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Duck Lake Kill two ducks with one paw. - Printable Version

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Kill two ducks with one paw. - Tinashe - May 11, 2017

< @Anubis >

She had better be getting a paw-rub for this. Or atleast a massage.

Tinashe, the hot little ruffled bundle of chocolate, mocha creme and milky goodness was initially dining on the fine wine of ducky goodness, the slow to rise and sail off creatures easily getting goosed right in those lovely jaws of hers, when out of the nowheres came some broad who wanted to get her attention.

Curled up in a short haired coat of burnin' reds and molded cooling blacks, the red wolf look-alike flew up to her so fast she actually forgot she kinda had to do wolfy things. Like defending her food. Mid chew, she looked up at this sputtering, barely english speaking, clear as day foreign chick who was rambling about finding some dude, brother, baby, fight. Rolling her eyes, Tina responded to the babbling chick with "Look here, lady, I don't do deliveries, or baby-momma-drama. Take ya telegram somewhere else."

Then she continued snack on the bird, resuming her delictable edible treat, when the fire broad barked on, pleading with her comepletely non-listening ass. The heiffer was starting to irritate the munching and crunching princess, until she heard something that made her unflatten those delicate ears of hers.

"Prince?" she asked, kinda throwing chunks of wet duck, duck and more duck at the new mom in a non so ladylike fashion. Hearing 'Prince', Tina was already to her hinds, forelegs and all, shaking off the settled flats of her downy fluff and making that dark brown coat look brand new. She groomed herself on a daily, but she really needed it to get shown thorugh, especially if she was going to meet her little prince charming. What could she say? She has a fetish for royalty. Royalty meant she wouldn't have to do a damn thing else in her life, and her man to take good care of her.

Tina was half tempted to ask the stunned mom if her ass looked fluffed in her silky soft dress, but she changed her mind, replacing it with, "Where is he?"

"Flat mountain, near here. Hurry, not-"

Tinashe sped off, mocha banner swatting the still standing there chick full in the face. She was gonna get to where that Prince was, make him love her, and all would be GG.
It was about half an hour later as she followed the rocky trail that led to more rocks. Where the hell was this dude?
Sandstone was starting to make an appearance to the 'Help Tina Find Her Man' show, and just when the season was nearing it's finale with her tired ass trudging back to the duck pond, she saw a carved out hole in an already cracked up spot in the base of the sandy rock 'flat mountain'.

"Jesus, he likes tombs, huh?" she lowly barked to herself, beginning to sniff around and see if she could find the 'Prince' the crazy chick was barking on and on about.

"Hey, you in dere'?" she barked out, her dulcets carrying out like a curious song. Searching hazels looked on, searching for any movement she could bang-
find, in the darkness.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Anubis Sekket - May 11, 2017

Anubis emerged from the cavern, which was suprisingly more spacious than what both seemed on the outside, and what he intially thought when he had come across it. Unlatching from the depths of the shadowed domain he had called home for a day now, he was brought face to face with a Native of these lands. Though she spoke like that of the commoners, she looked unlike any he had come across thus far, her temptatious frame overwhelming him with its curves and coat which shone with the luminescence of freshly unearthed, fertile soil. She smelled sweet, cloyingly almost, and Anubis had to momentarily reclaim his grasp upon reality before he lost himself to the wickedly alluring sight.

"Hello. Did you need something."

It was more of a statement than a question, the Prince praying to Ra himself, that this woman would forever need something from him. This cacao queen.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Tinashe - May 11, 2017

Oh, he was a hottie. Not necessarily a hunk, but damn near glorified. He was regal, looking down at her like she was some mixture between unworthy and a piece of candy. She almost fainted.

Tall, dark, not too thin and not a 'gonna snap that spine' giant- something just right in the middle. Tina kinda wanted to just curl around one of those tree tall limbs, and stay there forever.
But business is business.

Keeping herself well in the mindset of handling herself like a boss -which took hella strain-, she barked to him, saying "Ya sister was askin' me to come get you. Something about a baby and dead and guy and something else. "

She turned, pointing a chocolate muzzle in the direction she came from. "She bout' two blocks south of here, but straight from here."

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Anubis Sekket - May 11, 2017

Immediately, the Prince sobered up. Nitara. Before he could even register the english word for it, he flew past her, but not before barking "Tati!" to her. It was his native tongue for 'Come', but whether she understood or not, the Prince was sure body language would convey his desire for her to follow him as he leapt off where his Bloodkin was.

Zooming off, he came to the sight of a pond and a prone figure laying anest a cold and mangled corpse of what was once a duck. Nearing her in a flash, Anubis searched with golden irises. Was she well?

"Sister, Speak! What goes down?" He barked urgently to the wolfess who was stuggling not only to get herself together, but to rise and address him properly. As she did, he saw a pooling of crimson leave her left flank, and his worry spiked. But beneath it was something the Prince kept forever hidden from the world; his rage.

"Who...What did this to you?" he asked in the persistent arabic tinged voice of his.

"Kahet and Saffreem," she moaned through maws strung tight through pain. But just as the names left her mouth, she turned to Anubis, watery golds pleading with his own.

"Brother, please, see to the child, please let him be well. Make him well."

Anubis pried the location of the birth den from the sister who simply dropped from the concious world, bloodloss slipping her into the growing and nearing thralls of Osiris's grace.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Tinashe - May 11, 2017

As expected, she was right on his heels. The look in his eyes quelled any desires she might have had earlier, as the beauty was sensing the situation might be worse than what she had taken it for in the first place. She didn't really unearth what 'Tati' meant, but it sounded like 'Jadi' from a handsome face she remembered from long ago. So off the pair booked it, returning back to where she had once been enjoying a hot meal, now cold, and watched with hazel gems the plot unfold before her.

The hellion watched the exchange between the two, the woman was well wounded, and Tina knew it was too late for a recovery. The amount of blood the girl had drained was well over the heal point, and just the smell of her swore she was knockin' at death's door with a VIP slip. Jeez. She was only concious long enough for her and her brother to finish their non-english convo, before she was met with those intense golds, once again. She knew exactly what was coming, and the babe started backing away slowly, ears lowering and trying to slip away before he asked.

But he did. And she groaned her 'fuck me' and while it wasn't in the way she would have previously preferred, it was a clear and vocal admittance of her irritation. Why the hell couldn't she not be swapped in this mad story?

Once they got to the makeshift den, what they saw was appalling.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Anubis Sekket - May 11, 2017

"Please, help."

And off he was, long limbs carrying him the meters that needed to be vanquished. He needed her help in taking down these two, as though he always hated them, he knew taking them on alone would only result in his own death, and though his sister's was in vain, his he refused to let be. Soon, he and the gorgeous female arrived outside the now roguely inhabited den, and he heard the voices inside, barks of laughter and the scent of blood lingered, tinging his nares with the fumes that only sparked more of his wrath.

With Sekhmet by his side, the ebony Prince of Sekket snarled his presence to the exterior of the den, and only a cackle of barks was what retorted to his threat. A second before he could charge in, something squelched moistly, and was tossed at the base of his paws. Looking down, horror was embalmed on his face as he recognized what it was.
It was the pup, one, and bleeding freshly from a smashed skull.

Before he could control himself, the roar overtook his wind, and he sailed into the den. Rips and shreds started near on time with his entrance, and the Prince dragged out one of the wolves by the side of his head, dark jaws locked on short scruff and at an angle where he was untouchable from the snapping maw of the enemy.

Shaking his neck violently, Anubis pulled the lupine, dragging and yanking as the back of his body was evidently hauling work purposefully, hocks tense with muscles that were put to proper use.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Tinashe - May 11, 2017

Ah shit. If there wasn't something that could set this seeming gentle tall prince dude off, it was that mashed up thing that lay twitching at his feet. All of the gross. And all of the bad, considering this had caused the dude to full fledge go badass, throwing hiself into that narrow opening that she damn sure wasn't going in. Perfect time to scadaddle.

But she was cut off from her catty disappearance, as the darkie literally dragged out another wolf, same short hair but a shade of tan was his pallet of wardrobe. And he was a smidge more muscular than the Prince, but she admired the dude for his courage. Before he could land any knocks on the scrub, another dee-bo'd past and was trying to get at her future to fame.

'God, if I fuck up my face from this fight, I'm gonna just kill myself.'

This wouldn't be her first fight, but she was gonna try and make it her last. Hell, she was too pretty for this fighting shit. Leave it to the boyz. But her boy was being double tagged, and she was forced to get in on the grand slam. The second wolf was lurging over his companion to dislodge Anubis's face from the other dude, and she leapt forward, jumping over his back, trying to dislodge his beartrap jaws from the face of the exotic hearthrob.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Anubis Sekket - May 11, 2017

Just as he hoped, she sailed into the fray with jaws locking securely around the top of the scruff behind Kahet's russet neck. He squirmed, jowls now snapping both at her and at him as he tried to figure how to dislodge from this precarious position.

Anubis kept pulling and readjusting his grip until he made his way closer and closer to the jugular, the Red Nile of Life. Severing that, the fight could end quickly. Centimeter by centimeter he scooted across the flailing males face, making it to the top of his larynx.

Gonna fast pace here because sleepy, new thread tomrow X. <3 ty bestie.

They had done it. The had wiped out the two murderers, and avenged his fallen sister, bringing honor to the Sekket family and the unborn pup. Anubis had to catch his breath for a second, as he turned to see the glorious face of the brave woman who fought beside him.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Tinashe - May 11, 2017

Even though Tina hadn't gotten bashed too bad, the girl was sore somethin' fierce. Where was the Hotsprings when ya needed it? Turning to the tall exotic, she panted the last bit of her breath away until her lungs could cool the hell down. "You throw me into another fight without taking me out on a date or somethin' first, we throwin' paws next, Nu."

The catty girl shook out her rainbow of warm browns, and looked down at the mess they had made. They made a pretty damn good pair of fighters together, with her being a powerhouse and him comin' with the clutch with his speed. If in a fight,  they seemed to have both each other's asses covered, which was always good.

"What are we doing with these two?"she asked, smacking the corpse of the one he had ripped the throat out of.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Anubis Sekket - May 11, 2017

"Nothing" he responded rather heartlessly, a drift of simmering left from the initial aftermath of the death dealing. There was no glory in these fools, and turning away from the wastes of wolf, he cast a final damning eye upon them before leaving their location. "We leave them to bask in the eye of Ra as Ma'at and Mafdet condemns them as they need be."

Suddenly he remembered his sister, and after seaching swiftly for a second, he bent down and picked up the mutilated pup in ginger jaws. Then he began to trek with the young Nephew he never got to bond with, back to the now dead Nitara, whom he dropped the pup off to.

RE: Kill two ducks with one paw. - Tinashe - May 11, 2017

Damn, savage asf. She could dig it. With a roll of tender shoulders, she both confirmed her nonchalance in the mess and realized how tight her shoulders were.

Off he went, picking up and hauling off the dead baby and dropping it off to a dead mommy, and Tina woulda been grossed out by it, but she was curious as to what he was gonna do with them. So, as any curious cat- er, wolf, would do, she asked.

"Whatcha gonna do with them, Nu?"

She could see he had a plan, and another question sparked in that noggin' of hers. How the hell was he able to fly between that random language and english? Like, she had come across foreignors before, that hot other non-english dude being something of a fling for the choco babe before she woke up to find herself alone, dumped off somewhere. Either that, or they flat out dipped on her ass. Whatever. He wasn't as cute as this dude, anyways.

Hazels dipped back and forth between landing on the tall lupine again, as she asked her other question, skepticism lacing her dulcet words.

"And what language is that you speak? The one you spoke to,...well...you know."

She didn't wanna bring up the death so soon, but well, there she went, doing it. Such a bad girl. Even wehn she wasn't trying to be.