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Blackfeather Woods hear me - Printable Version

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hear me - Vaati - July 01, 2017

post sucks ass but here ya go <3

Regardless, Kahlil and Neo's presence within the dark woods has riled him. Competition against his siblings is competiton enough; extras are simply inconvenient. Perhaps he is due to thank them, but he will not; his zest for overcoming the two in the quickest possible time, to earn a place under the council as an apprentice, to become a ward under his uncle seems to enhance in severity by each passing hour. They may have the acclaimed Speaker, a forginer, in their pocket, they do not have the Dark Master himself. They will never have his favour, the favour that ultimately matters... not as long as Clavicus strings heavy lies on the tightest rope he can find. In diligence of this does he seek out the infamous uncle himself, the uncle who does not care much for him just yet, but will. For now, Vaati has something to offer. @Damien