Wolf RPG
Adventure Along the Shore - Printable Version

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Adventure Along the Shore - Pandemonium - May 12, 2014

Pan bounded up and down along the coastline of Sea Lion Shores. He was having so much fun that he barely cared to look around him and make sure there were no predators around. He turned in circles, kicking up sand around him. Time to hunt for eggs. He finally thought to himself. He loved turtle eggs and knew they loved to bury them underneath the warm sand. He trotted merrily along the shore, keeping a lookout for tightly packed sand, indicating that there may be eggs underneath. He sniffed at the sand periodically, sometimes stopping and lifting his tail high, ready to dig. And then he'd eventually lose the scent and move along. Finally! He thought joyously. Proceeding to dig furiously into the sand, he had caught the scent of some eggs. He finally reached the nest and snagged an egg as quick as he could, trotting to a nearby boulder and enjoying the egg in it's ample shade.

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Majesty - May 20, 2014

OOC: I know I'm a bit late in joining. Is it okay if I post a reply?

IC: Majesty watched with an amused expression from afar as the little fox dug in the sand. He wasn't sure what the creature was digging for until he saw his head pop up out of the hole he had made, carrying an egg. Ah, he thought to himself. Must be a turtle egg. It's the only creature I can think of that buries its eggs under the sand. The lucky fella.

He trotted calmly forward, hoping his bulk wouldn't startle the tiny fox. "Hello, Sir!" he called when he was still mildly far away. He wanted to give the fox enough time to run if that was what he intended to do. "Do you mind if I join you? I think I'd like to indulge in an egg or two myself. If it's all right with you, that is?"

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Pandemonium - May 21, 2014

Of course!

Pan jumped in the air a little when he saw the large wolf. He sniffed the air a little and felt that he need not be threatened. Trotting up to the wolf with two small eggs in his mouth he dropped them at Majesty's feet. I'm Pan! He said joyfully. Turtle egg hunting is a favorite treat of mine so I am always happy to share with others!

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Majesty - May 21, 2014

The little male fox, in Majesty's humble opinion, was absolutely adorable. He smiled kindly down at the creature as it bounded up to him and dropped a pair of turtle eggs at his paws. "I am always happy to share with others!" the fox exclaimed joyously. Majesty could not help but laugh. The creature, his prey, was not afraid of him at all.

It was an odd relationship that Majesty held with most other animals besides wolves. One would think that he would immediately either give chase, or, at the very least, ignore members of a species that he normally ate. However, he had been raised by a mother who had taught him to respect all creatures, even those who were prey. And so, more often than not, if Majesty was not hungry that day, he would strike up a conversation with another animal, rather than ignore them. This sometimes left him with quite odd, and entertaining, tales to tell.

"Thank you, Sir," he said as he looked down at the eggs. "If you're sure you don't mind, I think I will help myself. I have not had an egg in many years. I remember loving them as a pup." He lay down and pushed one of the eggs in between his paws, using them as leverage as he cracked open the top of it. His long, pink tongue lapped up the delicious, gooey contents of the egg, and he smiled. Yep. It was just as good as he remembered.

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Pandemonium - May 21, 2014

Pan sighed and gazed into the distance as he swallowed his last bite of turtle egg. Oh, I know what you mean. My mum used to gather turtle eggs for me many years ago. They were always such a warm treat. And she was an expert at hunting for them too! She could dig miles and miles without breaking a sweat. He stopped himself abruptly, as he had been told before that he talked incessantly. Feeling relaxed in the large wolf's presence, he laid back in the tall grasses that grew near the shore. Outstretching his legs, he let out a big yawn. I hope you enjoy these turtle eggs. I found them to be especially tasty.

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Majesty - May 22, 2014

Majesty bowed his head a little to the fox in thanks for the treat, and began to crack open the second egg with his teeth. When he was finished opening it, he asked, "Do you come to the sea often? I love it. The sights, the smells, they are enchanting." He gave Pan a smile.

As his tongue lapped up the second egg, he looked around the beach. He watched a couple of sea lions who were "barking" nearby, and his eyes shined in amusement. Then he tipped his head back and took in the scent of the ocean. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he very much wanted to go back to the island he had explored a few days earlier. His dream of having a pack on the island drew ever nearer to the front of his mind, and he grew lost in thought from it…

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Pandemonium - May 22, 2014

Pan nodded furiously. Oh, always coming to the shore. Beautiful. He watched the wolf for a few moments and then said, You seem to have a lot on your mind? What are you thinking of? He asked curiously. Pan was admittedly a bit nosy but he never tried to suppress these impulses.

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Majesty - May 22, 2014

Majesty could complete envision the new pack in his mind. It seemed so real to him then that when Pan asked him what he was talking about, he saw the little fox on the beach of the island instead of on the beach here. His eyes snapped open as he was brought to the present, and he shook his head a little. He looked around a moment longer, tempted to get up right then and go explore the island. With a sigh, and then a smile, he looked at his companion.

"I was thinking about a pack that I want to form someday soon. If I can, that is. Things aren't going quite as I had planned, but I'm confident that everything will fall into place eventually. I want the pack to be there." He pointed his muzzle in the direction of the island. "I think it would a wondrous thing to have a wolf pack on an island."

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Pandemonium - May 23, 2014

Pan nodded his head, intently listening to the large wolf and glancing at the island ahead. I think you would make a great leader. You have a commanding energy. He said licking his lips, which were salty from the turtle eggs. He continued, A leader needs a presence. He stood up and stretched his legs in front of him and shook the sand from his fur. Don't worry, friend, everything will fall into place. Always does. He smiled brightly and optimistically at Majesty, glad to have met such an interesting character. He grinned mischievously and saw there was one more turtle egg left. He nudged it over towards Majesty. Go ahead, take the last one. You need the energy if you're going to be conquering an island and becoming a leader! He said happily.

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Majesty - May 23, 2014

OMG PAN IS SO ADORABLE! Can we do more threads together? I love him so much! Also, this will be my last post on this thread. I assume, by your last post that yours was the last one? I'll request to have it archived after I post.

Majesty's heart was warmed by this little fox's encouraging words. He felt himself smile genuinely down at him, and laughed when he was offered the last egg. "Go ahead, take the last one," Pan said. "You need the energy if you're going to be conquering an island and becoming a leader!"

Majesty dipped his head in thanks, cracking open the last egg and lapping up its contents. He knew he probably shouldn't have eaten three, but the fox had insisted, and now he was feeling quite happy-go-lucky about the world. Pan's optimism was rubbing off on him. As he watched the creature bound away, he called after him, "You are welcome to come visit anytime you like, friend! I will tell my pack-mates not to eat you!"

He chuckled to himself, and then went back to enjoying the last egg, watching the waves contentedly as he did so… Pan was right. He would be a great leader one day. He just needed to be a bit more confident in himself.

RE: Adventure Along the Shore - Pandemonium - May 24, 2014

Aw! I can totally see Majesty and Pan becoming BFF's. Haha. :D And of course we can do more threads together!