Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Swiftcurrent Creek His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] (/showthread.php?tid=2211)

His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Scout - May 14, 2014

Alex stood warily on the edge of the marked border. He looked in the foliage, hoping to find a pack wolf.

His eyes were still dim from grief, though it had been months from now.

Time to move on. Time to find a new family.

And find one he did. He was fascinated by the flowing river and its beauty. And when he scented the pack, he was hopeful...

But now, he was unsure.

This is to be my second-ever pack...

The words sting him, but he knew it was his only chance of survival.

He sat by the edge of the marked territory and rested his head on his paws.

Scout waited.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - RIP Njal - May 14, 2014

It had been a busy few days for the freshly appointed Beta, what with the endless number of new recruits crossing in to the land, each requiring attention. Between the need for increased patrols and his pregnant wife, Njal could find very little time for himself. He followed the river, once again cavorting across the terrain with his head held high and attention drifting across the horizon. The man lurched to a halt when he spied an odd lump across the way, and then, sparked by curiosity and the need to protect what was his, Njal marched closer.

The nearer he got the more defiant his posture, the more spiked his hackles, until he was looming over the stranger with a stern look within his eyes. "Who are you, and what are you doing here." He stated firmly, then paused to wait for a retort. Whoever this was, they were not as arrogant as some interlopers - which placed them in the good graces of the mountain man.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Jace - May 14, 2014

I hope u don't mind jace I only need one more warden thread
jace was patrolling when a new scent tickled his nostrils he loped in that direction only to come upon Njal already there. realizing he didn't have to stay but wanting to anyway he strode up to the older warden and stood beside him silent but watching and listening. hoping to learn more from the older warrior.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Scout - May 14, 2014

The yearling opened his eyes. He looked up and saw the two wolves towering over him, and his heart skipped a beat. Clumsily he picked himself up and flattened his ears.

"My name is Alex, Sirs, but I-I'm called Scout. I came here to find a pack..."

Maybe this isn't such a good idea... I was too close to the borders, wasn't I? He hadn't had this problem before, so the two elder wolves made him nervous.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - RIP Njal - May 14, 2014

Not a problem Danni!

The boy didn't stir at first, and Njal wondered if he was asleep. The sound of oncoming steps made him turn his head quite suddenly, expecting a second lone wolf; but he was faced with Jace, who halted alongside his superior and stood silently. Njal gave the dark wolf a brief look before turning his attention back to the stranger. The boy was awake now - and talking.

"Well, you have found one. You are on the edge of the Swiftcurrent Creek pack." Njal stated next. His posture did not relax, but the burly man's defensiveness decreased with the addition of Jace to watch the talking lump. He turned to glance at Jace again, this time posing a question to the newcomer - but directing it partially to the other warden. "I suppose this one is looking for a home too," his grizzled face creased with amusement, the smirk lingering for only a moment before fading.

Njal took a step around the boy's stationary body and watched him as if to size him up, and then asked, "Our home has many wolves with many abilities. What sort of things make you good enough for us?" Perhaps that was the wrong way to phrase things.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Jace - May 14, 2014

Jace heard the slight trepidation in the others voice he couldn't really blame the youth known as scout after all neither he nor njal were small and both were standing rather aggressively. He cocked an ear to the other wolf to hear him better.

He gave njal one of his trademark half smiles seems to be a lot of those he couldn't deny the fact that there was an extreme increase in their numbers these days. he perked his ears forward to hear the others answer infinitely curious. they had many warriors and wardens they needed healers now but more of the former would not go amiss either

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Scout - May 14, 2014

A lot of pack mates? His eyes flashed with worry. What if his abilities proved to not be needed?

"W-Well, in my last pack, I was trained to go on scouting missions, mostly. But all the yearlings are trained with basic medical ability... Not anything too big. I only know how to wrap a wound in cobweb and patch it with yarrow to keep it from getting infected, but that's all... I, er, I was very fast and held good stamina compared to my old pack mates. And I was trained for stealthy operations, too..."

Scout flicked his ears nervously, choosing his words carefully and trying not to sound too desperate. He needed to get into a pack, and soon. He feared he wasn't eating enough on-the-run. He was losing more than he could keep up with.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - RIP Njal - May 14, 2014

Welcome! This is the last post from Njal.

The man nodded briskly when Jace made his comment, but the motion halted - with Njal in the middle of a stride - when the boy began to list all of his skills. The pack was primarily populated by strongmen, which meant that someone with stealth abilities could be of use. Njal considered this as he wandered with tiny strides around Scout. Silence grew around them as the mountain tried to make up his mind. Fox would benefit from a wolf like this, if he could prove himself.

"Alright," Njal finally rumbled.
"You may stay. However, you must prove yourself." He flicked a glance at Jace again, but it was quick. A shared understanding perhaps. The man then leveled his sunlight gaze upon Scout and outlined what must occur: "Seek out a wolf named Bazi, she is a proven scout among our ranks. If you accomplish a task set out by her, then you may stay."

He did not wish to wait for the boy to agree - the statement hung in the air for only a moment before Njal got to his feet and began to walk towards his fellow warden. When he was at Jace's side once more, the man gave him a friendly nudge and then began to march away.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Jace - May 14, 2014

Jace gave the warden a nudge back and then looking at the wolf in front of him spoke quietly Welcome to the creek Scout. Bazi is a white furred wolf. She is also one of the Betas so be respectful. Come I'll take you to her.

Jace then stood waiting for the wolf to cross the borders into his new home. Glad to have added t otheir numbers. As far as he could tell the only other scout was indeed Bazi. He hoped the male fit in well with the others he was about his age.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Scout - May 14, 2014

Alex stammered almost disbelievingly. "Th-Thank you."

The yearling took a deep breath and stepped forward, his light paws tingling with anticipation. He looked up at the black wolf. "Alright. Thank you... If you don't mind me asking... I never caught your name." he looked up a Jace, who towered over him. "I never got the chance to catch his name, either..."

Scout's eyes betrayed a torrent of emotions. There was fear, bewilderment, hope, anticipation, anxiety, determination.

I'll find Bazi, and I'll prove to her that I'm useful!

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Jace - May 14, 2014

this will be my last post too we can have another thread if you like :)

Jace shifted his weight and smiled a half smile and spoke SOrry about that I'm jace and that was the other Beta Njal. He motioned for Scout to follow him as he started towards the center of the pack lands. He was sure ot find Bazi there and if he couldn't he knew her scent well enough he could find her if he liked.

Blue eyes looked around as he traveled ever so often looking back to make sure that scout was with him.

RE: His eyes betray his thoughts.[IC Joining] - Scout - May 14, 2014

Yeah, I'll make a new thread where we look for Bazi. I'll tag you when it's ready

Scout followed behind, his tone a bit lighter as they went to search for the second Beta of the pack.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Jace."