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Hideaway Strath Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Printable Version

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Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Tapat - April 21, 2017

AW! :D

Tapat had been playing outside of the territory. The teenager had been confident that he would find his way home. He learned to track from Silas and knew that he would just have to follow his own scent back until he recognized more scents. However, the pale form was curious enough to wander further and further. Tapat ended up by a large river. He quenched his thirst and played around in the cool water. His imaginative and childlike brain made him think of the adventure he was having right now.

He jumped the stones in the river, lost in his own imaginary world where he was a good mercenary. Yet, when the youngster wanted to return home he couldn't track his scent. He didn't know on which side of the river his home was. In his shock, his heart started to beat faster. His eyes turned watery in frustration and fear. He was lost once again. When would this ever change?!! Tapat swallowed down his sniffles and looked around if he saw anything familiar.

The young boy decided to head into one direction, yet, after walking for a long time it seemed to be the wrong one. The sun was starting to set, the pale pup grew more afraid. That was when another strong scent caught his attention. It was a wolfish smell! He felt more relieved thinking it was the Golden Glade border, however, as he came close to it he realized it was a very different scent. A whimper came from the back of his throat. It seemed he was further away from home than he had ever been. He realized extremely well he was on the doorstep of a different and an unknown pack.

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Hemlock - April 21, 2017

Hemlock was marking the borders a final time before she returned to collect Sirius from Amphitrite. The boy was becoming more lively, which was what Hemlock wanted, but she still couldn't feel settled in her new role as primary caregiver. She was more prone to wandering the borders than she was of watching the child, rarely taking time off with the Fearghal brood so young and tender too. Hemlock was taking advantage of the time that her Alpha's had taken off to pitch in and do her share. 

It felt like she was able to give back, properly, for the time that she'd missed. 

A stranger's scent marked the borders and she paused in her steps, turning to cut across the last bit of the land between herself and the stranger. Her tail arched high over her, she asserted herself as the highest female save for Lotte as she found the offending male. His scent wasn't alone, easy enough to tell, and she wondered what he was doing. It was the scent she'd come to associate with Dagfinn, and what she'd encountered with Feyre. 

"What business do you have on our borders, stranger?" She asked, though she did not ask kindly - she wasn't cruel either. 

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Tapat - April 22, 2017

When another wolf approached him on those borders Tapat was quick to read her language. He had seen his mother carrying herself like this at times. The pup hunched down low against the ground. He was already quite distressed from not finding his home. A soft sniffle came from the pup. Normally he was quite enthusiastic but seeing that he had been wandering around for hours he was tired, hungry and upset. His tail wagged gently hoping that the female wouldn't want to fight him or something. Oh, why couldn't he remember his fighting lessons? He felt useless. He couldn't even find his way home.

"I am lost. I want my mama,' he whined. "I thought this was my home but it isn't and I don't know the way back." Even though the pup was 6 months old by now, he still had the appearance of a 4,5-month-old pup. He was small and still quite attached to his family. "I'm Tapat. Who are you? Where am I?," he asked then. Not that he would remember. "I'm lost," he admitted, already forgotten that he mentioned this before. "I want my mama and papa and Astik!"

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Hemlock - April 22, 2017

A lost child. He repeated it, as if for emphasis, and Hemlock's ears twitched a bit - even though he remained low to the ground he was old enough to cause serious damage if it was a rouse. "You are lost?" She more confirmed it, having heard it a couple times. "I am Hemlock - and these lands, these belong to Teaghlaigh." She would not offer any more information about her packlands than that, keeping its secrets as she kept her own. "Come," She instructed, nodding towards the lands he'd come from - she at least knew that his packlands were across the sweep and that gave her a decent starting point. 

She let out a short call to tell the rest of the pack she'd be back shortly; she didn't intend to be gone more than a couple hours to escort the pup home. "We will get you home, Tapat." She said quietly, not wanting to alarm the boy at all. He seemed more fragile, perhaps his nerves had gotten the best of him. It must have been overwhelming to find yourself somewhere other than where you thought you would be. 

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Tapat - April 25, 2017

Tapat looked at the bright colored female. His eyes scanning over her and taking in her body language. The youngster was often quite submissive, and it seemed to help his case. Not that Tapat realized this himself. He blinked when hearing her name. When someone started with "I'm" he usually zoned out because he would not remember it anyhow. "Don't bother with introductions, Miss. I have memory loss," He mumbled. After all, that was the only thing he could really remember. It took a long time before his long term member would remember something. He was okay within the territory but outside of it, he was quickly lost. Tapat turned his ear to her words, he looked far happier. "Home?? I want to go home! You know where my home is?," he asked, previous words forgotten once more. At least, his mood was less mopey.

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Hemlock - May 11, 2017

Her brows furrowed, looking at the boy. Memory loss. She couldn't smell any sort of obvious illness nor did she notice any blood that might have suggested an injury. Still, it was concerning that he couldn't recount many things and even her name would be meaningless in a moment or two. "Relax, relax," She sighed out, hoping to get the boy to calm himself. "Do you remember how long you have traveled?" She asked curiously, tail twitching behind her as she considered his behavior. He didn't seem to have been alone for too long - he seemed plump still, filled out from a life in a pack. 

"I believe I do. I visited your borders, once. The Glade?" Was that his home, however? She hoped so - it was what she had guessed from his scent and otherwise it would be rather confusing trying to deal. "Do you need to rest first? It is a long journey - you would do better if you are rested."

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Tapat - May 11, 2017

Tapat settled down when he was told to do so. He was not a bad kid. He was quite obedient if he didn't forget what he had to do. The female asked him a question which he really had to think about. "Ummm...," he let out. Unsure if he had been traveling long. He didn't remember. Had he been traveling? He wouldn't travel without his parents. So, he logically decided that he hadn't been traveling.

His ears perked up. "GLADE! The glade is my home!," he let out with some excitement. "I wanna go home because I am hungry! And also bit tired. But I need to get back to my mama," he spoke because he knew rest and food were with his mommy and daddy.

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Hemlock - May 25, 2017

The boy's thoughts seemed to mesh time and time again, flipping from one trail of thoughts to another. It was unpleasant, of course, trying to decipher what was going on in his head. She didn't know him after all, and jumping on the same trail of thoughts as he was seemed as erratic as anything. "Okay, then, you're hungry, and tired, and the Glade is a long ways from here." Hemlock explained. "Why don't we get you something to eat first, and let you rest, and then we will set out for the Glade." She suggested. 

It would give her a chance to figure things out, as well, because it was a struggle to think of leaving the five youngsters in the pack as they were. Sirius was getting better, yes, and then Malliadah and Roarke and Ceallach didn't seem to have issues - but then sweet Eirlys. Something just told Hemlock to stay near and she tended to listen to her gut. "We will get you feeling better first, and then we will get you home. It may be just a bit; I am the healer here and we have a couple sick packmates." She tried to explain. She didn't want to deny him of course but she wanted to be honest - it might not be as easy as he expected.

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Tapat - May 27, 2017

Tapat nodded continuously when she repeated that he was hungry and tired. He kept nodding as she suggested to get him some food first. "Really?!," he gaped. His tail started to wag at extreme speed once more. "So eat first, then home?," he asked. "Eat first. Then home. Eat first then home. Eat and then I see mama," he spoke to himself. He tried to remember but as soon as there was a bit of a pause he forgot it again.

He stepped closer to the female, his tail slowly started to wag less. |Oh no! We must help the sick wolves!," he let out, forgetting about his meal until his stomach rumbled. "I'm hungry," he admitted shamefully, as he hadn't admitted that before. For someone who didn't know about his condition it could be quite confusing.

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Hemlock - June 26, 2017

He seemed to perk up quickly enough and for that, Hemlock was glad. She didn't know how to console someone who wasn't Sirius, or Lotte or Arturo, and she had never really been the affectionate type. He bounced back between the idea of home and his mother and eating and helping and Hemlock might have gotten dizzy but then he firmly landed on being hungry again and Hemlock nodded. 

"Come along then, Tapat, and we will get you fed and rested up." Hemlock offered. She would need to check in with the other adults and get everything settled before she made a trek up to the Glade again - but then the idea of leaving behind the young puppies made her fearful. 'I will introduce you to my ward, Sirius." She said with a small smile. "He is much younger than you, but, you are nice and I think he will like that." 

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Tapat - June 29, 2017

Tapat was relieved. "Really?," he asked and then instantly stepped closer to the female he didn't really know that well. Tapat had always been easy to trust anyone. It could work against him one day. He followed her. She explained some more things, introducing him to other wolves. He nodded. He liked meeting other wolves. He was very social and eager to go on adventures. "I like to play and make friends!,"he told the red woman. He decided he liked her, she was very friendly to him.

fade after your post? :D

RE: Neverland is home to lost boys like me - Hemlock - June 30, 2017

It was probably a good thing her leaders liked her. At least then when she kept coming along with new issues there weren't as likely to maul her. "We can do that, then. Once you two eat, if you want to rest I will talk to my Alpha's about getting you home." If not for the young children to tend to Hemlock wouldn't have hesitated in getting him home - now though, she had to consider the life beyond herself. That was the very basis of Teaghlaigh. "My home is this way," She said as she lead him to her densite, stopping at a nearby cache to gather food enough for all three of them to share.