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Kintla Flatlands A bit risqué. - Printable Version

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A bit risqué. - Kaname - May 10, 2014

Kaname's looking to meet a wolf from Blacktail Deer Plateau. Anyone from there and from Silvertip Mountain is welcome.

A hare scurried back and forth outside of its den, oblivious to the icy eyes watching. Smelling a fresh sprig of grass nearby, the dusty-furred hare hopped over and nibbled the blades. Kaname snuck forward, a branch held in his jaws. When he reached the desired position, he tossed the branch into the foliage behind it. The hare's head snapped up, eyes wide, and its fear, it ran. Straight into Kaname.

The assassin lunged and snapped at the hare's side. The lagomorph squealed in pain and surprise and ran the other way. The dark-furred wolf picked up speed and intercepted the hare, biting it's front leg. The taste and smell of blood made Kaname's eyes light up with malicious delight.

He continued this sadistic endeavor of his until the hare could not move anymore. It's breathing was ragged, it's fur clumped and red with blood. Still wanting to play, the wolf grabbed it by the ears and tossed it, letting streams of blood streak through the air. The dark wolf chased after it, catching the body before it hit the ground.

He was going to toss it again before he smelled something different. Dropping the hare, the assassin smelled the air. He was on another pack's territory! Oh, great. he growled.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 03, 2014

@Kaname , this thread is pretty old, but we can bring it up to the current date if you're still interested in playing it out. You mentioned in your post that he was on another pack's territory. Mind if we assume he's encroached on BDP? :)

Ever since finding out that Peregrine and Hawkeye were officially splitting up, and Peregrine himself was spending most of his time occupied with their four pups, Atticus had taken his border patrols to a whole new level. His brother didn't have much spare time on his hands, so Atticus took it upon himself to be the eyes, ears, and -- if necessary -- teeth and claws for the overworked Alpha male. And it wasn't just the fact that Peregrine needed the help that drove Atticus to take on the extra responsibility, but also because he was now the third-highest-ranked wolf in the pack. He felt he needed to work harder to deserve such a place in their hierarchy.

He was out on the southern fringes of their territory when a distinctly foreign scent came to him on a whiff of the breeze. While he might not be buddies with everyone in the Plateau's ranks, he was intimately familiar with everybody's scents, and this particular scent was not among those he knew. Immediately, his senses went on high alert. Someone was trespassing, uninvited, on their lands when his brother wasn't looking. Worse yet, it seemed that whoever it was had been hunting. Quite literally taking food out of the mouths of the pack's children. He felt a cold, quiet anger begin to stir within him. He tracked the scent for a while, and it meandered all over the place before he finally caught sight of its source -- a wolf not entirely unlike Atticus in appearance: dark of coat, tall and lean of build, with a chilling gaze of ice. And he was, most definitely, not of Blacktail Deer Plateau. A low snarl erupted from Atticus's lips, followed by a short and gruff warning: "You're trespassing on claimed lands, stranger." He trotted closer, hackles bristling and gaze very direct. "Take your meal and leave." He detested to give away food to a wolf not of his own, but he would let the stranger keep it if it would make for a peaceful departure.

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 03, 2014

Yeah he did, though I was going to change it depending on who responded. :)

It was not long before a wolf approached him, growling with hackles raised. He glared at the wolf with ice-blue eyes, only to be returned the glare with equally cold, ice-blue ones. In fact, this defender was almost his exact double. He had a dark, almost black coat, cold blue eyes, and a lean frame suiting for running fast and long. Kaname smirked at his doppelganger, ignoring his threat to leave the territory.

"Oh, am I?" he purred, absentmindedly pawing the dead rabbit. "Whose territory am I on then?"

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 04, 2014

Though his stance and demeanor made it clear that he was a resident here and was ready to defend his home if necessary, Atticus wasn't obnoxious or overbearing about it. He didn't want a confrontation or a fight, and he hoped that the male opposite him felt the same way. Though it was, in his mind, an inexcusable error to allow oneself to come this close to claimed packlands, he understood that people made mistakes sometimes and didn't always deserve to have their asses kicked for it.

The dark wolf didn't seem particularly fussed that he was encroaching on another's lands, and that annoyed Atticus a little. But he kept his cool and replied, calmly, "Eighteen of us live here; I'm the Gamma, and my brother's the Alpha. I ain't feelin' a bunch of drama today so I'd sure appreciate it if you'd pack it up and enjoy your lunch someplace else."

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 05, 2014

The doppelganger seemed intent of chasing him off of his territory which he scoffed at. Had this wolf been on Silvertip lands, Kaname would have immediately attacked him, no questions asked. "Friends in high places, huh? Well sir, tell your brother this: if you really want people off your land, you should really start enforcing your claim more." he kicked the rabbit towards the neutral territory. "I mean honestly, puffing up your fur and baring your fangs is not enough sometimes."[/color] he walked after it, his back on the dark wolf, still talking to him as he exited the territory.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 05, 2014

There's no way Atticus would let him walk away after comments like that.

Atticus couldn't understand this idiot. He'd given him ample opportunity to leave the lands unscathed and unmolested, yet he seemed to yearn for a fight. Words ran from his mouth like loose stool, and he finally got the rise out of Atticus that he had seemed to so desperately want. If you really want people off your land, you should really start enforcing your claim more. "That's why I'm here, fuckhead," Atticus growled shortly before leaping toward the other's shoulder, intending to rip into it with his bared teeth.

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 06, 2014

I knew he wouldn't. >:) Mwahaha.

Kaname laughed manically as the wolf growled and jumped at him, aiming for his shoulder. The dark wolf was pleased that the wolf was of a short temper; he was itching for a fight with something, now that his fun with the rabbit was spoiled. He dodged to the left, letting the wolf go past him as he lunged. Kaname slammed his paws to the ground and pushed his body against the attacking wolf to knock him over onto his side.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 06, 2014

The male seemed pleased by Atticus's response, which confused him. Why would someone want to fight? Atticus missed the shoulder by an inch, at which point the stranger shoved his mass into Atticus and knocked him off balance. The Gamma went down, thrashing, but rolled quickly back to his feet before lancing in with his teeth at the other's flank, intent on drawing blood.

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 06, 2014

The assassin succeeded in bowling the pack wolf over, to which he pounced onto him, ready to give him a thrashing. The wolf was quicker, however. He got up in the nick of time and landed a blow on Kaname's flank. Trained to ignore injuries in the heat of battle, he twisted and lunged into the wolf's shoulder, close to his neck.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 06, 2014

His teeth struck home and he tasted blood briefly, a sense of vicious satisfaction suffusing through him. The outsider's teeth were swift, though, and were suddenly flashing toward his neck. He felt them slash into the muscle near where his neck and shoulder came together, and Atticus's angry snarl rent the air. Turning, he snapped with bloodied teeth at his adversary's face.

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 07, 2014

His fangs sank into the wolf's muscle, hitting the target. He shook his head, tearing the muscle of the wolf before the wolf turned and snapped at his face. Kaname let go right as the wolf's fangs scratched his cheek, blood dripping down his face. The wolf snarled, baring his bloodied teeth. Kaname only smiled back, showing his own bloodstained fangs.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 09, 2014

Atticus's fangs caught the strange wolf's cheek and for the second time in the brief seconds they'd been fighting, the Gamma tasted blood. He was not an aggressive or bloodthirsty wolf by any means, but tasting the blood of assholes who thought they could hang out and mouth off on his lands was something he would never tire of. Following the slash to his face, the other wolf quickly released his hold on Atticus's neck and drew back to flash him a toothy grin, but Atticus never stopped -- he simply drove in toward the outsider again, teeth exposed, aiming for the shoulder.

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 09, 2014

Kaname registered the wolf's movement's too late, jumping back to avoid the worst of the injuries. The wolf's fangs sunk into his shoulder, tearing into his muscle. He turned his neck towards the attacking wolf and sunk his own fangs into his muzzle, trying to hurt him to get the doppleganger off of his shoulder.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 09, 2014

Atticus had the satisfaction of feeling soft muscle tissue give way beneath his ripping teeth, and he felt the satisfaction that came with scoring a more serious hit against an enemy. An instant later, however, there were bloodstained teeth snapping at his muzzle. The angle made it difficult for the intruder to get a good bite, but sharp fangs still managed to cut and score his snout pretty effectively. Atticus quickly let go, but did not stop his onslaught -- he continued to pressure the wolf, driving at him with teeth bared and lunging wherever he thought he saw an opening.

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 09, 2014

Released from the painful grip, Kaname darted back as quickly as possible, away from the wolf's range. The attacker recovered quickly from Kaname's bite and lunged at him, obviously trying to push him back. Growling softly, Kaname pressed back, mimicing the wolf's attacks. He knew that responding to the attacker's moves and moving back would garner defeat, so he countered the attacker's presses with his own.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 12, 2014

Atticus was no Spartan warrior, but he was half-decent when push came to shove and it was time to put foot to ass for his pack. This wolf wasn't only a near-equal in appearance, but in fighting skill and technique as well. They were about as evenly matched as Atticus had ever found himself against another adversary before (though…he'd never admit that it was kind of nice, because he was usually the one getting his ass kicked by someone bigger and badder than him). He was tiring, though, and he wasn't enjoying this encounter. He just wanted this asshole to go home already. Spying a brief opening, he darted toward the opposing wolf's front leg, aiming to maim his ankle with angry teeth.

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 12, 2014

Kaname despised equal matches. They always ended in tiring stalemates. He would have to turn the tide somehow or else be trapped in an endless loop with this doppleganger until one or both of them collapsed. That was when the attacking wolf saw an opening and lunged at his front leg. Jumping to the side, Kaname took advantage of his outstretched neck and sunk his fangs into the flesh, biting hard.

Please tell me if that is powerplaying. This is my first rp fight, so I don't know what's allowed.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 12, 2014

Yes, that is powerplaying. In fights, you don't get to decide which hits affect my character -- only I can decide that. The correct way to do that attack would have been, "Kaname took advantage of his outstretched neck and darted in with his teeth, intending to bite his opponent's flesh", or something to that effect. Basically, your character attempts to bite mine. I'm the one who decides if he lands the bite or not. Make sense? :) For this being your first RP fight, you're actually doing really awesome. I'd like to wrap this up within the next few posts, if you don't mind, so Kaname will eventually have to retreat since this thread takes place on BDP lands.

The intruder was swift, and moved his legs out of the way so Atticus's jaws snapped shut on empty air. He felt teeth at his neck, however, as the other wolf got ahold of him in a hard bite. Luckily, the intruder mostly had a mouthful of skin and fur -- not the vulnerable flesh beneath -- so even though it hurt, the damage was minimal. Atticus twisted out of his opponent's grip, feeling fur and skin alike rip as he pulled away from those teeth. Quickly, he turned and aimed a slash at the other wolf's flank again, which was already bleeding from Atticus's earlier attack.

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 12, 2014

Alright, I think i get it now. Thanks. :)

His attack did not go as planned. Instead of hitting muscle where it could actually do damage, his teeth grasped skin and fur. He growled in annoyance as the wolf tore away and aimed a slash at his flank, which connected with an earlier wound. Kaname yelped in pain and moved back, almost collapsing. He bit his lip to keep himself from mewling anymore.

"I yield," he hissed. His ears flattened against his head and he lowered himself to the ground. His side was burning with pain now, too much for him to ignore. He could not move on.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 12, 2014

Any sensible wolf might have killed the stranger right then and there. It was the natural thing to do, really, and for a moment, Atticus considered it. He was righteously pissed, for sure, and as the stranger hissed his submission to the fight, Atticus thought of how easy it'd be to fall on him as he crouched down the ground, grab the back of his head, and crush his skull. It would've been justified. But Atticus wasn't the murdering type. "Take your lunch and go," he said levelly, still willing to allow the intruder to keep his stolen prey. "Don't come back."

RE: A bit risqué. - Kaname - June 13, 2014

Kaname wasn't expecting to be let go. He thought that the wolf would get so angry that he would just end it here. But, he was merciful. Kaname snatched his bloodied rabbit from the ground, glaring at the attacker with mistrust, anger, and pain. Then he turned and walked as fast as he could without bursting into agony.

You deserved it...you fool.... Itzal hissed in his mind. Kaname did not answer. He was in too much pain to care.

RE: A bit risqué. - Atticus - June 13, 2014

I enjoyed this thread! Thanks for a great fight. :)

Atticus watched the intruder go, prepared at any moment to attack again should there be any trickery on the other's mind. But he left, much to the Gamma's relief. Atticus waited a while before setting out to follow the stranger's trail and see if he could track where it had come from. The intruding wolf was long gone, so he couldn't be sure if he went back home after the fight, but ultimately, he tracked the stranger's scent to the boundaries of Silvertip Mountain. Satisfied that this was where the wolf had come from, Atticus headed back to his own packlands to find Peregrine and Blue Willow and tell them both about it.