he was tired (and more than a little disconcerted), but he still had at least a few remaining vestiges of strength reserved in him. Real macho, Embry. Reaaallllly gallant, there.

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 22, 2017

She could feel him press to her side as she paced around him. She could discern the heat radiating from him and his gaze, and yet she continued...albeit reluctantly. She could sense him attempting to move with her, and aptly hastend her pace. The chase was usually more fun than the prize, but in this case the prize was far better. She burst out laughing when he tripped, her sultry facade falling to her glee. It was the breif look of confusion on his face that made this day that much better. She could feel how embarrased that he was, and could also hear it from his ceaselesss stuttering. It was accually quite adorable to see the hulking male stumble over his own words."Now now...Don't get your tongue in a twist mon doux." She spoke teasingly.

As his chin lifted to procure his own sense of dominance, she saw an opportunity. The femme pressed nearer to his body, slipping her own muzzle underneath his and into the vulnerable nape of his neck. She nuzzled his chest for merely a second, mumbling "Mhm sure", before pulling away from his warmth. A whisper of a laugh made its way from her maw. 

She could not help herself as her breathy chuckle turned into gut-wretching fits of laughter. His earlier display of humliliation only endeared him further to her. With every um and er that she remembered she found herself buckling over herself even more, until she was prone upon her backside due to her trembling forelimbs. Her laughter died down slowly, as she found it hard to breathe, but she remained on the compact earth. Her fatigue grew stronger as she studied the faint sprinkle of lights growing in the dimming sunlit sky. It was then that she peered over to the male, studying his bronzed tenement from her supine position. It suprised her that she was comfortable having her abdomen exposed to anyone, but as she looked into the mix of forest-green and deep ocean-blue that was now his darkened eyes she realized that she trusted him.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 22, 2017

   Embry released a sigh of pleasure as she neared him, her body softening along his own. Her scent drifted rosily throughout his senses, washing the predominant anxiety and emberrassment from his face. In place, his gaze held a much deeper resolve, passion and desire; something he had never experienced save for this precise moment. She felt so vulnerable beside him, yet strong all the same. Like something of a work of art. 

     He felt his muscles tense, as though by shifting at all he would jeopardize the intimate feelings sifting within him. His heart beat strangely at a calmer, steady rate; smooth and rythmic within his chest. He lowered his head, attempting to hide the witty grin he couldn't help but brandish as she succumbed to laughter. "Sto... Stop!...S-stop!.. He gasped, words slipping interminably between chuckles. He swatted her ear playfully. I... I said... It... It wasn't that... That funny! But his laughter only grew harder, his breathing wheezy and strained.

     By the time his fit subsided, the sun had dipped well below it's former position. Dark hues of gold and maroon washed across the two wolves, illuminating the clearing with balmy blue and purple shadows. Feyre lay on her back beside him, elegant and inevitably serene. He still felt the tension within his stomach, where the muscles seemed to remain knotted. He padded, with a subtle hint of a roguish tramp, to lay beside her. 
     In the darkening embers of dusk, her form was as that of a goddess in his eyes. He couldn't help but stand and adjust himself, so that he stood looking down at her with a light smile. His tail swayed gently, brushing against her own. She trusted him. "I love you." He murmured, his voice low and tender. He searched her gaze. Was this the right time? Would he finally profess himself without the hindrance of mere words alone?

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 22, 2017

The light was fading far faster than Embry's laughter, causing her heart to swell. When it finally ceased, the brute padded softly to her side. It was a strange image, this brawny male moving so gently as he lowered himself to the hardened soil. She tilted her head towards him softly, meeting his darkened gaze. She was floored by the emotion in his eyes, finding herself hyper-aware of how close he was to her lithe form. He was so near to her that she could see the rivers of turqoise threading through his eyes. 

She loosed a soft breath; a gentle puff of air that shifted a portion of his topaz pelage. He was so near, and yet so very far. Her mitt reached out to playfully nudge his shoulder - but paused when he spoke. "I love you." At first she froze, her breath hitching before she regained control.The fae's paw withdrew with haste and she stood, nearly falling due to her trembling knees. She backed away from him slightly, blinking rapidly. No. That can't be true. How could he love her? They had practically just met. She turned away from him to hide the confusion and doubt seeping into her gaze.

When she spoke, her words came out raspy. "I-I don't know what to say...", her voice trailed off. She had never known love - had never believed in fairy tales such as 'love at first sight'. How could she respond without hurting him? If she were to reply with 'I love you too" and did not mean it that would hurt him more. If she refused, then she would also cause him pain. She stared at the terra beneath her golden paws, emotions disappearing from her face as fast as they appeared. What if I don't know how to love? What if he hates me now? Her head whipped up, searching his face for the emotion that would tear her heart into pieces.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 22, 2017

     Embry felt her reaction before he saw it - the sudden, overt flux in their previously amorous mood. Like a flame in the wind, it was gone within the blink of an eye, lost to a portion of time and space that neither one could summon again. She wormed away from his paws with more agility than ever before, retreating with perceptible horror. He stood there for a few moments, sea-green gaze blinking in bewilderment, rather like a confused pup. Fear crawled into his once steady heart, beating once again with fervor. What had he done? I should have known. When she spoke, he could hardly hear a word. It was as though his world had been muted for the few, vital moments in which he connected the dots. Too early, Embry. You idiot, too soon.

     He immediately turned away. His expression was unreadable, stoic to the point of stone. He was angry, confused, emberrassed... and hurt. Yet he knew that all wolves had their own choice in relationships. That's just how things were, and he simply should have known better than to embark so early. He had brought this upon himself, he supposed. But he couldn't relent the congregation of feelings that now flooded his veins, encompassing his body in a firestorm of emotion. He couldn't speak but to utter a few, passive words before he began walking away. The environment was no longer as beautiful as it once had been. The silvery hues of grey and blue had turned into pale, desolate remnants of his respite. "I see."

     His paws started moving of their own accord, pushing against gravity with lead-like substance. His golden form was unreadable, an ill-defined mass of darkened auburn fur. He pointedly kept his face turned away; his pace always a step ahead or behind. He had never experienced love before, and up until now, he had never experienced the pain either. Sure, you could lose a family member and feel grief. But grief didn't just simply form within seconds - it was a long, somber process. Rage often associated with it. This type of pain was different. It lacked the core potentiality of anger that other grievances withheld. How could he hate something and love something? His whole world was turning around him. It took all he could muster not to run, as fast as his legs permit, from the fae. After all that had happened, he would not abandon her. It would take so much more to physically tear him away. But mentally he was lost, far from Feyre, in a place where he could be alone. 

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 23, 2017

She wished she had uttered those three words. She could feel his withdrawal - his pain. It was pain that she had inflicted. He refused to meet her gaze. She should have expected this, and yet, it hurt her all the same. She felt empty, like her heart had been torn from her chest. 

She could see the dark shadows of his face in the dusk before he turned away. Agony and confusion flickered like a burning fire. He turned and began to walk away - from her. Why had she not spoken those words? Why could she not give him this? 

She awoke from her stupor, jumping to reach his side. No matter which side she attempted to be on, he always looked away. "Embry - please..." Finally his gaze met hers, only he was not truly there. The sea-green eyes were that of a stranger. Her words fell flat. A gut-wrentching pain grew in her abdomen. "E-Embry I do care about you...I-I just don't know if I really know what love is - what it feels like." She pleaded with him, attempting to draw nearer but stopping herself. "I never even loved my parents... How am I supposed to know if I love you?" They had never even uttered the words to her, but this golden creature before her had. The man that had stood up for her, after only knowing her for a short while. The man who had helped her make it this far after leaving her old home. Was what she felt for him love?

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 23, 2017

     Her words were icy to his ears. Once melodious chords turned austere in audity and demeanor. What was care without love? What was love without certainty? He had been told in his younger life that you always knew when something was right. Had she truly not known? It hurt him even more to think that this wonderful woman had ever known anything short of affection. She doesn't know. He told himself. She doesn't understand. But he remained quiet; an abstraction of his former energy. 

     She met his gaze and he held his resilience, gaze hard and guarded; aesthetically impassive. "I don't know." He whispered, his tongue loose and words soft. A light drizzle speckled his fur, rain stepping gingerly across the earth as it fell from the darkened mass of clouds above. As he spoke, his tone grew increasingly harsher in tone. He was angry - angry at the world for being so cruel. No, he wasn't mad at Feyre. He was mad at whatever forces had been so merciless to this fae he walked beside. Whoever had branded her unsuitable for love and passion. He looked at the sky and growled, frustrated and glaring.

     "I just thought that... That if you loved something you wouldn't need to question it. It would just sort of - sort of, I don't know, be there." He looked at his chest. "You shouldn't have to have it explained to you. Like, if you wanted something, would you ask it whether you did or not?" He sighed. This was difficult. He had assumed that Feyre would know whether she loved him. He had assumed that, by gaining her trust, she had been willing to accept his own. Yet, now she seemed so distant. It scared him. "If you loved me, you would feel it. Something you couldn't explain..." He stopped and stared at her, letting his stolid gaze rest upon hers. His eyes were glassy; vacant. "When I look at you, I know I never want to leave you. Maybe that's why it's so difficult for you. Because you know that you could leave, right now, before it's too late."

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 23, 2017

She wanted to curl up into a ball - far away from him. Every one of his words felt like a slap, stinging her as he went. It was as if he expected her to just know. To know how she felt right then and there, and then declare it to the world. According to him, love was having no doubt. Love was not wanting to leave her.

His words confused her. She did not wish to leave him. She paused. The emotions that she could not explain to him earlier clearly had not left their mark. A bubble of anger burst within her. How dare he accuse her of such things. Putting words into her mouth.

She spoke quietly, barely masking her anger and confusion. "I don't want to leave you Embry. If anything it's the exact opposite, but how do you know what love is? I assume nobody knows exactly, but you must've been told by your family? At my home, we never spoke of 'love'. My parents came together because they were mutually dominant - therefore a leading Alpha pair." 

Her expression was laced with barely concealed anger. He had brushed aside her attempts at explaining how she felt for him. "Is this clear enough for you? I want you. I'm not doubting that." Why did he not understand? She tore her gaze from him, attempting to hide the sadness in her amber eyes.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 23, 2017

     Embry was frustrated. He hadn't intended to hurt her. In fact, he had quite hoped for the night to begin with a polar opposite atmosphere. Their first night together and they were already bickering. It reminded him of his parents - always at war, it seemed. Already, he was tired. Yet when he heard the anger in her voice, it only made him further agitated. She sounded so distinctly familiar, and only then did he recognize how accurately she portayed his mother.

     His resolve finally meeting its end, he snapped on the female, rolling her onto the ground. He was careful not to slam her, absorbing instead the impact with his haunches. His flanks heaved now, from both the sudden exertion and the stess of the night.

     "Then why is it so hard?!" He struggled to keep his growl from escalating. His sea-green orbs looked into her with a new intensity. As soon as he realized what he was doing, he stepped back. Multiple steps and he tilted his head back, away from the beautiful girl he was chiding. She didn't deserve this. It certainly was no way to treat a princess. "Feyre..." His voice was hoarse as he spoke, strained from exhaustion. "I'm so sorry."

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 23, 2017

His anger was brutal to her ears, his words sharp and piercing. Why could she not just say it? That's what he wants so badly. She grimaced. I've never said it to anyone before, am I ready to even say it. She toyed with the vowel on her tongue, but was quickly halted.

His eyes were deep pools of fury, a festering anger that must have been triggered by some long lost memory. She flinched as his eyes pierced her own, spying the resolve within. She was starting to back away when he pounced, albeit lightly, onto her. Her eyes were wide with fright. All she had done was tell him how she felt, but was that not good enough? 

Her ears flattened to her skull, her head turning away from his and hiding the vulnerable nape of her neck. She wanted to scream "I don't know!", yet she deigned to respond to his words. If I don't say what he wants to hear...will he do this every time? An involuntary shudder ran through her.

The weight pressing her to the ground relented, lifting away. She remained for a few seconds, wondering if she would be pushed back down if she tried to get up. Finally, she pull herself to her feet, keeping her head completely away from meeting the man's gaze. Her tail was tucked, her back arched to keep her lower to the earth. She was the picture of submission, an unnatural sight compared to her usual attitude.

He spoke her name softly, but she refused to face him. Anything she said would probably just trigger him again. She took a sharp intake of breath when he apologized, but did not utter a word. This man had gone from tender to furious, and then back to tender. What else did she not know about him? Would he do this every time she did not reply in a way he wished. She was wrought with confusion and pain. She had merely wished to make sure that the first time she said 'I love you' was special, instead she had caused this rucus. She grimaced, Its all your fault Feyre, why couldn't you just give him what he wanted?

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 23, 2017

Embry knew he'd made a mistake. This hadn't been within his character at all. He was acting like his father - the exact person he had tried so hard to run from. Frightened by his own actions, he silently vowed to restrain himself. His own heart pounded just for Feyre, poor Feyre, who had once trusted him so deeply. Why would he go and break it like that? Yet, he knew exactly what the problem was. All these years, he had never met something he loved so feircely.

     There were hardly any words that he could say. He tried pacing a step forward, "Feyre..." But her pain was imperious in his gaze. He looked at the ground and grit his teeth, golden form dishevelled and beaten. The wounds from Jhala were beginning to take its toll heavily upon him, added to the tiring array of events erstwhile. He swayed on his paws, unsure what to do; not wanting to collapse and submit the the darkness.

     "That... That wasn't me, Feyre..." His words felt wrong. He should never have had to utter them. They felt slippery and strange, and he immediately felt revolted. His vision was blurred ever so slightly, though whether from the night or his condition, he was not sure. He just wanted to rewind everything.

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 23, 2017

She could feel him questioning his own movements, reaching forwards but stepping backwards. She did not acknowledge his existance, for she was too far lost within her own mind. You should have just said it. You should have just said it. Over and over again the thought replayed as if on a film reel, overwhelming her to a point where she stood as still as a statue; void of emotion.

She felt the shift in the air. A receptable wave of regret came from the male. She pressed her lips together in a slight grimace. You know he didn't mean it. Her expression grew pensive, her brows pulling towards one another. He spoke her name once more and she faltered. She dared to flick her topaz orbs to his face, releasing a puff of air as she witnessed his slumped posture - his hollowed eyes. He was more horrified than she by his actions.

Something broke within her, causing her to unfurl and tentativly walk closer to him. She stopped a fair distance from him - still hesitant to near him. "That wasn't me" her resolve crumpled and she drew even closer, close enough that she could see the dew misting his sea-green orbs. Her words came out soft and comforting, "I know..." She would do anything to wipe the disgust off of his strong features.

She paused. Don't be so naive Feyre. Set some guidelines. She cleared her throat, her voice becomeing stronger but still wavering, "...but if you ever lay a paw on me again during any sort of argument I will never come near you again." Don't be so damn harsh! She chastized herself. She paused her inner monologue, biteing her lip in discontent. Here goes nothing. "Look...I'm sorry I didn't jump to the occasion, but we are two different wolves - raised by two different cultures. At home people would call this 'puppy love'." She sighed heavily, "Please understand that I will say it when I'm ready, and that when I do, I mean it with all of my heart." She hoped that this time he would listen to her - truly listen. She desperately wanted him to understand. All she wanted was to back track to where they had been before, lazily joking around and bonding.